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1、English TrainingEnglish Training第1页一、总台英语现实状况第2页主要问题1、基本词汇掌握不够2、有点怕说3、忽略4、平时操作实用英语过少第3页惯用对话:比如客人说Thank you!怎样回答?接电话客人用英文,怎样回答?惯用词汇:客人早上问早餐是什么?怎样回答?问询时间?问询无偿项目?签单问题。第4页二、针对问题提出提议1.英语提升重在多读多说2.平时增加英语使用频率3.适当开展外宾入住情景模拟第5页1.多读多说英语重在多说,只要勇于开口,就没有处理不了了。不开口,水平永远也提升不了,碰到老外,我们脸皮要厚些,厚些,再厚些!不要怕自己说错-假如你总在担心犯错,恐

2、怕你永远也说不出”正确”英语 The more mistake you make,the more progress you make!”第6页2.平时增加英语使用频率比如含早、不含早,可使用 one breakfast(1 BF含单早),two breakfast(2 BF含双早),without breakfast()第7页3.适当开展外宾情景模拟内宾情景模拟我们都有做过,但外宾在这方面做极少,以后提议在关闭客房时候能够,详细对话先按分发下去资料上来,以后有好再更新。第8页三、总台惯用词汇语句第9页惯用词汇reception desk 接待处 registration.redistrein

3、 desk 入宿登记处identification ai.dentifikein card 身份证 luggage office 行李房check_out time 退房时间elevator eliveit电梯receptionist risepnist接待员buffet bfit 自助餐Set-meals 套餐advance dv:ns deposit dipzit预付金Free internet access无偿上网 第10页惯用语句第11页Check-in Phrase freiz 登记语句May I see your identification?能出示一下您身份证么?How woul

4、d you like to make payment?您打算怎么预付呢?In cash./By credit card.现金还是信用卡?Have an enjoyable stay.愿您居住愉快!Here are your room keys.这是您房卡.If I can be of any help,please just let me know.假如有什么需要,请随时告诉我们!Im afraid that your room is not quite ready yet.Would you mind waiting,please?不好意思您房间还没有清扫好,稍等片刻好吗?We are ve

5、ry sorry for the inconvenience.非常不好意思给你带来不便Let me help you with the luggage.让我帮您提行李吧.All the rooms are booked up 全部房间已经被预定了。sign the bill 签单第12页Check-out Phrases退房语句Thank you for your waiting,here is your bill.Would you like to check it?让您久等了,这里是您帐单,您确认下,好吗?Here is your change and receipt/invoice.这里

6、是您零钱和收据/发票。Could you sign your name here,please?请在这里签字确认下好吗?If you check out after 12:00 at noon,youll have to pay half of the rate.假如您十二点之后退房,您将要付半天房费。Late Check-out Till 2:00pm延长退房至下午两点According to our regulations .if you want keep your room this afternoon,well have to charge you 50%of the price.依

7、据我们酒店要求,您要是将房间保留到下午退房话,我们将多收您50%房费。第13页 Other Phrases 其它语句Can I have an extra pillow?我能有一个额外枕头吗?Ill send it to your room at once.我把它送到您房间。Ill ask the Floor Attendantto look into it at once.我马上让服务员给您查看一下。Ill have someone fix them for you right away.我马上找人替您处理Im afraid I cant do that;its against our ho

8、tels regulations恐怕我不能这么做,这对我们酒店要求。.There is an extra service charge of 15%for room service.有15额外服务,房间服务费Ill ask our manager to come and take care of your request。我马上通知我们经理来处理您要求。第14页四、总台惯用对话第15页Registration登记入住对话第16页情景一:信用卡支付情景一:信用卡支付R:Good afternoon.Welcome to Dongshan Hotel.May I help R:Good after

9、noon.Welcome to Dongshan Hotel.May I help you?you?总台:下午好。欢迎来到东山宾馆。有什么需要么?总台:下午好。欢迎来到东山宾馆。有什么需要么?G:Yes,Id like to check-in,please.G:Yes,Id like to check-in,please.老外:老外:我想办理入住。我想办理入住。R:Certainly,sir.May I have your name,please?R:Certainly,sir.May I have your name,please?总台:好,先生,请问您姓名总台:好,先生,请问您姓名G:Im

10、 Tom CruiseG:Im Tom Cruise.老外:汤姆克鲁斯。老外:汤姆克鲁斯。R:Do you have a reservation with us,Mr.Cruise?R:Do you have a reservation with us,Mr.Cruise?总台:台:您您有有预订么么?克?克鲁斯先生。斯先生。G:Yes,from tonight.G:Yes,from tonight.老外:老外:是,今天是,今天晚晚上。上。R:Just a moment,please.Ill check our reservation record.(After R:Just a moment,

11、please.Ill check our reservation record.(After a while)Thank you for waiting,Mr.Cruise.Your reservation is a while)Thank you for waiting,Mr.Cruise.Your reservation is for a double room from October 22nd to 25for a double room from October 22nd to 25thth for four nights.Is for four nights.Is that all

12、 right?that all right?总台:请稍等一下,我查一下预订统计。总台:请稍等一下,我查一下预订统计。(过了一会儿)久等了,克(过了一会儿)久等了,克鲁斯先生。您预订是一个双人间,从鲁斯先生。您预订是一个双人间,从10月月22日至日至25日住四夜对吗?日住四夜对吗?第17页G:Exactly.G:Exactly.老外:是老外:是R:My I see your passports,please?R:My I see your passports,please?总台:台:请出示下出示下您您护照好照好吗?R:Here you are R:Here you are 总台:好台:好R:th

13、ank you!Could you fill out the registration form,please?R:thank you!Could you fill out the registration form,please?总台:台:谢谢请您您在在这里里签个个字。字。G:Fine.(Fill in the form)G:Fine.(Fill in the form)老外:老外:没没问题。R:Thats OK,thanks.We need an advance deposit of R:Thats OK,thanks.We need an advance deposit of RMB50

14、00yuanRMB5000yuan How would you like to pay?In cash or by credit card How would you like to pay?In cash or by credit card?总台:好,台:好,谢谢您您。我。我们需要需要您您预付付50005000元押金,元押金,您您是是现金金预付呢付呢还是刷是刷卡?卡?G:By credit Card.Here you are.G:By credit Card.Here you are.老外:刷卡!老外:刷卡!R:Thank you,Mr.Cruise.-Please sign here.Th

15、ank you.(give back R:Thank you,Mr.Cruise.-Please sign here.Thank you.(give back the card)This is your room key,your room number is 6301,thats the card)This is your room key,your room number is 6301,thats on the third floor.on the third floor.第18页情景二:现金支付总台:您好,有什么需要么?R:Good afternoon,may I help you?老

16、外:您好,我用顾小姐名义订了5间湖景房,请你查一下。G:Good afternoon,I book 5 lake-view rooms with the name of Miss Gu.总台:好您预订了5间标准间住一个晚上,对吗?R:OKYou reserved 5 double rooms from today to tomorrow for one night.Is that right?老外:是G:ExactlyR:Could you show me your passports,please?总台:请您出示下您护照,好吗?老外:好G:Here you are总台:谢谢,我们要复印一下请

17、您确认一下信息,而且在这里签字我们要收5000元押金,请问您付现金还是刷卡?Thank you,we will copy themPlease check the information,and sign here,please.We need an advance deposit of 5000yuan,Would you pay for in cash or by credit card?老外:现金。G:In Cash.总台:好,没问题.这是你押金单和房卡。Thats OK.This is your peyment fill and your room keys.please keep t

18、hem.Enjoy you stay,see you tomorrow.第19页情景三:上门散客R:Good afternoon,sir.may I help you?先生,下午好!有什么能够帮您么?C:Yes,please!could you let me have a room for tonight今晚能给我一个房间么?R:Have you made a reservation,sir先生您有预订么?C:Im afraid not 没有。R:How many people dou you have,please?您几位入住?C:Just one.im alone.就我一个人R:Just

19、a moment,please.I have to check if theres a room available.what kind of room would you like,sir?we have single room for 1280,double rooms for 1280 and suites for.请稍等一下,我查看下有没有房间能够用先生您要什么类型房间呢?我们这有单间1280每晚,标间1280每晚,套房元每晚。C:A double room一个标间R:Thats ok!Could I see your passports,please?好,请出示下您护照。C:Fine

20、!好!R:Thats OK,thanks.We need an advance deposit of 4000yuan.R:Thats OK,thanks.We need an advance deposit of 4000yuan.How How would you like to pay?In cash or by credit card?would you like to pay?In cash or by credit card?总台:好,台:好,谢谢您您。我。我们需要需要您您预付付50005000元押金,元押金,您您是是现金金预付呢付呢还是刷卡?是刷卡?G:By credit Car

21、d.Here you are.G:By credit Card.Here you are.刷卡!刷卡!R:Thank you,.-Please sign here.This is your room key,your room number R:Thank you,.-Please sign here.This is your room key,your room number is 7305,thats on the third floor.is 7305,thats on the third floor.第20页情景四:携程客人总台:下午好,欢迎光临东山宾馆,我能为你做点什么?R:Good

22、 afternoon,welcome to dongshan hotel.May I help you?老外:我要办理入住。C:Id like to check in.总台:您有预订吗?R:Have you made a reservation?老外:是,我是吉米培齐,经过携程预订大床房。C:yes,My name is jimmy page.I booked a double room through Ctrip.总台:我们正期待您光临,培齐先生。你订了一个大床房,从今天住到明天,一个晚上,对么?R:Were expecting you,Mr.page.You reserved a sing

23、le room from today to tomorrow for one night.Is that right?老外:是。顺便问一下,我房间是对着湖么?C:Yes,that is right.By the way,is my room face to the taihu lake?总台:不好意思。您在房间看不到湖景,因为我们大床房都是背湖。R:Im sorry,Mr.Page,you can not see the lakeview in your room,because all the single room is without lake view.老外:什么?不过你们广告上说这是

24、湖景房间啊!C:What?But it says that is lakeview room in your advert.总台:那么,您看标间能够么?标间是面湖。R:Then,how about a double room?It is facing the lake.老外:不行,我要大床房,我不想听你们任何解释C:No,I want a single room,I dont want to listen to any excuses.R:Please wait a moment .Ill ask our manager to come and take care of your reques

25、t。总台:您稍等一下,我马上通知我们经理来处理您要求。第21页总台:不好意思让您久等了。现在我们想给您无偿升级到近帆楼一室一厅,您看能够么?R:Sorry to have kept you witing,Mr Page.Now wed like to give you a free upgrade,as a junior suite in Jinfan Building instead.Shall we?老外:那好吧。C:That is OK.总台:请您出示你们护照。R:Could you show me your passports?老外:好,给你。C:OK,here you are.总台:

26、非常感激。(填完登记单,把护照还给客人)谢谢,请您确认一下信息,而且在这里签字。R:Thank you very much.(fill the form,give the passports back to them)Thank you.Please check the information,and sign here,please.老外:好。OK.总台:我们需要您付元作为押金,请问您付现金还是刷卡?R:And we need an advance deposit of RMB yuan.Pay in cash or by credit card?C:刷卡。Credit card.总台:请在

27、这里签字。谢谢。(把卡还给客人)这是您房间钥匙,您房号是5205。祝您入住愉快。R:Please sign here.Thank you.(give back the card)This is your room key,your room number is 5205.Wish you have a good stay.老外:非常感激。C:Thank you very much.总台:不客气。R:You are welcome.第22页Checking out退房情景对话第23页情景一总台:早上好,我能为您做点什么?R:Good morning,what can I do for you?老

28、外:早上好,我要退房了,这是我们房卡。C:Good morning,I want check out now.Here is our room key.总台:谢谢,请稍等,我们要查一下房间。R:Thank you,please wait a moment,we will check the room.老外:好,我们就喝了两罐可乐。C:OK,we just drunk two cans of cola.总台:好,我这就把帐单给您看(给客人看帐单)你们一共需要付元,请您确认后在这 里签字。R:OK,I will show you the bill at once.(give them the bi

29、ll)You should pay yuan,please check it and sign here.老外:恩,正确。(签字)C:Thats right.(sign the bill)总台:我能用一下您昨天做预授权那张信用卡吗?R:May I use your credit card which you used for deposit yesterday?老外:给你。C:Here you are.总台:请在这里签字。(把卡还给客人)非常感激,这是您帐单和发票。R:Please sign here.(give back the card)Thank you very much.This i

30、s your bill and invoice.老外:谢谢。C:Thank you.总台:不客气,祝您愉快。R:You are welcome,have a good trip.第24页情景二总台:早上好,我能为您做点什么?R:Good morning.what can I do for you?老外:您好!我们退房结账,这是钥匙。C:Good morning,we will check out.Here are the room keys.总台:好,请稍等,我们要查房。(报退房)您先看一下账单。R:OK,please wait a moment.we will check the rooms

31、.(报退房)Please check your bill first.老外:好,我先查对一下。C:OK,I will.客房:7407 客人遗留了一个手提包,其它房间无损。总台:好,谢谢,请把手提包送到总台。(对导游)您好,7407客人遗留了一个手提包,客房服务员马上送下来,请您稍等。R:Excuse me,there is a handbag left in the room 7407,the house keeper will send it down-stair at once,please wait a moment.老外:好,非常感激!C:OK,thank you very much.

32、客房:你好,这是客人包,请签收一下。总台:好,顾小姐请您在这里签个字。您账单有问题吗?R:OK,please sign here,Miss Gu.Is there all right of your bill?老外:没问题。C:Thats ok.总台:请您在账单上签字。(整理张单、发票和找零)这是您账单、发票和找零。R:Please sign here.()Here are your bill,invoice and change.老外:谢谢。C:Thank you very much.总台:不客气,祝您旅途愉快。再见。R:You are welcome,wish you have a goo

33、d trip.Goodbye.第25页兑换外币第26页总台:Good eveing,sir.What can I do for you?晚上好,先生。能为你效劳吗?老外:Yes,I want to exchange some money.请帮我兑换一些钱。总台:NO problem,sir.How much would you like to change?没问题,先生。您要换多少呢?老外:Let me see.I need$500 dollars.让我想想看。我需要换500美元。总台:sorry.We have a change limit of$100。很抱歉,我们定有100美元兑换限制。

34、老外:Im sorry to hear that.well,Im afraid it cant be helped.我明白了。看来是没方法了。总台:You can go to the Bank of China in town?您能够去镇上中国银行兑换。老外:Good idea.Thank you for your advice.好主意。谢谢你提议。总台:Youre welcome 别客气。第27页电话叫早第28页R:Good evening.front desk,may I help you?总台:晚上好,前台。有什么需要么?C:Good evening.Id like to be woke

35、n up early tomorrow morning老外:晚上好,我明天想要一个叫早服务R:Yes,sir.At what time?总台:没问题,什么时间呢?C:At 6:00 a.m老外:早上六点钟R:May I have your room number,please?总台:请告诉我您房号,好吗?C:7503老外:7503R:Thank you !Ill tell the operator to call you up at 6 tomorrow morning.Anything else I can do for you?总台:好!我会让接线员在明天早上六点钟为你叫早,还有其它需要么

36、?C:No.thanks.老外:不用,谢谢你!R:Youre welcome!Good night!总台不客气,晚安!第29页Others第30页老外:Good evening 晚上好,总台:Good evening,front desk.May I help you?晚上好,夫人。您有什么事?老外:Yes.Ive just checked in.是,我刚进房间。总台:Is everything all right your room?您房间一切都好吗?老外:NO.There are no towels in the bathroom.是,卫生间里没有毛巾。总台:Im sorry to hear that.Ill attend to right away.很抱歉有这种事情,我们马上来处理。第31页

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