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1、Checking in Checking in at the at the hotel/hotel/eating in eating in the the restaurantrestaurant第1页Good afternoon sir,can I help you?Yes,Ive got a reservation.第2页Your name please,sir?Mr.Watanabe第3页Could you spell that please?W A T A N A B E 第4页Thats room number 214 its on the second floor.Thank yo

2、u very much.第5页Certainly sir,what time?Could I have an early morning call tomorow please?第6页Of course sir,what would you like?6:30 if thats possible and could I have breakfast in my room?第7页Black or white coffee?Oh,just coffee and toast please.第8页Yes,sir,we have the steak grill on the ground floor a

3、nd the vegetarian restaurant on the roof.White please.Have you got a restaurant here?第9页Yes,its better.Do I have to book a table?第10页Thats fine sir,heres your key.OK a table for two for 8 oclock.第11页Yes,sir,just over there on the left.Have a nice stay.Is there a lift?第12页Yes,please,I booked earlier

4、at reception.Good evening sir,a table for two?第13页WatanabeHere you are sir.第14页Good evening,would you like something to drink?Yes,champagne please第15页Are you ready to order?Yes please,salmon for my wife and Ill have a steak.第16页How would you like your steak?Medium please and what vegetables can we h

5、ave?第17页We serve chips,runner beans&carrots with the steak.Ill have some chips please.第18页And rice or boiled potatoes with the salmon.Ill have the rice please.第19页Certainly madam.Could you bring me some sparkling water,please?第20页Was everything to your liking?Yes,very nice,thank you.第21页What would y

6、ou like for dessert?Ill have cream caramel,please.And Ill try the chocolate mousse.第22页Would you like anything else?Yes,the same for me please.A coffee for me please.第23页Certainly sir,here you are.Excuse me,could I have the bill,please?第24页Yes,we accept all main credit cards.Can I pay by credit card?第25页http:/efl-fle-chezvous.monsite-orange.fr/http:/efl-fle-chezvous.monsite-orange.fr/http:/efl-fle-chezvous.monsite-orange.fr/http:/efl-fle-chezvous.monsite-orange.fr/Janet MournardJanet MournardJanet MournardJanet Mournard第26页

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