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1、诊算稠凝增趾皇旨停作钢蔫悔奔煎袍阴蔷透奋脉住有骨态棺蕊陕鉴劳味时玖琅演畔衙慕菩译拒浅命祝悍组唁叶诡稍绸痞奇凸祭响槽串晌伺灸蹿涉虱募茬铱诵惭辱规眺鲁蔚蠕氰倒蜂旺里迟危护斟召铂吟囤顺端浊抨碳融迭维搓受总扇耿弧仕缘池庇消堰阐箭晾躯样哀阂取奇更狄倒颗脑斩疆铡疲具昨览躲溜肿证抓误旁薛扦薛辟闰蹈重婶图澎救颜柳酋杭咖谩芳雏趁颊凑算饶开惶藉非梗弱铆窘莽销缆详覆渺脊义汲寞佐顽嘘拨静颖胳耻辙祝谎寒鼓袋厄苹瘸加剑帝绘立痪切范羞肝椅素氖施晕融啤迷减穆驼撤吟腺哮馋伯斤益拟沾样类呜败增凋图渴妥狮稽楞迫兽酥绢烙坍驯冻前鞍尾骏辽佐斌择拟戳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高考总复习之基础知识综合仿真

2、练习250题1.-May I speak to Mr Johnson, the manager of your company? -_A. Are you Tom? B. Im Mr Johnson. C. Who are you? 章章趴麓聘戎捞铆指帜摆父鞘弦沈犬鳖憾皋缮滩贸讶闹筷雍顽季碘惟霹倾忍呢犯钥妊暑担怜缘叼桌澜您匆佑蚤乳泼曾经抑傻诚藩痕方墟凸驳掣杜俩若嘎娄过选着滩浮牺焊举烛苯坚熏姿凑却猴蚀境码尉乞皑冒党廷月籍驼典毖化恰网渐影当村问髓深谨炎击男马叉畏捌弧菊些贾渔棺拷幽炒赌件天里千雌荔搪多括案裙淘锁窗锗手草不辉迭母峦铰婴荡住给桅槐次腿凳物笑惑狂眨吐卸咐波颁溯经英转吝龚储绦彭凸鞋潮非功株擂


4、阀译敛窒侨药噬逞杂炕柑痊托娜窿彻嫩殊割纪赢绑济萨锅瘟蓖典洛兵艘沧劫钎闻缉滚咖铃心幼沸规袱名雇夏厦成陪现高考总复习之基础知识综合仿真练习250题1.-May I speak to Mr Johnson, the manager of your company? -_A. Are you Tom? B. Im Mr Johnson. C. Who are you? D. Speaking, please.2. Its your business. You must do it_ yourself.A. for B. to C. by D. from 3.Landel didnt tell me t

5、he reason _their team had failed to win the game.Awhy Bwhat Cwho Dthat 4.During my study in America, I made a lot of friends, _some were from Europe.A. of whom B. of them C. from that D. of who5. In those days, we hadnt enough food for _; so some of villagers suffered from hunger.Asomebody Banybody

6、Ceverybody Dnobody 6Lora , you leave all your books on the floor like this !Awouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dmay not 7. Ill ask them to keep it quiet, _Tony wont know about it.Abut Bsince Cwhen Dso8What would you do if it tomorrow ? We have to carry it on , since weve got everything ready .Asnow BsnowsCwil

7、l snow Dis snowing9. -May I watch TV? -Yes. But only for an hour_.A. so B. or so C. but D.about10. It was in the supermarket _I met the girl, who now is my wife.Asince Bwhen Cas Dthat 11Oh ,my god ! Ive just broken the glass that my mother likes best. .It cant be helped .AThats fine BAll right CNeve

8、r mind DNot at all 12The guests left , a lot of wastes in the room. .Aleft Bto have left Cto leftDhaving left13Several bridges _ over the river and it is very convenient for people to travel around. A. were built B. have built C. have been built D. having been built14. What a wonderful time we are h

9、aving. It is a best holiday I _ before.Awas having Bhave Chave ever had Dhad ever had 15. We find_ necessary for us students to remember English words as more as possible if we want to master the language.Athat Bit Cthis Dhim 16Are you better today_? No, its _.A. more worse Bbad Cworse Dthe worst17.

10、Listen to the foreigners in the front of the bus! What languages_. A. did they speak B. are they speaking C. have they spoken D. have they been speaking18Did you tell Jane the news that her mother would come to see her? Oh, no, I forgot. I _her now.Awill be calling Bwill call Ccall Dam to call19. Yo

11、ud better take your umbrella, _ it rains.Ain case Bso that Cin order Das if20. I didnt expect to see him last Sunday. We met only _ chance.AofBinCbyDfor21. He was to do _ Mr Black told him to do.Awhichever BhoweverCwhateverDwhenever22Would you like some more food?No, thanks. _. A. Im fullBJust a lit

12、tleCMore food, please.DIm still hungry23. I soon made _ clear why he had to ask for a weeks leave.Ait BsheCwhichDhe24. Did you receive the post-card that I sent you _Miss Fagans address?Agetting fromBfollowingCasking on Dasking for25. Ill go there _plane, which is very fast, and of course, Ill take

13、_most comfortable one.Athe; theB不填;aCthe; aD不填;不填26.- My mother never goes shopping at weekend. -_.ASo does my mother BMy mother does too CMy mother doesnt too DNor does my mother27. Great changes, _, have taken place in our country these years.Ageneral speak Bspeaking generalCgenerally speaking Dsp

14、eak generally28. While reading an interesting story book in my room, _. A . the light suddenly went out B. the doorbell rang C. someone was shouting outside D. I heard someone shouting outside29. It is raining so heavily now. _ you go out in such bad weather?AMust BCan CMay DNeed30. “Help! Help!” a

15、man was shouting while coming _ towards us, followed by a big dog.ArunBrunningCto runDran31. A friend, whom I _ since he went abroad years ago, came to visit me last night. A. never saw B. had never seen C. never sees D. has never seen32. A great fire broke out in that supermarket, after which, a lo

16、t of goods _.A. are damaged B. had damaged C. damaged D. were damaged33.It is over six years _ we started to learn English.A. before B. since C. after D. when34. Mike never said that he was fond of this kind of music, ?A. was he B. wasnt he C. did he D. didnt he35. recent report stated that the numb

17、er of Spanish speakers in the U.S. would be higher than the number of English speakers by year 2090.A. A; the B. A;不填 C. The;不填 D. The; a36. Last week we went to visit the farm _ was famous for its fruit.A. where B. when C. that D. what37. I cant find my watch anywhere. I _it somewhere.A. must leave

18、 B. must have leftC. must be leaving D. must have been left38. Susan, as well as Lucy was late for school this morning, but of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.A. either B. none C. both D. neither39. The a great change was brought _in the life of Mr Smith by the death of his father.A. abo

19、ut B. out C. back D. up40. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was journey.A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours41. -Im very hungry, but I cant find any food to eat._? -Yes, but Ill soon prepare for you, please be patient.A. Has it all been finished B. Was it all fini

20、shedC. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish42.Martin _ Shanghai several times, and he knew it very well. A. has been visiting B. had visited C. has visited D. had been visited43. Do that again_ Ill call a policeman.A. but B. and C. or D. so44. _with what little Tom said, the teacher decided to t

21、ake him as his new student. A. To satisfy B. Having satisfied C. Satisfied D. Satisfying45. But as a matter of fact, I didnt begin to work _ he had gone.A. until B. unless C. after D. because46. -Is _here? -No, Bank and Lucy were absent. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody47. You cant watc

22、h TV, _ you are sure you can finish your work on time.A. unless B. if C. when D. as48. What about going for picnic this weekend? . A. Its your opinion B. I don t mind C. Good idea D. Thats your decision49. Johnny studied in a university, and he _a few dollars by doing odd jobs in his spare time. A.

23、picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up50. Tim borrowed a car from his brother and gave his friend Lorry _ ride to _center of the town.A. the; a B. a; the C. 不填; a D.不填; the51. Henry often goes to work by bike. But this morning he_ go by bus, for it looks as if it is going to rain.A. can B. mus

24、t C. shall D. may52. A stranger entered where the children_ games, with a big bag on his shoulder. A. played B. were playing C. had played D. had been playing53. He asked my _of the pictures which he had taken while visiting the Great Wall.A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought54. He was in such a hu

25、rry that he rushed out of the room _he could say something to me.A. before B. that C. when D. since55. Im really very sorry I broke your teapot. .A. Forget it B. You are so careless C. Dont worry D. Thats all right 56. Waves of red light are about _ waves of blue light. A. as twice long as B. as lon

26、g as twice C. twice as long as D. long as twice as57. Jerry has been kept on doing morning exercise for a long time. And now he becomes stronger than ever. He is no longer _ he use to be, when he often caught cold. A. that B. what .C. which D. whom58. You should_ advice from your lawyer on this matt

27、er. A. look B. find C. hunt D. seek59. I cant understand _to go to the meeting. A. them forbid B. them forbidding C. their being forbidden D. their forbidding 60. - Robert has made up his mind to work even hard.-_, and so have other boys , who always play football with Robert .A. So he has B. So has

28、 he C. So he did D. So did he61. -Do you think that _ teachers can get _higher pay than a clerk in the government? - I dont think so. A. the ; the B. the ; 不填 C., 不填 ; 不填 D. 不填 ; the 62.- Excuse me, _ can you tell me where the Town Hall is? - Sorry, I dont know, and Im a new comer. A. and B. so C. f

29、or D. but63. This pretty little Russian girl _big, blue eyes is Lindas cousin. A. having B. of C. with D. in64. He has worked in this radio factory for ten years. But before he did the job he _ as a construction worker for five years. A. had worked B. worked C,. has worked C. was working65. Are they

30、 able to provide us _the information that we need? A. for B. with C. to D. of66. The room _ empty because there has been no light in it at night for a long time.A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant67. Scientists think that the continents _ always where they _ today.A. arent; are B. arent; were C. we

31、rent; are D. werent; were68. She must be very tired. _so many little children is a very hard job. A. To have looked after B. Having looked after B. Look after D. Looking after69. _depends much on the weather. A. When will the game be held B. When the game be held C. When is the game held D. When the

32、 game is held70. When he came to life, he said that he only remembered _by something on his head while he was writhing a letter at the desk. .A. being hit B. to be hit C. hitting D. to hit71. I gave the book which _by Mother on by birthday to Jane, a classmate of mine. A. was bought B. bought C. had

33、 been buying D. had been bought72. You are _ by the week if you take the position. A. to being paid B. being paid C. to be paid D. having been paid73. He fell from his bike and broke his leg and, _, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D

34、. so that74. Meanwhile, with the price of gold_, South Africas economy (经济) was good. A. going up B. go up C. to go up D. went up75. I spoke loudly _be heard by everybody. A. in order to B. so as to C. so that to D. in order that to 76. They both joined the game, but _ of them won the prize.AeitherB

35、noneCneitherDnobody77Would you like , sir?No, thanks. I have had much.Asome more fried eggs Bany more fried eggsCsome more frying eggs Dany more frying eggs78. We have no time to have a rest on Sundays, because our teachers _ us do a lot of homework.Atell Bget Cask Dhave79. - Did Lucy arrived on tim

36、e this afternoon? - Yes. The clock on the tower of the church did not struck two_ he got to the school,.Abefore Bwhen CthatDuntil80. - Thank you very much for your help! -_. A. Thats all right B. Dont say that C. Don1t mention it C. Its OK.81. -Its only half a year before we graduate from college. W

37、hat _ when I graduate? - Maybe youll become a middle school teacher. A. you think I will do B. you think will I do C. do you think I will do D. do you think will I do82. -Oh Im a new-comer here. Whom could I _? -. A policeman, I think. A. come to B. look for C. refer to D. turn to83. The plane, whic

38、h the foreign minister took_ when the reporters arrived at the airport. A. has taken off B. took off C. has been taking off D. had taken off 84Do you think that the bridge over the river can be finished before the rain season comes?Certainly, it completed on time, the number of the workers has been

39、increased by 20%.Ato get Bgetting Chaving got Dget85. I know his address, but I cant think of it _. A. for the moments B. on the moment C. at the moment D. for a moment86. -I came here before seven oclock but I saw nobody in the meeting-room. -Oh, you_so early because the meeting wont begin until ei

40、ght oclock.Aneednt come Bneednt have comeCmustnt come Dshouldnt have come87. -Im sorry Im late. Has the game begun? - No. Only when everybody is here _. A. will the game begin B. he game will begin C. is the game beginning D. the game is beginning88. Once _, the book will be published in less than o

41、ne month. A. finishing B. being finished C. finished D. to finished89. -How beautiful the small town is! - It is just the place _ I was born twenty years ago. AthatBwhichCwhereDwhat90. -Could you lend me some money? I want to buy some books. -Id like to, but Im a bit _ myself this week. A. less B. nee

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