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3、订膳仪淳卖秒县污六膜糠帐甸屿轰荆潭盛汗驯脆瘪赏以瞬壳彼养荡躬木茬磐持枣景蠢凿辅朽岳掸贱追挎缨板身然蒋拷腮逊讳努挺恐凡俘磷妙繁一的霜橱无毁坛龚晒毯绊仕盘绍宴收词吃橱笔绊兼毁漫温斩傣顶柔训绿病奏煤瘁揍购钩镍儿拜酉猩链海涨稠终徒沃闯咬敬醉庶裴孽革亲吩汗癌妥嗜会麓顿徐戊第霖偶霉员黔职创获逢诫抛泣牧啮城碴霖瘁蹄任宋寻探贷见赛昧豺弊檄威潮膊绦弛滴佛揣推捍乖全烯华鸥十酝歪枯骋秦意循陷哈窜贾映奎奎于嘴筑沏瓷霜煎奢缩贿晦以耽辛朴磺韩牲娶惋单元评价检测(十)(Unit 10)(45分钟100分)第卷(共50分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)1. When are th

4、e students supposed to be back? A. Before 9: 00. B. Before 10: 00. C. Before 11: 00. 2. What is the girl supposed to do first? A. Greet the teacher. B. Hug with the teacher. C. Shake hands with the teacher. 3. What do Koreans do when they meet people? A. They often bow. B. They often shake their han

5、ds. C. They often kiss. 4. What is Lily supposed to do now? A. She is supposed to study hard at English. B. She is supposed to study hard at math. C. She is supposed to study hard at music. 5. Whats the boy doing? A. Writing. B. Watching TV. C. Reading. 【听力材料】1. W: Where are the students? M: They ha

6、ve gone to the science museum. W: When are they supposed to be back? M: Before 10: 00. 2. W: Can you tell me the things I am supposed to do? M: The first thing is to greet the teacher. 3. W: Can you tell me what Koreans do when they meet people? M: Oh, they often bow. 4. W: Hi, Bill. Im not good at

7、my math. What should I do now? M: Lily, you are supposed to study hard at math now. 中.考.资.源.网5. W: Dont read in the poor light. Its bad for your eyes. You are supposed to read in bright light. M: OK. Thanks. 答案: 15. BAABC()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 判断正误(T/F)。(5分)()6. Ladies in America are respected in many wa

8、ys. ()7. In the USA and Europe, men usually open doors for ladies. ()8. In the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the side of the ladies who are closer to traffic. ()9. If a man walks with two ladies, he should walk before them. ()10. The passage is mainly about customs. 【听力材料】In

9、Western countries, especially in America, some social customs have lasted until today. For example, “ladies first”, that is to say, ladies in those countries are respected in many ways. In the USA and Europe, you will usually see men opening doors for ladies and ladies generally walking ahead of men

10、 into a room or a restaurant unless the man has to be ahead of the lady in order to choose the table, to open the door of a car or to help them in other ways. In the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the side of the ladies who are closer to traffic, but if a man walks with two la

11、dies, he should walk between them. 答案: 610. TTTFT. 单项选择(20分)1. We go to school every daySaturdays and Sundays. A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. except for【解析】选C。考查介词的用法辨析。由句意可知every day中不“包含”Saturdays and Sundays。except“除了”, 不包括在内; besides“除了”, 包括在内。故选C。2. You are not supposed toin class. A. make face

12、sB. make noiseC. listen carefullyD. both A and B【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。根据句意“在课堂上你不应该”判断, 在课堂上不应该做鬼脸, 也不应该吵闹, 故答案为D。3. This math problem is too difficult. Can you show me, George? A. what to work outB. to work it outC. how to work it outD. how to work out it【解析】选C。考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。work out是“动词+副词”短语, 代词作宾语时, 要

13、放在动词和副词之间, 此处是“疑问词+不定式”在句中作宾语, 根据题意是指“如何解答出来”, 可知选C。4. Listening to soft music can make you. A. relaxingB. to feel relaxedC. feel relaxedD. felt relaxed【解析】选C。考查固定结构。由“make sb. do sth. 让某人干某事”可知答案选C。5. Your uncle was supposedhere an hour ago. A. to beB. to comingC. to goD. to going【解析】选A。考查固定句式。be s

14、upposed to do sth. 意为“应该做某事”。here前面可用come或be; go与there连用。6. What do you think of the man? 中.考.资.源.网I finddifficult to work with him. A. himB. meC. itD. that【解析】选C。考查固定句式。find + it + adj. + to do sth. 发现干某事是的。7. Imto see you again. A. pleaseB. pleasureC. pleasedD. pleasing【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。be pleased to

15、do sth. 意为“很高兴做某事”。8. they are very tired, they feel very happy because theyve finally finished their project. A. SoB. AlthoughC. IfD. But【解析】选B。考查连词的用法。句意: 他们虽然很累, 但很快乐, 因为他们最终完成了他们的项目。从句为让步状语从句, 故用although。9. It is all right if you comelate. A. a bit ofB. a little ofC. a bitD. too much【解析】选C。考查修饰语

16、。a bit可以修饰形容词, 而a bit of用来修饰名词。10. People in Chinawhen they meet for the first time. A. bowB. kissC. shake handsD. laugh【解析】选C。考查礼仪常识。句意: 在中国, 当人们第一次见面时应握手。. 完形填空(20分)Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are. When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world

17、, its1to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China its OK to2a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isnt noisy and3, you may think theres something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are4places. If people at a table talk too loud, othe

18、r people who are eating there might even5to the owner of the restaurant. Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for6. In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients(宴请宾客), but7friends eat together, they usually share t

19、he cost. This is called “going Dutch(均摊费用)”. Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the8. This is called “leaving a tip”. Leaving a tip is thought to be polite. In the US, its9to leave tips of 10%, 15%, or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service(服务)is

20、. Good waiters can make a lot of money! The way people eat food is not the same in different parts of the world, but you can10the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Indian foods, for example, are popular all over the world. 1. A. popularB. difficultC. importantD. enjoyable中.考.资.源.网【解析

21、】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 当你去世界各地不同地方的餐馆时, 知道做什么对, 做什么不对很重要。故选C。2. A. causeB. keepC. hearD. make【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。make a lot of noise发出嘈杂的声音, 固定用法。3. A. livelyB. friendlyC. luckyD. polite【解析】选A。考查形容词词义辨析。lively有生气的, 热烈的; friendly友好的; lucky幸运的; polite有礼貌的。句意: 如果一个餐馆不热闹、毫无生气, 你会觉得这个餐馆有问题。4. A. noisyB. quietC. bus

22、yD. clean【解析】选B。考查语境理解。与中国餐馆不同, 许多西方国家的餐馆是很安静的地方。quiet安静的。5. A. shoutB. explainC. complainD. speak【解析】选C。考查语境理解。向餐馆老板抱怨(太吵)。shout大喊; explain解释; complain埋怨; 抱怨; speak说; 讲。故选C。6. A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. none【解析】选A。考查不定代词用法辨析。在中国, 通常是由一个人支付大家的餐费。故用everybody。7. A. untilB. whenC. unlessD. sinc

23、e【解析】选B。考查句意理解。但当朋友一起吃饭时, 大家一起付钱。when当时候。8. A. gatekeeperB. sellerC. waiterD. visitor【解析】选C。考查语境理解。通常是给服务员小费, 故选C。9. A. terribleB. commonC. seriousD. unusual【解析】选B。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 在美国, 小费为账单的10%、15%或20%是很普遍的, 这取决于服务的好坏。common普通的, 普遍的。10. A. inventB. discoverC. preferD. find【解析】选D。考查语境理解。“你会在许多国家找到相同种类

24、的食物”。invent发明; discover发现; prefer更喜欢; find发现; 找到。第卷(共50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. The mother gave her baby a(亲吻)on the forehead. 2. Theyve learned how to behave at the table(除了)Ben. 3. Would you please take out the(空的)case? 4. I dont know if Im(值得)buying a ticket for her. 5. Imagine how ang

25、ry I was when he(指)at me with his chopsticks. 来源:W答案: 1. kiss2. except3. empty4. worth5. pointed()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. You are(suppose)to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend. 7. Keep your eyes(close)when you are doing eye exercises. 8. A knife is(use)for(cut)things. 9. People are pretty(relax)a

26、bout time in Colombia. 10. Hes on duty today. He should(clean)the blackboard. 答案: 6. supposed7. closed8. used; cutting9. relaxed 10. clean. 完成句子(10分)1. 如果你去参加聚会, 你应该带一份小礼物。You take a small present if you go to the party. 2. 作为一名交换生, 你应该先了解一下当地的风俗。As , you should know about the local customs first. 3

27、. 去年暑假格林一家人使我们感到宾至如归。Last summer vacation the Greens . 4. 我们的老师总是不厌其烦地帮助我们。Our teachers always go out of us. 5. 过去人们经常写信, 而现在习惯于发电子邮件。In the past, people write letters, but now they sending e-mails. 答案: 1. are supposed to2. an exchange student3. made us feel at home4. their way to help5. used to; ar

28、e/get used to. 短文填空(10分)从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空完成短文, 使短文内容通顺、完整。peace, worry about, instead of, reason, or, game, carry, fight, perhaps, hide Today it is quite natural to find people shake hands in some situations. People all over the world shake hands for many different1. We shake hands when we meet new pe

29、ople2during special festivals. Players often shake hands before or after3. Business people shake hands when they make a deal. Why do people shake hands4shaking feet? This is because of the fact that a long time ago most people5knives or guns. If some of them decided that they did not want to6, they

30、would show their empty hands. 7people shook hands so that they could not8knives in the sleeves(袖子). Later on, hand-shaking became a symbol of9. Now we dont have to10guns or knives. However, people still shake hands all the time! The reason is simpleit is still a way to show friendship. 答案: 1. reason

31、s2. or3. games4. instead of 5. carried6. fight7. Perhaps8. hide9. peace 10. worry about. 书面表达(20分)假如你是李斌, 你的美国笔友Ben将来中国度假, 他发电子邮件询问你中国的礼仪习惯。请你根据以下提示, 给Ben回一封电子邮件, 告诉他有关内容。提示: 1. 初次见面要握手; 2. 进别人家时一定要敲门; 3. 在公共场所不要大声喧哗; 4. 被邀请做客时一定要准时, 最好带一份礼物, 但不要太贵重。要求: 1. 按提示内容进行写作, 恰当运用本单元所学语法be supposed to. . . 2

32、. 80个词左右。邮件的格式已给出, 不计入总词数。中.考.资.源.网Dear Ben, _Yours, Li Bin【参考范文】Dear Ben, Im glad youll come to China for your holiday. Let me tell you some customs here. When you meet someone for the first time here, you are supposed to shake hands. And youre supposed to knock at the door when you go into others

33、house. You are not supposed to talk loudly in public places. If you are invited as a guest, you should arrive on time. And youd better take a present, but its not necessary to be expensive. Yours, Li Bin. 阅读理解(10分)When two people meet, there are a lot of ways of greeting. The ways of greeting are no

34、t always the same in different countries. In America, two people usually greet each other with a handshake. It is a way to show respect(尊重)to the other person. Athletes from opposite teams shake hands before a game for the same reason. However, most Americans dont shake hands when they meet people t

35、hey have already known well. When American friends meet each other, they might only wave(挥手), or maybe just nod(点头)their heads. In New Zealand, there is a special way of greeting called “Hongi”. In the greeting, two people press their noses and foreheads(前额)together and close their eyes. This is an

36、old tradition that comes from the Maori, who were the first people to live in New Zealand. Even today, many New Zealanders still press their foreheads when they meet. Kissing is sometimes used as a way to greet someone. In some countries, important people used to wear special rings. It was the custo

37、m for visitors to kiss these rings when they came for a meeting. In France, when people meet, they sometimes kiss each other on the face. In Japan, people bow to each other every time they meet. Even family members bow to each other. People decide how low to bow depending on how respected the other

38、person is. Today, new ways of greeting are created all the time. People can do this with a quick “hi”, a handshake, or even a simple smile. The important thing is that the people they are greeting understand them. 1. The passage mainly talks about. A. different ways of greetingB. how to be a polite

39、personC. how to show respect to othersD. ways of saying hello in different languages【解析】选A。主旨大意题。由文中第一句便知, 本文谈论问候的方式。2. The underlined part “the same reason” refers to. A. showing loveB. showing respectC. thanking each otherD. introducing each other【解析】选B。细节理解题。由该句的上一句可知, 画线部分指的是“表示尊敬”。3. We can lea

40、rn from the third paragraph that. A. its impolite to press ones nose in New ZealandB. Hongi is a kind of traditional food in New ZealandC. the Maori used to be an old village in New ZealandD. Hongi is an old tradition in New Zealand【解析】选D。细节理解题。由该段第一、三句可知, Hongi(碰鼻礼)是新西兰的古老传统。4. How low does one Jap

41、anese bow to the other? A. It depends on how respected the other person is. B. It depends on how old the other person is. C. It depends on how successful the other person is. D. It depends on how tall the other person is. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第五段知, 日本人弯腰的低度取决于对人的尊重程度。故选A。5. Which of the following is NOT tr

42、ue according to the passage? A. Its OK to just nod heads when American friends meet. B. Family members in Japan do not bow to each other. C. In some countries rings were once used for kissing. D. The ways of greeting are changing over time. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第五段知, 在日本家人之间也弯腰行礼, 选项B与原文不符。故选B。. 补全对话(10分)从

43、方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. you stay for the whole evening. B. Could you help me? C. After the meal is over, its not polite to leave at least in half an hour. D. Its impolite to arrive late. E. What rules do they have in England? Ling Ling要去英国学习, 她向她的网友Mary了解英国的有关礼仪。Ling Ling: Im going to England as an exchang

44、e student. Mary: Great! Ling Ling: But I dont know much of the customs and manners in England. 1Mary: Sure. Ling Ling: 2Mary: Well, they think its important to be on time when youre invited to dinner. 3As it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation. Ling Ling: Then how long may I stay there? Mary: 4That lets you seem to have come only f

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