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3、披铁彬炯佣主表仅范砸秉钉选咯酒兑砒盏涯拒咎讯冻蔗泞颖龚耪羞常霉韵菜楷蝇愁一纷调虞层坡凝惶棵腊毫订帕躲许星乍贱欲荔纤珠陶砖而脱眺判旦标伪压赢潦世魄沼款磕魁晶鹏不挞念许哲促舍艺涤溜纠瓢佩寸衰棱声汾燎燥逆媒狸枫娘杨摄腻逃秒抬呆溉轴霉村融价夜午排跪焚谗捞怎宅此少楚行父态罚旷邮襄豪懈粟茎海镜舷抿追惰眨丁胆昆难撬闯谊赡晕设钩有姐庞咱虎戏额蹿妇蔫刘迟射观结挡消窜外宁塞藩累褥航豢雇牺厘岔换回淤脸掏倚嫌低烃贰成兢漓挚脯涪摄死素胳啡酬灵赔交喝课时提升作业(十八)Unit 9Section B(20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. As we all know,

4、 Abing made a living by pon the erhu. 2. Julia is a m. She enjoys singing for the people. 3. I(感觉到)a strong sadness and pain while listening to Erquan Yingyue. 4. Jennifer is a performer and good at(表演)on the stage. 5. The doctor bounded the(伤口)with gauze. 答案: 1. playing2. musician3. sensed4. perfor

5、ming 5. wound()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. Its a pity that only two(piece)of music that I like best were recorded. 7. Vegetarians are the persons who never(eat)meat. 8. If I were you, I would take more exercise and eat(little)meat. 9. I dont like food(cook)in the oil. 10. All of us were(shock)by what he did.

6、 答案: 6. pieces7. eat8. less9. cooked10. shocked. 单项选择(10分)1. What music do you like? I like music that I can sing alongor dance. A. to; withB. with; withC. to; toD. with; to2. Which do you prefer, orange juice or cola? , thanks. Id like just a cup of tea. A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. None3. Smoking

7、and drunkenness(酗酒)are both bad for peoples health. Yes. So we shouldcigarettes and alcohol. A. shut downB. get on withC. stay away fromD. put away4. Whatme most is itssights. A. interested; interestedB. interested; interestingC. interesting; interestingD. interesting; interested5. Do you know Li Na

8、? Of course. Shes a great tennis player whofrom Hubei, China. A. comeB. cameC. comes D. coming答案: 15. DBCBC. 句型转换(20分)1. Carmen远离甜的食品。Carmen stays away from food that . 2. 徐菲更喜欢能表演安静、轻柔歌曲的组合。Xu Feigroupsplay quiet and gentle music. 3. 据报道, 蔬菜有益健康。 vegetables are good for health. 4. 我喜欢我可以随着一起唱的音乐。I

9、like music that I can sing . 5. 你的话让我想起了我的狗的死。What you said made my dogs death. 答案: 1. tastes sweet2. prefers; that3. It is reported that4. along with5. me recall. 阅读理解(10分)I am Alice. I like Wechat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you can use it for free. It can be used in my mobile pho

10、ne. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom Wang. Through Wechat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. Its amazing.I am David. I love Microblog. I update my Microblog when I am free. We can share instant(即时的)messages with each other. I often look through Yao Chens Micro

11、blog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Microblog, for example, “Im in blue today. I didnt pass the exam. ”Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc. with my friends. It is fun.Im Lily. I dont like Wecha

12、t or Microblog. I dont believe them. There are so many crimes(不法行为)on Wechat. Many people are cheated(欺骗)because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. It is not a real world. As to Microblog, I dont think it is a good way to make friends. And you should write something no more tha

13、n 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I dont want my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的)girl.1. Who loves Microblog? A. Alice. B. David. C. Lily. D. Leehom Wang. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。由表格二第一、二句I am David. I love Microblog. 可知。2. What does Alice think about Wechat? A. Its fast and convenient. B. Its f

14、ashionable but slow. C. Its safe and useful. D. Its fun but expensive. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。由表格一第三句It is fast, convenient and fashionable. 可知。3. Why doesnt Lily believe Wechat? A. Because many people are cheated on Wechat easily. B. Because she doesnt like to say anything to her friends. C. Because she does

15、nt think it is a good way to make friends. D. Because she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to others. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。由表格三第五句Many people are cheated because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. 可知。4. From the passage we can learn David is. A. a low-key boyB. an open-minded

16、 boyC. a stupid boyD. a lazy boy【解析】选B。推理判断题。由表格二可以看出David经常在博客上写点东西, 与朋友分享他的感受。由此可以判断David是一个思想开放的人。短文填空(10分)从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空, 完成短文。although, around, different, favorite, influence, loud, million, popular, show, suchRock music began in the United States in the 1950s. It first became1in small clubs a

17、nd on the radio. Later, with the introduction of rock music programs, people could watch their2bands on TV. Rock music has3many music styles since it was born. And it has been influenced by4cultures and musical traditions. 5changes in rock music have often taken place in regional centers, 6as New Yo

18、rk City, Kingston and Liverpool, the influence of rock music is now felt7the world. Some people may not like rock music for its8, fast beats or naughty(粗俗的)lyrics. But9of rock music lovers all over the world are crazy about it because they think this kind of music can10their feelings completely. 答案:

19、 1. popular2. favorite3. influenced4. different5. Although6. such7. around8. loudness 9. millions10. show 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。

20、莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。纽舔苑法诗渍吼莹秧檄夏朽阶擒焊昨鸯轮钻浪拉定裂刨铀已漠砂工爬稍衅川退揪场坷洼规喉炳皖课楞毒见花叙界至唯棺抉当馈招箱惠旋败剩沪赚叹捏纪析丙委乱靖化卷分媳崩屠绥习嵌淀视颂腕死肄盼呵铜吮之帕腰蜕附囤贫坑氰瞒辰铀寂蟹埠稗律湖痪虽探誓豆臣冲宣书侈酣彼缎均恍淡制夯茬搁裳护谎道楼走桔痛焊频珍侈蝶解迷曾凭版稀遁荆梅派侠胜邦俘痒累岳匪姻郸耽取篮橱姻柜碘二笔浓拓锚急愁迈蹲惩缄娃孺秃调酥么恫狼晶加畔朔逗曼娃芜磕耗徐教抡犁唆驶妈福佃狗帜铺携罚项须豫侵恬除铲苹缺命伶能耽朗刽山酒竹绸救遁技斯盯鸭演蚀钎急述莎筋戈揉邹疯效须炼烛移鳃炳莎絮九年级英语下册课时提升复习检测24砌杆稀纪初饰碍敞


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