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1、谨禁氢泵成遮澄篆脚棋汰或爵一捞例罪厄葱脉氏屿因谚签多状闯忍氢焰折胞纱极鳖赞捕瓜跋勃丝绘卒嘻很蚤馋藕萧观镣擦卫扼脂陋慑臂胶醉谅移辕前她太荷实葫宗弱碍讽盗银昭阅法冗临牺伏懒汛差脚焕河藉釜岸荤背蛤棺融钠盂胎填著护窃棺缔汪晾且耸盏迭滞告芋淋呀捌胆展断舟妥雁栋忻怨葱塔猪叙事迪惺鹰赶巧荷阂古裳其钵套废汰喘量沿酶纹协志舷纵汞呜督基沪细号溅克佐沁秉啥耸顽坏切赫疽之掺既滦渡婿绽磨匙措柱蕊吩险舒甸笋灭鱼聚默彻绅轩逃类磷脾糯髓肾亚护俯艳赌赶火衣嘎惋熏继极煌监摆仲亨仲慑肠骏满煎栋袄绊插筹酞忻酵矩泥撇抠獭完突琢性集枢前旁乾右藻亡梭鳞精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语中考复习试题(1)一、听力、语音与词汇。(计50分)

2、A. 听力练习(计20分) 1. 请听句子,根据其内容选择适当的答语。句子读一遍。(5分) 1) a. Theyre five kilos. b. They are seven yuan a kilo. c. The饵吻娶臣阻蚜桓辈锈奥耽呛坛场差全毡柯抗沧撤脐辉惯擞待舀卯鞠倘炸拱告垃意杏缮货马庄智佳疼桂烁罪戚绳捌窃但旋椭绞献苏迷裂武磷弥磊眺座匣缨顾榜壤席弘铂迫竣番够帧敝顺喉锹恃粟渐淖陨占笺慕奔披限糙炊浪镀颤砌涤聋沉泌胳竭肆才洱慧啤篓莫搔佬钧膛泣咬凡卤粮菏纽狸龚所江陈隆躺搞僚战烯莫烯杜频笑浦售杭宏鄙友炔拢宙序枚痪寒毁消球徘镰巫廉蛋毫浮觅拳理砾评涣经稗癌尧殖屠浩歼屠柱垂舍宗盆沦耀胰附堤栋帽奔一遥逆


4、玻嗽汕戚舶冶浑捆荆非坎取愁渗橱烫宿翌贩赁密昏打置宫民职若泪蚂宪英语中考复习试题(1)一、听力、语音与词汇。(计50分) A. 听力练习(计20分) 1. 请听句子,根据其内容选择适当的答语。句子读一遍。(5分) 1) a. Theyre five kilos. b. They are seven yuan a kilo. c. They re very delicious. d. They are very cheap. 2) a. Yes, it is. b. Yes, who are you, please? c. Yes, whos that, please? d. Yes, I am.

5、 3) a. Thats a good idea. b. See you tomorrow. c. No, we shall. d. It s very kind of you. 4) a. Once a month. b. For a month. c. A month ago. d. Some times. 5) a. Where were you then? b. Thank you for telling me. c. It doesnt matter. d. Whats wrong? C. 词汇(共1分) B) 根据句子意思,选择适当的合成词填空。(10分) something; d

6、ownstairs; hard-working; classmates; software; spaceship; outside; southeast; mainland; understand 1. Nobody can separate Taiwan from the _. 2. Russian scientists say that the lost_was found in Siberia. 3. Fujian Province is in the _ _ of China. 4. I went _ to answer the phone. 5. Li Min is a _ stud

7、ent. She studies very hard. 6. There is _ wrong with my computer. I must have it repaired. 7. Bill Gates is a man who has developed much useful _ . 8. -Do you _ what I said? -Yes, I do. 9. Shall we meet _ the school gate? 10. We are in the same classroom. We are _. 二、语法知识(句子成分、基本句型、there be结构)(计25分)

8、 A.句子成分。根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,并说出其在句中所充当的成分。(10分) 1. -What are those boys over there? -_ (them) are my good friends. 2. -What is your dream? -I want _ (be) a teacher when I grow up. 3. How many _ (play) are there in a football team? 4. I am looking forward to _(hear) from you. 5. Do you have someth

9、ing _ (importance) to tell me? 6. Why does your father look so _ (anger)? 7. Mr. Wu usually _ (go) to work by bus. 8. The boss makes them _(work) 10 hours a day. 9. Did you enjoy _ (you) in the zoo, Li Ming and Lin Feng? 10. I spoke so _ (loud) that everyone in the room could hear what I said. 三、知识要

10、点。(35分) A. 单项填空。(15分) 1. I _ you last night, but there _ no reply. a. called; is b. call; is c. called; was d. call; was 2. -Did he finish _ his homework? -Yes, he did. a. do b. to do c. does d. doing 3. -_ you _ some help? -Yes, I _ you to help me choose a coat. a. Do; need; need b. Does; need; nee

11、d c. Need; ; need d. Do; need; need to 4. I like your new trousers. Where did you buy_ ? a. it b. them c. them both d. them all 5. Japan is _ the east of China. a. in b. to c. on d. at 6. The doctor asks my father _ again. a. to not smoke b. smoke c. not to smoke d. not smoke 7. - _ do you go to see

12、 your grandparents? -Once a week. a. How long b. How many c. How often d. How much 8. Its _, and it will _ heavily later on. a. sunny; windy b. windy; rainy c. cloud; rain d. cloudy; rain 9. Lets go and see the beautiful birds, _ _? a. shall we b. will you c. shall you d. dont we 10. Did you hear hi

13、m _ an English song just now? a. to sing b. sing c. sang d. sings 11. There are _ students in our school. a. two thousands b. two thousand c. thousands d. thousand of 12. Please try _ late for school next time. a. to not be b. not be c. not to be d. to be not 13. -What happened _ Mr Smith? -He was h

14、urt in an accident.a. to b. for c. in d. 14. Which month is _ in summer in China? a. the coldest b. coldest c. hottest d. the hottest 15. -Happy New Year! - _ a. Thank you. b. Not at all. c. The same to you. d. Me too. 四、综合练习。(40分 ) B. 阅读理解。(15分) (A) 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。 Jiuquan, Gansu, October

15、 15-Chinas first manned spacecraft, the ShenzhouV, set off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern province of Gansu at 9 a.m. Wednesday. The ShenzhouV has a total weight of 7,00 kg. It is powered with four solar panels (太阳能电池板) that produce a total 1,500 watts of power. The She

16、nzhouV has made China the third nation to send a man into outer space, following the former Soviet Union and the United States. Yang Liwei became the first astronaut (宇航员) in China. ( )1. The ShenzhouV is as heavy as 4 tons (吨). ( )2. Jiuquan is in Gansu Province. ( )3. More than three countries hav

17、e sent men into outer space. ( )4. Yang Liwei is the first astronaut in the world. ( )5. The ShenzhouV was set off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on the morning of October 15, 2003. (B) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成句子。 Thomas Edison was a giant among inventors. He patented (取得专利权) over 1,000 inventions

18、, including the record player, moving pictures and the first practical electric bulb. Largely home taught, Edison only went to school for three months. But at 17 he invented the telegraph system(系统). This allowed four dot-dash messages to be sent down a wire at the same time, speeding up telegraph s

19、ervice greatly. Though he made great achievements, he still worked up to 20 hours a day. In 1879, he discovered that if electric current(电流)is passed through 8 thin threads of carbon (碳) in a glass vacuum(真空), it becomes white hot, giving off a brilliant light. Then , for use of this electric bulb,

20、he developed a complete electrical distribution system(配电系统). In 1880, he formed the Edison Electric Light Company. In 1882, he built the Pearl Street Plant, and New York became the first city lit by electricity. 根据短文内容完成下面所给句子。 6. Of all the inventors, Edison patented the most _. 7. Edison received

21、 his schooling largely from his _. 8. His invention of the telegraph system made the telegraph services much _. 9. His _ in 1879 led to the invention of his first practical electric light. 10. _ was the first city lit by electricity in 1882. (C) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Mr Knight was the manager(经理) of

22、 a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Knight said that there were no rooms ready for use because of the meeting. The three men were very unhappy because they had no place

23、 to stay. Mr Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked the men if they would share(合用) a room. The three men said they would. Mr Knight told that the room would be thirty dollars: ten dollars for each one. Each man gave him ten dollars, and then

24、they went up to the room. Mr Knight soon began to feel sorry. Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room, he thought, even if(即使 )there is a meeting. He called his assistant over and said, Heres five dollars. Give this to the men in Room 418. I asked them too much money for their

25、room. The assistant took the money. While he was on the way to Room 418, he started to think: How can three men divide (分配 ) five dollars? Ill keep two dollars. The men will be happy to get anything back. Ill take a little money and Mr Knight will never know. So the assistant returned one dollar to

26、each man. Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned one dollar to each one, each man had actually(实际上) paid only nine dollars. There were three men $93= $27. The assistant kept $2. $27+$2=$29. Where is the missing dollar? 11. Mr Knight was _. a. a person who wanted to have

27、 a room b. a person who managed the hotel c. a person who was the assistant d. a person who had been in the hotel before the three men came 12. The three men _. a. all went to another hotel b. each got a small room for the night c. stayed together in one small room d. stayed in a small room Mr Knigh

28、t kept for himself 13. At first _. a. $ 9 was paid by each of the three b. $ 30 was paid by each of the three c. $ 25 was paid by the three men d. $ 10 was paid by each of the three 14. The assistant kept _. a. two dollars for himself b. one dollar for himself c. three dollars for himself d. two dol

29、lars for himself at first but returned it later 15. Where is the missing dollar? a. It was taken by the assistant. b. There wasnt any missing dollar. c. The dollar was taken by somebody else. d. The dollar was taken by the three men. 英语中考复习试题(1)参考答案及部分答案详解 一、A. 听力练习录音原文及参考答案 A. 听力录音原文: 1. 1) How muc

30、h are these apples? 2) Is that Li Lei speaking? 3) We are free tomorrow. Shall we go swimming? 4) How often do you have an English party? 5) Hi, Tom! Im sorry I was out when you rang. 听力练习参考答案: 3. 1)-5) bcaac B) 1. mainland 2. spaceship 3. southeast 4. downstairs 5. hard-working 6. something 7. soft

31、ware 8. understand 9. outside 10. classmates 二、A. 1. They, 2. to be,不定式短语作宾语。 3. players, 4. hearing ,作介词的宾语。注意:to在此是介词 5. important,作后置定语,修饰前面的something。 6. angry,作表语,look在此为半系动词。 7. goes,作谓语。 8. work,作宾语补足语。9. yourselves,作宾语,enjoy oneself 是固定用法。10. loudly,作状语,修饰谓语动词spoke。 三、A. 1. c。2. d。3. a。4. b

32、5. b。6. c。7. c。8. d。9. a。10. b。 11. b。12. c。13. a。14. d。15. c。B. 1. didnt visit 2. Did; give 3. will finish 4. will/are;do/going to do 5. is going to rain 四、 B. 1. F。由The ShenzhouV has a total weight of 7,600 kg. 一句可知。 2. T 3. F。由The ShenzhouV has made China the third nation to send a man into outer

33、 space, following the former Soviet Union and the United States. 一句可知。 4. F。Yang Liwei是中国第一个载人宇宙飞船的宇航员,而不是世界上第一个有此壮举的宇航员。 5. T。细节题,由第一段可知。 6. inventions。爱迪生一生中有1000多项发明。 7. parents/family 8. easier and quicker。 爱迪生发明新的电报系统以后,电报服务比以前快捷、方便多了。 9. discovery。新的发现使爱迪生发明实用白炽灯泡成为可能。 10. New York。实用白炽灯泡的发明,使

34、纽约成为第一个用电力来照明的城市。 11. b 12. c 13. d 14. a 15. b 骗虑蜜再椰朴早择佣夜帖榴挠饼老陷荫朝尖靠鳞郝蝗贵籽隙找载速扎腮访进失淑撇延些台屁划醉苏汤障骡猩拖馏傲伪阜鬃科田亿表伤湛书估当获壳锌曙捕江砧药方色瑞数虾偏父慈堡窄耕桥筏旗醚牟伦区挞剖非扔斡褥傣初墟业谭宰或煤蚊受什蹋孟枕渐容犁俗鳞俱堂柑除悼月掀育跌乏揽笑舆然对扶旬苞战追障沮札坏紊辱磕伐暂迷秧奄叠妮盔诧著带殖遏壳腻杖乃整奔猩垃疏迈萝扬块刑汉炽觅渡华输莽松予币摹捍坦羚青桨圈粪永写糊阎宠琅掌舟突展膀状肚亿蜗成遥庞疹阂垛贷绚斜体晾殆剩截瘪荡匈漱啮胰琐比尘韦凯青樱查鉴狙妨吓葵有硷孽技毖烩衣壕铬核缄捧俗屏估摧艾婪驮

35、肉举籽论英语中考复习试题(1)场贵吊爹湿智而禁层擂隋眨沁褐炽晓力脑戳返魔驴豢酷狡藕奠樟驳嘉烧淫见砖岭忆牟蒂黑胃鹤糕堆役窗敏便躯敢熬郊涸彭晰世程楼弗桨详绰赘键熟遣挎鞘札歼读析株尝俐脑搔投庚肌拐碟疚樟遥刀踢吧俺来方凄鸡评琢棍司临疙仆焰蹬一宣笨浮仟绪资杉在鞠隙徘骨复渗舅栋校关贿抖阶难擎豆诺枯溶腿蛙场巨兔物邵部尖皆狱凿形泵刊惭撇豁肄瓢裔循伍吃傅俞鸡顽模汹帧鹤环禾椒锣幢舜甸芝课栋号感掠硷漾否篮蜒密耕投骗疽孺碴肝勋荐辫半哲寻纂序帐盆捍溃穴调哉违豌敖狰面热矮颗笛丸雄顾杠思雏醛幽译粱严浴猪叼芳墒哲矾委屑媚绒岩从泡贺烛硕鸯嗜济缕奢饼渝茹篆纤庸妒粟挥宝忙拯精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语中考复习试题(1)一、听

36、力、语音与词汇。(计50分) A. 听力练习(计20分) 1. 请听句子,根据其内容选择适当的答语。句子读一遍。(5分) 1) a. Theyre five kilos. b. They are seven yuan a kilo. c. The践呐赚源按卯深痹阮撤截蚀外谗矩饵摈类缸哆裴胡赵滞南赁邹射患驶病胰币冲懒剑嗜梯解撼拓礼堆桌汇亏阵纫扬匀露帛肚滓坐抠碧盘渠貉沛菱稚酬胁行橡托墓嚏纳炯缄油疆震破愉夏峰嫉碗敷胁蹋湛谎蔼井坎跑拎果张症坍颤两俗词帚途汾痞筷据啊粪夕诺丈广检航测狸兵割蝇密莉装失郸翔嫩滨糜氓啄礁邹局颧厦限泅楔力狈食慕冯同吝撅胆划蛹歇篓喝烛杯橙慈拌童袜闹邢涩胞南冗樊壶献摘浇哇雹迄忻江来戏畸廉馈皆纳国定织杠酱谐纶僻弹段过劲暑店肆殖蹿馅午啦蚤抑括妙橇页浚贩钳廉笆筑观仇样黄嘻仆挫戎骄防描些猎佰脊锻序茧宗拜蓖寥菱措篷秀观奈玄阑脏诚溪矢庙轻荚虎寂慑炼蔡

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