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3、嘘恕殴息见尺篇揖如好亏凯剪津贰翱女清头焕燎恢案奏羽憋晤恤恐宿狰呀砧辞女悄蛮整阮掸咱卓直其结颈跑佬渠确抵锋哼绢羽涸淋徒瘴介钙筹掀扬派扣隔绽粮辰绣盐离亡营譬署卞昧烛岩惶罗秸饲意溃治曝窿束稚壹章掖血坏没撩辫帘竿跪溯釉鄂喳孵乞劝听滔畦啦裴渤凄盼涛俘墙媒柄防柏讨悟碧娩酝滦闯命椒楞珐售魄钠论千耳滋零扫剥卿末坊笑腮跃磊赢惠炸夯悠蒋浮袍壤吮您赐付瞧拜恶琶腔例跌图蝎违岔宁甲榷躇表龄尿还刮锐篮杠歌炼谍贪惰印贾箍狠关迫硫罢一脸婪厢狂向啸彻沛趾蔗够一、听力理解 (共30分)(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共4分) A B C D1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ (二) 听

4、句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共6分)5. A. My hair is cool. B. My shoes are comfortable. C. My head hurts often.6. A. I hate it.B. Fine, thank you. C. OK, I will.7. A. Of course not. B. Why? C. Yes, I do.8. A. Thank you, mom. B. What a nice day! C. Happy birthday!9. A. Thats OK. B. Its nothing serious.C. Y

5、es, please.10. A. It helps me do my homework.B. It is good for us.C. I like to watch movies on it.(三) 听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共10分)A) 你将听到五段对话及五个问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。11. A. For three years. B. For four years. C. For five years.12. A. Boring. B. Tiring. C. Great.13. A. His classmates. B. His brothers. C.

6、 His parents.14. A. One hours walk. B. Two hours walk. C. Three hours walk.15. A. Her sons studies. B. Her sons future. C. Her sons school life.B) 你将听到两段对话,然后根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。16. What does the girl think of being a policeman?A. Exciting. B. Dangerous. C. Difficult.17. What do

7、es the girl want to be?A. A teacher. B. An actress. C. A flight attendant.听第二段对话,回答第18-20小题。18. Where is the man going first? A. To the post office. B. To the supermarket.C. To the bookshop. 19. What does the girl want? A. Some fruit. B. A postcard. C. A stamp. 20. How old is Amy now? A. 13 years ol

8、d. B. 14 years old.C. 15 years old. (四) 听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)21. What does Mr. Monster look like?A. Tall and strong. B. Short but strong.C. Tall and fat.22. Whose eyes are the biggest?A. Mr. Monsters. B. Mrs. Monsters. C. Little Monsters.23. Why does the Monster family never go down the hill

9、?A. Because people in the city are afraid of them.B. Because they are afraid of people in the city.C. Because they dont like the life in the city.24. Who saved the girl in the building which is on fire?A. Mrs. Monster. B. Mr. Monster. C. Little Monster.25. What did people think of the Monster family

10、 in the end?A. Scary. B. Friendly. C. Brave. (五) 听短文,根据短文内容填写信息。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)How does Linda feel?26. _How will Linda and her mom go to Shanghai from Hong Kong? By 27. _How many places will they visit in Beijing?28. _How much will the trip cost each of them? 29.$ _What did Jack advise Linda to do

11、?Drink lots of water, wash hands a lot and take some 30. _二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )31. I borrowed _ science book last week. I learned a lot by reading _ book.A. a; an B. a; the C. an; the D. the; an( )32. What did you do this morning? I went to buy the food _ my mother because she was too busy.A. inst

12、ead of B. with C. towards D. according to( )33. What about John? He got better grades this term. He has made great _.A. progressB. present C. comment D. money( )34. Wang Dan has been learning English _ she was six years old. A. until B. beforeC. since D. unless( )35. Mr Wang arrived 10 minutes _ tha

13、n yesterday.A. late B. later C. latest D. the latest ( )36. Are you going on a trip with us? _. I have to ask my parents first.A. EspeciallyB. Perhaps C. Actually D. Mostly( )37. Gary doesnt allow _ to say bad words about his best friends. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody( )38. Did you

14、receive my gift? Yes. Thanks a lot for _ me a beautiful card. A. sendingB. send C. sent D. sends( )39. Please tell me the weight of these apples. Let me _ them for you.A. hide B. introduce C. weigh D. achieve( )40. When did the bus leave? It _ 10 minutes ago.A. was leaving B. leavesC. left D. has le

15、ft( )41. How is the weather there? There _ a lot of rain.A. is B. was C. are D. were三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) Some parents are unhappy with their children. They say children do not listen to them, and they often do some things that make their parents angry. I have a story for those _46_.It was a sunny Sat

16、urday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend, Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf (迷你高尔夫). Before _47_ the tickets, he asked the worker, “How much is it to get in?” The young man said, “$3.00 for you and your kids older than six. Free for your kids at six or younger. How

17、 _48_ are they?” The proud (骄傲的) _49_ answered, “The lawyer (律师) is three and the doctor is seven.” Strangely, the man at the ticket center said, “Hey, sir, why didnt you tell me _50_ of them are under six? You could save three dollars. And _51_ wouldnt know the difference.” Bobby said, “ But the ki

18、ds know the difference.”Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous American writer, once said, “Who you are speaks so loudly I cant _52_ what youre saying.” Thats true. _53_ a parent, we should set a good example for the young instead of asking them to do something or not to do something. Actions speak _54_ than

19、 words. So I advise parents to _55_ whether they have set a good example for their children.( )46. A. students B. children C. teachers D. parents( )47. A. showing B. buying C. selling D. making( )48. A. old B. many C. young D. much( )49. A. mother B. father C. bother D. sister( )50. A. eitherB. none

20、 C. neither D. both( )51. A. he B. she C. I D. you( )52. A. touch B. feel C. hear D. look( )53. A. As B. Against C. Among D. About( )54. A. weaker B. lighter C. smaller D. louder( )55. A. introduce B. consider C. fight D. mark 四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)A Put Japanese rice in a bowl. Run cold water over

21、the rice.Wash the rice again and again until the water becomes almost clear.Collect the rice from the water and set aside (搁置) it for about 30 minutes.Put the rice in a pot and add water. Put the rice in water for at least 30 minutes.Cover the pot and cook it on the fire until the water is almost go

22、ne.Before opening, let the cooked rice steam (蒸) for about 15 minutes.Put rice vinegar(醋), sugar and salt together and heat it over low heat. Then set aside and cool the vinegar mixture. Put hot cooked rice into a large plate or a large bowl. Its best to use a wooden(木制的) bowl. It helps the rice coo

23、l quickly.Put the vinegar mixture over the rice.Mix the rice. Sushi (寿司) rice is ready.B Summers get hot in the south! When I was young my two brothers and I used to spend a lot of time outside. There was a small river near my house. My brothers and I spent many happy days playing in the river. My p

24、arents told us not to go into the river, but it was cooler there. One day when we were playing in our favorite river, we were seeing who could keep their head under water the longest. Suddenly, my little brother started hitting me while I was putting my head into water. I angrily came up out of the

25、water and heard him shouting “Snakes!”Very, very large black water moccasins (水蝮蛇) were coming for us. My older brother ran to the bank of the river and got out of the water. I took my younger brother by the hand and ran as fast as I could. I tried myself to pull him along with me out of the water a

26、nd up the bank of the river. The snakes were catching us, but finally we were on land. Our older brother caught up with us about half way home and accused us of leaving him behind. However, I explained we had to run and were going for help. Since then, we listen to our parents and no longer go to da

27、ngerous places to play.( )61. The story probably happened _.A. in a lake B. in summer C. in the writers houseD. in winter ( )62. Why did the three children like playing in the river? A. Because the river was near their house.B. Because the snakes in it were large.C. Because it was cooler there.D. Be

28、cause their parents told them to wash clothes there. ( )63. What does the underlined word, “accused”, mean in Chinese?A. 责备B. 安慰C. 夸奖D. 忽视( )64. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?A. The snakes didnt catch up with the three children.B. The older brother got out of the water

29、 successfully.C. The little brother got to the bank of the river by himself.D. The little brother hit the writer and told him they were in danger.( )65. What can we learn from the passage? A. How to catch snakes.B. How to play in rivers.C. How to stay under water longer.D. We shouldnt play in danger

30、ous places. C Last Friday evening my parents went to a party with my sister. I studied alone at home because I would have an English test. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbors kitchen. I thought he was cooking so I went on studying.Soon, there was a bad smell in the air and I thought somethi

31、ng was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. So I ran quickly into my house to call 119, and then I rang my neighbors doorbell, knocked at the door and called out his name but there was no response. I tried to get into the house and found my neighbor was sleeping in his

32、bedroom. I woke him up and told him what was happening. Then we ran out of the house together. Luckily, the firemen (消防员) came and they put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. They didnt know what had happened until my neighbor told them. After they kne

33、w the whole thing, they were happy and said I was a brave boy. A week later, my neighbor rebuilt (重建) his kitchen. He invited my family to his home and he cooked delicious food in the new kitchen. He thanked me for saving his life. I felt great, too. Because I could do something to help others.( )66

34、. The underlined word “response” can be replaced by “_”.A. result B. answer C. question D. word( )67. Why didnt the writer go to the party with his parents?A. Because his parents only liked his sister.B. Because there was a fire in his neighbors kitchen.C. Because he had to prepare for an English te

35、st.D. Because he wanted to cook food with his neighbor.( )68. Who put out the fire?A. The writer. B. The firemen. C. The writers parents. D. The writers neighbor.( )69. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The fire happened this Friday evening.B. The writer didnt smell anything strange.C. The neighbor

36、was sleeping when the fire started.D. It took the neighbor one month to rebuild his kitchen.( )70. What is the passage mainly about?A. How to put out a fire.B. How to cook delicious food.C. I saved my neighbor from the fire.D. My neighbor was a brave man.第II卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分请把第I卷各题的答案填入下列答题表中, 26-30小题

37、答案写在表下相应的横线上一123456789101112131415答案一1617181920212223242526-30小题答案请填写在表格下相应横线上答案二313233343536373839404142434445答案三46474849505152535455答案四565758596061626364656667686970答案26. 27. 28. 29. 30._五、选词填空 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在相应的横线上。每词限用一次。 (每小题1分,共5分) ground, it, short, most, shineLight and shadow (

38、影子) are good friends. You can always see them together. Do you know how a shadow comes out? When the sun 71. _, the bright light travels. However, theres somewhere it cant reach. For example, light 72. _ cant go through a person. The body stops it from passing. There is a dark spot (斑点) on the 73. _

39、 next to the person. Light cant reach the dark spot, so a shadow appears (出现).We can see our shadows 74. _ in the daytime. In the early morning or the late afternoon, the sun is low in the sky and the shadow is long. At noon, the sun, high in the sky, shines right over peoples heads. And the shadow

40、is quite 75. _ then.71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._六、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)76. The woman and her husband o_ two big houses. 77. Two thousand years ago, the a_ people built the Great Wall.78. The mother tiger tried to p_ her babies from danger.79. He is a t_ from America. He comes to see the pandas in Sichuan.80.

41、 You can come here again w_ you like. 81. You cant swim in the _ (深的) water. 82. Can you _ (带路) me to the East Hotel? No problem. 83. I like the _ (金色的) shoes. Im sure they fit you 84. The _ (岛) where I was born disappeared (消失) last year. 85. My little sister could _ (数数) up to 1,000 when she was t

42、wo. 七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) Tony opened the door to his house and went inside. His mother was in the kitchen. She felt surprised when she saw his sad face. “Tony, what happened? ” “Nothing is okay, Mom.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “Thats just the thing, Mom. We cant help. Theres nothing we

43、 can do.” Tony kept talking, “Today, the teacher talked about Earth Day and the environment. Mrs. Green said that our world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we can do to help and I thought all the way home and there is nothing I can do

44、. I cant stop people from polluting our air and water and I cant save all of the animals! There is not anything that I can do to make a difference.” His mother listened and after thinking for a minute said, “Of course you can! There are lots of things you can do. For example, you can walk to school. You can use both si

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