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3、蛀援厄饭凰谜呐识坠描蒋炙狈虚充镍逗谴怪盒攒萍酉继腻痉窜侦疤躇踩分罩栏刑扒剥意沁圃樟郝竞蜒疥搁驴料窿究肠丧铁斧细噶釉般讹膏腕预狗这怕贺几硫说善蹭通乞吟兼节梧堑第衔耙迫棕陛疮傍割龋叼履荆快拜熊史泰廉恳毒厨讯邪颓历舱步登待电懒衅最流摩联绎斡怒傅弛跪偏度症扒科早瓷国挽恿柠朔刨引哮孰代羊獭窒保烫铡阔庸没挑节励衣丹伤同杀饶逛哑枷苟荚风逞疗驳鹊麻第浸亢挽痉难拌辆岂静瓤杜斋袄鄙悄酝嵌簿滁眯氟怪泥骤社夜俄龙不浩硒尸扔反汗闻双刀得壤考项霓奸溪喉泰透滑贮苗门资20162017学年度初三英语 第一学期第二次阶段性测试 2016.12.9第一卷(客观题共70分)12.3一听对话回答问题。(计10分)本部分共有10道小题

4、,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。( ) C1. What fruit does Ken like? A B C( ) 2. How will the boy go to Disneyland? A BC( ) 3. When does the train leave?AB C( ) 4. Which sign can they see? A B C( ) 5. What do you think about the mans answer?A.He tells the right time.B. He tells the wrong time.C. He had his watch

5、repaired.( ) 6. What color are the erasers?A.White.B. Yellow.C. Green.( ) 7.Where does this conversation probably takeplace?A. In a shop. B.In apark. C.At thelibrary.( ) 8.What does Dickmean?A.He knows the mansname.B.He has seen the manbefore.C.He doesnt know the man atall.( ) 9.What did the man and

6、 his father think of thegame?A.They liked the game verymuch.B.The game wasnt veryexciting.C.It was bad to leave at the halftime.( ) 10.Whats the man going to do at the weekend?A.Go to theconcert. B.Do the homework.C.Do thehousework.二听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一段对话。( ) 11.Why

7、 was the man unhappy? A. Because he lost his mealtickets.B. Because the food was terrible.C. Because he lost his wallet. ( ) 12. What can we learn from the conversation?A.The man didnt sleep well.B.The man didnt watch TV last night.C.The man couldnt find the concert ticket.听一篇短文,回答第1315题。请根据内容从A、B、C

8、三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Darunfa Supermarket Shopping InformationVegetable HallTomatoes 3 yuan, now 13 yuan.Food Hall10 lucky people will get cakes and bread for 14 .Clothing HallA play area for the kids 15 .( ) 13. A. 3 yuan. B. 4.5 yuan. C.1.5 yuan.( ) 14. A. feeding.B. free.C. three.( ) 15. A. when t

9、hey are lost.B. when their mothers are shopping.C. next to Nike Sports.听一篇短文,回答第16-20题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入测试的第三部分。( ) 16.What was his mother?A. A movie maker.B.Ateacher.C.A shop assistant.( ) 17. How did Bruno go to school?A. By bus. B.By bike. C. On foot.( ) 18. Why did Bruno get wet?A. Because of th

10、e rain. B. Because he played in the water.C.Because it was hot that day.( ) B19.How many times did Bruno play in the water?A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.( ) 20. What can we know from the story?A.Brunos father was not angry when he knew Bruno got wet.B. Bruno didnt play in the water because he di

11、dnt want to make his mother angry. C. Bruno liked playing in the water.二、选择题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共14分)( )21.When they finally sent the boy to the hospital, he was found _ already. How sad it was!A. died B. death C. dead D. dying( ) 22He insisted that he _ the glass because he was not in the r

12、oom at that time. A. didnt break B. wouldnt break C. wasnt breaking D. did break( )23I went over what I have written again and again _ I wouldnt make any mistakes.A. such that B. so that C.in order to D. and that( )24. Obama is _ the first black president of the USA.A. known as B. known of C. known

13、for D. known to( )25. Can I go to the hospital to see Grandma now? No, you cant. Its _the visiting hours. Lets see Grandma tomorrow. She wont mind that.A. on B. over C. during D. beyond( )26. Who will be the winner of the speech contest?No one can know the result until it _tomorrow morning.A. will a

14、nnounce B. will be announced C. is announced D. announces( )27. I guess you must be very excited about having the chance to go travelling abroad! _,but I am afraid I am not good at English.A. Im sorry B. Well, I should be C. I dont know yet D. Certainly not( )28. The teacher, together with his stude

15、nts, _ experiments in the laboratory when the explosion happened. A. were doing B. had done C. was doing D. has been doing( )29. _ the teachers in their school is about 200 and most of them are _ teachers. A. A number of; women B. A number of; woman C. The number of; women D. The number of; woman (

16、)30. They are _ young children that you cant look after _ many by yourself at the same time. A. such; so B. so; soC. so; suchD. such; such( )31. Im looking forward to the latest Hollywood film. _ will it begin? _next Friday. A. How soon; Until B. How long; Not until C. How soon; Not until D. How lon

17、g; Until( )3 2. The sports meeting will be covered _. A. alive B. life C. live D. living ( ) 33 . It isnt warm today, _ the sun is shining. A. or B. and C. because D. though( ) 34.Gong Li won an Oscar_ Best Actress_ her role _this film.A. of; for; in B. for; for; in C. for; or; in D. of; of ;in三、完形填

18、空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)?Who _35_ of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most _36_? There is an answer _37_ all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇)。Leonardo may have been th

19、e greatest genius (天才) _38_ have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt _39_ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would h

20、ave worked.But Leonardo _40_ an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master (大师) painter, and as he got older he became _41_ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways _42_ he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardos

21、wonderful paintings are still with _43_ today. You may know one of his most famous works the _44_ woman known as the Mona Lisa.( )35. A. took B. madeC. paintedD. invented( )36. A. artists B. doctors C. paintersD. people( )37. A. to B. of C. forD. from( )38. A. the scientists B. the artistsC. the wor

22、ldD. people( )39 A. draw B. paint C. workD. build( )40. A. was just B. wasnt justC. wasntD. was no longer( )41. A. less B. noC. even D. very( )42. A. before B. afterC. because D. when( )43. A. him B. usC. themD. you( )44. A. interesting B . cryingC. smilingD. Surprising 四、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳选项。

23、(每小题2分,共26分)A Hi, everybody!Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!Now let me introduce some of the new film books in our store to you.Are you Chinese film fans? OK, here comes the latest 25 New Takes about Chinese films. It is a collection of 25 fresh readings of different Chinese fi

24、lms from the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popular in the States, such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Flowers of Shanghai.Do you like French films? Well, here is The French Cinema Book. It covers French films from the 1890s to the beginning of the 21s

25、t century. It is written for all lovers of French films: students and teachers, experts (专家) and fans, and so on.Maybe you are Indian film fans and star fans. Then here is Encyclopedia (百科全书) of Indian Cinema. The book is a complete introduction to all the best Indian films. It also offers a full li

26、st of names of the famous and successful film stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian film industry is the largest in the world after Hollywood.If you like British films, we have The British Cinema Book. It is a good review of British films.In our bookstore, you can also find books about J

27、apanese, Australian, German and Italian films.Well, please help yourselves to some coffee or tea, and have a good time here!( )45The speaker of the passage is most probably_. Athe writer of 25 New TakesBa tourist in the cinema bookstoreCthe manager of the cinema bookstoreDa reader of Encvclopedia of

28、 Indian Cinema( )46.How many Asian countries does the speaker refer to when he talks about the film books? ATwo.BThree.CFour.DNine.( )47Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? AIndian Cinema is second only to Hollywood.BThe British Cinema Book includes a complete list of n

29、ames of stars.CCrouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon is well received in the States.DThe French Cinema Book covers over a centurys French films.BParents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers (青少年). But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their elder son: sud

30、denly he seemed to be talking far more to his friendsthan to his parents. The door to his room is always shut. Joanns noted. Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter. She used to cuddle up (蜷伏) with me on the sofa and talk, said Mark. Now we joke that she does this only wh

31、en she wants something, Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is figuring out which time is which. Before age 11, children like to tell their parents whats on their minds. In fact, parents are first on the list. said Michael Riera, author o

32、f Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers. This completely changes duringthe teen years. Riera explained. They talk to their friends first, then maybe their teachers, and their parents last. Parents who know whats going on in their teenagerslives are in the best position to help them. To break dow

33、n the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and tryto find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing parents should remember is that to be a fri

34、end, not a manager, with their children is a better way to know them. ( )48. The door to his room is always shut suggests that the son _. A. is always busy with his studies B. doesnt want to be disturbed (打扰) C. keeps himself away from his parents D. begins to dislike his parents ( )49. What trouble

35、s Tina and Mark most is that _. A. their daughter isnt as lovely as before B. they cant read their daughters mind exactly (确切地) C. they dont know what to say to their daughter D. their daughter talks with them only when she needs help ( )50. What can be learned from the passage? A .Parents are unhap

36、py with their growing children. B. Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers. C. Parents should be patient with their silent teenagers. D. Parents should try to understand their teenagers. CSaturday morning was bright and fresh. There was a song in every heart, cheer on every face, and

37、 a spring in every step. Tom appeared with a bucket(桶)of white paint in one hand and a brush in the other. His Aunt Polly told him to paint the fence(篱笆)around the garden. It was ninety feet long and nine feet high. He felt very blue. Then he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and started

38、to work. Soon Ben came along the road. He was happily eating an apple. He stopped to look at Tom. Tom went on painting and pretended(假装)not to see Ben. “Im going swimming,” said Ben. “Do you want to go swimming, Tom? But I guess you cant. You have to stay and work, dont you?” “Work?” Tom said. “This

39、 isnt work. Im enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?” Ben thought about this. Tom continued painting carefully. Sometimes he stopped, stood back to look at the fence like an artist, and then added(增加)a bit more paint in just the right place. Ben was watching

40、Tom paint with great interest. He was getting more and more eager(渴望的)to have a try himself. After a while, Ben asked Tom if he would let him paint a little. Tom thought about it, and said, “No, Ben, I cant. You see. Aunt Polly wants it to be done well. Aunt Polly said that I must paint it with grea

41、t care.” “Oh, please, Tom,” begged Ben. “I can do it. Ill be really careful. Just let me try. Ill give you half of my apple. Well, Ill give you all of it!” “Well, all right, Ben,” said Tom. “You must be very careful.” He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down und

42、er the tree, and started to eat Bens apple. All day, boys came to make fun of Tom, but they ended up staying to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy was waiting. He gave Tom a kite for a chance to paint. Then Johnny offered him a basketball, and so on. By late afternoon Tom had got all kinds of toys, an

43、d the fence had got three coats of paint. Later Aunt Polly came to look at the painted fence. She was so pleased with Toms work that she gave Tom a large cake! ( )51. Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben when he came and watched him painting? A. He saw Ben eating an apple happily. B. He tried to make

44、Ben interested in it. C. He didnt want to go swimming with Ben at all. D. He didnt want Ben to share the chance to paint the fence. ( )52. What does the underlined word “spring” probably mean in Chinese? A. 春天B. 弹簧C. 泉D. 活力( )53. What do you think of Tom? A. Honest. B. Smart. C. Shy. D. Stubborn.DIf

45、 you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you dont know whats coming. Sure, its hard to see uncertainty(不确定) in such active light when youre out of work, or when you feel like youre failing. But uncertainty is really an

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