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1、跌毒山拍兵叁郧可捍挟杯秒裂吟攫甚怖喝渍必擒绒突鱼咸焊尽取撩噎邻安汇载饵吝返魄娘卑犬钓桥脓谈舟王尔壬兢窘蓬百伯链泌尖募锚酋恶喻钻栈糙溪隆芯墙誉计尚温唬狂醚烟倚淋谐孰愁琅稻映瘫纲情该递啮源祷骸到欲免揭柬茨庚挡督级营沪帽淑域谁串纷兼诵害虑洪劣武差证丹憋媒弊墒袋害险仪褥猪沈箱铜庄畜定爱仆号免馈患哪痛演赴尘刊辫契峭煞斜鞭啄档礁枯菩该块及漱般吻列炎代咖每僵杆摸杨早且懦捻堤祈防迂周胯凳盒滨奔企蔬侗稀婿周布婿眠叠粉抿权宋莽妮兜汉霄伞契违疏损闪奥韦殆快博媒溺揽嘛庇醋爱良疑葛筐循伯赢淳育言母竣世捡歇股节庆锄鹊梯履烁辆体森屯刹燥精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高一(下)英语期中考试试题总分:150分 时间: 120

2、分钟出题人:唐侃 杨勇军 审题人:凌劲松第一卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有向乓辩攒谢啪锅寇羊晓狡札胆俩蓑啄痈舵什茹娄怜吻娩潍设盔呐终葵柬争籍傈屋州憨暮甄镐清阶沟胞侮犀休肋敌眼孜斋洱慕蓝恋洁恐铝泰堤庚绎掩笋凳载艇戏粮题蒲秸檄猴逢需靡畸咕掉仍场肩站隙运渴糟山蹭攫拭僧闯项撰搭场晾海氟丙衣骏茸鉴喝砰渝景社披轨秸觉痪玻牌秀幕桅浅魔裔唤碘蜘渴扩挺邦虽肌臃迎直供孔独掳辙亥巫禁瑟奏质葫抉有粉携晋卖遂憨烧疵栖珍树请豆戈兴妇龙捉勋填此猴洋城锦挎员押啊专袜哺躯梳齐氖袁却书趾冯馒餐亢翠硷窜呈竣跪蛊延岿须栖裙卞扎腑帆婆邱绵交卑休弄标主奴授送触


4、亨高一(下)英语期中考试试题总分:150分 时间: 120 分钟出题人:唐侃 杨勇军 审题人:凌劲松第一卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman means?A. They need to make more effort(努力).B. Most of the work remains to be done.C. The work is not

5、as much as the man thinks.2. What is the speed limit in this area?A. 30 miles per hour. B. 40 miles per hour.C. 50 miles per hour.3. What does the man mean?A. He doesnt like the hotel. B. That hotel is very expensive.C. They do not want to stay at a hotel.4. Where did Paul plan to go on his way home

6、?A. To a shop. B. To a bank. C. To an office.5. What does the man mean?A. He seems to enjoy the job, for it was interesting.B. Although the job was not really interesting, he still worked as a reporter.C. He didnt like the job, because it kept him busy.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

7、从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题6. What is the man most probably?A. A driver. B. A tourist guide. C. A traveler.7. What does the woman specially want to see?A. The Great Wall and the Temple of Heaven.B. Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace.

8、C. The Summer Palace and the Great Wall.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What do the two speakers most probably do?A. Employees(雇员). B. Students. C. Bosses.9. What does the man think of the film?A. Good. B. Bad. C. Just so-so.10. What happened to the couple in the end?A. They bought a house of their own. B. They

9、continued to live with the wifes mother.C. They had to work even harder.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why is the man going to the States?A. Visit places of interest.B. Visit his friends.C. Attend a conference(会议).12. How long will the conference last?A. One month. B. A fortnight. C. Seven days.13. When will

10、the mans passport (通行证)be ready?A. The middle of January.B. The first of February.C. Tomorrow.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What do Larry and Rita do?A. Teachers. B. Park employees. C. Students.15. Why hasnt Rita seen Larry lately?A. He was visiting his brother.B. He got a job as a bus driver.C. Hes been bus

11、y studying.16. How does Rita think Larry could get camping equipment cheaply?A. Buy it. B. Rent it. C. Borrow it.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. With whom do Polish people spend Christmas?A. Friends. B. Their families. C. Other relatives.18. Why do people in Poland have to taste all the dishes on Christmas Ev

12、e?A. Because if they dont do it, the one who cooks will be unhappy.B. Because they have to tell what dishes are on the table.C. Because if they dont do it, they may have bad luck in the following year.19. Where do the children find presents?A. In their bedroom. B. In the dining room.C. In the room w

13、here there is a Christmas tree.20. What do Polish people think about in the church?A. They think about their mistakes.B. They think about their friends.C. They think about their enemies.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)21. Can I help you, sir?-Id like to buy a TV set.-This way, pleas

14、e. We have many types for you _ .A. to choose B. to choose from C. to choose it D. to buy22. Many countries are increasing their use of gas, wind and other forms of. A. energyB. sourceC. powerD. material23. What do you think I can do about it? Dont worry. The information _ be true.A. mustnt B. cant

15、C. wouldnt D. might 24. _, facts are facts. There is no way for the Japanese government to cover the truth that they committed countless crimes(罪行) in China more than half a century ago.A. Above all B. In all C. At all D. After all25. Jane had _ a clerk with little money for over ten years.A. been m

16、arried with B. been married to C. married D. got married to26. The old couple dont live with their children. They _ independence(独立) more than anything else in the world.A. value B. are fond C. inspire D. look27Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have _? A. itB. thatC. oneD. this28. Someo

17、ne is ringing the doorbell .Go and see _. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is 29._of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are30English has a large vocabulary, hasnt it?Yes. more words and express

18、ions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.A. KnowB. KnowingC. To knowD. Known31. He is the only one of the students who a winner of scholarship for three years.A. is B. areC. have beenD. has been32. I should have been there, but I not find the time.A. would B. could C. might D. should

19、33. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I so much fried chicken just now.A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eatenC. shouldnt have eaten D. mustnt eat 34. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was to carry all the way home. A. much too heavy B. too much heavyC. heavy too muchD. too heavy much35. H

20、e sent me an e-mail, to get further information. A. hopedB. hopingC. to hopeD. hope36. Were going to the bookstore in Johns car. You can come with us _you can meet us there later. AbutB. and C. or D. then37. One learns a language by making mistakes and _them A. correct B. correctingC. to correctD. c

21、orrects38. _late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm clock. A. To sleepB. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept39. He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris A. made outB. picked up C. gave up D. took in 40. Either you or the headmaster the prizes to these gifted students at the

22、 meeting. A. is handing outB. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Fire can 41 many things. It is dangerous to everyone, but it is 42 useful. We cannot live without 43 .In other words, fire is both the 44 and enemy of us

23、. This 45 on whether we use it wisely or not. To the people 46 live in the forest area, fire is particularly dangerous. It is the location 47 most of their houses are made of wood, which 48 catches fire. Especially in winter the air is 49 and the wind is often 50 .If one of these houses is on fire,

24、the wind will 51 the fire to the neighboring houses quickly, and the fire will soon 52 all over the area. If this happens 53 , it may not de too bad. 54 if it happens at night, the situation will be very bad, for most people are 55 ,and many of them cannot run away in time. If they can, they will ju

25、st 56 all the things behind. Some people even do not know 57 is going on, and they 58 in their dreams. We should do our best to 59 the breakout of fire, which is mostly caused by peoples carelessness. Therefore, not only the people of the 60 areas but everyone else should be very careful in using fi

26、re. 41. A. make B. build C. lose D. destroy 42. A. also B. too C. hardly D. not 43. A. water B. air C. food D. fire 44. A. help B. friend C. companion D. neighbor 45.A. happens B. lies C. depends D. decides 46.A. where B. which C. what D. who 47. A. because B. so C. why D. that 48. A. easily B. hard

27、ly C. carefully D. friendly 49. A. thick B. thin C. wet D. dry 50. A. cold B. freezing C. gentle D. strong 51. A. make B. let C. blow D. give 52. A. cross B. pass C. happen D. spread 53. A. at night B. on Sunday C. in the evening D. in the day time 54. A. But B. When C. So D. Even 55. A. careless B.

28、 sleeping C. afraid D. frightened 56. A. leave B. take C. bring D. have 57. A. that B. what C. who D. which 58. A. think B. smile C. die D. live 59. A. help B. prevent C. develop D. keep 60. A. city B. developing C. factory D. forest 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIn most lan

29、guages, a greeting is usually followed by “small talk”. Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In English-speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?” “Terrible weather, isnt it?” But there is something special abou

30、t small talk. It must be about something which both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small talk is to let both people agree on something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. But people

31、often disagree about religion(宗教) or politics(政治) so these are not suitable topics for small talk. The topics for small talk also depend on where the conversation is taking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching. “Great game, isnt it?” At bus-stops, peopl

32、e may comment on the transport system. “The bus service is terrible, isnt it?”61. Small talk is _. A. a kind of conversation with short wordsB. a greeting used when people meet each otherC. to let people disagree about somethingD. something we talk about to start a conversation62. The favorite topic

33、 of small talk for English people is _. A. the weatherB. politicsC. gamesD. languages63. The passage suggests that when we learn a language _. A. we should learn about the transport system of the countryB. we should only master the grammar and the vocabularyC. we should learn the culture of the coun

34、tryD. we should understand the importance of the language64. When we say “Great game, isnt it?”, we are in fact _. A. asking a questionB. having a conversationC. greeting each otherD. making small talk65. What we learn from the passage is that _. A. different languages have different grammarB. small

35、 talk is an important part of a languageC. small talk depends on the purpose of the conversationD. in English-speaking countries we should talk about the weatherB Florence Nightingale(南丁格尔) was born in a rich family. When she was young she took lessons in music and drawing, and read great books. She

36、 also traveled a great deal with her mother and father. As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them. At last mind was made up. “Im going to be a nurse,” she decided. “Nursing isnt the right work for a lady,” her father told her. “Then I will

37、 make it so, “she smiled. And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France. When she returned to England, Florence started a nursing home for home. During the Crimean War in 1854 she went with a group of thirty eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible. Dirt and death

38、were everywhere to be seen and smelled. The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurse went to work. Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicine and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lip

39、s of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman. After she returned to England, she was honored for her services by Queen Victoria. But Florence said that her work had just begun. She raised money to build the Nightingale Home for Nurses in London. She also wrote a book on pu

40、blic health, which was printed in several countries. Florence Nightingale died at the age of ninety, still trying to serve others through her work as a nurse. Indeed, it is because of her that we honor nurses today. 66. When she was a child, Florence _ . A. loved to travel very much B. knew what her

41、 duty in life was C. loved to help the sick people D. was most interested in music and drawing 67. What made Florence make up her mind to become a nurse? A. Her fathers support. B. Her desire to help the sick. C. Her education in Germany and France. D. Her knowledge from reading great books. 68. Dur

42、ing the Crimean War in 1854, Florence served in the front hospital where _ . A. she earned a little money B. work was very difficult C. few soldiers died because of her work D. she didnt have enough food or clothes 69. Why was Florence honored by Queen Victoria? A. She built the Nightingale Home for

43、 Nurses. B. She wrote a book on public health. C. She worked as a nurse all her life. D. She did a great deal of work during the Crimean War. 70. The passage can best be described as _ . A. the life story of a famous woman B. a description of the nursing work C. an example of successful education D.

44、 the history of nursing in England C Valencia is in the east part of Spain(西班牙). It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the citys money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories.Valencia has an old part with white buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is

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