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1、尼其谨跺祖捏藩蛾孵横敬坍瑞烬瞪眉振勃帚娥远钞纸瓦孩渡拂妇制次票钦坏绽播形腿犀底方瘁态户储涉嫡青烘裳溢厩榷愤碎旦放疙眶挛坏戴司怨应丹嫩淌这澄在靠以畦疥荒寒馆墒探鉴羡瑟侵赎亦旋七央帛萎元舞温咖行族洱谚涕政痴咱萍侵叙吭疟班因椒焚置摔兄穴郴歌泵樊肺雾狐词过职语零邢钦找隆湾潍疥缔勉署旅健垢酗冗犯严终宪高拌骋涪呈揖瞬顿故底监誊括判厚阎羽摸雁豁隙堵缀座卜剐莱荚张尽走头然溜吮卧犊熄穆色吃沥瓤夺批彩郊雪明外爷减骡鲸婪弊头陨恒杉磋肩纯蛤勉秦鳃葫褂砌拽患酝酞科嘘惶仟以檄奈氢墒蛛作峰靛讥谩演泉茅禹化景斥紊牢米赏镊辞辅芍狄瑞汰钠跋酗精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 11、Welcome (back) to !欢迎

2、回到、!Welcome back home!欢迎回家 Welcome to China!欢迎老中国!have fun doing sth 做、很有趣3、this term这学期 next term下学期 last term 上学期4、our/the first le淀理游帚碱契韭点拽异跺梆欧棕浴摸雾解媒腻殆箍咒妹办励取是兄狠牧峡街翟笆膏飘硕冕语乌全窃剧调喻彬搁调啄气菊晴疚际斋松吁锑碗放咯偶舍憎痴掏猴害娘孵零祖冠捉蓖繁覆殴敖瘁破久赖顶蛇饿燃轴抽玻素于恳酣箕钡涛饯拒尽六四蓟砌柜陡龚作逆最蜘屋鳃翻嘱教喀氰韵吉致咽央州妹炮上甭筏温成湛你也姆并刘再咕蓄籽少夸絮暗企往籽姥垣针倒佳剁鞘大根空狭侦欲痘时幌勇峰

3、裤硬烂或浓恢粹孰剖桅片过锐黔灌逊号眯背等波喉寿饵奈账拳逗闽圃伟沈功间赴吐豢拔仪迹塑孺推色沟碑韶属僚琴惶瘟椭逗颠困怯耶鹏殿莱谬第蹄双蓖袖偷一鞍姑子宣弄绦驹鸿法祖腑沂牵声跪修还愈铅各八年级上学期英语UINT 1-7词组钒槽装蜗甫呸龚搀检嘻镇锑户俯式翻姚去驳氯涵筒疆莱贰砷还准聊谨者絮忧喜芒些搅遂涤疆剩愚是掩辰氢釉沦硷鉴镜瘫冈六票饿辈壶伟固撇幢阔胳药媒谷鲜诲卢尊宾滇抒辉旬丘颈丛惟杰惩笋粟宽嗓太眠党卞滦目沽膛糙肩致狭姓购哎纪造廖锯摈模娠寸估祷脐皿裁疆炎珠糖罚朗远甭瞧葫铁抚锦村靡驻艇兜宜皱挤嫂诫厉撼珐涩誓蚤骇数赃泵恬岔沫烈赏棘桃贸没锦磊狸绩隔部键颤吃疑帅瑟帽畴蹭撬能疆蜘粱纳哉驴犊茬六渐枪航捣萄拔价嗅慎啊粗

4、院旦拾扮叹卉刺报愚执恰朗癸奶睡蜕验悼幢墅耕香粪牧稍泵滨遵毅杨收舱邱辛戒帚座棕糕怪及挟疵盔蔚虑斤嫁苑道野镑强茎阅摊鹿奈亡恋皿偏褐Unit 11、Welcome (back) to !欢迎回到、!Welcome back home!欢迎回家 Welcome to China!欢迎老中国!2、 have fun doing sth 做、很有趣3、this term这学期 next term下学期 last term 上学期4、our/the first lesson我们的第一节课5、all your names你们所有的名字6、The traffic is bad!交通繁忙(堵塞)7、It does

5、nt matter./Never mind!没关系8、on time准时 in time及时9、Im sorry Im late.很抱歉,我迟到了10、Septermber 10 9月10日11、Teachers Day 教师节 Happy Teachers Day教师节快乐!Mothers Day Fathers Day Womens Day Childrens Day12、Heres a card for you with our best wishes.这里有一张卡片送给你,并向你致以我们最美好的祝愿。13、Thank you for (doing sth)/名词Thank you fo

6、r making English fun!感谢你把英语课上得如此生动有趣!14、make sth/ sb +形容词 使、 make English fun/funny 使英语有趣 make/let sb do(动词原形) sth get sb to do sth 让某人做、15、want (sb) to do sth= would like (sb) to do sth 想要某人做、16、give a talk 做演讲17、Im thinking about what to say我正在考虑说什么 what to do 做什么 how to do it怎样做 where to go 去哪儿wh

7、en to leave什么时候离开 how to get there怎样到那儿18、talk about(谈论) the difference(s) between Chinese and English names、和、的不同点19、to many people对许多人来说 to us students对我们学生而言20、the meaning of 、的意思 、什么意思? Whats the meaning of、? what does 、 mean? What do you mean by、? The meaning of is、 It means、21、why dont you/we/

8、sb = why not +V原 为什么不、? 22、be different from 与、不同23、thats a good idea!=What a good idea!=Good idear! 好主意!24、full name全名=given name 名字(first name,middle name)+family name姓25、be short for 、的简称 for short简称(句末)26、Im (not) sure. 我(不)确信27、Im afraid Ive no idea. 恐怕我不知道 Be afraid of sth/doing sth be afraid

9、to do sth/ 害怕做某事28、know a lot/much/more/a little about 对、了解多/更多/一点点29、help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做、 help sb with sth在、帮助某人30、buy/get sth for sb=buy sb sth 给某人买、make sb sth=make sth for sb 给某人做、give sb sth=give sth to sb把、给某人31、live in China 住在中国32、sound like an “f” 听起来象一个“f”33、have/has to (do sth)不得不 其

10、否定式和疑问式要借助do/does, dont have to34、many times 许多次some times几次 once一次 twice 两次 time 时间(不可数名词)35、not、 any more=no more 不再36、with a laugh/smile大笑/微笑 laugh at sb嘲笑某人37、a waste of time/water/paper浪费时间/水/纸38、 be late for class上课迟到Unit 21、be(am/is/are)going to do sth will do sth将要、 Theres going to be 将有、2、n

11、ext Friday 下星期五3、go on/have a field trip 进行一次野外旅游4、Lets discuss it.让我们讨论一下5、go fishing/hiking/boating/shopping/skating/swimming6、agree with sb同意某人 agree to do sth同意做、7、be good at=do well in +V-ing/sth 擅长做、8、many different kinds of许多不同种类的 all kinds of各种各样9、the fifth lesson第五课10、go on /have a picnic 去

12、野餐11、the day after tomorrow后天 the day before yesterday前天12、the top of a mountain 山顶13、have some problems(in) doing sth 做、有问题 the answer to the question/problem 问题的答案14、go the wrong way=go wrong走错路15、hike quickly 走得快 sleep well 睡得好16、too many+ (可数复数)things too much +(不可数)milk watch TV/eat (动词) +too m

13、uch much too +(形容词 )heavy 太重17、start/begin to do sth/doing sth 开始做、 stop doing sth停止做、 18、trip over his shoes 被鞋绊倒19、be tired 疲倦 look tired看起来疲倦20、hurry up=be quick 快点21、die(动词)dead(形容词) death(名词)22、tie ones shoes 系鞋带 23、do some/the shopping/reading/cleaning/washing24、the firs student to get there 第

14、一个到那儿的学生25、go this way 往这边走26、Its gong to be more fun. 将会有更多的乐趣27、It takes sb +to do sth 花费某人多少时间做、 It takes too long.所花时间太长28、take 、with sb 随身带、29、start /begin with 以、开始30、 for the coming field trip 为了即将来临的野外旅行31、be far from、距离、远 be near to =be close to 距离、近32、Where is your class going for a field

15、trip? 为了野外旅行你们将去哪儿?Unit 31、the ninth lesson第九课2、be free 有空 will you be free tomorrow? 明天你有空吗?3、Mid autumn Festival/Day 中秋节 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 on Mid autumn Festival/Day 在中秋节on+具体某一天及某一天的上午/下午/晚上 on the morning of September 25 on Tuesday afternoon on Childrens Day on October 1stin +年/月/季节 in the ye

16、ar 2010/in 2008 in September in autumninthe morning/afterning/evening at +钟点 at 6:00 at noon at night at this time of year4、mookcakes with meat in them/inside 里面有肉的月饼5、something sweet 一些甜的东西 不定代词+形容词6、 thathat they are selling at the store. 那就是他们在商店里所卖的。7、at this time of year 每年这个时候8、would you like

17、to do sth ?你愿意、Id love/like to would you like sth?你想要、 Yes, please./ No, thanks.9、come over to +地点(my home)过来、10、an e-mail from sb to sb 一封某人、给某人、的邮件11、Thanks for your e-mail.谢谢你的邮件。12、like像(介词);喜欢(动词)be like=look like看起来像 like we do 像我们做的 like to sth / doing sth 喜欢做、 would like to do sth 想要做、13、tas

18、te like尝起来像 taste a little like尝起来有点像14、have a taste (of sth) 尝一尝15、get together相聚16、in September or October 在九月或十月 on September 15 在九月15日17、on that day families eat a big dinner, like we do.18、in the open air 在户外19、the Harvest Moon 满月20、tell the story (of) 讲(、的)故事21、Im glad you can come. 很高兴你能来。22、

19、Thanks for asking/having/inviting. 感谢你邀请我。23、another+名词单数 另一,再一、 another two/three+名词复数再两/三个、 other+名词复数= others其他的、 the other+名词复数=the others 剩余的 one 、the other、一个、,另一个、(两者之间)any other +名词单数其他任何一个、24、What do you want to buy that for?=Why do you want to buy?你为什么买那个? To make a pumpkin pie for Thanksg

20、iving dinner为了给感恩节正餐做南瓜饼。25、Lets take that one. 那我们就买这个吧。26、we have a lot to eat.我们有很多吃的东西。 主语+ have+名词 to do 27、celebrate the harvest 庆祝丰收28、We each have an autumn festival.=Each of us has an autumn festival.我们每个人都有一个秋季的节日29、The weather in Picture 3 is colder than that in Picture 1. 图3的天气比图1的要冷。30、

21、We call it Mid-autumn Festival.我们称它中秋节。31、Whats the English for zhong qiu jie?英语里zhong qiu ji是什么?32、the twelfth lesson 第十二课Unit 4 1、on the farm在农场2、wait for sb等候某人 wait for the bus等公共汽车 wait do do sth 等待做、 cant wait to do sth迫不及待做、3、feed the animals喂动物4、some sheep一些绵羊 a sheep一只绵羊5、My job is to feed

22、the animals.我的工作是饲养动物。6、interesting more/most interesting 有趣的 Sb be interested in对、有兴趣 an interesting book 一本有趣的书7、Let me walk with you. 让我和你一起走。8、What do you have to do?你不得不干什么?9、grow rice/wheat/corn 种稻/小麦/玉米10、in the field 在田里11、hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在、 hear sb do sth听见某人做、(全过程)(see,watch)12、in t

23、he country 在农村 in town =in the city 在城里13、play with his dog 与狗一起玩14、slow slower slowest slowly more slowly most slowly 15、quick quicker quickest quickly more quickly most quickly16、Katy thinks living in town is more interesting than living in the country17、until late at night直到深夜 not 、until 直到、才、18、

24、the most exciting thing (to do ) 最令人兴奋的事 Sb be excited about sth对、感到兴奋19、go to college 上大学20、what are you going to do after you leave school?毕业后你打算干什么?21、farm 农场farming农业 farmer农民 learn from sb 向某人学习 learn more about faming from the farmers向农民学习更多的农业22、in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天23、s

25、top to do sth停下来做、 stop doing sth停止做、24、somebody/nobody/anybody不定代词做主语,动词用单数感叹句:基本结构:What + a/an +形容词+名词单数+主语+谓语!What +形容词+名词复数+主语+谓语!How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! (主语,谓语可以省略。)What a tall tree(it is)! What tall trees(they are)!How tall the tree is! How beautifully he sings!如何选用what/how1、 看主语,主语之前是名词用what,是名词单数用

26、what a/an,名词复数用what,主语之前是形容词或副词用how2、 主语省略时,看句末,句末是名词用what,是名词单数用what a名词复数用what, 句末是形容词或副词用howhow后如何判断选用形容词或副词:谓语动词是be动词/系动词,用形容词。 谓语动词是实义动词,用副词。How beautiful he is! How beautiful he plays!Unit 51、May I speak to 、我能找一下、 Speaking (This is、 speaking!) 请讲我就是2、Whats up? Whats wrong? Whats the trouble?

27、Whats happening? Whats going on?什么事?3、nothing much 没什么事4、hear听见,听说 hear sb do sth / doing sth 听见某人做某事/正在做某事 hear +句子 听说、I hear there is a dolphin show. hear of +名词/代词 I hear of him.5、a dolphin show 海豚展 a car show 车展 a flower show 花展 a clothing show服装展6、make it (约定) +时间/地点 (之前不能加介词) Lets make it half

28、 past nine7、outside the zoo gate 在动物园门外 at the school gate 在动物园门口8、on land 在陆地上 in(the) water 在水中9、Which animal lives only in China? 什么动物只生长在中国?10、dangerous more /most dangerous (反)safe danger(名词)in danger 处于危险中11、表示建议的方法:Lets do、 Shall we/I do 、? Why not /Why dont we do 、? Youd/Wed better (not) do

29、sth What about doing、? Would like to do 、? 回答:Good idea/Sure/of course/certainly/Id love to/with pleasure/I think so /I really agree with you /I dont think so /T dont agree with you/Sorry, lets12、When and where shall we meet? 我们该在何时何地见面?13、be good /bad for 对、有好处/有害 Watching TV too much is bad for yo

30、ur eyes电视看得太多对眼睛有害 Running in the morning is good for your health 晨跑对身体健康有好处14、It is +形容词 (for sb )+to do sth It is dangerous to climb the tall tree.15、Do you think +句子(用陈述句语序)Do you think it is good for animals to stay in the cages.16、take sb to+地点 (there /here/home之前要省略to) 带某人去某地 17、on holidays 在假

31、期里18、 a toy animaltoy animals a baby monkeybaby monkeys girl studentgirl students woman teacherwomen teachers man doctormen doctors 名词+名词复数:(1)一般只变后者;(2)当前面的名词是woman,man时,前后都变。19、many other +名词复数 some other +名词复数 20、be friendly to sb 对某人友好21、I think it looks /is like a chicken. I think+句子(不能用否定句,要把否

32、定转移到主句) I dont think it looks like a chicken. 22、in the forest 在森林里 go/walk through(经过) the forest 穿过森林23、they have nothing to do every day 他们每天无所事事 have +名词to do I have (quite) a lot of homework to do 我有(相当)多作业的要做 24、walk round and round 转来转去 jump up and down 跳上跳下25、feel /be sorry for sb 为某人感到难过/遗憾

33、 feel (系动词)+形容词 feel happy 26、watch/see sb do sth / doing sth 看见某人做某事/正在做某事27、play with a ball 玩球 play with snow玩雪 play with fire玩火28、come up to help you 过来帮你 come up to sb 朝某人走过来29、fall into the water 掉入水中 fall off +地点(the tree)从、(树)上掉下来fall down掉下来30、finish ones homework 完成作业 finish doing sth 完成做、

34、32、climb the hill 爬山 climb( up/down) the tree 爬树33、go to the cinema 去看电影 at the cinema 在电影院,看电影 see a film 看电影34、-Are you free this afternoon? -I think so .Why?今天下午你有空吗?有空,什么事?35、work must come first 工作第一36、say hello/goodbye to sb 向某人问好/告别37、on the back of 、在、背上38、Dont feed the animals 请勿乱投食物。 throw

35、 sth to sb 向、扔、39、far away 遥远 be far (away)from +地点 距离、远 My home is far. My home is 100 metres away.40、Its too early for the dolphin show 对于海豚展而言太早了。for对于、41、buy tickets for boating 买划船的票子 for 为了、42、I dont know what to do ? 我不知道做什么?=I dont know what I should do ? what do you think? 你认为呢?Exercises:1、

36、 What about _(go)_(fish)?2、I have nothing _(say) today.3、I like watching dolphins _(jump).4、Its easy for him_(drive) a car.5、Why not _(ask) your mother?6、Would like _(drink) some water now?7、What about _(给、看)them your picture? 8、He lives on the _(二十)floor.9、Ill come a little _(早)next time.10、When th

37、e baby sees his mother, he _(感到)happy.11、Would you like to go to the _(电影院)12、There are a lot of _(deer) in the zoo.13、Lets go and have a look at those_(monkey)house.14、Which do you like _(well), a cat, a dog or an elephant?15、Who has the _(many) books, Bill, John or Jim?16、Which animal _(not live)

38、in China?17、Look at the blackboard. It _“Keep our class clean!”(writes, tells, says, speaks)18、It is not easy_English well.(learning, learn, learns to learn)19、Is _good _animals to stay in a zoo?( it,to; that,to; it,for; that,for)20、I _Lily _this evening.(think,isnt coming; dont think,come; dont thi

39、nk,is coming)21、The students in Japan are different from_(China, those in China, in China)22、-When shall we play the game?-Lets _it 8:45.( make, take, have, get)23、Lets go to the park tomorrow,_?( are you, do we, shall we, and you )24、-Do you have _at the meeting?-_much ( something to say,Anything:

40、anything to say, Nothing; something to do, Everything;)25、Well go to the restaurant to have supper this evening? Well go to the restaurant_ _ this evening.26、Can I give the monkeys my bananas? Can I _ my bananas _the monkeys?27、How interesting the monkey is! _ _ _monkey it is !28、如果你不能准时到那儿,我们就不等你了。

41、_you cant get there on time ,well not _ _ you.29、我认为孩子们去野餐很好I think its very _ _ children _ _a picnic.30、-我们6:20出发好吗?-没问题。-_we start at twenty_ _?-_ _.Unit 61、the twenty-first lesson 第二十一课2、Can you find these places? 你能找到这些地方吗?3、next to 在、隔壁4、on the right/left (side) of 在、左/右边 =on ones right/left 5、

42、in front of在、前面 behind 在、后面 (范围之外) in /at the front of 在、的前部 at the back of 在、的后部 (范围之内)6、the post office 在邮电局 the train station 在火车站 the police station 在警察局 (at)the bus stop 在公共汽车停靠站7、Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你。8、He needs some help. need 实义动词(人称和数的变化) need to do sth ; need +名词 need情态动词 need +V原

43、(没有人称和数的变化)9、ask a policeman for help 请求警察帮助10、walk along/up/down the street/road 沿着这条马路/街道走11、take the second turning on the left=Turn left at the second turning 在第二个转弯处向左转 Turn left at the traffic lights. 在红绿灯处向左转 at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口12、Its about a hundred metres along on the right. 靠左边

44、100米处13、four kilometers away 4公里远 how far多远(问距离) five metres longHow long 多长(问长度) three years old how old 多大(问年龄) how wide 多宽 how tall/high 多高14、 最好做、Youd better (not) do sth You need to do sth Its best for you to do sth15、Which bus do I need? a number 16 bus=a No. bus16、in the front/back row 在前/后座17、love doing sth/ love to do sth 喜欢做、18、stand in a row 站成一排19、in front of the class(students) 在

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