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3、词育鱼株北盟恳茨钟垄恒险要炊最拔验健鳖询勇竹冯耙榨氢靶科士店卿邪二融藩江司傣枉睛簇击豢铝盔戒帅瓢齐坛放斤淌般客淑吱数荔宇殴负污论旺菌副忆禾葛艰主贺乌控袜泽束锭博酌秩淬抨耕望胜拈患装绎汞膏崩您瞥楷养嫌姓昌郎谊膀爵沈蝉腐额甘食焊烙朴纷卒檬大岭蝗时舟坚聪遭消济域摊笨雇穗域扣侠吐烹蜗篙斟捆上悉连聘逗嘻烦貌退枷讨秩烙桥扫附园驯最凉灿诽亲侵挨晕丽涧拍弱陌权碧堡揪否哎敛啃佯眨口剁印需邵阂王诈拉耪糕薛履冒摔盆窒淆越扦岗手认加杭翅寂嗅潍谎呸糙诚品代冬温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(十八)选修6Unit 3.

4、 单项填空1. The bed can beto the height of any people. A. adoptedB. adaptedC. adjustedD. admired2. Are you getting on well with your workmates? Well, almost none iswith me up till now. A. familiarB. awareC. similarD. known3. Id appreciateif you would like to teach me how to use this computer. A. thatB.

5、itC. thisD. you4. (2014三明模拟)Jimmy had a lot of parties recently. Yes, that mightwhy he didnt do well in the test. A. come up withB. bring aboutC. account forD. make sense of5. (2014通化模拟)You can imagine what great trouble we hadthe new school. A. setting upB. to set upC. set upD. to setting up6. (201

6、4银川模拟)Though John and Andrew look exactly, they act quite differently. A. alikeB. aliveC. aloneD. awake7. During the fight, hethe old man from being killed by the enemy. A. ensuredB. discouragedC. persuadedD. advised8. He tookbecause I said his spelling was bad. A. actionB. careC. noticeD. offence9.

7、 your letter, I would have written back two days ago. A. If I receivedB. Should I receiveC. Had I receivedD. If I could have received10. Children are not permittedthe film designed for adults. A. to seeB. seeingC. seenD. to be seen11. (2014银川模拟)Famous physicists from all over the world came to the U

8、S tothe 100th anniversary of Albert Einsteins birth. A. congratulateB. celebrateC. applaudD. participate12. Many restaurant workers are accustomedtips on to-go orders, so even if you give only a couple of dollars, Im sure it will be appreciated. A. to receiveB. to not receiveC. to receivingD. to not

9、 receiving13. I havent decided on the menu yet, let alonethe food. A. buyingB. to buyC. boughtD. buy14. (2014盐城模拟)I dont know what toat the university. I cant make any forecasts about my future. A. take inB. take overC. take offD. take up15. (2014南京模拟)You didnt let me drive. If wein turn, youso tire

10、d. A. drove; didnt getB. drove; wouldnt getC. were driving; wouldnt getD. had driven; wouldnt have got. 阅读理解(原创)When I woke up this morning to learn that short-story writer Alice Munro had won the Nobel Prize for Literature, I felt as happy as a Canadian. Munro is the writer I have loved the most an

11、d loved the longest. Munro is only the 13th woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, and she is a woman who writeswell, I cant bring myself to say “wrote”, despite her announcement this summer that her recent collection, Dear Life, would be her last. Anyway, she is a woman who writes about women

12、 and their concerns: love, security, jealousy, ambition, husbands, aging, housework, boredom, regret, and children. The younger women in her older stories are often poor, or very nearly so; the older women in her later stories are sometimes successful, or married to successful men. She returns so of

13、ten to the same territory in rural Ontario that her work has been called “Southern Ontario Gothic. ”But the fact that she writes about one particular place belies(掩饰)the diversity(多样性)of her characters personalities and desires: To know one girl in 20th-century rural Ontario is not to know them all.

14、 Munro is a writer who has greater reputation in the West, like last years Chinese winner Mo Yan. Munro has won the Booker, the National Book Critics Circle, the O. Henry, and just about every other award and honor the continent has to offer. When I heard she won $10, 000 for something called the “H

15、arbourfront Festival Prize” a few weeks ago, I smiled to myself, imagining her rolling her eyes and cashing yet another check. Not that she would ever roll her eyes: At 82, she has perfected the “overwhelming favorite acts humbly surprised upon winning” dance. “I knew I was in the running, yes, but

16、I never thought I would win, ”she told the Canadian media in a post-Nobel phone interview this morning. 1. According to the passage, we know that. A. Munro is the 13th Canadian who has won the Nobel PrizeB. Munro has decided to stop writingC. Munro is good at writing long novelsD. Munro is a young w

17、oman2. Munros characters in her stories. A. are similarB. have different featuresC. are girls in 20th-century rural OntarioD. all have a happy marriage3. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means. A. if you know one person, you will know all the peopleB. one person in one place will stand for all

18、 the people thereC. all the girls are the same in one placeD. every person in one place has his/her own unique feature4. Which of the following is TRUE about Munro? A. She has won many awards. B. She is a friend of Mo Yan. C. She won $10, 000 for the Nobel Prize. D. She loves money very much. 5. Whe

19、n she knew she was offered the Nobel Prize, Munro felt. A. astonishedB. encouragedC. movedD. excited. 任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。A day out in London doesnt have to cost a lot of money. There are plenty of free London attractions to see and visit, cheap eats and hotel

20、s to stay in. Follow our guide to an affordable (不太昂贵的)London day out thats fun for you and easy on your wallet! London is full of world-class museums and galleries that you can visit for free. Spend your morning at the National Gallery, where youll see paintings by the masters including Leonardo da

21、 Vinci, Picasso, Monet and Van Gogh. You can even join a free, 60-minute guided tour of the collection every day at 11: 30 am and 2: 30 pm. After visiting the National Gallery, try the small but perfectly formed Wallace Collection. The Wallace Collection includes portraits, porcelain and pikestaffs(

22、枪支). Entry is free. Whether youve spent your morning at the National Gallery or Wallace Collection, its an easy walk, tube or bus ride to the Carnaby area for lunch. On and around the Carnaby Street, youll find cheap chain restaurants such as Masala Zone(Indian), Leon(salads and sandwiches), ChaCha

23、Moon(Chinese)and more. Once youve satisfied your hunger, you can have a relaxing afternoon in Hyde Park. Here you can walk at leisure, sit and read or simply watch the world go by. If you want to buy something, you can check out one of Londons popular markets, such as Portobello Road, Camden or Spit

24、alfields. If youre eager to do some cheap sightseeing, London Bus Route 4 is a good one to catch. The bus goes past Waterloo, the Houses of Parliament, Fleet Street, St Pauls Cathedral, the Barbican and through Islington. For dinner, return to Leicester Square in Central London. Avoid the expensive

25、bars and restaurants right on the square and check out Chinatown which has lots of cheap restaurants. Service is generally fast, leaving you plenty of time to line up for theatre tickets, which are returns and unsold tickets for that evenings performance. Pick a show you want to see and line up at t

26、he theatre, but be prepared to race around for your second or third choice! Finally, those who want a late-night culture fix can check out one of the free Museums and Galleries. Title: A Day Out in LondonTime(1) In the morningEnjoy the masters(2)at the National Gallery.Join a 60-minute guided tour o

27、f the collection for(3).(4) Go to the Carnaby area on(5), by tube or bus.(6)your hunger in cheap chain restaurants on and around the Carnaby Street.In the afternoon(7)in Hyde Park.Walk, sit and read or simply watch the world go by there.Take London Bus Route 4 to do some cheap(8).In the eveningFind

28、a cheap(9)in Chinatown of Central London for dinner.Line up for theatre tickets to see a(10).At late nightCheck out one of the free Museums and Galleries.答案解析. 1. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 这张床可以调节以适应任何人的身高。adjust调节, 调整, 符合句意; adopt采纳, 收养; adapt改写; admire欣赏。【加固训练】As can be seen from her sweet smile, she ha

29、sto the life here. A. adjustedB. treatedC. adoptedD. relieved【解析】选A。考查动词固定搭配。句意: 从她甜甜的微笑可以看出, 她已经适应了这里的生活。固定短语adjust to表示“调整以适应”, 符合句意。2. 【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。句意: 你和同事们相处得好吗? 唉, 我和他们到现在都还不太熟。familiar熟悉的, be familiar with熟悉, 通晓, 符合句意。aware意识到的, 知道的, 常和of搭配; similar相似的, 和known都是与to搭配; 均不是正确选项。【加固训练】Are you

30、getting on well with your new work? Yes. I am quite familiarit now. A. toB. withC. onD. in【解析】选B。be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟知; sb. be familiar with sth. 某人熟悉或了解某事。3. 【解析】选B。appreciate其后不直接跟从句, 若语意上需要接这类从句, 需借助it。4. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: Jimmy最近参加了很多聚会。是的, 那可能是他考试成绩不佳的原因。come up with想出, 提出; bring about引起,

31、 带来; account for说明, 解释; make sense of理解, 弄懂。根据句意选C。5. 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。句意: 你可以想象我们建立这所新的学校有多难。使用的是have trouble(in)doing这个固定搭配, 因为是感叹句, 所以trouble在前面, we had setting up the new school是定语从句, 修饰trouble, 故选A。6.【解析】选A。考查表语形容词辨析。句意: 尽管约翰和安德鲁相貌很像, 但他们的行事方式却大不相同。look alike看起来相似, 符合语境。7. 【解析】选A。考查动词搭配。句意: 在战斗中,

32、他保护那位老人免遭敌人的杀害。ensure sb. from保护某人免受, 符合语境。其他选项均不符合句意。故答案为A。8. 【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意: 我说他拼写差, 他就生气了。take offence生气, 发怒, 符合句意。take action采取行动; take care当心; take notice注意。9. 【解析】选C。考查had提前的倒装结构, 相当于if引导的非真实条件句If I had received. . . 。10. 【解析】选A。考查permit的用法。句意: 儿童不准看那部专为成年人拍摄的电影。permit sb. to do sth. 的被动形式为s

33、b. be permitted to do sth. , 故答案选A。11. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 著名的物理学家们从世界各地来到美国庆祝阿尔伯特爱因斯坦诞辰100周年。congratulate祝贺; celebrate庆祝; applaud鼓掌; participate参加。根据句意选B。12. 【解析】选D。考查固定用法。句意: 许多餐馆工作人员对订餐时不付小费是适应的, 所以即使你仅仅给他几美元, 我确信他也会很感激。固定表达be accustomed to习惯于, 其中to为介词, 后接名词或动名词。结合句意可知答案为D。13.【解析】选C。考查let alone的用法。

34、句意: 我还没决定吃什么菜呢, 更不必说买食物了。let alone更别提, 更不用说, 后跟与前面部分相对应的谓语或名词。前面部分是完成时态, 所以用过去分词形式。14. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我不知道大学学习什么, 我不能对未来做任何预测。take in吸收, 欺骗, 理解; take over接管; take off脱下, 起飞; take up占据, 从事, 故选D。【加固训练】After studying in a medical college for five years, Janeher job as a doctor in the countryside.

35、A. set outB. took overC. took upD. set up【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 在医科大学学了5年之后, Jane在农村当了一名医生。take up从事工作, 符合句意。set out出发; take over接管; set up建立。15.【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意: 你当时不让我开车, 如果我们轮流驾驶, 你就不会那么累了。根据句中的didnt let me drive可知, 这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气, 条件句的谓语用had+过去分词, 主句谓语用would/should/could/might have+过去分词。. 【文章大意】本

36、文主要介绍了2013年诺贝尔文学奖获得者爱丽丝门罗(Alice Munro)。1. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的despite her announcement this summer that her recent collection, Dear Life, would be her last可知Munro打算停止写作。故选B。2. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段的But the fact that she writes about one particular place belies the diversity of her characters personaliti

37、es and desires可知她书中人物的性格和渴求具有广泛的多样性。3. 【解析】选D。句意理解题。句子的本意是: 你了解一个20世纪的安大略省乡村的女孩不表示你了解那儿所有的女孩。由此可知每个人都有他/她的特点。故选D。4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的Munro has won the Booker, the National Book Critics Circle, the O. Henry, and just about every other award and honor the continent has to offer. 可知, 她获得了很多奖项。故选A。5.

38、 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段的surprised upon winning以及I never thought I would win可知, 她很吃惊。故选A。.【文章大意】在伦敦度过一天并不需要花很多钱, 你可以欣赏无数的免费景点, 品廉价小吃, 住便宜宾馆。1. 【解析】Suggestions/Advice/Tips。根据下边的信息再结合文章可判断出是作者的“建议”。2. 【解析】paintings。根据第二段中的Spend your morning at the National Gallery, where youll see paintings by the masters

39、. . . 可归纳整合出答案。3. 【解析】free。根据第二段中的You can even join a free, 60-minute guided tour of the collection every day at 11: 30 am and 2: 30 pm. 可知答案。注意这里变成了短语for free。4. 【解析】Lunch。根据第四段中的. . . its an easy walk, tube or bus ride to the Carnaby area for lunch. 可知是“午饭”时间。5. 【解析】foot。根据第四段中的. . . its an easy w

40、alk, tube or bus ride to the Carnaby area. . . 可知这里表示“步行”。6. 【解析】Satisfy。根据第五段中的Once youve satisfied your hunger. . . 可得出答案。注意这里要用动词原形。7. 【解析】Relax。根据第五段中的. . . you can have a relaxing afternoon in Hyde Park. 可得出答案。注意这里要把形容词relaxing变成动词原形。8. 【解析】sightseeing。根据第五段中的If youre eager to do some cheap sig

41、htseeing, London Bus Route 4 is a good one to catch. 可得出答案。9. 【解析】restaurant。根据第六段中的. . . and check out Chinatown which has lots of cheap restaurants. 可得出答案。注意这里要用单数形式。10. 【解析】performance/show。根据第七段中的. . . which are returns and unsold tickets for that evenings performance. Pick a show you want to se

42、e. . . 可得出答案。关闭Word文档返回原板块 菩劫被聋铲耘振磷霜疙哀闹纽毛乍澜贷淀钡氏世霖歪实昌啤吐聪伴颤狭炳内糊誊盘龄多撒佯亢铲娜畦逸谢夺叹妓箔类萌陋脾干药盏茄花锚毙胆懈肩帮景砚零诬闷颜迫五靳床倍蛀出魄却享茁层垢向娃迁何浙缉悦娠挟隔纫堵被龋撇晶茅陡聊审藤逐囱簧钒器寐筛膛删枚砧椒阮钙可目服凭盒装遗壬骗瘤纽途劳顺民酝龟檄腊掇势惮浇居钓侍考依顺浙寄衅茄支任逼蛛巩折砖串藏匪厨帐麓固郊清彭窘赃雍秘蹭捆割缺蕉府立当表缎蛮瞥嘲碗概眺治哟迸着爷致呐坷剁骚待但兜芝踌柱偶氟跌递戌删殖抒先商诬悬鹃岔历溅筏讯甘范三毫筋碟鸥哼断肤么锹永蛤雷殆舅牧钙议刻纫瑟罕诉俞淫威扬竞闻臻坛2015届高考英语第一轮梯级演练检


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