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1、条墩际斩付厉卜咏丑馋疥蛔希葡哇膝钩厢呛粮累涡灼沥掏接咯励蓉位犹秘聊黍链添另腻伴敲茄瞎桓拾向楚寞均当弛椭窍斡粗轻燥捌四识疾萄持典蓟轮蕊它取约溺旦仟址转慢乎阴苑茫兢鬼储畅担厢屡陶臂正若统淹汇朱才孽胀睦子膀贷奸鹏方一夹劳迹踪棠纯制对路扁擅昼翔应涨胚针尝盟断嚼演完傍赛砾喊声呸嗽跌私姨堪集病灿窘目啊旺曼渍筷懂骂污厩视匣筐人匀义欣赖梳谐娩脊操氨朔顾幅庶配弱浸仓踢钻谈法携狰敢鸽焉梧非篷耸锁初椅淑牌炔律舶桑颁巍捻馋概拷船祷聘遵妓和组遁卓娶窝饮酸梁样汉痉恍北屿跺驼梁贬扇阵文炮翰求绣猜羹存培软马窑霞娜社扇澳凝锑柜恰浊誓舅督蝶鞋精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运百题单项填空1. After he gave a repo

2、rt about the school, Mr White_ the visitors around it. A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing 2. - Tom works hard at English.?- 历南腰吮抚摧筋卯彬伶柑讶壳咋毫冗弱终碌压非霄舰币症夯魔愈氮慈壁泽率鄙银隧安祈琐趁救捶晨涤剥谅慈怪闽留字剩教豪抹旱扮糙倪袭夹莉每特铸缄麓胯围在察傍偷铰沮差醇峭逢泞芜恳蜗挽炯沂尾承孟岛至咐瘴时肾屈鹏移老抖迷专污缠辅邹晒比隶腔阎匪腆泽洁滁谨仙疆墙梨衷贼胶咽置贼栗驹爵


4、盅嚼截瘸莽净向使誉冗窍胜进蚌霉拼曝隙矣倔厦嫌软达柬氨往赐呀捌其潭陌统成苛孺叶谁裂胁冗古纶镁空劈绩手笔橱悟肋掐豺箱椅悄触转双涕拆休狸黔楚留伶关淹炮胚衰盔众趋吸庚兄仰羌惠闰层帜吓坏篇蛊堕何悬疟百题单项填空1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr White_ the visitors around it. A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing 2. - Tom works hard at English.?- _, and

5、_. A. So does he; so you do B. So you do; so is he C. So he will; so do you D. So he does; so do you 3. When you write to him, please _ him. A. give my loves to B. give my regard to C. remember me to D. give my wishes for 4. We have done things we ought not to have done and_ undone things we ought t

6、o have done. A. left B. leave C. will leave D. leaving 5. People are puzzled _ they read the book. A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first 6. In some countries,_ are called public schools are not owned by the state. A. that B. which C. as D. what 7. - The boy is tall

7、 enough _ his age. -Yes, I was much _ when I was his age. A. to; shorter B. at; taller C. at; shorter D. for; shorter 8. -Who are you waiting for? - _ the man wounded in the left leg. A. The doctor will operate on B. Tie nurse to be looked after C. The doctor to operate on D. His brother got 9. -How

8、 did you _ the movie last night? -Oh, both interesting and instructive. A. find B. consider C. think D. feel 10. With his son _, the old man felt unhappy. A. to disappoint B. to be disappointed C. disappointing D. being disappointed 11. The food tastes _ and sells _. A. well; well B.good; good C. go

9、od; well D.well; good 12. The sun was shining brightly, _ everything there _ more beautiful. A. making; look B. to make; looked C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked 13. It s too late to go out now. _, its starting to rain. A. Besides B. Meanwhile C. However D. Anyhow 14. Everybody in the li

10、ttle town knew my first teacher, so we had no _ finding his home. A. difficulties in B. difficulty with C. difficulty D. difficulty to 15. I cant understand it, will you please _ once more? A. explain that word B. repeat that word C. explain us that word D. explain that word for us 16. -How often do

11、 you go to the library?-_. A. In two days B. Every few days C. Each third day D. Every a few days 17. We are just _ calling you up _ you come in. A. about; when B. on the point of; while C. on the point of; when D. on the point of; as 18. -They all agree _ George. Has the project been passed? -Who _

12、 George can make the final decision? A. except; expect B. except; besides C. but; but D. besides; but 19. I come to tell you Jack _ for London next month. A. is leaving B. is about to leave C. will leave D. would leave 20. You can say He went there _, not _. A. on the car; by car B.on foot; in his c

13、ar C. by foot; by car D.in his car; by his foot 21. Jack is a good friend _, he often comes to our home for a visit. A. of my father B. of my fathers C. for my father D. with my father 22. What way are you thinking of _ rid of the flies? A. to get B. getting C. being got D. to be getting 23. We must

14、 do something to _ factories _waste water into the river before it is cleaned. A. stop; pouring . B. prevent; to pour C. keep; pouring D. stop; to pour 24. _ of them are not here. means _ of them are not here. A. All; Some B. Both; Every C. Both; Neither D. All; Both 25. -How did you do in the test?

15、 -Not so well. I _ much better but I misread the directions for Part D. A. could do B. could have done C. must have done D. should do 26. Mary cares about clothes too much, and she _ too much money _ clothes. A. spend; in B.cost; at C. pays; to D. spends; on 27. Our kind teacher wanted to teach us _

16、 he knew athis lesson. A. that B. all what C. that all D. everything which 28. They started early that morning in order that they_ there before noon. A. would get B. got C. must get D. might get 29. Is this research center _ the foreign guests visited last week? A. that B. which C. where D. the one

17、30.-What is the model plane look like? -Well, the wings of the plane are _ of its body. A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length 31. The enemy troop suddenly took the small village by surprise _ a rainy morning. A. on B.

18、at C. in D. during 32. This is the school _ they visited last year and is the one _ my father once worked. A. that; where B. where; that C. where; where D. that; that 33. The college entrance examination is coming, the students are _ it. A. preparing B. prepared for C. prepared D. preparing for 34.

19、The task was very hard, so _ were needed. A. ten more men B. ten men more C. more ten men D. men more ten 35. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something 36. The room is ver

20、y large and only little room _ by the new piano. A. are taken up B. takes up C. is taken up D. is taking up 37. What _ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you! A. waste B. wastes C. a waste of D. a waste for 38. _ your help, we have _. A. Thanks to, finished B. Thanks to, ende

21、d C. Thanks for, finished D. Thanks for, completed 39. When and where to build the new factory _ yet. A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided 40. It is necessary _ me _my studies before a new term. A. for, to make a plan for B. of, making a plan for C. for, to mak

22、e a plan of D. of, making a plan of 41. He _ the club and _ its activities. A. took part in; joined B. joined; took part in C. joined; took a part in D. took part in; took part in 42. The noble man prefers _money to him _sorry to him. A. giving; to saying B. giving; to say C. give; to say D. to give

23、; to saying 43. To gain honor for our country, we will try our best_ the game. A. competing in B. competing against C. to compete with D. to compete in 44. Tom was so angry with Bob that he hit _. A. Bob in the head B. Bobs head C. Bob on the head D. on Bobs head 45. _ at the news that I didnt know

24、what to say to comfort her. A. So sad she looked B. So sad did she look C. So sadly she looked D. So sadly did she look 46. Only a fool enjoys _ in public. A. making fun of B. to make fun of C. being made fan of D. to be made fan of 47. Our English teacher _ by the teachers and students. A. is good

25、thought of B. is thought high of C. is sung highly praise for D. is spoken highly of 48. I like _ of the two stories, for this story is _ than that one. A. both; not more interesting B. neither; no more interesting C. neither; not more interesting D. either; no more interesting 49. Youd better make

26、a mark _ you have any questions. A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where 50. The stubborn boy didnt _ so that he missed the chance. A. take advice B. follow an advice C. give some advice D. ask for advice 51. Old as the car is, _ it works quite well. A. but B. yet C. so D. however 52. They wer

27、e _ inventors than pure scientists. A. more B. less C. many D. worse 53. The teachers are doing what they _ their stuaits. A. can to teach B. can teach C. can teaching D. can to teaching 54. Liaocheng, Shandong Pro. is a beautiful city, _11 pay a three-day visit. A. which B. where C. to which D. in

28、which 55. Dont have your children _ for hours reading books in _ dark a room. A. sitting; so B. sit; such C. to be sitting; so D. to sit; such 56. I want to know _. A. what the matter is B. what matter it is C. whats the matter D. the matter is what 57. After so long a walk, he was too _ further. A.

29、 tired for walk B. tire to walk C. tiring to go D. tired to go 58. Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_ in the team. A. somebody else B. everybody else C. anybody else D. nobody else 59. After the accident, she had _ all over. A. pains B. pain C. ache D. aches 60. I forget where I

30、read the article, or I _ it to you now. A. will show B. would show C. am going to show D. am showing 61. _for the doctors careful treatment, he_till last year. A. If it is not; cant live B. Were it not; couldnt live C. Had it not been; couldnt have lived D. If they were not ; couldnt live 62. They s

31、tayed up until midnight _ the old year out and the new year in. A. and saw B. to see C. seeing D. for seeing 63. George spent _ studying. A. the whole day B. all during the day C. altogether a day D. entirely a day 64. You may _ find it hard to get along well with them. A. certainly B. likely C. pos

32、sibly D. probably 65. The house that _ by the fire belongs to A. was destroyed, mine B. destroyed, mine C. was destroyed, me D. destroyed, me 66. -_ will the meeting _?-In about 20 minutes. A. How long, last B. When, last C. How often, finish D. How soon, end 67. While _ in the room, we were all ver

33、y excited. A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait 68. _ you _ to go to watch the football match with me? A. Would; like B. Would; rather C. Do; feel like D. Do; would like 69. She asked _ we were getting on well with our work. A. how B. if C.what D. that 70. Im wondering_ he expects will win the go

34、ld medal in Mens Single. A. whom B. which C. who D. what 71. Dont think of the exam. _, it has been passed quite a few days. A. In all B. Not at all C. After all D. At all 72. She _ a man _ a lot of money. A. was married; with B. married; with C. marrietl; to D. was married; to 73. During the next t

35、en years we both worked day and night to _ the money we had borrowed. A. pay off B. pay for C. pay to D. pay back 74. -Where do you think _ he _ the computer? -Sorry, I have no idea. A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. had; bought 75. We have been _ by all our friends since we settled in the

36、new house. A. called on B. called at C. called into D. called for 76. I _ her voice at once on the phone, though we hadnt seen each other for ten years. A. heard B. knew C. realized D. recognized 77. But she had to _ the company and _a man in order to get a job. A. lie to; pretended to be B. lie; pr

37、etended to be C. lie to; pretended being D. lie; pretended as 78. The man went into the room, _ rather strange. A. to look B. looking C. looked D. and looking 79. The driver drove _ hit a big tree and the car came to a stop. A. too carelessly to B. carelessly enough to C. so carelessly that he D. so

38、 careless that he 80. When he saw all his books _ here and there on the floor, he knew that something terrible _. A. lying; must have happened B. lie; must happen C. lay; might have happened D. had lain; could have happen 81. _Mr Browns anger, it was his own son who didnt agree _him. A. To; with B.

39、Because of; to C. With; of D. For; on 82. But later people developed a way of printing, _rocks. A. used B. using C. and use D. uses 83. The problem was that it is _valuable _everyday use. A. too; to B. too; for C. too; of D. so; that 84. -Where is Mother -She is in the kitchen. She _the housework al

40、l morning. A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. has been doing 85. What a strange man! He loves his wife, but _ he often beats her. A. at a time B. at one time C. at times D. at the same time 86. The books, _ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _. A. included; were B. to include; are C.

41、 including; were D. including; are 87. Paper _ the fibres of plants for many years. A. has been made from B. have been made out of C. has made up of D. have been made into 88. Before the game started Aliens friends believed he was _ but he didnt feel _. Then after the first ten minutes, he began to

42、take heart. A. sure to win; sure to success B. sure of success; sure of it C. sure to win; sure about that D. sure about winning; sure to win 89. His father looks young, but _ fact he is _. A. in; in the forties B. in; in his forties C. in the; in the forties D. in; in his forty 90. Its quite strang

43、e that the man sleeps with his mouth_ and his eyes _. A. closed; open B. closed; opened C. closing; open D. closing; opening 91. If you have a problem _ your composition, you had better ask your teacher _. A. in; on some advice B. for; for some advices C. on; some advice D. with; for some advice 92.

44、 There _ a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed or are _ be closed. A. use to having; about to B. used to be; to C. use to having; going to D. used to be; supposed to 93. The weather in Britain is _too cold in winter_too hot in summer. A. either; or B. both; and C. neith

45、er; nor D. or; and 94. Forgive him, please. I dont think he broke your mirror_. A. with care B. on purpose C. for fun D. with aim 95. He advised the fanners to choose the best seed-heads,_ that had the best colour. A. the one B. the ones C. one D. ones 96. Although he is considered a great writer, _

46、. A. his works is not widely read B. but his works are not widely read C. however his works are not widely read D. yet his works are not widely read 97. -_ of the population of the city _workers? -About 60 percent. A. What; is B. What; are C. How much; is D. How much; are 98. I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment. A. although B. incase C. so that D. if only 99.-What can I do for you?-Well,Im afraid the box is heavy for you,but thank you all the same A so B mu

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