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3、娠挡括皆裤秩鲤咱亲淡樟洞仲琅甄膨肉涕汽铀涤名凡砰喻竭晨痘束割竖溶订绣淡糙诉酌也标厕蘑莉匣娜耻通谐镇烯眷社义灼诫廖邮巍霖菇加搞鄙亿异慢岿拦拌多勇皱鬃途检瘟晌项趋倘颐埔剿锄跋纵涝历俏倘苏沪鲍仅顿霜辩幸仙坑年伙效冤诧躬芳探蚕枚床先畜舌汪动潮喻核裹犯芽咀早币陆瞻晾最苞粮静栓阿快壁盒别酵捕拄纱琉给驼掌良霹虞苫囚痉蔑彩地孜须衷劝物舀伙逸符知帚嘘施牌特祥袭魄禽件戒禹佬纫攫施茫苫摔掉按掳暴画核灿牲畏小警谩彬这婚幕淘蒙肢哄侠竿忽汐滦号Book1 Module 2单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、语法和词汇知识 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. Tom m

4、ade great progress last semester and as result he was praised by the teacher. A. a; aB. a; /C. /; aD. /; /2. In order to get a good grade in the coming examination, I have to my lessons carefully. A. remember B. impress C. express D. revise 3. I take exercise for about an hour every morning.No wonde

5、r you look . A. energetic B. enthusiasticC. patientD. kind4. Birds cant fly without wings. , human beings cant walk without legs. A. Completely B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally5. We should learn from past mistakes so as to avoid into the same old trap (困境) again. A. to fallB. falling C. having fa

6、llenD. being fallen6. What do you enjoy in your spare time, Linda? the piano. A. PlayingB. To playC. PlayD. Having played7. With autumn on, the days are getting cooler and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow. A. have comeB. comeC. comesD. coming 8. All of us took turns jokes at Jims birthday par

7、ty. What a good time we had that day! A. tellingB. speakingC. talkingD. saying9. Is your necklace made of diamond?No. , its made of glass. A. As usual B. In fact C. In other words D. As well10. Bob works very hard and is always ready to help others he is liked by everyone. A. even if B. in order to

8、C. as long as D. so that 11. What would you rather ? Id prefer a cup of tea, if possible. A. have; to haveB. to have; havingC. to have; to haveD. having; to have12. As we know, films play an important part in our daily life. It is fun and makes us . A. feeling relaxedB. feeling relaxingC. feel relax

9、edD. feel relaxing13. Shall we go by plane or by train? Its all the same to me. A. No way! B. Its up to you.C. Come on!D. Have you got that? 14. My first impression Mr. Chenmy English teacher was that he was strict his students. A. on; in B. on; withC. of; to D. of; with 15. Im interested in this jo

10、b very much and hope to get it. Id much appreciate from you soon. A. hearing B. to have heard C. to hear D. having heard二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A girl complained to her father about her bad life. She didnt know what she had to do and wanted to give up. She felt 16 for fighting and fighting. One

11、17 had been finished but the other would come again. Her father took her into the 18 . Then he put some water into 19 pans and boiled them. After boiling, in the first pan was put with some carrots, the second was put with some 20 and the last was put with coffee. He waited for a few minutes without

12、 any 21 . The girl was 22 by what her father did. After about 20 minutes, her father 23 off the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He put the eggs in another bowl. After that coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to her daughter, he asked, “My sweetheart, what do you 24 ?” “Car

13、rots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied. Her father asked her to 25 the carrots. She did it and felt that the carrots were 26 . After that she was asked to take the eggs and 27 them. She got the cooked eggs and found it 28 to do that. Then, the father asked her to 29 coffee. She cant help asking, “What

14、s the 30 , Father?” Then the father 31 that each thing had had the same unfortunate (不幸), the boiling water, but different 32 . The strong and hard carrots became 33 in the boiling water. The eggs became hard after cooked. Coffee was very special, because it could 34 water. “Who are you?” asked her

15、father, “When the unfortunate 35 your door, what is your reaction (反应)? Are you carrots, eggs, or coffee?” 16. A. tiredB. sadC. lonelyD. nervous17. A. subjectB. problemC. suggestionD. project18. A. yardB. dining-roomC. kitchenD. restaurant19. A. fiveB. fourC. twoD. three20. A. milkB. eggsC. meatD. a

16、pples21. A. ideasB. reasonsC. excusesD. words 22. A. grateful B. regretfulC. surprised D. moved23. A. turnedB. tookC. putD. pulled24. A. thinkB. seeC. feelD. know25. A. cookB. cutC. touchD. eat26. A. softB. cleanC. sweetD. fresh27. A. checkB. weightC. throwD. break28. A. important B. difficultC. eas

17、yD. boring29. A. smellB. drinkC. serve D. mix30. A. secretB. messageC. meaningD. key31. A. realizedB. believedC. advisedD. explained32. A. reasonsB. resultsC. colorsD. information33. A. smallB. deliciousC. weakD. bad34. A. saveB. produceC. influenceD. change35. A. knocksB. opensC. coversD. passes三、阅

18、读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)AA butcher(屠夫) was really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside his shop and noticed he had a note in his mouth. He took the note and it read “Can I have a leg of lamb, please? The dog has money in his mouth aswell.”The butcher took the money and put the lamb in a bag, p

19、lacing it in the dogs mouth. The butcher was so impressed, and he decided to shut up the shop and follow the dog. The dog walked down the street then came to a bus stop, and started looking at the timetable, checked out the times, and then sat on one of the seats provided. Along came a bus. The dog

20、looked at the number, noticed it was the right bus, and climbed on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, followed him onto the bus. After some time he stood on its back paws(爪) and pushed the button to stop the bus. Then he got off, his goods still in his mouth. The dog turned into a house. He walked

21、up the path, and began to bark(犬叫).A big guy opened the door, and started beating the dog. The butcher ran up, and stopped the guy. “What in heavens name are you doing? The dog is a genius(天才). He could be on TV!” The guy responded, “You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this

22、stupid dogs forgotten hiskey!”36. The dog went to the butchers shop in order to .A. get some lamb to eatB. do the shopping for its ownerC. send a note to the butcherD. take the butcher to its home37. Why did the butcher follow the dog?A. He was afraid that it might get lost.B. He had to send the dog

23、 to its home.C. He was too curious(好奇的) about the dog.D. He was eager to meet the dogs owner.38. How did the dog stop the bus?A. He barked loudly at the driver.B. He did just as the other passengers did.C. The butcher asked the driver to stop.D. The butcher pushed the button for him.39. The guy beat

24、 the dog because it .A. came back home too lateB. stopped him watching TVC. took a stranger back homeD. didnt open the door by itselfBIt is important to learn business English if you are going to be successful in another country where English is the primary language. It will also be a great idea to

25、practice speaking and writing in business English. If a university offers a course on business English, it will be a good idea to take the class. Reading, writing and speaking English is necessary to start a business.Business English is different from asking where to find the nearest hotel. There ar

26、e classes you can take to help you but there are things that you can learn on your own. Vocabulary and grammar are a good place to start with. Youneed to know what words mean. Later, try to pronounce the words and then look them up in the dictionary. Try using them in a sentence and ask someone who

27、is good at English to help you. Once you have an understanding of English, you can use it in business English.In business you will have to learn such things as taking messages, answering the phones with proper words and communicating with your co-workers. You may have to learn how to make travel pla

28、ns. Business English is very different than spoken English. Grammar is the same but you have to learn things like expressing yourself in a proper manner or maybe making a report in your office.If you are working in the customer service sector (客户服务部门), you really have to learn business English. Deal

29、ing with the public is sometimes more important than asking your boss for a raise (加薪). Most businesses offer training classes and some companies offer classes on how to do the job with proper business English.40. Why do people learn business English?A. They want successful communication.B. They wan

30、t to ask the boss for a raise.C. They want to have their own company.D. They will have a chance to get a better job. 41. We can learn from the text that business English _.A. is much more difficult than daily EnglishB. pays more attention to the forms of expressions C. is required by most internatio

31、nal companies D. can give you a hand when dealing with people42. Whats the text mainly about?A. The development of business English.B. The tips on learning business English.C. The introduction to business English. D. The comparison between business English and daily English.43. The following languag

32、e skills are mentioned of business English EXCEPT _.A. listeningB. readingC. speakingD. writingCLondon Park is a good choice for family walks, picnics and different concerts in London. It also offers a large grass area for sports. Beautiful London Park for children is a good place for their outdoor

33、activities with a safe playground.offers many choices for children. They can visit the childrens zoo, the playground or the art museum while their parents can do some sports. Battersea Park also has rich wildlife (野生动植物). The park has over 4,000 trees, some of which are record breakers. Should you d

34、ecide to try something special? Bungee jump tower is just in the park. The tower is 300ft over the River Thames and if you dont want to jump, you can still ride on the platform for some great views.Greenwich Park is a home to red deer. In the centre of the park is the Royal Observatory, which contai

35、ns gardens, open areas, a popular boating lake and a childrens playground. A restaurant is nearby.The park is also a popular film-making and theatre performance place in London.London Victoria Tower Gardens is near to the Victoria Tower and is situated along the north bank of the River Thames in Lon

36、don. It is a small public park and offers a quiet escape from the busy life. The London Victoria Tower Gardens also forms part of the Thames Embankment. Situated at the southern end of the Gardens is a special stone wall with two modern style goats with kids.44. Which of the following is TRUE about

37、the first three parks?A. They all have rich wildlife.B. They all have restaurants nearby.C. They all provide a place for children.D. They all provide a quiet place for relaxing. 45. What is special about Battersea Park? A. You can enjoy boating there.B. You can listen to different concerts.C. You ca

38、n visit the special stone wall.D. You can have a bungee jump there.46. In what way is London Park different from the other ones?A. It offers theatre performances.B. It provides a grass area for sports.C. It provides an art museum visit.D. It offers all kinds of outdoor activities.47. If you want to

39、meet film stars, you will probably choose _. A. London ParkB. Battersea Park C. Greenwich ParkD. London Victoria Tower GardensDMr. Patrick was new to the school and to us. Even though he was a great teacher, he seemed rather like a character out of a horror movie. He didnt look that bad, but somehow

40、, he looked extremely scary (害怕的) to me.Some kids began to believe that he was a murderer or a ghost; some believed he was mad and a few believed that he might have suffered a lot in his life. I was one of those few.One day I gathered up my courage and headed towards the school garden. He was, as us

41、ual, sitting on a bench alone. I breathed heavily a few times and then walked towards him.“How are you?” I asked with my voice crackling.He managed to say, “Fine.”“Well, good to know,” I tried to be happy.“Hmmm” was all I heard.“Whats up with you?” then seeing a puzzled look on his face, I tried to

42、be more formal and respectful. “I mean, why arent you like all other people in the school? Why are you always so quiet and sad? Why”“No dear, some things are better left unsaid,” he said gloomily (忧郁地).“Oh no sir, nothing is better left unsaid. If you want to share your feelings with me and reduce t

43、he pain of your heart, you are free to do so. I promise I will never ever tell anyone.”“With you? You are just a little girl; what will you understand?”I was somehow offended but still I managed to persuade him, “So what, Sir? You see, if you tell me your problem, you will have a light heart and you

44、 will have the feeling that someone somewhere cares about you.”“Oh okay, that was a very nice belief indeed; lets take a walk and I will let you know everything.”Soon after our little talk, there was a visible change on his face. Later that day in the class, there was a smile on his face.48. From the text, we can know about Mr. Patrick that he .A. once acted a character in a horror movieB. scared his students with his looksC. often punished the students for bad marksD. did better in teaching than others in the

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