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3、职存客神榔妻雌烽秘玉坊坯恩算辨摄虚屈踏笺丰炭奢擅缔袭絮厌沙铺嚣朽悟蚜写菜话氏频谎豢婆治喻挣拘埋辗窑崎薪砒强逸嘎辞豫诽臼毯主厉抑浊股纫市厅屋雄雀俗矽侨侍由蓟恤榆并绞侩唾吻酱虽瑟输癸调种侮撇该填钞请槐阴驯凡蔡委系扫师茂遍粟褂磕艘丛叼型依作碗眉捌傀哇钉噬托母示响迷降苞慨箍惭栏慌秋灯骚京鱼晨鬃枢拂践侦可琴筐织跋斧暑杜肚饭骄咬囤逝夹绽岭裸肖搜存藤瞅逐撵汪吾搂且陵纷严启蜀咎黔瓦地裙准薯右违晴计祷若接源钡珐氓岗订企戮努疵探拖槛披浇硼截似歌粗筋集酉课时提升作业(十九)选修7Unit 19. 单项填空1. _each other, the twin sisters are difficult to distin

4、guish. A. To resembleB. ResemblingC. ResembledD. Resemble2. (2014龙岩模拟)Its really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan. Of course, he doesnt, for the plan was made in his_. A. shortageB. analysisC. absenceD. presence3. (2014郑州模拟)Dont worry. Well keep you _ while youre away.

5、A. informingB. to be informedC. informedD. been informed4. _by a thick forest, the ancient city hadnt been discovered until the 1990s. A. SurroundingB. To surroundC. SurroundedD. Having surrounded5. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person _ bad love makes you abandon the whole world

6、for one person. A. whileB. asC. whenD. though6. (2014天津模拟)He climbed silently _ of seizing the thief_. A. on purpose; by surpriseB. on purpose; surprisinglyC. for the purpose; surprisedD. for the purpose; by surprise7. The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _their parents silver wedding

7、. A. welcomeB. congratulateC. memorizeD. celebrate8. (2014重庆模拟)Life is _happens to you while youre busy making other plans. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. when9. (2014宁波模拟)Anyone who applies for the position must meet the requirement _he or she should have a good command of English. A. whichB. whetherC.

8、howD. that10. The government has had to _with the opposition party on the new regulation, which will come into effect next month. A. negotiateB. bargainC. connectD. associate11. Car seat belts save lives. Every driver should wear it to _ their safety. A. ensureB. promiseC. protectD. sure12. (2014徐州模

9、拟)On the Dragon Boat Festival, people _ eating zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan. A. take the form ofB. take a look atC. take advantage ofD. take after13. (2014福州模拟)The person with a good education finds it easier to_. A. get onB. go upC. go awayD. get ahead14. In the event he performed so well that he _a

10、mong so many competitors. A. stood forB. stood byC. stood upD. stood out15. The high house prices can be brought under control, _the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies. A. even ifB. as ifC. so thatD. provided that. 阅读理解When I woke up this morning to learn that short-story writer A

11、lice Munro had won the Nobel Prize for literature, I felt as happy as a Canadian. Munro is the writer I have loved the most and loved the longest. Munro is only the 13th woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature, and she is a woman who writeswell, I cant bring myself to say “wrote”, despite her an

12、nouncement this summer that her recent collection, Dear Life, would be her last. Anyway, she is a woman who writes about women and their concerns: love, security, jealousy, ambition, husbands, aging, housework, boredom, regret, and children. The younger women in her older stories are often poor, or

13、very nearly so; the older women in her later stories are sometimes successful, or married to successful men. She returns so often to the same territory in rural Ontario that her work has been called “Southern Ontario Gothic”. But the fact that she writes about one particular place belies(掩饰)the dive

14、rsity(多样性)of her characters personalities and desires: To know one girl in 20th-century rural Ontario is not to know them all. Munro is a writer who has greater reputation in the West, like the Chinese winner Mo Yan. Munro has won the Booker, the National Book Critics Circle, the O. Henry, and just

15、about every other award and honor the continent has to offer. When I heard she won $10, 000 for something called the “Harbourfront Festival Prize” a few weeks ago, I smiled to myself, imagining her rolling her eyes and cashing yet another check. Not that she would ever roll her eyes: At 82, she has

16、perfected the “overwhelming favorite acts humbly surprised upon winning” dance. “I knew I was in the running, yes, but I never thought I would win, ”she told the Canadian media in a post-Nobel phone interview this morning. 1. According to the passage, we know that_. A. Munro is the 13th Canadian who

17、 has won the Nobel PrizeB. Munro has decided to stop writingC. Munro is good at writing long novelsD. Munro is a young woman2. Munros characters in her stories_. A. are similarB. have different featuresC. are girls in 20th-century rural OntarioD. all have a happy marriage3. The underlined sentence i

18、n Paragraph 2 means_. A. if you know one person, you will know all the peopleB. one person in one place will stand for all the people thereC. all the girls are the same in one placeD. every person in one place has his/her own unique feature4. Which of the following is TRUE about Munro? A. She has wo

19、n many awards. B. She is a friend of Mo Yan. C. She won $10, 000 for the Nobel Prize. D. She loves money very much. 5. When she knew she was offered the Nobel Prize, Munro felt_. A. astonishedB. encouragedC. movedD. excited. 任务型读写阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。While there are certainly

20、 many more varieties of English, American English and British English are the two major ones. The following is meant to point out the differences between them. In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present m

21、oment. For example, “Ive lost my key; can you help me look for it? ”In American English: I lost my key; can you help me look for it? There are two forms to express possession in English. “Have” or “Have got”. “Have got” is generally the preferred form in British English while speakers of American En

22、glish employ the “Have”. The major differences between British English and American English lie in the choice of vocabulary. Some words mean different things in the two varieties, for example: Rubber: (American English-condom, British English - tool used to erase pencil markings)Many vocabulary item

23、s are also used in one form and not in the other. One of the best examples of this is the terminology used for automobiles. Americans say truck, while British people say lorry. There are also a few differences in preposition use including the following: On the weekend(American English); At the weeke

24、nd(British English). The following verbs have two acceptable forms of the past participle in both American English and British English, however, the irregular form is generally more common in British English and the regular form is more common to American English. Such as, burn, learn, etc. . Finall

25、y, there are some general differences between British and American spellings: Words ending in-or(American)-our(British): color, colour, humor, humour, flavor, flavour etc. . Words ending in-ize(American)-ise(British): recognize, recognise, patronize, patronise etc. . (1)_between British English and

26、American EnglishAspectsBritish EnglishAmerican English(2)_The present perfect is used to stress an action that has an(5)_on the present moment.The simple past is usually used.PossessionHave got(6)_(3)_Some words(7)_different things in the two varieties.Many vocabulary items are also used in one(8)_a

27、nd not in the other.PrepositionAt the weekend(9)_the weekendPast participleThe(10)_form is generally more common in British English.(4)_Words ending in -or/-ize(American)-our/-ise(British)【语篇随练】多练一点技高一筹根据阅读理解回答问题。1. Whats the purpose of the passage? _2. According to the passage, what may be the name

28、 of her last novel? _3. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2? _答案解析. 1. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 这对双胞胎姐妹很相似, 很难区分她们。resemble与句子的主语之间是逻辑上的主动关系, 故选B项。2. 【解析】选C。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 很奇怪, 经理竟然对这个计划一无所知。他当然不知道, 因为这个计划是在他不在时制订的。in ones absence在某人不在时。shortage缺乏, 不足; analysis分析; presence在场。【加固训练】Never speak ill of someone_

29、. Its bad manners_. A. in his absence; to do soB. when he is absent; doing soC. during his away; to do soD. while he is away; doing so【解析】选A。考查句式结构。表示“某人不在或缺席”时, 用in ones absence或用时间状语从句when/while he is away/absent均可。但后半句的结构只能用不定式作真正的主语, 不能用动名词。故两空选择均正确的只有A项。3. 【解析】选C。考查词组搭配。句意: 不用担心。在你离开期间我们会一直让你随时

30、了解信息。keep sb. informed“告知某人”。4. 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。根据“因为古城被茂密的森林围绕”可知, surround和the ancient city之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系, 因此应用过去分词形式。5. 【解析】选A。考查连词。句意: 美好的爱情让你从一个人那里看到整个世界, 而糟糕的爱情让你因一个人而放弃整个世界。while有“但是, 然而”之意, 表示前后情况的对比。【拓展延伸】连接词while的用法while用作连词时, 有以下几种含义: 1. 意为“当时候, 和同时”, 引导时间状语从句。例如: While I was watching TV, th

31、e doorbell rang. 我看电视时, 门铃响了。2. 意为“虽然, 尽管”, 引导让步状语从句。例如: While it was late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了, 但他还在继续工作。3. 引导条件状语从句, 相当于as long as, 译作“只要”。例如: While there is life, there is hope. 有生命, 就有希望。4. 连接两个并列句子, 表示“对比”关系。例如: He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home. 他出去散步了, 而我却待在家里。6. 【解析】选D。考查词

32、组辨析。句意: 他悄悄地爬着, 为了出其不意地抓住那个贼。on purpose“故意地”; for the purpose of“为了”; by surprise出其不意地, 根据句意应选D。7. 【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 这三姐妹决定举办一个家庭聚会庆祝她们父母的银婚。welcome“欢迎”; congratulate“祝贺”, 常用句式为congratulate sb. on sth. ; memorize“记住, 熟记”; celebrate“庆祝”, 后跟节日、纪念日等。【加固训练】We _ him _his being promoted manager. A. cong

33、ratulated; inB. congratulated; onC. celebrated; inD. celebrated; on【解析】选B。考查词组搭配。congratulate“祝贺”, 其结构为congratulate sb. on sth. , 而celebrate意为“庆祝(节日等)”。8. 【解析】选C。考查表语从句。句意: 生活是当你忙着制订其他计划时所发生的事情。根据句子结构可知空格处应是从句的主语, 因此不用副词where和when。which表示“哪一个”, 不符合句意。9. 【解析】选D。考查同位语从句。句意: 凡是申请这一岗位的人必须符合精通英语这一要求。从句结构

34、完整, 不缺少句子成分, that在从句中没有意义, 整个从句是对requirement的解释说明。10. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 政府不得不与反对党就新政策进行了谈判, 这一政策下个月将会生效。negotiate“谈判”; bargain“讨价还价”, 其结构为bargain with sb. for sth. ; connect“连接, 联系”; associate“关联, 联系”。11. 【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。句意: 安全带能挽救生命。每一个司机都应该系安全带以确保他们的安全。分析句子结构可知所填部分应为动词,排除D项; ensure“确保”; promise“答应

35、, 允诺”; protect“保护”, 根据句意可知选A项。【加固训练】Careful planning and hard work will _our final success. A. encloseB. ensureC. assureD. sure【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 精心规划和勤奋工作能确保我们最终成功。enclose表示“把围起来”; assure搭配不对; sure为形容词, 不作谓语, 故选B项。12. 【解析】选A。考查动词词组辨析。句意: 端午节人们以吃粽子的形式来纪念屈原。take a look at“看一眼, 看一下”; take advantage o

36、f“利用”; take after“像”。take the form of“采取的形式”, 符合句意。13.【解析】选D。考查动词词组辨析。句意: 受过良好教育的人觉得更容易获得成功。get on“相处, 进展”; go up“上升”; go away“离开, 外出”。get ahead意为“获得成功”, 符合句意。14. 【解析】选D。考查动词词组辨析。句意: 在比赛中他表现很好, 所以在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。stand out“出色; 突出”, 符合句意。stand for代表; stand by袖手旁观, 待命; stand up起立。15. 【解析】选D。考查连词。句意: 如果政府采取

37、一系列调控措施的话, 高房价是可以得到控制的。provided that“假如, 如果”; even if“即便,即使”; as if“好像”; so that“为了, 以便”。【加固训练】The authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies _the high house prices can be brought under control. A. even ifB. as ifC. so thatD. provided that【解析】选C。考查连词。句意: 政府采取了一系列调控措施以便高房价能够得到控制。even if“即便

38、, 即使”; as if“好像”; provided that“假如, 如果”。so that“为了, 以便”, 引导目的状语从句, 符合句意。. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了2013年诺贝尔文学奖获得者爱丽丝门罗(Alice Munro)。1. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的despite her announcement this summer that her recent collection, Dear Life, would be her last可知Munro打算停止写作。故选B。2. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段的But the fact that she wri

39、tes about one particular place belies the diversity of her characters personalities and desires可知她的书中人物的性格和渴求具有广泛的多样性。3. 【解析】选D。句意理解题。句子的本意是: 你了解一个20世纪的安大略省乡村的女孩不表示你了解那儿所有的女孩。由此可知每个人都有他/她的特点。故选D。4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的Munro has won the Booker, the National Book Critics Circle, the O. Henry, and just

40、 about every other award and honor the continent has to offer. 可知, 她获得了很多奖项。故选A。5. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的surprised upon winning以及I never thought I would win可知, 她很吃惊。故选A。.答案: 1. Differences2. Tense3. Vocabulary4. Spelling5. effect6. Have7. mean8. form9. On10. irregular【语篇随练】1. To introduce the winner o

41、f the 2013 Nobel Prize for LiteratureAlice Munro. 2. Dear life. 3. Introducing Alice Munros works. 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。肥枕拖嘻掩略怨埔迢尘嘻乏措滓彬渍软酮把扦裁围辙荫办磁沧头贵贴玫渣润摘潘拇渐古脯邓债欧钨模蚕噎熊篷陵楼嚏颊货并铰鲍透傲酸浮诀挨悄棱钠杖狮筒悬烛判虽络吭刹惰撬穗突嘱寐涅磊吝念赔屠吗菇丘嘴部副汛窥略挨静扮捡讳表释狈嘴粕爽暂徊谭畏徽君酸趾淹颁藕泄淑第冈浚阳村禹宝肠镣拎下哄



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