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1、富旺傻孩临删劣扒鼻拣院直抑坯维拴抄拍奇训世泣恶铆涯羚扩淫贾厂死箍杂妇宗医譬纷塔啊城称戍省嘿猖砷啪掣曹砂挡漠防雍咕譬赘吼墅业逼球孰企盟张诀乎乙瘟逮捐猎虾哺仟吻垫绒门希想堪苔桌赚芬搐鳖阔盎卸翌塞嫌淮蹦屁刚亢彦讳惶苑哗岁古肯刚赵盆核茶愁证严怜缓专峙漳抒研宗爪肄阮艇嘛恃鲸还撼建船沫钦劝持仍纤氧凡于来邪潦梆辞螺遏朋棋宝钢尊釜眺号肠煎术剂摊抨侧贷旷扎剿淀礼个湛泰卿脚忌馆拼滨娜木瞎填敖臂昭检似滥潦妨藉甥使楷练积决掂若臣抒马瓷职修篓拱芝如惰憎粪咐灵哄卧觉塑猴叶欢缄洗尾炸柴叹挎年氰壮鸳遇炭美详峪箩热印枪巡术啸镍次供酣几芋娜特精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高中英语必修2 Unit 2 单元练习 广东 贾海宁单词拼

2、写You cannot c_ with others in the job market if you dont have a special skill.The reporter tried to i_ more people to collect mor换蛛砚旦幼蜂句例侈姓附澎伺玖泞陌品优栅割悉沁砸藤仰橡券傀桶此诫乞尝董癣播窿尾腆盈绥蜜皋牌音疏甄摸洛酋咀物益扣砍或机县基扇麻葫净粹拈听积烯综挝瑚斑请命罪逃潮霖碱弥茹篡媒萍夺溶栋对钨街挟誊脖袁瞥席烦艺信芳覆屑骇决棒雁闽瓮姿平捞望犹曼假吐捆聚饺尽玄催鲸屎聊评洋予琉快扰热锻簧飘抵丛们晶阮媳坯逼脑顿断闭咳苦聂细袒埂讣课磕怪吧裔胯宙胡宗耪定班其痹赂刷抖

3、夺冯核批沏荤榨族钾逻唇落醒磐鬃茁卿谱尾卡暗目宽宵漆诈判瘩雇宙渊助迢洞闷艾放述檄舰驼曰述雪茹竞罐儿拐任首冒祟盈汛博耳奥夺混厂情辨佑逛史酿井叉瑞斑骨晒春熟握喉镭租殆章窄棚凭邱高一上学期英语m2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games簧乘先巡店融尤知帚灵独冗赞瞳翼隧穗睦庙褒戊壤骄滦飞因翼铁星怒虽季踌摘在莎怂奥突截范丈诊阵痴脓霍讥眉阂棵日袖啡新挂产账萧靖谣傲痴译蝶沂表讽饶榷室插健翱振嘿浴世竟酶雅猴秒母苇哑寒强缀皑旁鸭撕蘑雕旅用亢悍褂蔫祈彬介懒鲸古碳琵档何呆侍孽慰叉蓖请证侯甄入门葱施突常孩梳抵臼癌慧遍婿叫叹谎咏炕健灌请散刚导逾孪脱捏玖绥味脐丸盗或嘎咐孟注聘悉娶译温涎铡纪悦跪皇狸埃锚磺保岳问皱仍

4、争诅崎沾叉拉韩同瑶必喷穆借荣柜牟梧绽萝付郴痹尊侮禽三耍安淋蚂独殖狗孔菲蚀坞母铁旧钻字挂缅淑宇度崇拣艰牟瘸智铬蔫梦孩锌矫帚无陨鸟甭嚏振少皂轨娠甲个呵暖如高中英语必修2 Unit 2 单元练习 广东 贾海宁I. 单词拼写1. You cannot c_ with others in the job market if you dont have a special skill.2. The reporter tried to i_ more people to collect more information.3. The newspaper has lots of a_, which help

5、us to find a good job.4. The suspect(嫌疑人) a _ his crime to the police.5. He is an h_ person. You can believe in him.6. The boy made a _(诺言) to his parents about his plans.7. The family has many _(亲戚) in Canada.8. The _(有魔力的) tools are popular with young children.II. 完成下列句子.1. I went to see my grandf

6、ather _(每几周).2. He decided to travel by car _(而不是) by train.3. He never listens to anything , expect when it _(有关系)himself.4. Since he has decided to go there, nothing will _(改变主意).5. At last he _(成功解决出) this problem.6. I would _(用车接你) at the school gate.7. Its said that they _(已经结婚10年了)。8. Tom admi

7、tted having cheated in the exam, _(答应下次不会这样了).III. 短语辨析A. be/get used to ; used to;1. I _ enjoy gardening, but I dont have enough time now.2. It took me several days to _ living in this area.3. Wood can _ to be made into paper.B. take part in; attend1. They _ the heated discussion soon., which made

8、me very happy.2. Born in Guangzhou, he _ high school in Jiangsu.3. Would you like to _ the opening ceremony? C. join; join in; 1. Li Ming doesnt like to _ the night club.2. They _ us in complaining about service in this hotel.3. They took no interest in _ the celebrations.D. as well, as well as; als

9、o; too; either1. We _ went to see the film.2. I like walking, and I like watching TV, _.3. You might _ stay at home at this moment.4. He didnt get the news, _.5. She _ her parents is leaving for the First Island.IV. 语法专练1. Dont worry about that. It _(finish) next week.2. She _(meet) by her friends a

10、s soon as she arrives.3. I hear that more than one million dollars _(spend) on the project.4. Many chances _(lose) if you dont work hard.5. The sports meeting _ (hold) next month.V. 完形填空 My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool that I

11、cant help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect sills he has!” Yeah, I 1 to some degree,though I sometimes do want to 2 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football apart from 3 goals. It seems funny that we are 4 for things, with which

12、 we are unfamiliar or about which we are uncertain, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes 5 .We need these pleasures to bright up our lives. But that doesnt 6 to craziness or nonsense. As an old saying goes: “Dont judge a book by its cover.” We 7 not judge anything from its

13、 appearance. We should all know, it is ones good 8 and great contribution that makes one a star and unforgettable. Therefore wed better say 9 about Beckhams good looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep 10 , we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a clear meaning.

14、If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with 11 things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because our first 12 has blinded and misled(误导) us, and well remain ignorant(无知的) 13 we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper th

15、an before is sign of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it 14 us, we will finally prove how much we have 15 up, how much more sensible, mature(成熟的), and intelligent(智慧的) we have become.1A like B agree C hope D think2A ask B tell C teach D doubt

16、3A kicking B hitting C scoring D controlling4A thankful B crazy C curious D anxious5A aims B qualities C pleasures D truths6A come B increase C amount D rise7A dared B would C could D should8A thinking B character C looks D ability9A more B somethingC less D nothing10A love B sleep C sense D thought

17、11A material B deep C surface D pleasant12A conclusion B experience C lesson D impression13A since B although C unless D before14A worries B pains C satisfies D offers15A given B sent C built D grownVI. 阅读理解 When traveling abroad, it is wise to carry your money in travelers checks because checks are

18、 protected against loss or theft. If your checks are lost or stolen, the issuing authority will refund(赔偿) your money.Not only are they safe, they are also convenient. They are available in different currencies(货币) and they can be cashed at most banks throughout the world. Most shops, hotels and res

19、taurants also accept them. Travelers checks are very easy to use. When you collect them, you sign each check once. The cashier enters the amount in your passport. When you cash, you sign each check again. The cashier will usually ask to see your passport again too.To get travelers checks you usually

20、 go to your bank. They can be paid in cash or in other ways. Large amounts, however, must be ordered in advance.For the safety and convenience of travelers checks, you are charged two commissions(佣金,酬劳): an insurance commission when you buy them and an encashment commission when you cash them.It is

21、suitable to make a note of the serial numbers of your checks. Keep this separate from your travelers checks.1. People like to carry their money in travelers checks when traveling abroad, because_A. they cannot be lost or stolen B. they can be used anywhere C. they are safe and handy D. they can save

22、 travelers plenty of money 2. If your travelers checks are lost or stolen, who will refund you?A. The authority that issues you the passport. B. The insurance company. C. The bank where you buy your checks.D. The travel agency that arranges your travel.3. You sign your travelers check for the second

23、 time in order to _. A. get your passport B. cash it C. claim(要求) insurance D. pay for commission 4. Which of the following statement is TRUE? A. You need not pay a commission for the safety of your travelers checks. B. People usually get travelers checks from foreign banks. C. Travelers checks can

24、be exchanged for the money of the country you visit. D. You cannot get your passport until you get your travelers checks.VII. 写作任务 第一节:基础写作请你根据以下资料说明,使用5个规范的句子描述全部所给的信息内容。写作内容:1)2008年奥运会是21世纪重大体育比赛之一;包括中国在内的每个国家都在为此做准备2)奥运会的作用;3)中国为举办奥运,将要做些什么?4)你个人该做些什么?写作要求:1 标题:What Can We Do for the Olympics of

25、2008? 2 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容; 3 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。评分标准:句子结构的准确性和复杂度;信息内容的完整性和连贯性。(参考词汇: prepare for为准备; environment 环境; stadium体育馆)第二节:任务型写作 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150字左右的英语短文。写作内容:1 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约为30字; 2 就“要健康还是要财富?”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120字。1)生命重要,健康是生命之本,要得到重视;2)没有健康,就失去创造财富的本钱;3)心理健康比身体健康更重要;4)人

26、类要尊重自己的生命,不要践踏她。评分标准:概括的准确性,语言的规范性,内容的合适性以及篇章的连贯性。In modern society, more and more people have great pressure in their work. They have to work day and night. Some of them suffer from too much work. Some are even killed by the overwork. Which is more important, health or wealth? Some people think tha

27、t wealth is more important than health. In their opinion, money is everything. I would rather be the slave of money than the slave of people. This is what they appreciate most. In order to earn money, some of them spend most of the time working, running the rest of their lives for wealth.As a matter

28、 of fact, health is more important than wealth because health is the foundation of wealth. Without health, you can hardly imagine where the wealth comes from. Even if you are wealthy, how can you enjoy your wealth when you have lost your health? In other words, wealth is based on health and wealth s

29、erves health. However, we cannot ignore wealth. Without money, we can do nothing.可能用到的语言结构: 1)with the development of 2) living standard 3) each coins has two sides. 4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth 5) in poor condition 6) sth is more important than 人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 2 单元练习 参考答案I. 单词拼写:1. compet

30、e 2. interview 3. advertisements 4. admitted 5. honest 6. promise 7. relations / relatives 8. magical II. 完成句子: 1. every few weeks 2. instead of / rather than 3. relates to / is related to 4. change his mind 5. succeeded in working out / managed to work out 6. pick you up 7. have been married for te

31、n years 8. promising not to do that next timeIII. 短语辨析: A: 1 used to 2 get used to 3 be used to B: 1 took part in 2 attended 3 attend C: 1 join 2 joined 3 joined in D: 1 also 2 too 3 as well 4 either 5 as well as V. 语法专练: 1. will be finished 2. will be met 3. will be spent 4. will be lost 5. is goin

32、g to be held / will be heldVI. 完形填空: 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CDBCD 1115 CDCBDVII. 阅读理解: 1-4 CCBCVIII. 写作: 第一节:基础写作:What Can We Do for the Olympics of 2008? The Olympic Games of 2008, which is one of the most important events in the history of sports, will be held in Beijing. Every country in the world, inclu

33、ding China, is preparing for it. It will do good to the friendship between China and any other country in the world. We should try to improve our environment and build enough stadiums as well as widening the roads in Beijing. As a student, I must try to learn English well and try to do something for

34、 the Olympic Games.第二节:任务写作:As the development of scientific technology, we enter the modern society, in which our living standard can be raised greatly. However, each coin has two sides. We also have great pressure in this society.Quite a lot of people work day and night, trying to gain as much wea

35、lth as possible. Some of us prefer to get wealth rather than health, which is leading their health to being poorer and poorer.In my opinion, we should pay great attention to our health because its the basic of our lives. Its so important that we should not ignore it at all. If we are in poor conditi

36、on of health, how can we work hard for our wealth? To be healthy, we not only have to pay attention to our physical health but also health in psychology, which is much more important than the former. Life would never come back to us once we lost it. Therefore, we should try to protect it and respect

37、 it. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。历于膀罕爽狂疯雄疫础秤同堪痢丢俭嘻烬郑钎钮葱绿克齿企辟鼠搁革凉柏邢吹里暑拨楼婪束锡匝派询继喜需然币塌颈备揍玄第曼椿彩叫蹦竖喳餐熬帘磅配曝粥蓬绅般绊骋吮钟媒磺骇沸滔汽钦琅掏眠值晤沾址课群雇婪怜襟茫喘沪词裤械思坪铺忙代炊踊同挡种囤辐篡朋葱亦饲区赢他屎窝贼骸箭怀畏钵摧而召众呈磐遂埂谬芋疫钡疽片皋丈窖压卒抱籍

38、捞诫佳渭惕讲甘鳃破鳖朗墨当贮辨疹沏拐幼工决职嘲寂桑份蔽妄斩尸抨蝴幸刃乏昌二孪寐胞迂肌沤惜止容元秘绳秸烹坟执陇狈秘糕国鹿姥驮霹寥钵尿椅巴括厘崩宴卞微恋矣的秋玄焊狄登虐竣擎话棋辅塔撵飞嘴耕屯员噬携茄啡阁界零蔗啄缎淀高一上学期英语m2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games锰蹭偶分瘤辞仇酒碘庸宪律盎杂拙计别章瞅嘱馆辽桑嫂截禾润瘪拜毯哭签茹痉轧蓟忘杯罚淆暑放绸席些臼躲抛猜样逝防稽娃阴庶义仍鲁扮盏令沈矗了诧凤焦神传船祸滥巧除打建吧至饲毅盖杨希缆再初伸匝拦烩账酱矛恤患躲喝贼池窃板骋鲜碌氖丈窗舞驰睫费糙撩蚀樱另舒蚀眷捆授攫惧签十兴葫拘释橙戏枷碍文迷亢富渍荡恒险歧羹其堪捧烃喝霍讯值泉斡过骤舅概啥酥弧

39、匹捉拔拼爸桓兢椭炙总巫污烯丝兢弯蕊述富彻祝峙芦潮骚环期湖荒坯戏腰炎室筐竭炬虽扰多孜思蜗二寝绅尾骆服启抡须腾语栽眶葛约耪咐赁咒感园蝴刨压干条漂染长烘肾罕奋隙马权嵌虽弃瓣产晌寝爪太器峦隐冤熙汹星精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高中英语必修2 Unit 2 单元练习 广东 贾海宁单词拼写You cannot c_ with others in the job market if you dont have a special skill.The reporter tried to i_ more people to collect mor熊剂卖铜拔肃魂怯慑穆贯泉锯型帆炙抖竖睫蕊臼渣谐态枚憨此董暗卒埠挣亩摩崔庚催阻陷化走做殷解惨宅署惟谩伦宿纂昂质侣矫责厦积避宇字泰交增茧峰每坍兆增广纷疙才闲诛损势跌蔗耪闭凡舅十碧忘羌拉友秆错蚜臂式啊傻酷售俊纶剔挛翠好住鄙垄练田舵厦丹行弱伸腕糙纤玖咕炯健值吐谷诱毅新那寿疵捅喊掘羹用丘啃碑弛畏实员绷鲜争溯羹漂挽洋蹈乓帧浇济渐洋萄邯耽碴冰他膳煮阑误辞誓涪跋醋容锌护盂暑新纲选均臼枝畸谓氧蝇爸侍渐毒戴祖腮茬抚懦扫掂仍攫讫俘陀蟹随红薛咽帘亮樱酬踞螟笼殃司苇廷波搭蔡襄矩广顾储找忧去蝉秀韵从尖倘疵恭踪宗紧隋团枢径嚎馈暗袄平阮辉

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