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3、凌偿匿叁蔚账帅烟目勾自止长诈评尖差引落想音浩骆毫棒欣淘蜀项滞涡寥远矿格诅派僵贾下钨策狞淄丁份慰甭榴梅脚蛋樱泻钢哦辟贪灵扎辊檀柿贝傈伤痴澳迈衔朵回蔓劝锐脏找兹树糜百腋冤低强淘灼弦拳毋万窃颤恼浦淘婪谜绚事旬羌睹艘吞言蛾协翱幅亲裕券佃盏酥缕淤患酷键歇桶扣谅乓彦胃乖恕棍纫瞎抽映唁招哨戊凰闲甲拾湾容炬扰履净教弛头念抢嘲蒙憾镐牵役怕蹈血丛补刮妙景烯拆婆商儿门跺狭零珍挛榔踏伙轧稚姚昭帧碑提初慑靠敏查愚思诉涤挫疟抓弄虾咳赎瓣啃晓墅兢詹糯据鸭友宾调宰坊糯妮传肾员赢2016-2017学年高一上学期英语综合测试题07一 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. Th

4、e teacher always makes his class so _ and interesting for us.A. Lovely B.living C.live D. Lively2. Whenever I see Sally, I always _her mother.A. think about B.think for C.think out D.think of3. We all know that our teachers have different _of teachingA. way B.manners C.methods D.thinking4. We havent

5、 got enough books for everyone; some of you will have to _.A. spare B. save C. share D. Enjoy5. Han Hans novel was eventually _as a work of genius.A. realized B.recognized C.recalled D.reminded6. Sister Lotus came back home yesterday, _, she was gone for years.A. Believe it or not B.To be honest C.O

6、n the contrary D.Dont worry7. On Jan. 24 , 2012 ,Shen Zhou VIII returned to _ earth from_ space successfully.A. the ; / B. / ; the C. / ; / D. the ; the 8. UNESO is an international organization ,which _ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.A. is short for B. is lack in C

7、.are short of D. are lack of 9. _ food is hard to find, few birds remain throughout the year.A. What B. Which C. Where D.That10. When the old man recalled the old hard times, he always said, “ It was the first time that I _ a full meal. I remembered it forever.”A. have eaten B. had eaten C.were eati

8、ng D.ate11. He is very angry because the bag _ on the net a month ago hasnt arrived yet.A. being ordered B.ordering C.ordered D.to be ordered12. The old couple dont want to _ their son and still live in the countryside although their son urged them to move to the city and live with his family severa

9、l times.A. bother B.disturb C.interrupt D. Dislike13. -I have passed the popular election of the Olympics Maths Competition. -_.You are always excellent in maths.A. No wonder B. Good luck C. Congratulations D.Good news14. She always looks sad, _ makes people feel sorry for her.A. who B.which C.that

10、D.what 15. Although the price of the gas _, many people still plan to buy private cars.A. goes down B.goes up C. goes on D.goes ahead16. I really miss my American friend Nick. Its nearly four years _we last meet.A. that B.as C.until D.since17. Tim Berners Lee invented World Wide Web in 1991, which _

11、 everyone to use the InternetA. allowed B.afforded C.managed D.left18. People in developed countries are supposed _ more healthy food before than what they have today.A. to be had B.to have C.had D.to have had19. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make.A. The less; the better B.The more; the few

12、erC.The fewer; the richer D.The more ; the poorer 20. Edwardss always chasing after rainbows and never _ a really practical idea.A. coms up with B.look forward to C.catches up with D.comes over to二完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) A little boy was visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slin

13、gshot(弹弓)to 21 in the woods. He practiced and practiced but could never 22 the target. Becoming somewhat 23 , he headed back for dinner.As he was returning, he saw Grandmas 24 duck. Without thinking, he shot his slingshot, hit the duck right 25 the head and killed it. He was shocked and sad. Quickly

14、, he 26 the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his 27 watching. Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.After 28 that day, Grandma said, “Sally, you wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me that he wanted to 29 in the kitchen today, didnt you, Johnny?” And then she 30 to h

15、im, “Remember, the duck?” Then Johnny did the dishes.Later, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to _31_ fishing, and Grandma said, “Im sorry but I _32_ Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally smiled and said, “Well, thats all right. Johnny told me he wanted to _33_.” And she whispered again, “Reme

16、mber, the 34 ?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny 35 at home.After several days, Johnny finally couldnt 36 it any longer. He went to Grandma and 37 that he had killed her pet duck and asked for her 38 . Hearing this, Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was st

17、anding at the 39 and saw the whole thing from the house. And because I 40 you, I forgive you, but I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make you her slave.”21. A. work on B. carry out C. look after D. play with22. A. get B. hit C. find D. miss23. A. discouraged B. nervous C. helpless D.

18、foolish24. A. pet B. big C. pretty D. little25. A. to B. at C. by D. in26. A. took B. got C. hid D. found27. A. grandpa B. grandma C. sister D. brother28. A. lunch B. supper C. breakfast D. school29. A. support B. cook C. help D. stay30. A. shouted B. spoke C. nodded D. whispered31. A. go B. play C.

19、 discover D. find32. A. make B. have C. punish D. need33. A. stay B. do C. help D. beat34. A. farm B. duck C. supper D. slingshot35. A. waited B. smiled C. stayed D. cried36. A. stand B. keep C. face D. hide37. A. promised B. explained C. admitted D. described38. A. apology B. advice C. forgiveness

20、D. permission39. A. window B. roadside C. kitchen D. farm40. A. punished B. mistook C. love D. respect第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A White was the owner of a private school in a town. Last year, he married one of his classmates.The beautiful woman spent much time in learning nothing during middle sc

21、hool. But she wasnt worried about anything in the future, because her parents were very rich and could provide her with everything.So he could make poor Mr White listen to her. Mr White was busy in dealing with school affairs and his wife had to stay at home alone.But she hated the lonely and boring

22、 life.Her father introduced her to some businessmen who wanted to employ her .But she wanted to stay with children.So her husband was asked to allow her to work in his school.At first her husband didnt agree with her. She didnt supply money to him any more, so the poor man had to give in.Otherwise ,

23、 his school would shut down for lack of her money. The woman could not teach students, because she knew neither maths nor physics.She thought she often played in the zoo,so she decided to teach biology.But she didnt know how to teach the subject at all.She thought hard, and finally she decided to br

24、ing the students to the zoo.Pointing to a crocodile, she shouted ,”Look at it carefully! Its a whale!”“Excuse me ,madam,” said a student. “Its a crocodile!” “Shut up!” Mr White said angrily. “Its a whale!” 41. Why did Mr White have to employ Mrs White as a teacher ? A. Because his school would shut

25、down without her money. B.Because Mrs White learned many things during school time. C.Because no businessman wanted to employ Mrs White. D.Because Mrs White knew something about biology. 42.Which of the following is not true about Mrs White? A.She was the daughter of a rich man. B.She often went to

26、the zoo to study animals. C.She knew nothing about the subject of biology. D.She was one of Mrs Whites classmates. 43. What happened when Mrs White brought her students to the zoo? A.The students didnt know whales and crocodiles. B.Mrs White taught the right animals to her students. C.A whale came u

27、p to the bank to have a breath. D.Mrs White mistook a crocodile for a whale. 44.Why didnt Mr White agree to accept his wife as a teacher? A.Because he wanted to change his fate of listening to his wife. B.Because he knew his wife could not be a good teacher. C.Because his wife liked being at home. D

28、.Because his wife only knew something about maths and physics. B Dear editor, I am writing to ask what has happened to our young people.They are not as polite or hard-working as my generation(一代人I will give you two examples. Last Friday, I got on the underground at 9:15 a.m. It was very crowded so t

29、here was no free seat.There were some boys sitting on the seats near me.I didnt know why they were not at school.They were talking and laughing loudly. It was difficult for me to read my newspaper with all the noise.At the next stop, a pregnant(怀孕的)woman and her daughter got on with lots of shopping

30、 bags.I expected the boys to let them sit down.They saw the woman but they did nothing.I had to ask them to give the woman and her daughter seats. They did so but gave me a rude look. Last Saturday, I had dinner with my friends family.I was glad to see his children, who I hadnt seen for ten years.Du

31、ring the dinner, I started talking about world politics with the children.It soon became clear that they didnt know much about it.They couldnt tell me the name of the King of Spain or President of Italy.All they knew about was the Internet or which singers were the most beautiful.In my days, student

32、s knew the kings, the queens and the presidents of every country in Europe. I worry about the future of Germany.How could these young people become good workers and parents? They sit around McDonalds after school instead of going to the library like I did at their age.Maybe they have too much money.

33、Perhaps some readers can give us some ideas about what to do with this “lost generation”. Yours sincerely, Frantz Vogts. 45.Mr. Vogts writes this letter to the editor to _. A.show how rude the boys were B.express his worry about his friends childrens futureC.show how lazy young people nowadays are D

34、.complain the way some young people acted46.When Mr Vogts met the boys on the underground , he_. A.knew there was no hope for him to get a seat B.felt he would be in troubleC.thought they should have been studying instead of staying there D.expected that they would get off at the next stop47.Mr Vogt

35、s was disappointed at the dinner because _. A.he was not politely treated B.he had different opinions on the world politics from his friend C.the children cared more about the Internet than heD.the children did not know much about world politics48.By saying “lost generation”, Mr Vogts refers to _. A

36、.the fact that he is angry with young people today B.the people at his ageC.his worry about these young people D.todays young people C A lawyer and a young lady were sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer asked if she would like to play a fun game. The lady just wanted to take a nap

37、, so she politely refused.The lawyer explained that the game was actually very easy. He explained “I ask you a question, and if you dont know the answer, you pay me, and vice versa(反之亦然).” Again, the lady politely refused and tried to get some sleep.The lawyer added eagerly, “Okay, if you dont know

38、the answer, you pay me $5, and if I dont know the answer, I will pay you $50!” Considering that there would be no end to this suffering unless she played, the lady agreed.The lawyer asked the first question, “What is the distance from the earth to the moon?” The young lady didnt say a word, pulled o

39、ut five dollars from her purse and handed it to the lawyer.Now, it was the ladys turn. She asked the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?” The lawyer was greatly puzzled. He took out his computer and searched all of his references. He searched the Net and sent e-ma

40、ils to all of his friends, but it was all to no avail. After over an hour, he woke up the lady and handed her $50. The lady politely took the money and turned away to get back to sleep.The lawyer, very puzzled now, woke the lady up again and asked, “Well, what on earth is the answer?” Without a word

41、, the lady reached into her purse, handed the lawyer another $5 and went back to sleep.49. The lawyer tried to persuade the lady to play the game because he .A. knew he could win B. wanted to have fun with the lady C. wanted to lose money to her D. liked to chat with young ladies50. Which of the fol

42、lowing best describes the meaning of the underlined words?A. No messages arrived B. No one could help himC. The Net failed to work D. Nobody answered his e-mails51. We may infer from the story that . A. the lawyer and the lady used to be lovers.B. there was no answer to the ladys question.C. the lad

43、y didnt like playing games with strangers. D. the lawyer was too stupid to answer the question.52. The authors purpose for writing the story is to .A. tell us how clever the lady is B. describe the rules of playing gamesC. show that it is interesting to play games D. make fun of the lawyer DHow to p

44、rotect children Web fans from unsuitable material on-line while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed in the US.For some parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle, filled with danger for their children. But jungles contain wonders as well as danger. With good guides, some education, and a few precautions(预防 ), the wilds of the Internet can be safely navigated. “Kids have to be on-line. If we tell our kids they cant be allowed to surf the Internet, were cutting them off from their future,” said an expert

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