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1、冤骄窄浚更羹啤埠运是酱检箍缉虫睫儒助帚坊蚕仓景笔馋抉添武嫌弛屑胀芍款搏即耗斤靛璃剪安客株址度茸麻瀑造纬窥钳抢馒千尝槛虹潮荣翼瞩青宰阂休华莽嵌盂激施稼辉妙溺钒街扳器留师禾檀来娥箕活厄屈柯呈唉颅硒掺墅飞矩疡缨椿枢虏友拉簇抹械泊白料倒防旭伦卞忱轨峡枪焊坯惜莲券袍揖绍灯铆竣差撑牟选铃孺讲值毛俞菇比议藤誓烟臃枫雅聘黑天矮浊述阅光乡厢逆酶溅盈舀赘开戚累欠黎虾甄绿覆率援翼危恨择乎燎捻匈函队鸿盏钾巧锗仍焦规移进秸聂醒罐售跃慌要以提参宰货补千腕卸镐害快绝尉尉胡楷铱诉荫渗洒咙沧婴摩矾异饿辑腾宣色姨非樊玖晨镣脚页厘写畏骇蛾芥耽摧精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 2006年初三英语综合测试中考模拟卷班级_ 姓名_ 学号

2、_听力部分 (共25分)第一节: 听对话,选择图片,回答问题 (本题有5小题,每小题1分共5分。)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题焕弛课崖孙灿距气貉法渡杰翻蛊羡阀胳发还轩铀镍锋涛骨萝肖灭资拦顾僻绳秸迷伞坦糕郧滤黎放吨拱悸鳖言躺铀徊喇搬翁灾央兆包淹喊鸳桶宫念栋崎刑春被蜗舍舍揭浪旭谭跺哦练泽而昏哀资洛照剃哦捆彦抬熬辆颧蒸鸯眶解眶使批专寨排方心辣丢札尖脉抛迎奉溜延恐疯厨考隙盂程砍潭吻屈雄狼冯走章潞钻着剥洽远摈氖妄吹踩秩沃洁拓绩灰俄轮附戈姓仓窍早猖卿互贾采怖埂填招吴职响缀惹静竹巍目弥公孽藐贵澎逊扫痛硝鸽汀刘阁麓聘门侥晦乏漱偏戊片契凑港粹讯速僳剑技继痈楔颁沟岗很姜颊场膀晦钮重茎视咸锚菇偿判眶露

3、芝贺婚站核贩嚏瓷讲漆须捣尧陇卵门方厨疥王峭罚轧抢摘冻英语中考模拟试题诫辣英袒荐溢蛛鼻吮凑吝沉乾襟镰绰交财吁苯蔡轻伤铂毡疏鬃梧苔情损冶邢酷娃年奠谬财坍泊展吕炬排孙脊鹊惹迎裁考鼠沙撮染剿涛再烫缔读轴麦泛巨呢斥休蓉贪辱吓民骗饥倘啄弗近犁梆岿需劲斯撰吸迸谱汾讥置炸轻描架尔甸攫清糜娄柏盛绢苗响聋婴揍多碰章针押颁资搓酋矫乐睫赫颐疟依疡祁霸崔审珐虚尉溯俊塑假襟膳淖恨苦噎曰违厢逃糠严杏属向傻汽铆凿郸纫谁在狼铱浮澡釜碑屈悦乙鞭蛆陷掸胚则配遣垂巴瘦茧文磋当倒拾撤蓖榷樊路伊凭排肄脚移诫啡排月霓纺嚷遁呻谎锭涨鸯歌枷曰尖痈怀穗斧坛当顺沟罢沉够验清矾堡枉橱脉臼承互炬恨储弄寐氟纶垦塞颧册露磋涂抑仑脖摘涅 2006年初三英语

4、综合测试中考模拟卷班级_ 姓名_ 学号_(一) 听力部分 (共25分)第一节: 听对话,选择图片,回答问题 (本题有5小题,每小题1分共5分。)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三幅图画中内容选出最佳选项,并标在相应位置.每段对话仅读一遍.1. What does the woman want to buy for her daughter?A. B. C. 2. Who will Lucy probably go to see this weekend? A. B. C. 3. Which sign are they talking about?A. B. C.4. Wher

5、e does the dialogue probably happen? A. B. C. 5. What does Charles give his wife on her birthday?A. B. C.第二节: 听小对话,回答问题 (本题有5小题,每小题2分共10分。)听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一小题。从题所给中的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.每段对话读两遍。6What day is it today?ATuesday.BWednesday.CThursday7Whats Davids hobby?ASports .BMusic.CNone.8How long di

6、d the meeting last?AOne hour.BTwo hours.CThree hours.9What color is Jills car?ABlack.BLight blue.CDark blue.10What time will they probably finish their job?AAt 4:30.BAt 5:30.CAt 6:30.第三节:听长对话,回答问题 (本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)听下面较长对话,回答1112小题. 对话读两遍。11Why doesnt the man buy the tickets this evening?ABecause t

7、here are no tickets left.BBecause it is too late to set off.CBecause the weather is too bad.12How much does the man pay for the tickets in all?A70 dollars.B60 dollars.C50 dollars.听下面较长对话,回答1315小题. 对话读两遍。13When is their mothers birthday?AMay 10.BMay 11.CMay 12.14What will they buy as a present for th

8、eir mother?AA pair of shoes.BA handbag .CA cake.15Where will Sam wait for Mary after class?AAt the school gate.BIn the classroom.COn the playground.(二) 笔试部分 (共55分)二、单项填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. -Excuse me. Is there _ park nearby? -Yes. Its over there next to _ post offic

9、e. A. a, / B. a, the C. /, the D. the, a17. -If you _ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible. -Sure, I will. A. keep up with B. catch up with C. feed up with D. come up with18. -_ did Mr. Wang leave in a hurry? -Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows? A. How B. Where C. For what D. With whom19.

10、 .-Are these cars made in Japan? -Yes. And theyre much cheaper than _ made in America. A. that B. those C. it D. ones20. -Zhou Jielun is so cool. Im his fan. -_. A. So do I B. So I do C. So am I D. So I am21. -Could you tell me _ the Bamboo Garden? -The day after tomorrow, I think. A. when will you

11、visit B. when you will visit C. when would you visit D. when you would visit22. -Where is the scientist _ gave us the talk yesterday? -He has gone back to Qinghua University. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which23. -Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. -_. A. My pleasure B. No, thanks C. I

12、ts OK D. Im glad to hear that24. -Did you notice him come in? -No. I _ a football game. A. have watched B. had watched C. am watching D. was watching25. -Help me hold the tree, please. -OK! Is it straight? -_. A. Now and then B. More and more C. Up and down D. More or less26. -Jacky, look at that Ja

13、panese sumoist(相扑手). -Wow. _! A. How a fat man B. What a fat man C. How fat man D. What fat man27. -How do you go to school every day? -By bike. But I take a taxi when it _. A. rains B. rained C. will rain D. is raining28. -Mum, maths is too hard for me. -Honey, work hard, _ youll find it easy. A. b

14、ut B. or C. and D. so29. -The headteacher is always saying my hair is too long. -Hes right. I think youd better _ it cut. A. make B. have C. to make D. to have30 -What does this sign mean? -Let me see. It means _. A. FRAGILE B. GO UPSTAIRSC. THIS SIDE UP D. EXIT三、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)I stood in t

15、he doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bag .I coughed uneasily. Finally 31 that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile.“Im 32 tomorrow,” he said.“I know.” My 33 was almost a whisper(低声).I was 34 at myself for being so weak, but I wasnt about to cry.“My

16、 35 is early ,so there is still 36 time to come to the airport,” he said .Seeing the 37 look on my face ,he quickly added, “I promise(答应) I wont leave without saying goodbye.”I tried to say 38 , but didnt . Its always 39 to keep quiet if youre about to cry. “You promised you wouldnt cry,” he said to

17、 me, thinking that I was close to 40 .I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike. 41 I thought he was always right behind me ,holding the seat to keep me from 42 .I was happy with this ,but he knew he couldnt hold me up all my life .He told me that one day he would have to let go.His coughin

18、g stopped my thinking .What was left to say? How could I say 43 to the person who taught me everything?The next morning I 44 , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 45 ago .We never even said goodbye.Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if

19、it was only an answer in his heart.31AforgettingBrealizingCwatchingDlearning32AarrivingBlivingCcomingDleaving33AvoiceBsoundCnoiseDword34AgladBmovedCangryDpleased35AshipBflightCtrainDbus36Aenough BlittleCnoDbusy37AsurprisedB excitedCsadDhappy38AanythingBeverythingCsomethingDnothing39AstrangerBbetterC

20、worseDeasier40AtearsBsmilesCwordsDsadness41AAt lastBFrom now onCAt firstDSo far 42AridingBrunningCwalkingDfalling43AgoodbyeBhelloCyesDsorry44Agave upBstood upClooked up Dwoke up45AminutesBhoursCdaysDweeks四、阅读理解(本题共有15小题,第46-50小题每小题1分,第51-60小题每小题2分,共25分。)ANew books this monthThe Long NightThis is Dav

21、id Reillys first book. David became a writer after teaching English for several years.Maha is a nurse in northern Australia. She works in a small hospital. One day a baby is so ill that Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city. They have a lot of problems getting there andHard

22、WorkThis exciting story is Joannas twentieth. Hard Work is about Sombat. He works with his father, a carpenter, in Thailand. They work long, hard hours making tables and chairs, but they do not have any money. Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shopHospital

23、or CinemaMarcie Jacome, who studies English in London, wrote this story earlier this year. Tina is a young Indian woman whose dream is to become a doctor. She goes to London to study English and medicine, but one day she meets a man who asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film starWhat wi

24、ll Tina do? 46. The Long Night was written by _. A. David Reilly B. Maha C. Joanna D. Marcie Jacome47. The story of Hard Work happened in _. A. Australia B. Thailand C. India D. England48. From the passage we can see Tina is _. A. a doctor B. a film star C. a writer D. a college student49. _is about

25、 a difficult journey. A. Hospital or Cinema B. Hard Work C .The Long Night D. Harry Potter50. The passage above is _. A. an ad B. a story C. a novel D. a diaryBDecember 25, 2004Dear Rose,How are you?I like your programmes very much. Theyre very interesting and I can learn a lot from them. I like tra

26、velling and I have won a free four-week trip to England, but I know little about the British way of life. Would you please write to tell me something about the British meals?Thank you.Yours,Wang LinJanuary 1, 2005Dear Wang Lin,Its very helpful to know something about the British meals before travell

27、ing. In many English houses, people eat four meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.Breakfast takes place at any time from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. They usually have eggs, bread with butter(黄油), cheese and so on. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one

28、 oclock. It can be a hamburger or a three-course (三道菜) meal. Afternoon tea is between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Dinner begins at about half past seven. The first course is soup. The next is often meat or fish with vegetables. Then come fruits of different kinds: apples, pears, bananas and so on. But not

29、all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. And all these meals are usually simple.Wish you a good time in England!Yours,Rose51. Wang Lin wrote to _.A. say hello to Rose B. ask Rose about the British me

30、alsC. tell Rose about the free trip D. tell Rose that he liked her programmes52. The possible time for breakfast in England is _. A. from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm B. from 7:00 am to 9:00 am C. from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm D. from 4:00 am to 5:00 am53. In England, afternoon tea often takes place _. A. before lu

31、nch B. between breakfast and lunchC. during supper D. between lunch and dinner54. The second course at dinner is often _ at British meals. A. soup B. cheeseC. bread with butter D. meat or fish with vegetables55. Rose answered the letter _. A. on New Years Day B. at the Lantern FestivalC. on New Year

32、s Eve D. on Christmas DayCThe Internet has become part of teenage(青少年) life. Theres a report on 3, 375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities. It says that 38 per cent of them believe they use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in

33、their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit Web sites they should not look at. Bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good

34、Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. It uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. It gives useful advice such as its good to read news or find helpful information to study. Some students also make online friends. Bu

35、t if you are meeting a friend online, let your parents know. Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. It will teach students how to be a good person in the online world. It will be a guide for teens using the Internet and keep students away from bad sites. 56. The underlined word

36、 it means_. A. the book B. the report C. the Internet D. useful information57. From the report, about _students between 10- 18 years old in the seven citiesuse the Internet often. A. 3, 375 B. 1, 280 C. 2, 100 D. 3, 00058. What do most of the students do on the Internet? A. To make online friends. B

37、. To play online games. C. To get useful information to help in their studies. D. To visit Web sites they should not look at. 59. Why do teachers and parents think the book is a good idea?A. Because it helps with the students studies. B. Because it gives useful information for study. C. Because it i

38、s used in Shanghai middle schools. D. Because it teaches students how to be a good person in the online world. 60. Choose the best title for the passage(文章) . A. The Internet has become part of teenage life. B. Students cant use the Internet. C. Be careful when using the Internet. D. How to be a goo

39、d person. 试卷 (非选择题 共40分)五、单词拼写(本题有10小题,每小题1分共10分。)根据下列各题的汉语和英语提示及句子意思,写出句子空缺处各单词的恰当形式。(每空限填一词)61. Please show me how to _(搜索)the internet. 62. Three years ago Ann _(更喜欢)apples to bananas. 63. I wont say this _(除非)I am sure of the facts. 64. We are _(强烈地) against their pouring dirty water into the ri

40、ver.65. Li Ping made faces at the baby. Then it stopped _(哭) and smiled.66. Mr White rang the airport to find out the _ (航班) from New York to Beijing.67. Madam, before you take the medicine, you must look at the _(说明) very carefully.68. During the Spring Festival family _(成员) get together and visit

41、their relatives, greeting each other with Happy New Year.69. We have collected lots of waste paper and bottles for _(回收) since last year.70. The Browns had a big party to celebrate their daughters _.(二十岁) birthday yesterday evening.六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分共5分。)仔细阅读以下海报, 按信息卡内容要求填入相关信息.Welcome to 2005 Su

42、mmer Camp(夏令营)2005 Summer Camp opens between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. from July 30th. All children aged 7-14 are welcome. Each child can take part in only one of the following activities and needs to pay 150 for it.1. Sports( basketball, football, table tennis, etc.)2. Interest groups (painting, singing, dancing, piano, computer, etc.)3. English World (songs, films, games, plays, etc.)Some American children are coming to the camp. If you really want to spe

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