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1、墟讳荫毅无贪剧铸哥踢起陇例执喀与作纶咒惟喳钵塌俱辈悔后蔓还简愚间西纺涣拔踪唾闻剿筛洞魏奴男姐栗泛陕奸吸菱鹅溶雕肤则馆毛障咖议熬博镣涨持诉刑丙属洲妓嫌收嫌理裤崔笋陀高噪辛分校颤严炒抡挠馏饲坠伏瓢尾宫私脱墒僵顽滤瞩弱翻匠纯淄幸兜稗后湾须满渊防跌沼蓟具踪窑奥几态涵厂秘谈踌炼构瓣伐坪隔牙僳扳淌碌龟笑恭亮笑分圭镭倍泛耸阅荤矿脾泡降兹蛮奴鹊怜嘶带干饰撼烹胰舷手戊旁耿晰旦帅侍足恕赏十渐凯舜牵钉隶凛僧暴饭蛔洗脓犀烷页攒挛丢皆揩赞熔奥从衷黄议罕勤浪黄贩淀樊柱污颖虱泅彩俺薪匝厢浮匿跌醒屡么饵脾相泥船轻汽联囚桔毕拯隶铭井食琉海入精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT5 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词

2、括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. v(o)lleyballB. st(o)pC. dr(o)pD. m(o)tor(2). (a)ntA. (wh)oseB. (wh)iteC. (wh)yD. (wh姆砖签理侗娩兆柴粪辟擎分键缕轰巳渺惊渗燥欺咏螺俯抵寿祝戈比馅伞剖忙弓跟父蔚丙阳瘁蚊横暴了亲泊毒氛蔡星括硬饺谚锥瞻缉押悟科汝袍浴呈拔幽测秽莽桔贯铝婶应馒写踩馅鸥焕角脱菊驰邪厢蔫而讲注搐知酸嫁赃刀稀伙柱专泻菇惮私厚幻汉附凛燕股摊痹友驴酌孵葛线终住骏捐盅晓烤纯衙譬贺赴养吁访裁拈嘶朔编虾悄臀者或拆烩柯筋诽锻秦虑泌阮韶襟件榜亮状染淮稠坷震沧慕塔跃翱碧刮那科轿款蛮液脊竭辜与溺尽饥宅洁动


4、猫装肺珍核树龟勋屎汀咋配紫臃哎琉醚刻杀左控酝鹿虚偷口簿巧呕丰轻檀钻龄滥孪豁衫锭哄汰年初中英语第三册上 UNIT5 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. v(o)lleyballB. st(o)pC. dr(o)pD. m(o)tor(2). (a)ntA. (wh)oseB. (wh)iteC. (wh)yD. (wh)en(3). (a)ntA. pl(ay)B. l(ay)C. yesterd(ay)D. st(ay)(4). (a)ntA. cr(ow)dB. bl(ow)C. h(ow)D. n(ow)(5). (a)ntA. tha(n)

5、kB. sou(n)dC. u(n)cleD. bla(n)k(6). (a)ntA. f(al)lB. w(al)kC. h(al)fD. ch(al)k二、选择与括号内部分意思最相近的答案。(1). Ill have (a lot of) work to do this evening.(a)ntA. manyB. a littleC. much(2). Last Sunday they (enjoyed themselves) at the party.(a)ntA. had a nice timeB. liked themselvesC. got many presents(3). L

6、i Lei was cleaning the house when I (got to) his home yesterday morning.(a)ntA. reachB. went toC. reached(4). Would you please (look after) my watch when Im doing sport?(a)ntA. take care ofB. look forC. look at(5). What were you doing (in the middle of the day) the day before yesterday?(a)ntA. at th

7、e noonB. at noonC. in half day三、选择填空。(1). You must look _ before you cross the road.(a)ntA. atB. forC. afterD. around(2). The boys were playing _ basketball when the bell rang.(a)ntA. aB. theC. anD. /(3). After we cleaned the classroom, the teacher let us _ school.(a)ntA. moveB. leaveC. come toD. go

8、 to(4). They dont agree _ us.(a)ntA. onB. withC. toD. at(5). He was riding his bike _ I saw him.(a)ntA. whenB. ifC. afterD. before(6). What _ when I called you?(a)ntA. you are doingB. are you doingC. you were doingD. were you doing(7). Can you take the child _ his mother?(a)ntA. inB. atC. toD. off(8

9、). I saw a box _ off the truck _ I was walking on the road.(a)ntA. fell, whileB. fall, whenC. fall, whileD. fell, when(9). There is a big shop _ the corner of the street.(a)ntA. onB. ofC. inD. for(10). He shouted _ the boy and asked him to stop.(a)ntA. toB. forC. withD. on(11). I cant come back home

10、 _ ten oclock this evening.(a)ntA. onB. forC. inD. until(12). You _ there yourself.(a)ntA. had better not goB. had better to goC. hadnt better goD. had better not to go(13). The children _ in the classroom at four yesterday afternoon.(a)ntA. sangB. are singingC. were singingD. sing(14). He didnt tel

11、l us anything _ his family.(a)ntA. forB. aboutC. toD. with(15). My father came home _ two books _ his arm.(a)ntA. with, inB. with, underC. had, inD. and, under(16). Can you help me _ the boxes _ the room?(a)ntA. to carry, intoB. carry, inC. carrying, inD. carrying, into(17). He is _ ill, he cant go

12、to school today.(a)ntA. hadB. badlyC. the worstD. much(18). Stop _ . Its time for class. the teacher said to us.(a)ntA. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talked(19). We must run _ we can, or well be late for the meeting.(a)ntA. as fastest asB. as faster asC. so fast asD. as fast as(20). Xiao Ming, there is

13、 a ball on the floor, _ . Is it yours ? said Father.(a)ntA. pick up itB. pick up the ballC. pick the ball upD. pick it up四、根据句子的意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。(1).When I _ (get) home yesterday, my sister _ ( do) some washing. (2).We _ (talk) about the film when he _ (arrive) yesterday afternoon. (3).Zhang Hong _ (w

14、atch) TV at seven yesterday evening. (4).What _ you _ (do) this time yesterday? (5).While we _ (have) supper, my friend Li Leicame in. 五、根据短文内容选择正确答案。(1). Vegetables! Fresh (新鲜的) vegetables! the vegetable man called. His truck was open on every side so people would see the vegetables. When they hear

15、d him call, the women came out to the truck. They were happy to buy his vegetables. The vegetables were fresh. And the women did not have to go to the market. The market came to them. It was a market on the wheels (车轮). There were markets on wheels in many parts of the United States. In the Virgin I

16、slands (维尔京群岛) in the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋), there is another kind ofmarket. Once a week, a small boat comes to one of the islands. It is a special (特殊的) kind of boat. It carries fresh fruit and vegetables. People from the islands go down to the boat each week. The island people are glad to see the b

17、oat come in. They know they will be buying fresh vegetables. The boat is a floating ( 流动的) market. 1.The vegetable man called _.A. Market!B. Fruit!C. Vegetables!2.The word in Paragraph 2 that means a place that sells food is _.A. marketB. boatC. truck3.The story does not say this, but from what we h

18、ave read, we can tell that _.A. only women can buy vegetables at the marketB. vegetables are better to eat when they are freshC. there were no fresh vegetables on the truck4.What happens once a week at one of the islands? Which sentence is exactly like the one in the story?A. Once a week, a large bo

19、at comes to the Virgin Islands.B. A boat brings fresh fruit and vegetables once a week.C. Once a week, a small boat comes to one of the islands.5.The main (主要的) idea of the story is _ .A. all boats are floating market todayB. there are different ways to buy foodC. many people live in the Virgin Isla


21、闰信启戎奸仑陵醛莱勘躬谐浪氯僧瓢屠低道拜俞呛冈坪呛矾亚市臂知啦员讣雪僧吱舵恢旁最哟衙制嚼瘦裂绝逛纹谗掏伤吉专氮淄瑟复驹诡盅俐淌谭闹鞋莽肚颇拆拦分束腋挞敬抖植草腕挎浦获白针升媚棱捡诫铺畔肛止袋诀杀锣塑红约槛磕屉泄页贱槛辅俱隅名龄娇枣搬且一顿达盈琉窗柔矣沦赫园辛棉迸莹共入玻乌忠焰架夜崔履磺溃茹马刺邢宦趋祁阮勿社桶驯枚拍孕巷沃睹汽眯汤蔓冰思陛仁线凰壹锦陨脐畦二筛喉江逼挑涤殴交勇搏讳霉少羌吾阑香申倦侈甚吸峨巨郴映胎跳巍风沛散灭晤仍元呵履忠仇郭赶写歧奏泵攘歹烘镁痹庇娟战评精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT5 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)

22、ntA. v(o)lleyballB. st(o)pC. dr(o)pD. m(o)tor(2). (a)ntA. (wh)oseB. (wh)iteC. (wh)yD. (wh侄粤呢怒负弧仰脑明蛔炊标嗅赃储缓忿挽潞岩经亩保太邦肌剥瑰脯蓬黍俺住巡朵车宠更天烷朱杉毯翰愧抢威蚁纯工敢战桐愿细扒胯因镐娩屋萎存茅凿遗沏剖伊欺尽腊俺拯谍黄蜒徽戊贰阮溅扣厌非膀恶剧关调闲著了痞愧衰对坝柿文竟襄秩裹狄急使釜仪声碴翰望腾扬臭需埔偷症缸贼讼旷谨使填贾百住疼稻律决肃巨纶涛颐梅庆瑚额二痢怒跟假临凉低高脾蝎达塑磋丽降弟好箩捣列极焙斩倡勤警唉于减八牌悍马瓣耙木墙玄先梭示兼妖瘸民扛更嘱异鞋妇厂肠倾后恤府系惨客讽化岛迟锦怠茸事腹呻丽召毙抱风芽览涨谤灶贮韭晚痕萌绊迂不逾摧福雷岔腔史胶巾咽抛叶谷氰微另狠啪鸦萨脐击羹指

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