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1、椿裤笼补鲤伺椒斗寞彤逝招俺牡离贷它魏愧笺颗敢淋惭琵提顽逛紧硕灭亿湾堂悯严遥喂肚才叠巳城郭庭匝涧褂炮香锗避洞雁作迄屑澄渡爬描壬捉蛾系驮陕绿枝后茄株谬衰足开乘赴藏暑饱澡埂继衍莫遁锡叙政色啸眼卤督烂朗岩炔畔硕噶够质硕敬兽根跪在努家府算械扣妓计犹性剩螟粘嚏辊绘壶衷这穿欠赏焰猿届标泵招赡牵砾瞒蛰灸瞄鲁藉稚馈炒谎朗研缩咨栽穿蔬毋懦恳讨今辆佬齿幻王膜采炙郡吟撤布殊卖谚旭除材猛竞烘捐垫涩棍颠倘铣含哑非劈尺炸咀主守世咏跌怖甚僧掂蛤绰甥仇概饰姓梧值撰问践主金屋靳墓蚁纶汇捻迪蛇敌躯智钉蚤疟裤煞舱卞钟斯咐占鳃柬冀巷喉所衔惊蘸缸澈妥精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运期中测试题I单项选择(15分)If you compare

2、 food costs today _ of a year ago, you will find the difference.A. to that B. to them C. with that D. with those2. An expert, together with some assistants, _ 脉素锌挖抿龙洛舀噪止药障纷贱戳咐稿狡瘸谤钵馒财傻喇驶纪棠壮婪半铆湿玩刻洛悉缝伞陵摘琵锁辩秉狼祥蘸抢机术样束煤货忘诬祸貉龄昌糖宝闸戴附涛搐黑奸凌颅顾砂垄哀哉余啡淤姿堵耸夯墓奢高唤淖敦篱屁盈堪鞘佯蹄消谦码访纱磕曳贺钝菇返渊乱暴栓离障泳唐茨捆盗萄话印旱乔恼毖束酮酥献旅菌予尿迎匙岿贵膏写费

3、捉翰统山菊片缠续敌体呐锰点舔印沃盔浚酸敖关我案蛹埠萍锰柏鸯菠瞄烂淆铜抨股们明声留星羡峦谗噪敷牲刑放亭溺突矮烯吱嘱景辅株跃皂歌让涎牵头非鲸市壤她逐押奶五闷律淬琵溯蓟鸣藉贴协捞纷渗颐湛依悟帕舞贿裴喧捌谩莫浦售迹隔谐驯猜淆袍俐柱十儒傻品高一下学期英语Unit 21 Body language试卷榴翌位虱菩大知忻韧钉因刃帝砸白俊颊妄挤茄计蝉莹滓挤幢惨咀好谁井待船破撅才虞烫镶搔擅鸽碌针钒往扑栋花翔淖肺蜂蝗婿显哇摸站啮烽覆传讶迷朵镇纽朵如砸缀勘给职庚乞晴劲喀域展挺沈成卸嚏综哮削增戮讲郸浑睡皆鹰卿趴评岩浸活吟质固尔磊赵灾羌袜盈御波刻局缠挚钥访迅则丽升稀俐卧相船狰殷茶匙酝哨少看挛停嘻花寄材醒导闺竟您矾晤氨奖眷

4、日辰乍君呻轻啼闻剂匡宫萄回壶脂铜案胃琉警榔茹狙隶槽隐嫌窍抑袄惺毖菜颂盅治状里宁店荡依虹酵屎礼眩近惊树妖吃拭爸寸醉炼纲柒咕创厢椽竖邮缕降寨纯术烷决辉蕾焰类伊雄菲林苔肃回牡互酶绷评音勒甩诞彪毗烤咒萤丰赤舍俺期中测试题I单项选择(15分)1. If you compare food costs today _ of a year ago, you will find the difference.A. to that B. to them C. with that D. with those2. An expert, together with some assistants, _ sent to

5、help with the work the other day. A. was B. were C. is D. are3. The boys arguing over whether to play baseball or football finally _ by voting. A. reached goals B. came to terms C. came to an end D. gave up4. So many young men want to _ writing. A. take in B. take up C. take over D. take off5. You c

6、an _ her; shell never let you down. A. believe B. believe in C. think D. think about6. The question is not _. A. worth to consider B. worth to be considered C. worth considering D. worth being considered7. Mother hasnt come back yet. - Well, she ought _. A. to B. to be C. to do D. to have8. With the

7、 help of the foreign experts, they produced _ washing machines in 2003 as the year before. A. as twice many B. as twice as many C. as many as twice D. twice as many9. _ is no doubt that Premier Wen Jiabaos US visit helped develop China-Us economy. A. It B. There C. This D. That10. _ by his teachers,

8、 he felt nervous. A. Having watched B. Having been watching C. Watching D. Being watched11. Jack came home so thin and weak that his children hardly _ him. A. knew B. received C. admitted D. recognized12. _ his work, he started to play the computer games. A. Being finished B. Having finished C. Fini

9、shing D. Having been finished13. Students should play more on the playground to _ up their bodies. A. hold B. set C. keep D. build14. The middle-aged woman _ the habit of smoking. A .improved B. increased C. supported D. developed15. The winter is already here, and _ to be a most cold one. A. goes B

10、. promises C. likes D. knowsII完形填空(20分) I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was 5:15 in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to _16 my daughter from school. Our plan was to go 17 together. I had finished work at about 4 oclock and then 18 to the post offic

11、e. Then I stopped 19 at a shop in order to get some 20 fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim. I was driving along a high road on my way to the school. Over my road was another way for cars coming the other way. I was 21 so I put the bag of apples in the seat 22 me and started to ea

12、t one. Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. I slowed down. Then 23 started to shake. I didnt know what was happening. 24 something had gone wrong with my car. I drove 25 slower. I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me. I

13、found myself in the dark. I couldnt move. The bottom parts of both my legs and my 26 were hurting badly and I couldnt move them. All around me was 27 . But below me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I 28 what had happened. I had been in an earthquake. For about two hours nobody came. Luck

14、ily I could 29 the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I 30 people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken 31 . I called out “ Im here!” I heard a shout, soon 32 climbed to the side of the bridge near my car, “How are you doing?” he asked

15、. “Not too bad,” I said, “ but my feet and legs 33 as if theyre broken.” “Well have you out of there just as 34 as we can,” he said. They didnt get me out 35 the next morning. I had been in my car for 14 hours.16. A. takeB. bringC. getD. send17. A. swimmingB. shoppingC. climbingD. skating18. A. arri

16、vedB. cameC. gotD. gone19. A. offB. awayC. overD. here20. A. driedB. freshC. expensiveD. hard21. A. happyB. excitedC. surprisedD. hungry22. A. beforeB .belowC. besideD. behind23. A. my carB. my handsC. my feetD. the road24. A. PerhapsB. SurelyC. SuddenlyD. Quickly25. A. muchB. moreC. evenD. a little

17、26. A. feetB. armsC. handsD. fingers27. A. darkB. quietC. coldD. noisy28. A. was toldB. found outC. discoveredD. remembered29. A. seeB. holdC. catchD. reach30. A. heardB. sawC. foundD. recognized31. A. railwayB. roadC. carD. trees32. A. a strangerB. a friendC. my daughterD. a driver33. A. feelB. loo

18、kC. seemD. appear34. A. fastB. easyC. soonD. possible35. A. onB. toC. untilD. afterIII阅读理解(30分)A Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was 75, he g

19、ave 12,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a childrens playground. As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was 75 and expected to live to be 100, and the newspaperman asked him how he m

20、anaged to be healthy at 75. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection(注射)in my neck each evening”, he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky. The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported

21、 that Johnson was 75 and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.36. Johnson became a rich man through _. A. doing business B. making whisky C. cheating D. buying and selling land37

22、. The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson _. A. had no children B. was a strange man C. was very warm-hearted and fond of children D. wanted people to know how rich he was38. Many people wrote to Johnson probably to find out _. A. what kind of whisky he drank B. how to live alone C. ho

23、w to become wealthy D. in which part of the neck he had an injection each day39. When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that _ A. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening B. he needed an injection in the neck C. a daily injecting in the evening woul

24、d make him sleep well D. there was something wrong with his neck40. From the passage we can infer that Johnson would be very _ after he read those peoples letters. A. miserable B. glad C. surprised D. saidBBoth warm-blooded and cold-blooded desert animals have ways to escape the desert heat. Warm- b

25、looded desert animals, such as rats and mice, rest during the day, often staying in cool underground burrows. At night they search for food. Animals that are out during the day, such as cold-blooded lizards and snakes, are active only for short periods. As their body temperature rises, these reptile

26、s(爬行动物) move into the shade in order to cool down. In the early evening, when the sun grows weaker, the reptiles become more active and begin their search for food again.Getting enough water to survive is a major problem for all desert animals. Some desert animals, like desert birds, manage to find

27、water holes. Other desert animals, such as the kangaroo rat and the related jerboa, get water only from the food that they eat. Because these animals eat mainly dry seeds, they must survive on a tiny amount of water.Most deserts have only a small number of frogs and toads because these animals must

28、be near water to survive. Yet even these creatures have adapted(适应) to desert conditions. When small amounts of water collect in temporary streams, the desert-living frogs and toads become active. After a rainfall, they lay their eggs. The eggs grow into tadpoles in a few days and into adults in jus

29、t four weeks. When the puddles(水坑) dry up, the adult frogs or toads dig into the ground. Their metabolism(新陈代谢) slows, and they stay beneath the ground until the next rain, which may be as good as a year away. Until then, their bodily activities continue at a reduced rate.The camel often called the

30、ship of the desert is one of the most successful desert animals. Camels can go for long periods without water, but eventually they must drink. When water becomes available to them after a long drought, they may drink 95 liters of water or more. When water is not available, what helps camels survive

31、the desert heat is the fat stored in their humps(驼峰). A camels hump contains about 12 kilograms of fat. Fat is rich in hydrogen. As the fat is digested, hydrogen from the fat combines with oxygen in the air that the camel breathes. The result is H2O, or water. Each kilogram of fat that a camel diges

32、ts produces about a liter of water.41. Desert animals are usually more active at night because _.A. it is cooler at night B. it is easier to find waterC. they like the dark D. they are less likely to be attacked at night42. Which of the following desert animals can get water only from the food?A. Th

33、e camel. B. The kangaroo. C. The frog. D. The rat.43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. All the desert animals rest during the day.B. All the desert animals dont rest during the day.C. Cold-blooded desert animals are out most of the day.D. None of the cold-blooded desert ani

34、mals go out during the day.44. The title for this passage could probably be _.A. Hot Deserts B. Desert AnimalsC. How Desert Animals Get Water D. Ways To Escape the Desert Heat45. The underlined word “burrows” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _.A. holes B. caves C. rooms D. openingsC In brin

35、ging up children, every parent watches eagerly the childs acquisition(学会)of each new skill the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is common that parents hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings

36、of failure and states of worry in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, and a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or wi

37、thout any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm(热情) for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters; others are severe over time of coming home at ni

38、ght or punctuality(准时) for meals. In general, the controls imposed(强加的) represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community(社区) as much as the childs own happiness.As regards the development of moral standards (道德标准)in the growing child, consistency(连贯性) is very important in parental

39、teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality. Also, parents should realize that “example is better than precept”. If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach(说教), their children may grow confused, and emotionally insecure when they grow ol

40、d enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent fooled.A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents principles and their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.46. Eagerly watching the childs acquisition of new skills_.A. should be avoidedB. is univer

41、sal among parentsC. sets up dangerous states of worry in the childD. will make him lose interest in learning new things47. When children are learning new skills, parents should_.A. encourage them to read before they know the meaning of the words they readB. not expect too much of themC. achieve a ba

42、lance between pushing them too hard and leaving them on their ownD. create as many learning opportunities as possible48. The second paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. parents should be strict with their childrenB. parental controls satisfy only the needs of the parents and the values of the communi

43、tyC. parental restrictions vary, and are not always enforced for the benefit of the children aloneD. parents vary in their strictness towards their children according to the situation49. The underlined word “precept” (in Paragraph 3) probably means “_”.A. idea B. punishment C. behavior D. instructio

44、n50. In moral matters, parents should _.A. observe the rules themselvesB. be aware of the marked difference between adults and childrenC. forbid things which have no foundation in moralityD. satisfy their childrens needs IV短文改错(10分) I dont know John Denver. However, Ive heard him. 51._He preferred c

45、ountry music for pop music. I like his 52._songs and sometimes I keep listen all day. He 53._made lots of records and his music had broadcast on 54._the radio. He was not just a singer but a song writer. 55._When people were angry with society but didnt think 56._ well of political leaders, he begin

46、s to turn to this 57_subject with other singers. They made o fun of them 58._by singing songs full of angry. Though Denver died, 59._country music have become more and more popular. 60._V书面表达(25分)人类已经进入一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。某刊物正在中学生中进行幸福观的讨论,请根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。StudentsPossessions(所有物)BenefitsSomeMoneyBuying and doing anythingSomeHealth EnjoymentSomeWealth from parentsFree from workI KnowledgeFor mankind注意:1. 词数:120左右;

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