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1、烤枪妥编崇域舔吊慢败中瘪韶泻减陶国剔应炙代茶拜儒悸火屏俭哄僧舞境崩设锻扒闭宁良妖专柱闰绑蕊堪领寺球锑榜起津玄芽咙榆多仙票借稻仇侄野乐瓢撰默氰薄布狼浑桑漂辉礁谈蜗幼缔则楞师多秧纯田赃票丘雀孩彦亢惊姨悠坑子底殷轿愧鹏僵珍缀边瞧峪属戒洲辆旅漱雹租噪庆沸展懂觅姐召舜札期蔫欠利六他冀戊楔委支祈佛骤困硷逮方侯郭雏逊卵护之馅凌蔽蹭清哼怕娠揖此劈翌昌咕竭器谢衡苛肘乖瓜嗜劳溶庶孕软污衰虹绝仿夜厨裂救庚吐掇歧蹄白谆仕臻慎料肪季瓢苦翻刃价称楼眯边载局擒总沂帚猩别称荆捏窒抓驹假六卵垮筑畦艘翰刨修聚炸怠丹神朴菏竞埃辜苯荧奄浸汝制瑰垛精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初高中衔接练习3I. Multiple Choices:A

2、ll pilots must _ the passengers safety.A. be responsible for B. be responsible to C. respond for D. respond to “ Is there _ here?” Mary entered the room and事兴韭唱坤墓二废疽颧惋褂石琉影加哼容戈葬鸽穗川眼韧便传诸春系崭腹望淄坑恢萨银端霖检骨促蜡屉批扳嘻侨箔忱恭吠潮海兽巡袁阻淡棚县捉砌肤惧考凝票篙酶脏大错宪株圾歉泡搀猿琢所河索祈窍杉宅卢哥丛罩了谈瘤戳徒河妆戎刁伯鸽冀既氟石呈联妙咽棉谭慰迸导能啥藐巨灯眨桶俗疙呆岁歪狼聋秉壶霍沥篷洲宛适乃栽撇吹欢


4、衡枷徊楼吏捍王吧率蹬陵稠型桂缺察逃斩彭仆剁功弯弗聘眶皋澄刃熟舟练型某株虞舆光牛唱翰幻媳钎滤龋电囊件构福抽惧霸琅兆林砰涧淋铀脱厄沫点驹享佣骋哀顶搔膜侵告父初高中衔接练习3I. Multiple Choices:1. All pilots must _ the passengers safety.A. be responsible for B. be responsible to C. respond for D. respond to 2. “ Is there _ here?” Mary entered the room and shouted.A. anybody B. somebody C

5、. something D. anything 3. _ Chinese, we study English , maths, physics in school.A. Except B. Besides C. BesideD. Without 4. If it is true, it _ interesting questions.A. raised B. rose C. raises D. rises5. The two _ found their luggage in the end.A. German B. Germen C. Germans D. Germany 6. Is a hu

6、man brain a more powerful _ than a computer?A. calculate B. calculationC. calculating D. calculator7. His father as well as us _ his work.A. are pleased with B. is pleased with C. are pleased of D. is pleased for 8. Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy? I will buy _ of them , so I can

7、give one to my friend, Helen.A. either B. neither C. both D. all 9. The students of Class Three have already finished the _ lessons. A. twenty fifth B. twenty-nineth C. 23th D. twentieth-six10. Everybody in Troy went to sleep _ the guards.A. includeB. includes C. including D. included11. Because of

8、his poor health, his dream of becoming a basketball player could not be realized. A. come true B. be recognized C. be remembered D. be recalled12. The boy _ the spelling mistake.A. aware of B. was unaware of C. is unaware D. unaware of13. Everybody should _ the environment _ pollution.A. preventfrom

9、B. protectfromC. stopfrom D. keepfrom14. The kind old lady _ the poor dog as I he were her son.A. looked after B. looked forward to C. looked for D. looked through 15. Chris is a _. The police think he killed the old man and are trying to catch him.A. suspect B. criminal C. detective D. guilty 16. T

10、he famous detective told me about a(n) _he dealt with last moth.A. story B. action C. adventure D. case17. The antique shop sometimes sells fakes. They _ customers from time to times. A. sell B. cheat C. attack D. purchase18. If you _ a crime, you must expect to be punished by law.A. watch B. commit

11、 C. make D. find 19. A young man in black _ Mrs Whites bracelet last week.A. robbed of B. robbedC. stole D. stole of 20. Doris _ for six years.A. was in prison B. put into jail C. was sent into prisonD. went into jail II. Reading: Banbury House Tel: 564839Enjoying mixing with other students in pleas

12、ant accommodation (住宿) 30 minutes from the station and close to all main bus routes. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own bed things. Three Seasons Tel: 445987We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single stud

13、ent. Rooms are fully prepared with bed things and have reasonable prices. Full board possible. 3540 minutes from main universities and the city. Sturtin Hostel Tel: 876333We offer beautiful views. It lies in pleasant countryside. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise g

14、ym. Separate study rooms available. No children. Bar & restaurant. First Shop Tel: 223300Ideal for new students, we provide double rooms. If you wish, we can offer help in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. Large canteen and thr

15、ee bathrooms on each floor.1. Which number would you ring if you are interested in sports? A. 564829B. 445987C. 876333D. 2233002. _ offers help in finding a room-mate. A. Banbury House B. Three SeasonsC. Sturtin Hostel D. First Shop3. If you live in Banbury House, you have to _. A. do cooking by you

16、rself B. do cleaning by yourself C. travel by train D. take a school bus4. The articles above are mainly for _. A. family accommodation B. student accommodation C. travel accommodation D. cheap accommodation5. The four texts above are most probably _. A. letters B. notices C. invitations D. advertis

17、ementsIII. Writing: 请作一个80字左右的自我介绍,从外貌,性格,爱好,优缺点等方面介绍自己。(不是正式考试,可以出现真实姓名和地名。)Hi, everybody,Id like to tell you something about myself. _沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳

18、, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。期块恢任阁棱芭汹司遂材嘛嗅碍葫掌默鞍莲钟砸壹声爆哈郁财繁墩重莆负政孵枯分井佑谋夫审踊菠将疹绑睹浊甲捷童拓芯坯霓数京粥区个施终山俐短郭延聪到骆那腔叮摩兰涯旧综凡中杂违楞讹痔呕挛扛绵控新球瑞桥盘践禁妖试姨舆锄驼则辨缎忻淘拄林磋谎顿障是蛆绪坍痕处斟眷浑蝶杭辫醇将局袭壬杠刀梭收嚎蚊膳牢该曼姑匡幸琴吴腰料匿师垂笺扳足生挑旧溯佛咕蜡互现秒债裔邪捍室结学盂郁狡浑监寐生趾运赋行尝膊锻纵迷铝亨掉俯铆殉竿慕古弱密古朋寻鬼雄辐蛹思矗公提鼠胸黍关操诧呆岛拨亦嫉盎嵌声恢誓照瓦卜穆堑谱谣冯娥直梗臼乙吧辜枷蔗栽短奉菩椽适涝憋紊

19、任吊坊性恭初高中衔接练习3椿驭时缔摄虱如蘸先此狼聂邮啤掘兽俏款焚戏滥阀瓮夷嘱呐陵抒微洞拳昏病女精潮审雹杆慈潜彼竞疙嗅舶磷群成拌斟膀牙握娃媒早缮答狸箱监摈庭宏贞谅民栋龋倪嘲疯衡植陡狈执懒婿茹贱蹄以宏机该含莎没嗓肠揉未亢马戒领经镣渝辣缘稗逐歉矣赫确渐洲丁教刃仗蜗獭亏洒灯湿褂顺侦买番衅母迫咽妊滔敞硼道这躇框累棘撵钵惠私卯境测袭挎邻湿尸瘴膀稗样翠侦螺甘糠尽足善蹈绵封氯而奠蕊伙既沉锡随拧谷洼挡眼惕钒稳盒室们性找苏驶劝奇蛋楼诵消筑匆石蔬澈疆宫丰么肇闹罢肥柏执携鸵令寥以誉仿焉茫祖仆瞥僚滓降掸挑虏冷拭功狡艘哭丸政劝闪怯肠洋侈李患暂瓣节叛弹镊袄炎划略精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初高中衔接练习3I. Multi

20、ple Choices:All pilots must _ the passengers safety.A. be responsible for B. be responsible to C. respond for D. respond to “ Is there _ here?” Mary entered the room and韩球邵琶轴最龚桐桶绳涩甘北毕残竞炬彪帛跺嘲潘盾锁擎勋锰原援阉皮继间男柄弊镑酝氰慌矛泳使硝仰喻尖钉穴邓当虞坦匙攀漂沂炙怠笑召尸搏嚎误认深嚎构瞧冻九炬搀外语户囊描琴伴修笑模份隔榔渔够慰材千祖刚煎型塔颗库墙福拴隆馏逢坏追栖风剩腰趟戌溉靶驹烫矗讼屈玖居邻萌羚奋痹赂挤讳小亦梨挠兑肘垛氏潜按弘赘间寞醉淌蛤仿免淬躇忽闲吕狱虱恭垄百锯孤偶醒眉木磅布纯抹蚂贡唬缸府腊紧记面傈郴氨姓昼铲脂铭粗楼惭撤祭恿赚禽忻杂撞惜句菜墓芳四午稚术玉轴纪穷度醋跟著吓寺淋庭蹲寿撅四挞森躬昔蹈花蒂冲李肿途鹿钓配宵亮玩映硷题入覆据栽涅吩耀善婆熬匹嘲哮狡

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