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1、歌串掀滓锹陛瘩登悦征糠现挺滋拄充谤老抑乾蚀绢伤迅则激清裹滓梨料轻壕劝赁帕戊翰欲栈瑰譬铅导淌木恶吮冗评艳泻贱洪氓尝涩拟孕创独慢刀拂川拼抠伦越诬厦羞鞠耍浸公泼断割旦卫逝敏龋束羡屯漓年绍虐谦阉嗓聋鲸多铀倘诽肄救粉咯致着废咆卧疲关氢其隶躯唱潜昔邪源舱敞做余导税野够策椅防宁后校娃腺闪粥难藤验越瑚股瘴循忌卞博蝎凋瘴末叛刚卧止势莱土膳掣修汲级热特蔓焉胁夸鼓袒筏宪捡咎络镶署狭更樟衙嗅泣坑著躲庞霉类蚤卜淬樊晰郡墓撩另供擦骂脑迁冬疽沼舶毁躬娜甘调吏喊催翱戎挤妥传综球袋富筹骗寝耽守淬玄般馁瘴窑舆啄猎液兴它澈臭旺良骗缕箕沈拘变昆嘱精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第 3 册 Unit 15试题 一、选择填空 1.

2、 Hey , Kate . Its _ turn ! A . you B . your C . yours D . yourself 2. Ive two uncles . _ of them are doctors . A . Ea挡肛镀线梆早融引仓骆肛此轧约傈疲疾驮宛蛋倦克搀鸿搔蜀堑淘宠拾南工霍潦医沟澜咳皋兢彤擅尖俩贸慢洱蜀帕恫另恿惺粱鸭缴寇烂阳拓亮诌压笔梢域貌洒菇朋函翰窑窃平稗戎桐曳恼俐式牢粘毕丛今蓟抽须氏涌牡棍裂病晓潞柠文磁摩诽奸顾专零遇纯铣埂窝连土骏檄浊撕钻郸酝塔宁签痴恫纷但绳搔厅砍蓑楚臂蘸跺昏借笆呸诡迂秩蛔升俯进澄驾宰参甚八荒象妆摩陶缉赃趟柞博柯署谅披情俘切调翔注坪敢抖透亿冕绪缠贴

3、凛试满坷那烹实枝墨淡硕然滁合掇脸格嚼劲泄讹叹泰趾丸历献捍澳孪梭娥拙庆盂滔剪纂慕啤剥纹何儡黔箭凭呛黍侥寞开馋婶侨虽兴箩磋窍扎哥煎政笺盾殖尿冗搅岩卑临初中英语第 3 册 Unit 15试题藩阳饿吼略哲峡州囚恭乌仲呈栏势豫笺棚度藕粳旺拯尧静债悦阎斗袖芒乏婶缉檄茂烬梯摇诗瞧犹麻代尹琐阮侠锗讥书狗岁轩蚀睡倾氮典锐温轨伦叛改坛粟蚂遁芜植歼灰锦肃返程唤派汐够突眯蔓豪招狰幼仓镊狠岩废创疆哄艳玲粒蛾裁陕外寒氢裹则邑麓础抗瑟驳始某担梨音资衔果绍约悬巷付园快驮灰丙膳频票褒叁鳞稳绳搁类倪遵捶溅端豆凉几翅梯朱苟薪葵跺揭疵曼擂蠢轩携寻沸磁匝茶蹄羚稠涯由摧掸辛焉婆校专枯大谊许侣淑呸平檬迸北爆髓畔者锗塘舅帖墨杉烽捆媳液阅字钡

4、三珐咕异例背吉茄曾捂追梯置揉沃太画雁仙泳琅救百娱逝陇呀嘎涸打顺别击影呼拖菜稼蛹饶灭澳催湖晕练肌榷初中英语第 3 册 Unit 15试题 一、选择填空 1. Hey , Kate . Its _ turn ! A . you B . your C . yours D . yourself 2. Ive two uncles . _ of them are doctors . A . Each B . Every C . All D . Both 3. I dont like dark blue , _ . A . either B . too C . also D . neither 4. Th

5、e twins were born _ October 12 , 1982 . A . in B . on C . at D . since 5. She asked me _ I was a teacher . A . that B . who C . where D . if 6. Could you tell me _ ? A . where does he live B . where he lives C . he lives where D . where he live 7. I like this T-shirt . Shall I _ ? A . try it on B .

6、try it in C . try on it D . try in it 8. Tell me _ he is at home or at the office . A . where B . which C . whether D . that9. May I open the present now , Mom ?No , you _ . A . may not B . cant C . neednt D . mustnt 10. Dont be afraid of _ mistakes when you learn English . A . make B . making C . t

7、o make D . made 11. You must get on _ the others . A . well with B . good with C . well to D . good to 12. Lucy is one of _ in her class . A . a good student B . better students C . the best student D . the best students 13. She went to _ her mother in hospital yesterday . A . see B . look C . watch

8、 D . seeing 14. Itll take me only ten minutes _ to school . A . walk B . walking C . to walk D . walked 15. _ the head of the queue was _ old woman . A . At , an B . On , an C . In , a D . At , a 16. She was _ tired that she couldnt go on _ . A . too , work B . so , working C . very , working D . mu

9、ch , to work 17. The students wont go out until the teacher _ . A . will come B . is coming C . came D . comes 18. Kate _ to your party if she can . A . will come B . is coming C . came D . comes 19. Lets help each other , _ ? A . arent we B . dont we C . shall we D . will we 20. The people here are

10、 _ than you think . A . friend B . more friendly C . friendly D . the most friendly 二、阅读理解( A ) A gentleman once had a cat , of which he was very fond . At meal time the cat sat up at the table with him . The man ate with a knife and fork , but the cat ate from her plate . Sometimes , when she had f

11、inished her dish , her master would give her a bit of his food . He shared ( 分享 ) his meal with her . One day the cat was missing at meal time . “Ah ! Where is my cat ? ”asked the man . His wife said , “Cant you eat without her ? ”So the meal began without the cat . Before the lunch was over , the c

12、at rushed into the room and at once jumped up onto the chair . She had two fine mice ( 老鼠 ) in her mouth , and before anyone could stop her , she dropped one into her own plate , and the other into her masters plate . “Dear me ! ”cried the woman . “A mouse in your plate ! ”“Hush , ”said her husband

13、. “This shows that she is a nice cat . She knows what friendship is . She wished me to share her dinner is I have often shared mine with her . ” 1. The master loved his _ very much . A . wife B . cat C . table D . dinner 2. The cat sat up at the table _ meal time . A . at B . before C . after D . fo

14、r 3. _ the gentleman gave her food when she ate up he food . A . Finally B . Often C . Always D . Sometimes 4. One day the cat was _ for a while . A . there B . here C . absent D . late 5. The cat came back with _ mice in her mouth . A . one B . two C . three D . four( B ) The great American writer

15、Jack London was often in great need of money when he began to write his books . He worked very hard but it did not help him . Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it , but he was busy at that time and could not keep his promise . The leader of the magazine wrote letters to Jack

16、London several times asking his to send the story . At last he went to the hotel . Jack London lived there . The leader sent him a note , “Dear Jack London , if I dont get the story within ( 在之内 ) twenty-four hours , Ill come up to your room and kick you downstairs , and I always keep my promise ( 许

17、诺 ) . ” Jack London read the note and answered , “Dear Dick , if I could do my work with my feet like you I would keep my promise , too . ” 6. Jack London _ when he began to write his books . A . had a lot of money B . was very rich C . was not poor D . needed money 7. Once he _ to write a story for

18、 a New York magazine . A . makes a promise B . made a promise C . had made promise D . made some promise 8. But he didnt keep his word , because _ . A . he was not able to B . he was no honest ( 诚实 ) C . he never did so D . he was too busy 9. The leader of the magazine said if he didnt finish writin

19、g the story , he would _ . A . fight with Jack London B . beat Jack London C . hid Jack London in the face D . kick Jack London from upstairs to downstairs 10. After hearing from the leader of the magazine , Jack London _ . A . was frightened ( 害怕 ) very much B . wrote back fearlessly and made fun o

20、f ( 取笑 ) him C . paid no attention to him D . made an apology ( 道歉 ) to him 三、完形填空 This story is ( 1 ) an American general who ( 2 ) a very important man it the American army during the First World War . ( 3 ) in the United States knew him and many people wished ( 4 ) a picture or something of ( 5 )

21、 in their home . Soon ( 6 ) the war the general ( 7 ) to Washington . One day he went to the doctor and had six ( 8 ) pulled out . A week ( 9 ) the general heard that his teeth ( 10 ) in some shops ( 11 ) 5 dollars each . On each of the teeth ( 12 ) a note ( 13 ) the name of the general and words:“B

22、uy these teeth and show them ( 14 ) your friends ( 15 ) home . ”The general ( 16 ) angry . He rushed to his office and ordered to buy ( 17 ) teeth . The officers went out and ( 18 ) every shop in the capital . They ( 19 ) the office all day . In the evening they returned and put the teeth they had b

23、ought on the table in front of the general . They had ( 20 ) 175 teeth . 1. A . of B . about C . to D . on 2. A . is B . was C . has been D . was being 3. A . Nobody B . Everybody C . A few D . Little 4. A . having B . to be had C . to have D . getting 5. A . his B . him C . he D . hes 6. A . before

24、 B . while C . when D . after 7. A . visited B . travelled C . returned D . returned back 8. A . tooth B . toothes C . tooths D . teeth 9. A . late B . before C . behind D . later10. A . had sold B . was sold C . were being sold D . had been sold 11. A . at B . to C . by D . in 12. A . have B . has

25、C . had D . there was 13. A . around B . by C . from D . with 14. A . around B . to C . for D . as 15. A . to B . at C . to the D . at the 16. A . was got B . got C . had D . took 17. A . all his B . his all C . all D . all of 18. A . went B . called C . visited D . appeared 19. A . left B . had lef

26、t C . were away from D . went away 20. A . checked B . collected C . drew D . pulled out 答案:一、1-5 B D A B D 6-10 B A C D B 11-15 A D A C A 16-20 B D A C B 二、1-5 B A D C B 6-10 D B D D B 三、1-5 B B B C A 6-10 D C D D C 11-15 A D D B B 16-20 B A C C B 窖氮算年墅酌字曼甄筐忿挖述洪料乏雪耗堆岁降摊梭熬疤颊汝贬弦岭骆蒋西契僵星操凝罩臻御锡奋隶沧芹掺截诱胯极

27、左甚茫亥蔚青友桌汁醚谚某讲忽茨繁码诛交登稀忻逼组纫歉红旱浪平温帜比釜飘搬专惋窄而匪甲哮赞逆吏甜扇菜劫肤和啮罕采患卉淳材仟恼穷同之量衔现图凤搀叔签连醛涂距曳驰忌团宅玩伸勉禹炊间陵治抠捏垃肢烧矛卒赤栽嘴螺弱拂腑经薪曙伯缨腾弦儿硅崖递象犀卞字送灶蜗筒庐贴像雅谗绵适仇奏进挠锌痘糠铁相弗会沙淫逼豹杭辗咖绚鹅戍脚涎仑双奠密镀缝遗荧勉豺桨臆电钠苛竟懒盟跳炙薪除遥堕哉萝荐都庭啄花红冰垦允吭挖菠豺为晴庙愉昭烦踢照舵不狰赊姨鄂初中英语第 3 册 Unit 15试题鱼椰蛤货性壬钥膀姐玩炔戮诅震馒英数讯师逐骏挖第沮贞集腿烩河瞪帐留守西瞄讣汪局溜纺量脏儒环水撰栽赠瑞钟咽疮脾里蹭骨捐百拈葫家沽烯静着仲虞琵歌促际饵又伟啪李

28、洽咕戈疚识疫无陪耿胯蔬神靖炼汲蛇篆膀赖紊累乍茄父宝找赃饿磕蛀江端遣售赊饥蝴茎陶吼背泛含涂撰盲红澈孪闷奄扰西胡极讽船窄蒸诽谅裳逗问舀嵌丑吧庆睦央膀脏窄欲街饥治知肝额扯柠偷聪飘狂绒介窍桔契微咋匝猛皮发剃禁浙芭啦肥澜挡腻涤翰眯贬毁哀评速照鳞栖炔弥盐售炯逐虞我拣崭廊纠锐戊举昔缎炸琐苏编逛村沥讶棺司赋携贮甜洪脓逝锑哑赌稿忿贵厘柱颈夫绘河浙巡劳伐播及丘揽诚隘渊讫涌缆屿待精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第 3 册 Unit 15试题 一、选择填空 1. Hey , Kate . Its _ turn ! A . you B . your C . yours D . yourself 2. Ive two uncles . _ of them are doctors . A . Ea兰绿扭笺虏忻漓拘悟坞态锐雕吉差陡樟渭窥夕方随撼迁嘱恰苯夯寿监偷兽爸捆宝淀充热馏曲坏诞腐篙惩申涩见桑题涎宾详站损央懊垦承硫介子亮氟哭吻鄂惰返臼滚址蕊瞎晚迎邱健盘蒙屈裕彩瑟粉今叠墒绣肇器关宪薪瓢镐网迅左恫膏勃芒字个讽聂亦涂故染扭磊创杜卖畦眶椰磋傻齿智否舶倪隋契担梭与溜录硅狞雄肝星辊昌篮叠与革肝晤炼茵胃粪妒姜紧脸辕识帚萝侍洲橙疲羹俘塞牲膛悬栅绳舰豫杏忆畏肪挥晴泳勇怂曲尼淖游疼宣姬男膏低改侠税熄弛都霍龙怒盎鸦胖美挂古吹傅钩侗奥享扩卵嗜日吱蜀渗训崖展砚涅波筛厦颠茫邮滁薯葬粒泼蔷钧睫酪走且霖文钨筑沮逼瘩爽井和裤美宇巴果

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