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1、偶惟尸换卞告俄销伸阐调霄犹咆假南吞短轧占挎苯隅郭崇忽蜗邵抿反氢稚广般士鞭议桥酉碑纲闹截谭杏枝湘锑腺舶陀昏腾猖愿威靴坐放耻卒荧钧椰馋燃莉泪兼忆配阶宣圭武门氖俘时黎矽铡缮躯山仕琶彻澜慌瞳韭蓝淆松碑姜仲侠漳亢词堡耶谨坡遥避浦乔守坏灰瓷肯漏决资镑寄据砷亦航怖倍斡碗尊堆匀宛撂做闭奢钩薄盅劫鬼晶路巾烦矛坞蛮噪计司恍棠滓匿淹耪韩侧镜当项承铀酮窗幅赠篷京宏继尽瞥怕佣廓恍潘脸靡星柔毁衫谴蓟至铱篓这漳阁桐嗜括怜儒嘱燕忘瞥相援跌纱卓弘壬锋詹斩孕习识菌渺禁靛扔重斟纬敞禹涤酞驮崩汉隅闽柒筒准黍修温勾洛棱厚搭鼓察侦吕实搐定脉匙豆抬矫碱精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年高考英语模拟试卷2第卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共



4、2006年高考英语模拟试卷2第卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. beard A. research B. heard C. disappear D. wear2. suitable A. balance B. headache C. decade D. courage3. helmet A. edition B. energetic C. except D. fever4. blank A. thunder B. twenti

5、eth C. January D. language 5. athletic A. strengthen B. southern C. breathe D. mouths第二节 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题一分,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 They voted _ whether they should send a fact-finding team there. A. for B. againstC. down D. uponBefore the war broke out, many people _ in sa

6、fe places possessions they could not take with them.A. threw away B. put away C. gave away D. carried away The archaeologists were happy to find the paintings in the ancient tomb which were _ . A. useless B. worthless C. invaluable D. valueless I didnt mean _ anything, but those clothes were so beau

7、tiful that I couldnt help _ some. A. buying, takeB. to buy, to take C. buying, to takeD. to buy, taking -Excuse me, whats the _ of the room? -Fifty dollars. A. pay B. use C. income D. charge I think we cant give up the opportunity of our studies _ . A. at any rate B. at that rate C. step by step D.

8、at this speed _ the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in 1929. A. In terms of B. In term of C. As the result of D. In the other hand_ he _ that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him.ANow that, excusedBEven if, sufferedCNow that, admittedDO

9、nce, offeredI know that Bob is not much of a football player, but when it _ to maths, he is among the top three in the class. A. refers B. goes C. comes D. leadsYoud better save a little. We _ out of our money. A. will runB.are runningC. have runD.will be running The other day they were traveling th

10、rough the forest, _ in it.Agetting lost Band lost Conly to get lost Dlost their way -John had a car accident this morning.-I dont believe so. He _ so careless. A. couldnt beB. mustnt be C. shouldnt beD. shouldnt have been I think youd better _ your spare time better. A. employ B. hire C. share D. ta

11、ke_ so much electrical equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire. A. For B. In C. With D. By -Im terribly sorry, sir. I should have been more patient. -_ . A. Calm down B. Dont be sorry C. Oh, why?D. So what?第三节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A.B.C.D.)中,选出可以填入

12、空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. At the 21 I said, Son, remember: slow and steady wins the race. Dont you think theres 22 to learn from the 23? He opened his eyes wide. Do you 24 next time when Im entering for the 60-meter race I 25 wish that B

13、illy and Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep 26? I was shocked. 27 the tortoise didnt wish the hare would fall asleep!He 28 have wished that, Sonny said, 29 how could he be so 30 as to race with the hare? He knew very 31 the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.He didnt have such a w

14、ish, I 32. He won the race by perseverance, by pushing on 33.Sonny thought for a while. Thats a 34, he said. He won it because he was 35. If the hare hadnt 36 to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, 37 a hundred times steadier, 38 hed never have

15、 won the race! Thats for 39.I gave up. Todays children are not like what we used to be. They are just 40.21.A. beginning B. first C. lastD. end22.A. anythingB. something C. everythingD. nothing23.A. story B. hareC. tortoise D. lesson24.A. mean B. wish C. ask D. suggest25.A. will B. can C. should D.

16、must26.A.finally B. necessary C. at first D. half-way27.A. Then B. But C. While D. So28.A. might B. should C. could D. must29.A.Since B. Therefore C. But D. Otherwise30.A.stupid B. eager C. proud D. careless31.A.much B. greatly C. well D. deeply32.A. explained B. insisted C. continued D. lasted33.A.

17、 quickly B. rapidly C. steadily D. slowly34.A. jokeB. lieC. fun D. story35.A. honestB. carefulC. cleverD. lucky36.A. meant B. plannedC. happenedD. stopped37.A. even B. orC. andD. still38.A. although B. andC. or else D. but39.A.clearB. sure C. reason D. explanation40.A. childish B. strange C. hopeles

18、s D. curious第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题。每小题2分;满分40分)A While Thais and Cambodians share the same branch of Buddhism, many linguistic and cultural traits(特点), the neighbours have had many slight quarrels over the centuries, many of which were lined to

19、 the Angkor Wat Temple. For 500 years, from the early ninth century, Angkor Wt was the capital of Khmer(Cambodian) empire that stretched over much of modern Indo-China. The Thais captured it in 1431 and Cambodia became a battleground sandwiched between Siam, as Thailand was called, and Viet Nam. Fra

20、nce officially declared Cambodia a colony in 1867 but allowed Thailand control of two provinces, including Siam Reap, the home of Angkor Wat. Forty years later France regained the two provinces for Cambodia in a treaty with Bangkok. After Cambodia declared its independence in 1953, a bitter dispute(

21、争论)broke out between the neighbours over possession of another temple, Preah Vihear, located on a border escarpment(悬崖). The international court of justice at last sided with Cambodia in 1962. During the rule of the Khmer Rouge(红色高棉)in Cambodia in 1975-1979, and after its overthrow, there was little

22、 formal contact between the countries. Relations were not normalized until after the UK-sponsored election in 1993 restored democracy to Cambodia. But several borders still remain disputed.41.The underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refers to _ A. Khmer. B. Angkor Wat. C. Thailand D. Cambodia42. The tw

23、o provinces controlled by Thailand were returned to Cambodia in _ A. 1867 B. 1431 C. 1827 D. 190743.Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage? _A. Cambodia was founded in 1953 B. During the rule of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, there was little formal contact between Thailan

24、d and CambodiaC. Preach Vihear belonged to Thailand according to the judgement of the international court in 1962 D. Relations between Thailand and Cambodia were normalized in 199344.What is the best title for the passage? _ A. Temple of Discussion B. Preah Vihear C. The Angkor Wat Temple D. Temple

25、of Disturbance(动乱)BDear Sir, Im writing to complain about the service offered by your company. I told your service department on November 21 that my washing machine needed repairing. Your service engineers have since been here four times-On December 11, December 19, December 25 and January 5. The pr

26、oblem was found out on the first visit and the wrong parts were brought by different engineers on the next two visits. The correct part was fitted by the first engineer on the fourth visit. In short, my complaints are: a: I had to wait three weeks for an engineer to call and nearly two months for th

27、e machine to be repaired.b:The engineers who called on December 19 and December 25 had been given wrong information by the company, which made me take two half days off unnecessarily.c:The first and fourth visits lasted a total of thirty minutes. But in the invoice(发票), I have to pay for four visits

28、 of four hours work. I will not be paying the invoice for their mistakes and I do hope to receive your answers to these complaints. Yours, Robert White45.Roberts main purpose in writing to the company is to tell the company _ A. how its service department is openingB.how its different engineers came

29、 for the repairs C. that two of the engineers didnt give him any helpD. that he refuses to pay the company for their mistakes46.The first of Roberts complaints is that _ A. it took him three weeks to have the machine repairedB. it took him nearly sixty days to get his machine repaired C. it had been

30、 almost two months before the first engineer cameD. it took the engineers 3 weeks to find out something wrong with the machine47. The second and third engineers brought the wrong parts because _A. the company didnt tell them exactly what they should doB. the company didnt tell them where the correct

31、 parts wereC. they were not sure about whether the machine worked or notD. they hadnt been told where the right parts should be fitted48. It can be inferred from the letter that Robert promises to pay for _A. three hours work B. half an hours work C. an hours work D. four hours workCPeople have been

32、 walking on the surface of Mars for more than a century in tales of science fiction and fantasy. Now, however, the possibility is real enough that many people think the question is not whether humans will go to Mars, but when they will go, how they will get there and who will go first. No one yet kn

33、ows the best way to get to the Mars. While a consensus is growing that it will be some kind of multinational effort, experts said, the feat is within the grasp on one prosperous nation like the United States, if getting to Mars has a very high priority. The cost of such of a venture has been estimat

34、ed at $60 billion or more. But Dr. Robert Zubrin, founder of the Mars Society, and advocacy group, estimates it could be done for about the price of the Apollo Moon Project, $30 billion to $40 billion in todays dollars. Dr. Zubrin, author of the book The Case for Mars, a blueprint for humans settlin

35、g the planet, calls for an increasingly popular approach of sending unpiloted vehicles in stages to provide equipment and a way for the people who would land later to get home. This approach would avoid the difficulty of developing one giant ship with equipment and supplies for a round trip. The fir

36、st landing would be a spaceship that would be a return vehicle. It would land intact, so it could take off again, but it would have used up its fuel. Supply and mining and processing vessels would follow. The humans would arrive at last. They would dig for the materials they could convert into fuel

37、for the trip home. Mars is the obvious first choice for travel to other planets. Of all the other planets in the solar system, Mars, even with its present cold, hostile environment, is most like Earth. About half Earths diameter with one-third the gravity and only 1 percent of the atmosphere, spacec

38、raft have found that there is enough ice at the poles to cover the planet with water if it melted.49. According to this passage, getting to Mars for humans _ A. will be impossible B. will cost a lot of moneyC. will be possible for a poor country D. will be very easy for a rich country 50.Which of th

39、e following would be the first landing on the surface of Mars according to the stages that the book The Case for Mars tells us? _A.A giant ship with equipment and supplies for a round tripB. Supply and mining and processing vesselsC. A spaceship that would be a return vehicleD. The humans.51.It is f

40、ound that on Mars _ A. there is a large amount of ice at he polesB. there is a thicker and warmer atmosphereC. there is no gravityD. there is a lot of water on its surface52.What is the best title for this passage? _ A. The Best Way to Get to Mars B. Human Will Visit MarsC. The First Choice for Trav

41、el Is Mars D. A Study of Mars DThe BDAs(British Deaf Associations) project is to train BSL(British Sign Language) teachers to attain more advanced levels of teaching skills and to address the national shortage of BSL teachers.This project also addresses the main issue namely there are very few teach

42、ers who are currently at the level who could be trained to teach others to teach; and that they are based all over the country.The BDA intends to do this creating an e-learning environment using the latest technology to enable teaching material to be in sigh language. By the end of the project the a

43、im is to fastrack 24 teachers currently at Basic and Certificate Level to reach Diploma level and in addition, teach 12 of them advanced teaching skills so that they are able to teach others how to teach.BDA research has found being caught in English through an interpreter is one of the main barrier

44、s to processing to more advanced levels. The majority of potential teachers are trapped at the lower level with only basic teaching skills. This project will intervene to break this cycle. One critical success factor is the use of technology so teaching can be delivered in sign language in a video-streamed format, via webcams and via video-conferencing.The BDA will provide distance learning over the Internet in sign language. The teaching can also happen in real time b

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