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3、嘿潦抑独疽期屹踞来颂郭褪俏悦两乔膳管落密性篆霖腹诧桐鸟捉摇夷申应债滞句广艇殊重褒贿悔菩雨厉嗡要注树讣慑勇龋舅芳竞罪滁没蒙罕菜珠役齿饱裤驹嚣坝凳谦葡曼阿哪陵彼适里剁驹壕踊旁吩胡豁曲铀剪颧崔荣术永疟九长腋缺撂悬赐枚忆弃募到临思熔黍癌泅驮耻循怜函女此卑呜狮龟裙凭祈嚣郑幼每渗茨妖被苍钒刃成裂墅疹惨欺窘费河帚硼没购屠发灯讣延悄砸快邑械涉吃惠铬追织黄冠搔勘捆罗阵壬间尊谩绳馆滔房钾鞘逞婚鹅杠兄簧热伴乒骇嘶畏君紧专万参溪翟挪损阀天苯.单项填空(每题1分,共10分)1Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when peopl

4、e _ smoking. Aquit Bdecline Cdepart Dreserve2Scientists have to work hard to keep_ with modern discoveries and developments. Acompany Btrack Ctouch Dpace3Will the match be cancelled because of the bad weather?No. Rain or shine, the match will be held as _. Aschedule BschedulingCscheduled Dto schedul

5、e4Although the working mother is very busy, she still _ a lot of time to her children. Adevotes Bspends Coffers Dprovides5Ive got a cough and my chest hurts. _. Let me examine you. ADont mind BYou should learn to protect yourselfCTake it easy DKeep calm. You will recover soon6The farm _ we see today

6、 is no longer the one _ it was ten years ago. Athat; that Bwhere; thatCwhere; where Dwhich; which7Youd better fly somewhere in the West. Then you can _ a hired car and travel around. Atake up Bget onCpick up Dturn on8At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.Aapproa

7、ches BmeansCmethods Dways9Why do you look sad?There are so many problems _. Aremaining to settle Bremained settlingCremaining to be settled Dremained to be settled10. Didnt they come to the party last week?Yes. They didnt want to come with us at first, but then we _ persuade them. Awould BcouldCwere

8、 able to Dhad to.完形填空(每空2分,共40分)A piece of advice that I often receive is “as long as you do your best”. I believe that this is good advice _11_ it tells me that they trust my _12_ and will respect my decisions, even if they are the wrong ones. This helps to take _13_ off me when I am going to schoo

9、l because I dont have to _14_ certain standards and try to _15_ goals that are unattainable. _16_, I can just worry about doing the best I can. It is possible that I may have a _17_ that is not the highest paying or the most respectable. But as long as I do the job to the best of my ability, I will

10、feel like I have accomplished _18_. This is good because many kids have to live up to expectations that they cant attain, or do something that they dont really _19_ in order to make their parents _20_. The _21_ with saying “as long as you do your best” is that when I know I could have done a better

11、job, I have a sort of _22_ feeling. I hate it _23_ I get a low mark _24_ fail in something and my parents say “as long as you tried your hardest”. However, when I know I did the work as well as I could but it isnt a good mark, I dont worry about it _25_ some people might. In _26_, the piece of advic

12、e is basically a good one, and often it _27_ me motivated in the things I do. It also _28_ me that my parents will support most of my decisions and treat me like a _29_ person. I will probably _30_ the advice “as long as you do your best” to my children. 11A.if BwhenCthough Dbecause12A.knowledge Bho

13、nestyCjudgment Dlevel13A.pressure BloadCweight Dfeeling14A.pay attention to Blive up toCcatch up with Dget used to15A.do BapplyCaccomplish Dappreciate16A.Instead BHoweverCMoreover DTherefore17A.condition BsituationCstate Dcareer18A.everything BanythingCsomething Dnothing19A.admire Benjoy Cenvy Dpref

14、er20A.proud BdisappointedCcomfortable Dembarrassed21A.problem BdifficultyCquestion Dhardship22A.wonderful BperfectCguilty Dunbearable23A.where BwhenCwhy Dhow24A.but BandCor Dso25A.as much as Bas good asCas well as Das little as26A.fact BbriefCaddition Dconclusion27A.makes BleavesCkeeps Dholds28A.giv

15、es BencouragesCinspires Dshows29A.independent BresponsibleCdisabled Dunable30A.pass down Bpass byCpass up Dpass back.阅读理解(每题2分,共20分) ABELIEVE it or not, the color of the tie Barack Obama wore to the inauguration (就职典礼) is a hotly debated topic. The level of public interest in Obamas tie might seem s

16、trange but many people believe his choice will symbolize the type of government he plans to run, as the color of a politicians tie is thought to convey ideas of power, trustworthiness and more. Policies of tiesIt may be the least practical item of male dress, but it is arguably the most expressive.

17、In the UK and many other countries around the world, conservative (保守的 ) politicians may wear a blue tie and their liberal opponents a red one. In America, the colors go the other way round. The Republicans have in recent years become associated with the color red, and the Democrats with blue. But i

18、n spite of this, Bush wears blue ties more often than any other color. What they meanAccording to Sharon Haver, editor of focusonstyle. com, in America the feelings associated with colors overrule their political significance. “A guy who wants to be regarded as strong and in charge would wear red, ”

19、 Haver says. Unsurprisingly, the business tycoon Donald Trump is known for wearing red ties. But what about blue? According to Haver, “Blue is a softer colorLook at the sky. Its peaceful and calm and trustworthy.”Selecting the right tie for the right occasionPerfect job interview tiePerhaps no other

20、 tiewearing occasion is as important as the job interview. Gilchrist, the fashion expert, advises playing it safe and choosing a conservative one. Best choices are solids, stripes or small patterns. An excellent color is burgundy(深红色) or another serious color. Avoid pink or yellow, which suggests th

21、at the wearer lacks gravity. Pattern ties, Gilchrist suggests, should be limited to a maximum of three colors. A striped tie is a safe choice as this is acceptable to everyone. Last, Gilchrist recommends saving the expensive “hip” tie for those applying for glamorous creative jobs. Datenight tieWhen

22、 picking out the right tie for taking a girl out on a date, spend more time considering color than pattern. According to studies, women are attracted to men wearing the color blue, because blue gives the image of a “stable, faithful, constant, always there” person. So what is the worst color to wear

23、 on a date? “ Flattened caterpillar (毛虫) yellowgreen, ” according to Gilchrist, “ it will repel both sexes equally.”31Why are people interested in the tie that Obama wore to the inauguration?ABecause they think the tie he wore will enable them to know about his personalities and policies. BBecause t

24、hey want to advise him how to select an appropriate tie for such a big occasion. CBecause they think the tie will tell if he is trustworthy as they expected when he assumes office. DBecause they believe the tie is an essential part of dressing to a mature politician like Obama. 32What can we infer a

25、bout Bush, the former president, from the passage?AHe was probably liberal in his policies when he was in power. BHe was a Republican when he served as president. CHe wore only blue ties and had no ties of alternative colors. DHe wanted to make himself unique by the tie that he wore. 33The example o

26、f “the business tycoon Donald Trump” is given to _. Aprove that color reflects peoples feelings to a certain degreeBshow that Donald is so wealthy that he can afford expensive tiesCtell that Donald is physically strong and can handle everythingDexplain that red is a popular color, especially with bu

27、sinessmen34Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?ATies can be ignored by politicians since they are the least practical item of male dress. BDo choose ties carefully before dating, because it is the most important occasion. CWhy to avoid pink or yellow ties in job interview

28、s is that they dont match the atmosphere. DThe more colorful the tie is, the more likely youll get the job you want. BWelcome to Banff, Canada s first, most famous and arguably most fascinating national park. If youve come to ski or snowboard, well see you on the slopes. Skiing is a locals favourite

29、 too.While you re here, try other recreational activities available in our mountains. Popular choices include a Banff Gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain, bathe in the natural mineral waters at the Upper Hot Spring, horsedrawn sleigh ride, driveyourownteam dog sled excursion, and snowmobile tour to the

30、 highland (but not in the national park)We also recommend you make time to enjoy simple pleasures. After looking around Banff Ave shops, walk a couple of blocks west or south to the scenic Bow River.Try ice skating on frozen Lake Louise where Ice Magic International Ice Sculpture Competition works a

31、re displayed after Jan 25. You can rent skates in Banff or at the sport shop in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise hotel.Banff s backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beauty cross country skis and snowshoes provide the means. Banff sport shops rent equipment and clothes,

32、 or join an organized tour. Although weve been many times, we still find the cliffs and icefalls of our frozen canyons worth visiting.Wildlife watching also creates satisfying memories. We have seen hundreds of the elk and bighorn sheep that attract visitors, yet they still arouse a sense of wonder.

33、 And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.See if simple pleasures work for you. Fight in the snow with your kids, walk bdside a stream or climb to a high place and admire the view.Banff Resort Guide Editors36Which of the following is true according to the pas

34、sage?A. Dogsledding is the most popular sport among local people.B. Watching wildlife is a memorable experience.C. Travellers should bring their own sports equipment.D. Shopping is too simple a pleasure to enjoy.37The purpose of the writing is to_.A. promote scenic spots in CanadaB. advertise for th

35、e sports in BanffC. introduce tourist activities in BanffD. describe breathtaking views in Banff CIts not easy being a teenager(13至19岁青少年)nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager. You can make your child feel angry, hurt, or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself. It is imp

36、ortant to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that youll still be there for him when he needs you.Expect a lot from your child, just not everything. Except for health and safety problems, such as drug use or careless driving, consider everything else open to disc

37、ussion. If your child is unwilling to discuss something, don t insist he tell you what s on his mind. The more you insist, the more likely that he ll clam_up. Instead, let him attempt to solve (解决) things by himself. At the same time, remind him that youre always there for him should he seek advice

38、or help. Show respect for your teenager s privacy (隐私). Never read his mail or listen in on personal conversations.Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If your child talks on the family s telephone for too long, tell him he can talk for 15 minutes, but then he must stay

39、 off the phone for at least an equal period of time. This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls, but teaches your teenager moderation (节制). Or if you are open to the idea, allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a p

40、arttime job.38The main purpose of the text is to tell parents _.A. how to get along with a teenagerB. how to respect a teenagerC. how to understand a teenagerD. how to help a teenager grow up39 What does the phrase “clam up” in Paragraph 2 probably mean ?A. become excitedB. show respectC. refuse to

41、talk D. seek help40What should parents do in raising a teenager according to the text?A. Not allow him to learn driving or take drugs.B. Give him advice only when necessary.C. Let him have his own telephone.D. Not talk about personal things with him.第二节 写作(满分30分)假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京

42、旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 另约时间。注意:1. 词数120150; 2. 可适当增加细节。 答案与解析.1.A本题考查动词辨析。quit smokingstop smoking,意为“戒烟”。2D本题考查名词辨析和常用搭配。keep pace with跟上。句意为:为了跟上新发展的脚步,科学家们不得不努力工作。keep in touch with与保持联系,了解(情况);keep company(with)与来往;keep track of通晓事态,了解动向。3C本题考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作方式状语,逻辑主语是

43、the match,非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间是被动关系,且其动作已经完成,故用过去分词,选C。4A本题考查动词搭配。B项(spend)和D项(provide)不符合动词用法。spend (time/money) on sth./(in) doing sth.,provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.,因此可以先排除。C项(offer主动提供)意思不符。devote (time/effort/ones life, etc. ) to sth./sb.或者devote oneself to sth./sb.,意为“把奉献给,把专用于”。句意为:这位母亲虽然工作很忙,但还是把很多时间花在子女身上。5C本题考查交际用语。该对话是医生与病人之间的对话,当医生听到病人的病情介绍之后,在诊断前医生通常会安慰一下病人,使病人不至于过分紧张。所以应用“take it easy(别紧张)”等来对病人表示安慰。6A本题考查定语从句。分析句子结构可以知道,两空均为定语从句结构,第一个定语从句中缺少谓语动词see的宾语,故第一空应用关系代词 that,which 或省略不填;第二个的定语从句中缺表语,故只能用that 连接

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