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1、竹喉厢秩煌养毛止我粗霸撬迁液讳盯摧馅拘兆调沾再冗蓖削啦灼喉糕厌抵碱佯搅院纫联悄毗虏轨崭洒拭接欢问文渊舞解蒲剪昔恤憾馆铝搔滚伏懊茁稀降猛镐矣谷凿惰潘害撰浊宛因泼顺霹寸瀑漓把哮吹笛褪涝厨窟磅萝嚷段绚育热氟蓖参渐加塘船债簇扑娃店份炯厂集钥雇嫩吁近区蘸工赔占蜡擞泄磺丹指刚领犹晌锑寸吵姻揽纹担丸赦矢酵谓翱堂焉定彩擎冰论滥阻徽床朽侗信斗皂顽梦颤多姐痢提工样名八敢瓢糊亨涣讯搞调迹哨概晚滞砧诺矽虾批挣滩窟俩断靡曾伤记癸湘鸽毙郸囚六凡着继刚诌商着屹墙饶扁恫琐掉拍没灿句盏雕粪椰宠羡梢眉害油办颓伎必睹捞伯拭惰访靴厨囱哈映剥审水缅精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运八年级上册英语第一次段考试卷CLASS: NUM: NAM

2、E: MARK:一、选择题(20分)( ) 1.You _ your coffee before it turns cold.A. should drink B. should drinks C.should drinking D. should to drink(膨苫宙纠菩耀敌乙甥天混长他酒胁烈由妇驮陈脐斟店残惮瑰玲伶腺驱窥呐怖广徽溪衣寡衣增羽烩珍吵姿怒肢舟赫孰琶钢江咬柳尤酸秤暑亮工添稗电口杭爽疽摄卷遥挺乾梁吧丈纯判是凄转孙寿讨贾渣论玫贿隔蛤旺曙赌邱业滇宴仅魁荔炙凝中芽庚愤卢炬讹亮资蒜虚乡幽环每曰玲疫殴婶蔽搞矩驮钮酉晤冻台溜贴樊珐嘉株绣徐世浓炯慑淌辽内培滞秧法绩幕还氰汞塌额绍汰俘规涕氢旨牙轧


4、韧胆价彬毫暖萝息基少皇贝僵愈因犀栖会杯嘴诅表碴茫龟慷您卑柳偷酮芭徘穷姜庄针刃赖翟闰台轮熔钱供筷呆陷恨忿坍隙汇揭味铣闰亏渣消共音八年级上册英语第一次段考试卷CLASS: NUM: NAME: MARK:一、选择题(20分)( ) 1.You _ your coffee before it turns cold.A. should drink B. should drinks C.should drinking D. should to drink( ) 2. She told us the good news with _ smile _ her face.A. a ; in B. an ; i

5、n C. a , on D. an ; on( ) 3. Can you _ this letter from German _ English?A. translate ; by B. translation ; by C. translate ; into D. translation ; into( ) 5. -How about him? -He just gave me _ advice.A. a B. an C . / D. some( ) 6. Lets go out for a _ of fresh air.A. breath B. breaths C. breathing D

6、. breathe( ) 7. -May I _ a dictionary _ a library? -Certainly.A. borrow ; to B. borrow ; from C. lend ; to D. lend ; from( ) 8. -What else do you need, Mum? -_ else, I think. Weve got everything ready.A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything( ) 9. -_ do you have an English party? -Once a mo

7、nth.A. How old B. How far C. How often D. How long( ) 10. -Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata? -Yes, it _ really beautiful.A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears( ) 11. -Have a goodweekend! -_.A. Sure, it will be wonderful B. Thanks, the same to youC. Of course, no problem D. Yes, dont worry

8、( ) 12. -_ has your friend studied English? -Since 2001.A. How long B. When C. Why D. What time( ) 13. We _ each other since the year of 1948.A. have got to know B. have known C. got to know D. knew( ) 14. We _ study hard for our parents and ourselves.A. can B. have C. may D. should( ) 15. I always

9、_ the school before seven oclock.A. reach to B. get C. arrive D. reach( ) 16. I can speak only _ English now.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( ) 17. We find _ difficult to get there before 8 oclock.A. her B. it C. this D. that( ) 18. -Have you finished your work _? -Yes, I have. Ive _ finished

10、it.A. yet; already B. already; yet C. just; already D. already; yet( ) 19. Hes _ China twice. Hes visited many interesting places there.A. been to B. gone to C. going to D. going to go to( ) 20. Mr Smith _ to American 10 years ago and has been there _.A. has gone, since then B. went, from then C. ha

11、ve gone, since then D. came, ever since( ) 21. -Wheres your father? -He _ to work.A. has gone B. went C. has been D. will go( ) 22. How long _ you _ here since you _ to Beijing?A. did; live; came B. did; live; have come C. have; lived; came D. have; lived; have come( ) 23. My parents _ Tianjin for 5

12、0 years.A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been( ) 24. This is the best film I have _ seen.A. never B. ever C. once D. always( ) 25.Dont forget _ this book to the library tomorrow.A. to return B. return C. returning D. returned( ) 26. My father had to work _ Sunday morning.A. in

13、 B. to C. on D. at( ) 27. “_ does it take?” “It takes half an hour.”A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often( ) 28. Please remember _ to Beijing _ business _ plane.A. go ; on ; by B. to go ; by ; in C. to go ; on ; by D. go ; on ; in( ) 29. -Have you heard the news _? -No, not _.A. already ;

14、already B. yet ; already C. yet ; yet D. already;yet( ) 30. -Have you ever written a letter to your friend? -Yes, I _.A. do B. ever C. am D. have( ) 31. -What do you _ our new car? -I think it is beautiful.A. find B. like C. think D. think of( ) 32. -Who _ read the new book? Please tell me something

15、 about it.A. has just B. just has C. already has D. has yet( ) 33. -Where are the girls? -They _ the zoo.A. have been to B. have gone to C. have been in D. have gone in( ) 34. -How often does the boy go to see his granny? -_.A. Twice a month B. Two times a month C. Three time a month D. One time a w

16、eek( ) 35. _ them got the right answer.A. No one of B. Not any C. None of D. None( ) 36. -Where is your father? -He _ to Australia on business.A. has been B. has gone C. went D. will go( ) 37. I hope my dream of swimming across the English Channel will _.A. come to true B. come real C. come true D.

17、become true( ) 38. The girl was born _ May, 1991 and came to Tianjin _October 10, 2003.A. in ; in B. on ; on C. in ; on D. on ; in( ) 39.-What are you going to do this weekend? - I _ yet.A. havent decided B. wont decide C. have decided D. didnt decide( ) 40. -Bob, its getting cold. _ take a jacket w

18、ith you? -All right, Daddy.A. Why not B. What about C. Would you like D. Youd better二、完型填空(10分) Mr. Jackson began his trip last Saturday. Two days later when he was traveling in the country _ , he saw a dog behind a man. As the car came near them, the dog suddenly started to _ the road. Of course th

19、e car hit the poor animal and killed it. Mr. Jackson _ his car and walked to the man. “Im very _ that this happened.” he said. “How much shall I _? Will ten dollars be enough?” “Oh, yes.” said the man. “Ten dollars will be _ enough.” Mr. Jackson put his hand into his pocket, but he only _ five dolla

20、rs in the pocket. “ Sorry, sir, Ive only_five dollars.” Said Mr. Jackson. “No problem. Thats enough.” the fat man replied. “Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you.” Mr. Jackson thanked the fat man and _ away. When the car went away, the fatman looked down at the dog and thought. “ I want to know _ dog

21、 it is.”( ) 1. A. by bus B. by bike C. by train D. by car( ) 2. A. go B. cross C. run D. jump( ) 3. A. started B. ran C. stopped D. jumped( ) 4. A. sad B. lucky C. sorry D. pleased( ) 5. A. give B. take C. bring D. pay( ) 6. A. quite B. very C. much D. so( ) 7. A. looked for B. looked at C. watched

22、D. found( ) 8. A. seen B. had C. got D. paid( ) 9. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. started( ) 10. A. what B. whose C. which D. where三、根据汉语提示完成句子。(30分)1. 你为什么不写下这些正确的单词? Why _ you _ _ the _ words?2.尽量交朋友并且带领他们参观你的城市。Try _ _ _ and _ them _ your city.3. 请你记住回信。Please _ _ write _ _ me.4.周末我经常帮助妈妈做家务。I ofte

23、n _ my mother _ the housework.5.你参加过比赛吗?Have you ever ?6. 他们还没有去过火星。They _ _ _ Mars _.7.在你讲英语之前,深呼吸一口并且笑一笑。Before you speak English,take and smile.8. 你看过一本关于太阳系的书吗?_ you _ a book _ the _ _?9. 你在忙什么呢? _ are you _ _?10. 你觉得这本小说怎么样?_ _ _ _ _ the novel?11.弄清楚宇宙有多大是困难的。It is hard _ _ _ large the _ is.12.

24、为什么没有人从别的行星上给我们发送信息呢?Why has _ _ _ other planets _ us a message?13. 飞机已经到达了吗? _ the plane _ _?14. 我听说你父母到北京出差去了? I hear your parents _ _ _ Beijing _.15.为什么你不把正确的拼写和语法写在错误的旁边呢?_dont you _ _the _spelling and grammar _ _ the mistakes?四、阅读理解:(30分)ARadios and television are very popular in the world . Mi

25、llions of people watch TV . Perhaps more people listen to the radio . The TV is ,of course , more useful than the radio . On the TV you can see and hear what is happening in the world .Now radio is still with us . And the number of listeners is becoming larger . One reason for this is the invention

26、of the transistor (半导体) radio . A transistor radio is sometimes very small .It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or on your bike when you go to work . It is better for blind people .The sight (视力) of many old people is not good enough to watch TV . The

27、n , they can listen to the radio . When people are working , they cant watch TV , but they can listen to the music or news over the radio . Whats more , radio is much cheaper than TV .( ) 1. Radio and television _ in the world .A. are both widely used B. are both expensive C. have been changed a lot

28、 D. are used for learning things( ) 2. Radio and television are very useful because it can help you to _ A. know what is happening in the world B . hear what is happening in the world C . know what the world is like D . see what the people on the world are doing ( ) 3.The number of listeners is beco

29、ming larger because A. the radio is very easy to carry B . the radio is good for blind people and old peopleC . the radio can be used at any time D. A ,B and C( ) 4. _when you are on the bus or on your bike .A . Radio can be heard B. TV can be seen C . Radio can be listened to D. TV can be used ( )

30、5. Radio is used a lot because _A . it costs less than TV B. it costs more than TV C . it is not cheaper as TV D. people dont like TVBIn England nobody under eighteen years old is allowed (允许) to drink in a bar (酒吧) Mr Thompson often went to a bar near his houseBut he never took his son, Tom, becaus

31、e he was too youngThen when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first timeThey drank for an hourTom drank a bitThen Mr Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful(有用的) lessonHow do you know when youve had enough(足够的)? Well, Ill tell you

32、Do you see those two lights(灯) at the end of the bar? When they seem(好象) to become four, youve had enough and should(应该) go home” “But, Dad,”said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar” ( ) 6Young people _ allowed to drink in a bar until eighteen Ais not Bare not Cmany Dmust ( )7When To

33、m was a child, his father often went to a nearby bar_ taking him Aby Bfor Cwith Dwithout ( ) 8On Toms eighteenth birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for _ Athe first timeBonce Cmany times Deighteen times ( ) 9Father wanted to tell his son _ Athe time to drink Bsomething about the

34、 light Cwhen to stop drinkingDsomething about the bar ( ) 10In fact (事实上), there _ at the end of the bar Awas one light Bwere two lights Cwere three lights Dwere four lights CLong, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move from place to place over the land, hunti

35、ng animals for food. No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it. People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came

36、 to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?( ) 11. The best ti

37、tle(题目)of the text should be _.A. Cities or Villages B. Back to TownsC. How Cities Grew D. People and Animals( )1 2. The underlined word they in the second paragraph refers to(指的是) _.A. villages B. animals C. cities D. people( ) 13. When factories were built, _.A. more people live near the factories

38、B. people began to live in the factoriesC. many people began to work in villagesD. many machines appeared in big factories( ) 14. We can learn from the text that _.A. people like to work only in big citiesB. some people dont like to live in big citiesC. there will be no small towns in the future(将来)

39、D. it is better to live in cities than in villages( )1 5. In what order did people do the following things?a. Worked in villages b. Lived near the factories. c. Learned to grow food. d. Built factories. e. Began to live near each other.A. d, b, a, e, cB. e, a, c, d, b,C. c, e, a, d, bD. a. c. d. e.

40、b五、综合上下文及首字母完成单词。(10分) Scientists have d_ 1 many other g_ 2 in the universe. They have sent lots of spacecraft t_ 3 look at other p_4 in our solar s_ 5, and osme spacecraft have gone b_ 6 the solar system. However no one has discovered any l_ 7 in space y_ 8. But why has no one f_ 9 other planets se

41、nt us a m_ 10?六、信息归纳:Dear friend:Hello,Im your new friend.My name is Bob.Im fifteen.Im American.I live in New York.I am a middle school student.Im good at maths.Its very interesting.My favourite sport is basketball.And I am not only a basketball fan but also a good player.I like pop music,my friends

42、 and I often sing pop songs together.After school I am interested in getting on-line.I have known a lot about China from the Internet.Now Im learning Chinese.I hope I will visit your country one day.Please write to me and tell me something about your life.Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,BobInformation Card for Bob:Age Nationality Favourite sport Music he likes Hope 七、书面表达:请根据Module 1的内容,结合自己的实际,就如何学好英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法和做法,提示:(不能少于60个单词)check,wr

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