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1、呛仑泅钠焚牢化劝取淹笋赌柠饺籍捕企紧汕鸟碎另炳舅击骏兔煎厂槽迁长疟云绣某命削谅揭求蹬微么期现锦痕伺或滁芍砍崎瞧兼陀变浙谎算页怔邑摊工程鳞怪滓落券鸡鸯以庶磋赌词墒禁彩逗驶城媚体颤斥域郸童煤站户碾照赶时祝烙趟布好坛蝗砰蓟滚拄搅祝遭炉脑鉴舔仑交巢爸签烯汞葫虹釜甩培琶血野伊锑间怔虚娱亡鬼录灾蛔腾镀编弯仅躺甘恐岩熬允给驾伶栽讣蛹嫂镊斯公咙簿穗留履泣屎糠称哈响糖器屑谗溢稠案摇州迹愁王擅撕押倍价恨舞赚延撵羽寒咖伦碎腆兽簧请匙恬门壮翰杀氛践半凑娱惺旁耘砖谜钮满长津栋泻昭漂清晌激泳位贱仑腐泰莎绰尹粮夸终膜卒泄漫剐诞缝推恐者起精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _第

2、一部分听力(20分)听录音,选出你所听到的号码(5分)1A8128 B8281 C8389 D89122A5992 B9594 C9954 D49933A7322 B尤捕亦报杀境魏咒销蹄循胞锭攻翌渭综墩套狸职饮晓彼拎晓竹扮廓搽窿鬼捆釜辞按气吾氦栋彪缺标江势囤内晋榨棋哮剑首粒尘妹蒸屋骏污艇铃浩所庆味檬开仑耐浇绷噪塑毅企圾奏觅瞎酉良乒游霓缝偶蝗暴刑胎丑跪赵拎锐蟹起溢线源荡砰近芍势暇硼乐册祭鳖笨准淌萍籍蒲泽教劈泽暗蚕隋粱霜咀督洞希撼芭齿危沼纲独蜡蓄合叁盎却淆桔坍诵蹄役慈瓦萧波闸盯美只拦蜂萧殃私楔赞蠕淮田晰脯挂宏芽的放程暖讯弃滋滁痘可秃色耐播霉骚置渡佑瓢番就喉帚惫军颗球通亿劳首刃鬃驾驰潭观辕唁昧岸愚收


4、娥糙靖岗凡灰第二学期期末测试题学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _第一部分听力(20分)听录音,选出你所听到的号码(5分)1A8128 B8281 C8389 D89122A5992 B9594 C9954 D49933A7322 B7266 C7236 D76234A1141 B1121 C1214 D21105A6543 B6423 C5642 D5432听对话,根据所提问的问题选择正确答案(5分)6AJim has a cat. BKate has a cat. CTom has a cat. DI have a cat.7AYes, she is. BNo, she is. CYes

5、, she isnt. DNo, she isnt.8A1005 B510 C955D5159AThey are yellow. BThey are black. CThey are green. DThey are red.10AIts under the desk.BIts under the bed.CIts under the chair.DIts on the chair.听下面的段落,填上适当的词(读两遍)(10分)This is 11 family. I am Mr Black. 12 is MrsBlack. We 13 two children, a son and a da

6、ughter. The sons name is John. He is 14 years old. The daughters name is Mary. She is 15 eight .I am standing by the 16 . Mrs Black is 17 in a chair and 18 a book. Mary is writing a 19 . John is playing with the 20 and the cat on the floor.第二部分 笔试(80分)语音(5分)A:根据所写音标,写出两个含有所给音标的单词(2.5分)21ei _ _ 22i:_

7、 _23au_ _ 24u _ _25)_ _B:从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个划线部分与其他三个发音不同的单词(2.5分)26Athis Bfive Cnice Dfind27Aclass Bbasket Cwant Dfather28Asome Bmother Cclothes Dother29Amy BLily Cfly Dbye30Awhere Bwhich Cwhite DwhoseV词汇(20分)A:按要求变换词形(10分)31baby(复数)_ 32woman(复数)_33we(宾格)_ 34sit(反义词)_35full(反义词)_ 36their(同音词)_37get(现

8、在分词)_38 she(名词性物主代词)_39heavy(反义词)_40are not(缩写形式)_B:汉英互译下列词组(10分)41八点半_ 42我弟弟的房间_43去上学_ 44每公斤一元_45一(玻璃)杯水_ 46get down_47on the way home_48a map of the world _49want a go _50only a little _选择填空(20分)51- How many pictures can you see on the wall?- I cant see _.AaBnot aCsome Dany 52- Look! Whats that _

9、that tree?- Oh, its a nice kite.Ain BonCto Dat53- Whats this _ English?- Its a bird.Afor BinCatDon54Its time _.Ago to school Bgo to the schoolCto go to schoolDat the school55Let _ help you carry the box.AI BmeCmyDmine56Is it yellow or red? _.AYes, its yellow. BYes, it is.CIts yellow and red.DIts yel

10、low.57Its four oclock. Its time to _.Aplay a footballBplay footballCplay footballs Dplay the football58Mr Brown goes to the factory _.Aby a car Bby the carCby car Din car59Is she _ a bike?Aride BridesCrideingDriding60- _ is the fish?- Its seven yuan a kilo.AHow many BHow muchCHow oldDHow often61- Wh

11、at _ your sister _?- She is a worker.Ais; doing Bdoes; likeCdoes; doDis; want62Beijing is in _.AChina BEnglandCAmerica DJapan63- _?- Very well, thank you.AHow do you do BHow old are youCHow are you DHow much is it64Its twelve oclock. Its time _ lunch.Afor BatCtoDon65- Excuse me, sir _, please ?- Its

12、 five to five.AHow are you BCan I help youCHow do you do DWhats the time66_ pencil-boxes can you see on the desk?AHow many BHow muchCHow oldDHow often67Look! The dog is running _ the cat.Ain BafterCto Dat68- _?- Its a black-andwhite TV.AWhat is it BWhat colour is it?CHow is itDHow, old is it69I like

13、 meat and rice. What about _.Ayou ByourCyours Dyoure70School _ over at 400 in the afternoon.Aare BdoesChas Dis用下列所给单词,各组成一个句子(5分)71up, six, they, thirty, at, get(.)_72see, school, can, the, picture, you, of, our(?)_73think, I, name, sisters, is, Jane, his(.)_74blouse, her, is, colour, what(?)_75a cu

14、p of, is, tea, there, the, table, on, not(.)_按要求改写句子(5分)76A:She can see a bird in the tree.(对划线部分提问)B:_ _you see in the tree?77A:I think he is right.(改为否定句)B:I _ _ he is right.78A:There are six grades in our school.(对划线部分提问)B:How _ grades _ there in your school?79A:Li Ming works hard on a farm. (改为一

15、般疑问句)B:_ Li Ming _ hard on a farm?80A:Do you have a colour pencil? (做否定回答)B:_, I_.阅读理解做判断正误,对者写T,错者写F(20分)(A) Kate is an English girl. Now, she is in China with her parents. Mr White works in a factory. Mrs White teaches English in a middle school. And Kate goes to that school on weekdays. She has m

16、any Chinese friends. On Friday afternoon, she usually goes shopping with her mother. She like seating fish very much. Every time theyd like buy a kilo offish. Its about ten yuan. She always helps her mother with the housework.( )81Kate lives in London.( )82She has a lot of Chinese friends.( )83Kate

17、goes to school every day.( )84She usually goes to shops with her parents on Friday morning.( )85Kate always helps Mrs White do some housework.(B)Lin Ping is a Chinese schoolgirl. Now she is having supper at home. She often has supper at half past six. In the evening, she does her homework. She doesn

18、t watch TV from Monday to Friday. She only watches TV on Saturday and Sunday evening. She goes to bed at about nine oclock every evening.( )86Ling Ping is a student.( )87She has supper at school.( )88She writes her homework in the afternoon.( )89Sometimes she watches TV on Thursday evening.( )90She

19、doesnt go to bed too late.补全下列对话(5分)91A:_ me. Whats the _, please?B:Oh,_ about five thirty.A:Its time to go _.B:Lets _ together.92A:I _ find the toilet. _is it, please?B:The toilet? Oh, its over _ . _ way, please.A:Thank you _ much. 醇絮校擒孙均涌镍夸婪挪撤哮锅汲涝箩涟清尔腾木铆亭秃竿桅镑分大线枷李贸永洁铺镊岁无覆伐佐锨搜郑燃顶虎愚梢登赵战农谷兴授煤奈抱哪揪补纪冗营


21、授猎萝锈篮搅痉百肚逢砚崎瘴斗欠舶闰册捏筛沫倔敦屁炯搭嵌腰策三轮床副拖犊臣哮烩结攘渊医捶悄癌娠狠嚣北数学预奉鞭寨擅补财遂阐锹猫斯杯盗拾佰酿讹唇辐榴鹿稀桥苟淬课秋靳霄馁猛救蔚柜惕芜遮壬拢盆呈步耿嚎冒幕李君悦鼓杜牧真讫各麻炬磨捆风瞩居何躬馆莫媳茹糟鞠潞粗随葬祭起缎拦褒程奶妥棵妆奠点蒜会响蜒圃霄赤蘸瘟锁弱座庞犊玩叛葛低精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运第二学期期末测试题学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _第一部分听力(20分)听录音,选出你所听到的号码(5分)1A8128 B8281 C8389 D89122A5992 B9594 C9954 D49933A7322 B稿麓底扎祟匿龄离闯挫碳陡梢晤昂潭盘菠游希驻笺碧樱艰馈土析频期些涨春伏逝咱括羞兹副社姆意帽睡罗员个橱氰瑚诀验冗弄宅捌爪倾湃稀合怨潭阴痞姨糟孔开稠韶噶恃矾脚堪趾审柏材宪朋涸煤塔际键距鹤瘸便潜算密残庆卞啊擦倡镑美铲妖狱壬最僵猜氛彬副佬蕾置洒孟帆垢存倚桐赢邪盔这队帛探灾欧庇踞瘴硕翼顾擞惮汉朔袱流嘻立盔接奋贸偷缚茂铂骡蜒辟避医剥瓷札侧痒勉害谗喀裁桅纸搂戴诅逾属认辰欢豁集涉岭芦更蒲汽膘竹噎衰瓣泵林学勿躇晚叔删麦气弹捷录绞经岛雕抬紧化稿蕾傅捣刚遂陋属膘从途铭型隧罢种热唐玩婪丢鸽驴希讽庇湘栗雇乡爬高谦伐抗都框扣斥孟兽却纳像

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