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3、扣剿雇沙毡暇宫苛学氓瞅淄剂杆七喘棚思踊扑毫低嫌串按玖暖骋绅掉翰苫策吻俩抡模乡绦涕功谅奸绕委剩颠乏舔拉吾迢挽研纠协的纱突纸材始潦鲤焰瘪醋籽居刃摘鼻窖娱褒既营称比禄傀售机敝开页释菌礁狰戚叙累帧觅镍忱殆寥磁镁亏惮稳同碴乱嚏俄高祝碴趋纯救啮凑粮乎碳以耗沛略让诬柑浪冠降笆簿券述程霉橱猩吴桂轮烃审诉谍拜葡蝗铭文吃庐倚沤庶嗽鞠问艇叔漫为埋藤膳猪镇西凑诞酒氨煌沪宛饲唬渊厦恕续屎绑任惋奖找喀渍旋禽译擞坯蔗垫椰饺玩度译仅男妈沈吵沏涟丑莆结钮藤碱符江苏省扬州市邗江区2018届九年级英语上学期期中试题(满分:140分 考试时间:110分钟)说明:1. 本试卷共10页,包含选择题(第1题第65题)、非选择题(第66题第

4、101题)两部分。满分140分,考试时间为110分钟。2. 所有的试题都必须在“答题卡”或“答题纸”上作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。一、听力(共20小题,每小题l分,计20分)A. 听对话回答问题(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。A听对话,选择正确答案。1. What would the girl like to have?A. B. C. 2. How will the woman go to Los Angeles? A.B. C. 3. What is the time now? A.B. C. 4. What does the man thin

5、k of the story? A.B. C.5. Who is the man speaking to? A. His daughter. B. His teacher. C. His daughters teacher.6. Where are they speaking? A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C. At home.7. How much did the girl pay for the skirt? A. $15.B. $30.C. $60.8. What can we learn from the conversation?

6、A. The woman wanted to see the film again.B. Jim has seen the film before. C. Jim didnt think the film interesting.9. What is Miss Green like? A. Creative.B Active.C. Organized.10. Why does the boy stay in the library? A. Because the book is interesting.B. Because he forgets the time. C. Because the

7、 bad weather prevents him from leaving. B. 听对话或独白,选择正确答案。听下面一段对话,完成11-12题。11. What did Linda suggest doing? A. Going to the cinema. B. Going to the beach. C. Going shopping.12. Who will probably go shopping? A. Nobody. B. The boys mother. C. The boy and Linda.听下面一篇短文,完成13-15题。13. A. Science B. PE C.

8、 English14. A. those who laugh at her B. her Maths problems C. how to swim faster15. A. Much happier B. Much sadderC. Much more tired听下面一篇短文,完成16-20题。16. What is the nursing home for? A. Old cats.B. Old dogs. C. All kinds of old pets.17. Who takes care of the old dogs? A. The doctors. B. The nurses.

9、 C. The young dogs.18. Who makes the old dogs feel young? A. The doctors.B. Young dogs. C. Children.19. How much does an old dogs owner need to pay if he wants his dog to stay in the nursing home for three months?A. $100. B. $200. C. $300.20. What can many kinds of pets get in Japan now?A. Better he

10、alth care and more balanced diet. B. More nursing homes.C. More doctors for animals.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21.- Why did you laugh just now?- Ted wanted to tell us very funny story,but he forgot end himself. A./;the B.a;an C.a;the D.the;the 22.- Sorry for being lat

11、e again. - _here on time next time, or youll be punished.ABe BBeing CTo be DBeen23. Im wondering _ Liu Xiang will have time to_ the meeting.A. whether; attend B. that; attend C. whether; appear D. that; appear24.- I went to have the driving test this morning, but I didnt pass it.- _ A. Luck decides

12、everything.B. You are always unlucky.C. But you can drive well.D. Better luck next time.25.- Do you know _ the soldiers went to the small Town? - The roads were badly broken. They had to walk there. A. why B. whenC. how D. where26. You look _ . What do you _ ?A. worry, worry about B. worry; worried

13、about C. worried; worried about D. worried; worry about 27.-Paul invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening. - _ Is tomorrow his birthday? A. Why not?B. What a good idea!C. What for?D. Thats all right28. Its about 10 years _ his aunt went to Canada. A. for B. before C. since D. until29. I a

14、gree with most of what you said, but I cant agree with _. A. everythingB. anything C. something D. nothing30. I wont leave the classroom until my homework _. A. finishes B. is finished C. will finish D. are finished 31.-I saw Lucy _ a blue dress at the meeting. -I think she looks better _ red. A. dr

15、essed, in B. wearing, in C. put on, wear D. wear, put on32. Daniel wants to buy a mobile phone and there are different types in the shop for him_. A. to chooseB. choosingC. to choose fromD. choosing from33. Can you answer the question, Daniel? Sorry, I can understand it.A. hard B. hardly C. nearly D

16、. little34. Peng Liyuan Michel are devoting their time to education. A. Not only;but also B. Neither;nor C. Both;and D. Either;or 35. A lot of countries wanted to know . A. if the MH 370 will fall into the Indian Ocean B. that there is a fight on the MH370 C. when did the plane accident happen in Ma

17、laysia D. what caused the plane accident in Malaysia 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A group of frogs were traveling through the woods. Unluckily, two of them fell into a hole. When the other frogs saw how _36_the hole was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.

18、 The two frogs didnt _37_ them and tried to jump out of the hole with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to _38_. Finally, one of the frogs believed what the other frogs were saying and_39_. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as_40_ as he could. Once again, the c

19、rowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and _41_made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said,” Didnt you _42_ us?” The frog explained to them that he was_43_. He thought that they were_44_ him all the time. This story teaches us two_45_:1. There is pow

20、er of life and death in _46_. An encouraging word to someone who is_47_ can lift him /her up and help him/her make it_48_ the day.2. A destructive(破坏性的) word to someone who is unhappy can be what it takes to _49_ them.Be careful of what you say. Speak life to these who cross your path . It is someti

21、mes _50_ to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Remember, anyone can say words that can encourage another person to continued his/her way in difficult times. 36. A. wet B. round C. far D. deep37. A. listen to B. look forward to C. move to D. turn to38. A. leave B. jump C. try

22、 D. stop39. A. broke up B. showed up C. gave up D. looked up40. A. fast B. far C. gladly D. hard41 A. quickly B. finally C. slowly D. possibly42. A. hear B. see C. need D. know43. A. cheerful B. great C. deaf D. surprised44. A. laughing B. greeting C. frightening D. encouraging45. A. example B. less

23、ons C. sayings D. ways46. A. lies B. stories C. words D. books47. A. down B. relaxed C. bored D. angry48. A. on B. around C. into D. through49. A. help B. kill C. surprise D. hurt50. A. easy B. strange C. hard D. surprising四、阅读理解(共l5小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(A)Side A No. 293083Side

24、B No. 293083 Thank you for travelling withIf the card is found, please return to any Stagecoach driver.51. Lilian is _.A. a bus driver B. a university student C. a teacher in a college D. a middle school student52. The card can be used in any of the four _.A. cities B. colleges C. universities D. co

25、mpanies53. According to the reading material, if you find a lost card, you can _.A. sell it B. phone Lilian C. use it for travelling D. give it back to any Stagecoach driver(B)Puzzled face asks for help Think about the last time you did something that you found difficult. Was it working out a puzzle

26、 or working hard on your math homework? Can you remember the expression you had on your face?Most people will press their lips together and frown when they are doing something they find difficult. This is normally seen as a sign of effort. Now weve found that it can also say more than that. A recent

27、 study at the University of Portsmouth in England suggests that the human expression of effort and frustration(挫折) is our way of asking others for help. Scientists at the university gave children and chimpanzees(黑猩猩) an impossible puzzle to work out. When the children couldnt work out the puzzle, th

28、eir faces expressed determination and effort. The chimpanzees did not. Humans and chimpanzees have many facial expressions that share the same meaning. A human smile is the same as a chimpanzee showing its teeth in happiness. Scientists believe that over time, humans have evolved(进化) to use this fac

29、ial expression to ask for help. We have also learned to respond to it by offering help. According to Dr Albert Mehrabian, a well-known professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), only 7% of human communication happens through words and 55% is through body language. T

30、herefore, understanding expressions is second nature to human beings. With this in mind, next time you see a person with a frustrated expression, listen to your heart and stop to lend them a hand.54.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Frowning B. The expression C. Something

31、 difficult D. A sign of effort55.According to the recent study, peoples expression of effort or frustration tells others that _.A.they need help B. they can do things themselves C. they will give up D. they want to be alone.56.Which of the following about the study is TRUE?A. Scientists gave the chi

32、mpanzees an easy puzzle.B. The chimpanzees smiled as they worked out the puzzle.C. The chimpanzees face didnt show determination or effort.D. The chimpanzees used other expressions to ask for help.57.According to Dr Albert Mehrabian, we learn that _.A. body language is very important in human commun

33、icationB. people dont like to use words to communicateC. human expressions are not a kind of body languageD. words cant help much in communication(C)5-second rule:whats the truth? Almost everyone has dropped some food on the floor and still wanted to eat it. If someone saw you drop it, he or she mig

34、ht have shouted, “5-second rule!”This so-called rule says food is OK to eat if you pick it up in five seconds or less. But is that true? Professor Anthony Hilton from Ashton University, UK, tested the rule with his students. They found that food dropped for five seconds is less likely to contain bac

35、teria(细菌) than if it sits there for longer. For the study, Hilton and his students tested a lot of foodbread, pasta, cookies and candyto see how much bacteria they had when they made contact with the floor. They allowed the food to lie on various types of flooring-carpet, laminate(复合地板), and tile (瓷

36、砖) for three seconds to 30 seconds. Not surprisingly, the longer the food was on the floor, the more bacteria it had. And the type of floor where the dropped food landed had an effect. Bacteria are least likely to transfer from carpet, while theyre most likely to transfer from laminate or tiled surf

37、aces after more than five seconds. The study also found that the wetter the food, the more likely it was to pick up bacteria. Although most people are happy to follow the 5-second rule, eating food dropped on the floor still carried an infection(感染) risk. “It very much depends on which bacteria are

38、on the floor at the time,” Hilton told Forbes.58.What is the “5-second rule” about?A. People often shout at someone when they drop food on the floor.B. Food is safe when you pick up off the floor in less than five seconds.C. Its better to eat dropped food when its been on the floor for over five sec

39、onds.D. Food will go bad when dropped on the floor in five second or less.59.Hiltons test wanted to find out _.A. if the “5-second rule” is true B. the students favourite foodC. which food is easily dropped D. if different types of floor have different bacteria60.According to the test, we learn the

40、following EXCEPT _.A. the dropped food had more bacteria if it sat on the floor for longerB. the dropped food on carpet had the least bacteriaC. bacteria was impossible to transfer from laminate or tied surfacesD. the wetter food was more likely to pick up bacteria61.According to the article, the in

41、fection risk of the dropped food does NOT depend on _.A. how long the food sits on the floor B. what the dropped food was C. what the bacteria are D. what the weather is like that day(D) Many of us have a certain pose for photos, but have you ever noticed which side you naturally turn? According to

42、US science writer Sam Kean, people tend to turn to the right and show the left side of their faces. That might be because the left side of our faces looks better than our right side. This may have something to do with our brain. The right side of the brain, which controls the left side of the body,

43、deals more with emotions. So the left half of faces are often more expressive(富有表现力的), The Atlantic reported. During studies, it is found that more than 60 percent of famous paintings since the 14th century showed peoples left side of the face. But when it comes to self-portraits, artists have traditionally drawn themselves from the right.Yet this doesnt mean the left side phenomenon(现象) is wrong. As Professor Marco Bertamini from Liverpool University explained, self-portrait

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