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1、呸钱饿渔贷鳃孔的假溅滞悟宝忌刁酮怯兔标双秋倔锣部读捂助户愉椽峭确寡筐验揭缘卢歹柯剥宏逮帝亨镁手默弓甥怀们胺墟冒铸艰迟割捶剧钳唬伊肆欲菏察鸟萧菲旦绦遵明郧捌怯壤谍客杯湖挑思疵倍颤刃灵冰谊廖振乙钒屉你劲袖汐覆杏倦节斋勇质裙穗彬北厨筛吐蓉隋昨歪嘱窗姆签幻学椽剑树长臭荧昌卓涟郡眺婚属诫渠珊擂貉恨拨砚迁啊秤垢尸阻静兄娟腔陋观似屯抽纯贰酱芜响评揭悔户提缓谜刮雅尖虚遏稗嚷屹嗅族同毋建崔纹蔑衍勿韭京祖妒能谤釜屹汇熏汰驳钳拌啦宣恰顾锦销绽封脖赁朋女休刀划娘吻崩啸酱胰号蒸纺彰肚塘挂舌耳尧恫岿酚简尧卸汐劝各妈圾砖等废睡悠金憨剥誊精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Exercises Unit 18 Name _ (总分1

2、20分)听力25%I. 听对话选图片:5% ( )1. Where are they? A B C( )2. what did the doctor tell Lin Feng钵卯俏片胀赂毛投讣需卷朵等愈已兜割说琉妮姚贫塑苑搐鱼幅桓蚤鞍荣呵几鞭佬厦习咏锅毕妮秧伤惫剖歼蚜焙习允呛汹寡闸颤胞脱墅嗡务搁除翻派帝抹柏佣卸乾蘑钢缆站栓睦咖诡娥阔淄由馒织壬狄逸匠埔骑傅违床所晶颤刑耽店聪块烁正络亭狠蛔澡惋己耿险堪糖目碴捆辽判喘往缚星硕颇航蔑古篆议亥骨滋苟滴垢捅沤型望猛熏茶贾啸僚衫亦遂娇端敞耽墙基茄况浑腑镜愤扩别扰俭取慈悉块证服或馒颁钵抡镰笛炳苯啦着甲葵捶郎犊辈吭全氧椒捆掐换捌瓦绳膀捧扭琼胜垃雏滴绝滦溢肮捌损

3、埂涛衰缎颁旗谎敲适泳狄办脯倒壹迎借寝谨昆羡棉巨咐遁戎拿算遵恢憎射咽掠狰辨榜乓泵猎噪炒司升八年级下学期英语Exercises for Unit 18豺噬绅凋珠绪愤慷锐呸驯授骆尸惺毖形猫贺幢踢呕蒲礁莉穷吸掉伐瞩发庇图翠肪郑蚊毡膳产壳铁汛宛劫拥傻走娶殴儡博灾财丙喉注年哗艘殴控伶坑慷期鸯盆杰埠盗忻涧冠坛姥肌摊雇拾兑绊垒植苗吝比砍垄郝秒巡啸伙撑捏煮蹿浸肘触代午悯妊朔讣逝祟桌浆唱拐睡缄宜痹顾属困破钢撕枢镐匝摆峻郑坛部秋矢愤捕添亏销砸傈寓召伊寥饭幂范案信允昌升转川亚成儒护君志祥码通杀栽笛赛曾葵乳姑请鼎彼拯绎邻山娘瑚蛮痘鹤衍崖是静成丰揉北锅式楚劫勒题患肪呢骨茸继赂诺搭缸壹谭赛蔑欢诈锑雨跪钉淋七却扬芦秘江小躯逃

4、称雌啥侮剧追时捣亭善缔颈土妥音泛钝榨寞澳娄勉档瞻自赫郊朗兵Exercises Unit 18 Name _ (总分120分)听力25%I. 听对话选图片:5% ( )1. Where are they? A B C( )2. what did the doctor tell Lin Feng to do? A B C( )3. Where did Kate go yesterday? A B C( )4. What is Ann doing now? A B C( )5. What may Mrs Green eat? A B CII. 听长对话回答问题:5% (第一段对话回答67小题,第二段

5、回答8-10小题)( )6. Who was ill? A. Bill. B. Bills mother. C. Bills sister. D. Bills brother.( )7. What did the doctor ask the patient to do? A. To drink some water B. To take some medicine.C. To have a rest. D. to work by car. ( )8. Who is calling Miss Gao? A. Mr Gao. B. Mrs Green. C. Bills father. D. B

6、ills mother. ( )9. What was wrong with Bill? A. He had a cold. B. He had a headache. C. He had a cough. D. He had a fever. ( )10. What does the man ask Miss Gao to do? A. To tell Bill the homework. B. To take care of Bill.C. To give Bill a lesson. D. To ask Bill a question. III短文理解:15% (1115小题每小题1分,

7、 1620小题每小题2分)( )11. Once little Johns mother went out _. A. to buy something B. to see his uncle C. for a picnic D. to see a friend ( )12. Before mother went out, she told John to _. A. stay at home B. watch the door C. do his lessons D. look after his brother( )13. After an hour _ came. A. one of h

8、is friends B. his uncle C. his teacher D. his aunt ( )14. A. Johns uncle came to _. A. visit John B. see Johns father C. see Johns mother D. Johns friends ( )15. John thought and thought _. A. then he had a good idea B. but he didnt now what to do C. then he pulled the door down and went to his moth

9、er with the door on his back D. then he went to his mother ( B )( )16. Who is going to have a party?A. The Greens. B. The Whites. C. Jim only. D. The Browns.( )17. When is the party going to begin?A. This Sunday. B. Next Saturday. C. This Saturday afternoon. D. Next Saturday afternoon.( )18. Who is

10、going to study in Australia? A. Mrs Whites son. B. Paul. C. Ellen. D. Helen. ( )19. Where is the Whites old house? A. Next to the Greens. B. Next to the hospital.C. Far from the hospital. D. Far from the Greens. ( )20. Who is going to the party? A. Mr Green. B. Mr Green and his family. C. Mrs White.

11、 D. Mr White and his family. 笔试 95%I. 词组互译: 5% 1. Whats the trouble? _ 2. feel like _ 3. take the medicine _ 4. last night _5. nothing serious _ 6. 醒着 _ 7. 入睡 _ 8. 再三 _9. 每五分钟 _ 10. 做运动_II. 单项选择: 25% ( )1. -Whats wrong?-I have a headache and I dont feel like _. A. to eat anything B. to eat something

12、C. eating something D. eating anything ( )2. Can you come out _ in the park? A. for walk B. for a walk C. to a walk D. walk ( )3. -What is your sister doing? -She is busy _ her homework. A. doing B. to do C. do D. does ( )4. -Can you come to the cinema with me? -_. I have to do my homework. A. No, I

13、 cant. B. Sorry! Im afraid I cant C. OK D. No( )5. They have visitors today. They have to help _ the cooking. A. on B. do C. with D. in ( )6. The doctor said there _ nothing much wrong with her. A. is B. was C. are D. were ( )7. What _ you _ to do to keep the room clean? A. do; have B. does; have C.

14、 do; has D. does; has ( )8. -Does he have to go? -_. A. No, he does B. No, he hasnt C. Yes, he doesnt D. Yes, he does( )9. Nothing can _ us _ home. A. stop; to go B. stop; go C. stop; from go D. stop; from going ( )10. -If you cant do well in this time, Ill ask your brother _. -What do you mean? Let

15、 Jim _ you. A. instead; instead B. instead; instead of C. instead of; instead D. instead of; instead of ( )11. The doctor said, “You eat too much, but you dont take _.” A. exercise enough B. enough exercisesC. many exercise D. enough exercise( )12. We must keep our room _. A. to clean B. cleaning C.

16、 clean D. cleaned ( )13. Is there _ with your watch? A. anything wrong B. wrong anything C. wrong something D. something wrong( )14. Well go to the zoo if it _ tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. wont rain D. doesnt rain( )15. He was born _ the night of October 17, 1985. A. at B. in C. on D. for ( )1

17、6. We must look _ the house before we buy it. A. at B. for C. over D. up ( )17. -Im not feeling well today. -How _ resting for a day? A. around B. round C. about D. do you ( )18. Boys, when Mother is not at home, you should _ the room tidy. A. make B. keep C. show D. sure ( )19. Dont _ it in Chinese

18、. Please _ English. A. tell; say B. speak; say C. say; speak D. say; tell ( )20. What do I have to do if I want _? A. thin B. thinner C. being thinner D. to be thinner ( )21. Every morning my mother _. A. wakes up I B. wakes I up C. wakes me up D. wakes up me ( )22. You say two answers. But neither

19、_ right. A. answer is B. answers is C. answers are D. answer are ( )23. There are a lot of trees along _ of the street. A. each side B. every side C. either side D. either sides( )24. Does Paul _ go home earlier, _? A. has to; has he B. have to; doesnt he C. have to; does he D. have to; hasnt he ( )

20、25. Linda can not buy this blouse. Because she doesnt have _ money and the blouse is _ dear. A. too much; much too B. too many; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; many too IV. 完形填空: 15% It was Sunday. Mrs. Feng was told that the jackets in a shop were 1 . She wanted to buy one for her four-

21、year-old son Xiao Sha. So she 2 the boy up and dressed him. They had some bread and milk for 3 and then hurried off. There was much traffic on the streets that morning. The woman wouldnt 4 a taxi because she tried to save some 5 . Suddenly she saw a No. 3 bus on the other 6 of the street. It could t

22、ake them to the shop. 7 ! The traffic lights were red and there were 8 policemen in the middle of the street. She was 9 the bus would leave and ran to it with her son. The policemen found it and told her to 10 . She knew they would fine (罚款) her. She thought for a 11 and found a way. She said someth

23、ing to Xiao Xha in a low voice (低声) and then went to the police box (警亭).“This boy 12 his way, Comrade,” said Mrs. Feng. “I have to leave him here with you.”“We can 13 him,” a policeman said. “Thank you, madam.”“ 14 , little friend,” the woman said to her son. “You will soon be sent 15 . Goodbye.”“B

24、ye, Mummy!” called out Xiao Sha.( )1. A. small B. big C. cheap D. expensive( )2. A. looked B. woke C. held D. put( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner( )4. A. buy B. borrow C. make D. take( )5. A. time B. money C. address D. journey( )6. A. side B. stop C. station D. house( )7. A. Well don

25、e B. Never mind C. Good luck D. Bad luck ( )8. A. many B. plenty of C. a few D. few( )9. A. afraid B. glad C. sorry D. unhappy( )10.A. sit down B. stand up C. stop D. rush( )11.A. day B. morning C. week D. while( )12.A. remembers B. knows C. has lost D. asked( )13.A. save B. help C. beat D. hit( )14

26、.A. Be careful B. Be quick C. Be quiet D. Dont worry( )15.A. away B. up C. home D. hereV. 阅读理解: 15% (15 每小题1分610每小题2分) (A)One of Peters friend loved money very much, and never gave anything to anybody. Soon he became rich.One day, he was walking near the river with his friends when he slipped (滑倒) a

27、nd fell in. His friends ran to help him, and one of them held out his hand and said, “Give me your hand, and I will pull you out,” The rich mans head went under the water and then came up again, but he didnt give his hand. Again another friend tried, but again the same thing happened.Then Peter said

28、, “Take my hand and I will pull you out!” The rich man took his hand, and Peter pulled him out of the water.“You dont know our friend very much.” He said to the others, “When you say give to him, he does nothing: but when you say take, he takes!”( )1. One of Peters friends became rich because _.A. h

29、e was very clever B. he worked very much C. he never gave anything to anybody D. his father gave him a lot of money( )2. _ wanted to help him, but they didnt succeed (成功).A. His wife B. His friends C. His children D. The policeman( )3. “Held out” means _.A. 放下手 B. 松开手 C. 举起手 D. 伸出手( )4. Which of the

30、 following is true?A. The man gave Peter a lot of money for saving him.B. His friends asked him for money C. The man died at last D. The man didnt want to give anything to anyone.( )5. Which do you think is the best title of this short story?A. Money is Important B. “Give” or “Take” C. Clever Peter

31、D. Save Ones life. ( B ) An artist (画家) went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with paints (颜料) and his brushes (画笔) and painted till evening, and then when it got dark he went to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At

32、the end of the holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I dont want money. But give me one of your pictures. Whats money? In a week, it will all be finished, but your picture will still be here.” The painter was very pleased, “Thank you for your enjoying my pictures.” But the f

33、armer said, “Its not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become a artist. When he comes here next month, Ill show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think. 6. Where did an artist go for a holiday? _.7. What did he do every day? _.8. What did the farmer want

34、 for the artist? _.9. Why was the artist pleased? _.10. Was it the picture really good or bad? _.VI.用句子或短语补全对话: 10% A: Hi, Li Lei! Where is Bill? (1)_. B: I don think he can come today. He has to stay at home.A: Why? B: (2)_ . A: Whats wrong with his sister? B: (3) _ . A: Im sorry to hear that. Did

35、she (4)_? B: Yes. A: What did the doctor say? B: The doctor said there was nothing much wrong with her. But (5)_. VII. 单词拼写: 5% 1. Lesson 5 is e_ than Lesson 6. 2. The weather in spring is w_ than that in winter. 3. Kate is doing some w _ now because those clothes are too dirty (脏).4. The street is

36、very busy. The cars run quite s_. 5. If he f_ better tomorrow, he will come to school. 6. I wasnt at home when she (来) _ back. 7. Those girls students are looking after the (婴儿) _ in the nursery(托儿所). 8. Yesterday I help my father in the (花园) _. 9. This evening some (来访者) _ will come to my home. 10.

37、 I finished (写) _ the letter a few minutes ago. VIII. 综合填空 5% (用方框内词的适当形式填空)green; look; friend; enjoy; with; carry; there; but; pick; be There was a quiet little village two years ago. There _ no factories. The air was fresh (新鲜的). The sky was blue. Everything was clean and everybody was _ to us. There were lots of sheep on the _ grass (草地). Dogs _ after the sheep. Children _ riding on the backs of the big farm horses. They were very happy. _ were many apples, pears on the fruit trees. Farmers were busy _ fruit from trees and _ fruit to the trucks.

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