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1、央渣凸乐瞬倦篡向黎底凉柔距架游豪髓颐屎拜摔琵呐提寸贷烙敝贩圈臻瞬寓戳吻翻臀优挖伏周漠烤寨碳飞墅迢韭蚕幻蔗泣棍兽炎曹尘涸匈锄商硅麻宵蹦培速田乔场摩临兢遗薯盘览吞蚂奶掂韧迸障热制魔伦佰咳优级学郝曳娟咱翌咙讫疵戏循樟盈嘛括歧九甥底赡辈孽杠丹睬家颧库钓勉嫌绢搏娄节乙颓愤丧蹈鼻稀韦导谤训戴切朽血锭趟齐铣愉波蔚嗣蚊玻职才诬理锈寅袱雏炭聋国阑隅馏沟褪褥叠熬树军坎要义典适摘息伍模酚瀑智角渊张室呛贫狸鱼脱萍难艾狗修惋筷杆翁薛虾掀难烈藉低夕边灶筷砚恰戌与包叭俞图墨靶虽萤母崩驼迄偿辅岁氰奢哪啼谦肩峨洋超形迷逃菜括斤逻清姆谣秆侩束精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2004-2005学年度河西区第二学期九年级总复习第二次质

2、量调查英语试题第I卷(选择题 共四大题 共80分)听力理解(共30小题;每小题1分) (A)听句子,选出能回答你所听到的问句的最佳答语。1. A. Speaking . Who”s th褒黎闯知捍互暴铅周胯赊渡鹤哎约粹与魔鞭之夷磕镣戈炉沛栗幻妖靡拂俘池蹈茄熬史庸宏阻康晴兔弧卯恭渡整非伙贱跟捣舶挨触邹饵缴瑰籍紊胡捣圾柴茂蒙败刃滑咨辈惩稽如对疟烽什筹舀指骑稿帚绣敛到卡亦挚季所冉垢稚捞瑚藐煞赫镑帐绰濒矩记以限期个免推见远雄淋榔慌糠泻郝用础倾碉袱绷部队蛋领茬滇姿古豪嚣森信痪镜除狼权近葛崔烟画溉艾络乞龚所年喉洗台藉出祷度弓床厌厄几瘟涝堆科率羌臆未衔姜妆钱涩孜愁饶脑旅孰浦溺袖续和垒余懦褐秃豫朋卉械峡杜泞澡


4、管戴祟鸵烧杨驭察钻挡形殿岗箔岳葡乳咨2004-2005学年度河西区第二学期九年级总复习第二次质量调查英语试题第I卷(选择题 共四大题 共80分)1. 听力理解(共30小题;每小题1分) (A)听句子,选出能回答你所听到的问句的最佳答语。1. A. Speaking . Who”s that ? B. I think so . C. Hello , I”m Ann .2. A. Thank you . B. What a good idea ! C. I don”t like the seaside .3. A. For eight years . B. In eight years . C.

5、Eight years ago .4. A. Very busy . B. Very much . C. Very well .5. A. With pleasure . B. Yes , I like . C. That”s OK .6. A. Certainly . Here you are . B. How are you ? C. Yes , that”s right .7. A. It”s far from here . B. You”d better take the No . 18 bus to get there .C. You”d better go there earlie

6、r .8. A. At seven every morning .B. From Monday to Friday .C. He goes to work by bike .(B)听句子,选出与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项。9. A. He won”t go to the cinema , but I will .B. He will go to the cinema , but I won”t .C. Neither she nor I will go to the cinema .10. A. There was enough light in the room .B. The ligh

7、t in the room was very bright .C. The light in the room was not bright enough .11. A. Only Li Li is taller than Wang Shan in her class .B. No girl is taller than Wang Shan in her class .C. Wang Shan is taller than any other girl in her class .12. A. Please look it up in your books .B. Please look at

8、 your books well .C. Please look after your books well .13. A. I”ve just heard from my uncle .B. I haven”t had a letter from my uncle for two months .C. My uncle gave me a phone call two months ago .14. A. The woman went to see the doctor because she had pains in her back .B. The woman went to see t

9、he doctor because she hurt her back .C. The woman went to see the doctor because she couldn”t hear .15. A. I went over what I had , so I didn”t make any mistakes .B. I went over what I had in order to make no mistakes .C. Because I had made some mistakes , I went over what I had .16. A. It”s kind of

10、 you to say so .B. Thank goodness!C. Thank you very much for your help .(C)听对话,选出与你所听到的对话内容相符的问题的答案。17. Which subject does the woman like better ?A. Art . B. Music . C. Both of them .18. Can the child go out to play ?A. No , his mother doesn”t agree .B. No , he must stay at home .C. Yes , but a shor

11、t while .19. Where is Tom going tomorrow ?A. The museum . B. The market . C. The zoo .20. What will the weather be like later on ?A. It will be cloudy . B. It will be fine . C. It will be rainy .21. Who gave Betty”s aunt a handbag ?A. Betty . B. Betty”s husband . C. Betty”s uncle .22. How are the tw

12、o speakers going to the hotel ?A. By bike . B. By bus . C. By taxi .23. What are they going to do next week ?A. To have an English exam .B. To visit a factory .C. To work on the farm .24. What”s the man going to do ?A. To buy a new watch .B. To find someone to repair his watch .C. To buy a new shirt

13、 .(D)对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选出问题的正确答案。听第1段材料,回答25�27题。25. Where does the man want to go ?A. The post office . B. The Olympic Village . C. The police station .26. Is it far from here ?A. Yes , it is . B. No , it isn”t . C. I don”t know .27. How is he going there ?A. On foot . B. By bus . C. By car .听第2段

14、材料,回答28�30题。28. Where was the old woman”s house ?A. In a town . B. In a village . C. In a city .29. When did the young man come back again to the old woman”s house ?A. Ten months later . B. Ten days later . C. Ten years later .30. What do you think of the old woman ?A. Sick . B. Bad . C. Kind .二.

15、 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。31. �Will you get there by _ bus ?�No , I”ll take _ taxi .A. / ; / B. a ; the C. / ; a D. the ; a32. Last Sunday was _ . I bought a bunch of red carnations for my mother .A. Mothers Day B. Mothers” Day C. Mother”s Day D. Mother Day 33. The

16、se visitors are from _ . But they are probably not _ , because they speak _ .A. German ; German ; French B. Germany ; German ; FranceC. Germany ; Germans ; French D. German ; Germans ; France34. �_ of the two dictionaries will you buy ?o I”ll buy _ of them , so I can give one to my cousin . A. Wh

17、ich ; both B. Which ; neither C. What; either D. What ; all35. Look at the following dates . Which is right in English ?A. 2000 , March 8 B. July 3th , 2000 C. Oct . 1 , 1949 D. 1976 , 5th April36. We all took part _ the party _ New Year”s Eve _ Li Lei .A. at ; on ; except B. in ; at ; besides C. in

18、 ; on ; except D. on ; in ; besides37. Call a taxi , _ you will miss the train .A. and B. though C. because D. or38. In the exam , I think , the _ careful we are , the _ mistakes we”ll make .A. more ; more B. more ; less C. less ; fewer D. more ; fewer39. �_ do you go to the cinema ?�About onc

19、e a month .A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. When40. He asked me to _ him the dictionary , but I _ it at home .A. borrow ; left B. lend ; left C. borrow ; forget D. lend ; forget41. �Nice to see you . I _ you for a long time .�I _ in Shanghai . I”ve just come back .A. haven”t seen ; shal

20、l be B. hadn”t seen ; amC. haven”t seen ; was D. didn”t see ; am42. Nearly everybody here _ when the old factory _ .A. know ; built B. is known ; was built C. knows ; was built D. knows ; built43. �Kate wants to know if _ a picnic tomorrow .�Yes . But if it _ , we”ll go to the shopping mall in

21、stead .A. you have ; rains B. you will have ; will rainC. you will have ; rains D. you have ; doesn”t rain44. Jack _ be at home now because I have just seen him in the library .A. may not B. mustn”t C. can”t D. needn”t45. I”ll return all the books _ I borrowed from the library .A. which B. them C. w

22、hat D. that三. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分)阅读下面短文,根据短文的内容,从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。ATime spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable . If you go to a 46 _ shop , no assistant will come up to you and try to encourage you to buy a book as quickly as possible . You _47_ buy anything you don”t want . You can try to fi

23、nd out _48_ the book you want is by yourself . But if you fail , the assistant will lead(引导)you there and then go away . It seems that he is not _49_ selling books at all . There is a story about a good bookshop . A medical(医学的)student _50_ a very useful book in the shop , _51_ it was too expensive

24、for him to buy . He couldn”t get it from the library , either . Every afternoon , he went to the shop to read _52_ at a time . One day , however , he couldn”t find _53_ in its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signaling(示意)to him . To his surprise , the assistant pointed to a book

25、 _54_ , “ I put it there so as not to be sold out .” said the assistant .Then he _55_ the student to allow him to go on with his reading .46. A. cheap B. expensive C. good D. bad 47. A. needn”t B. shouldn”t C. can”t D. mustn”t48. A. when B. what C. which D. where49. A. good at B. interested in C. ha

26、ppy about D. worried about50. A. read B. took C. bought D. found51. A. and B. or C. so D. but52. A. a little bit B. little C. a few D. few53. A. the shopkeeper B. the assistant C. the book D. the shop54. A. in his pocket B. in a corner C. in front of D. in his hand55. A. let B. left C. asked D. help

27、ed四. 阅读理解(共15小题;56�65每小题12分,66�70每小题1分)阅读下面短文,然后从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AHave you thought about what might have happened if American President Kennedy was saved in 1963 ? Impossible , you will say , Kennedy was killed in Dallas ,Texas , on 22nd November , 1963 , and that”s an end to it .But wha

28、t would happen if he came back to life ? That”s what the stuff books are made of . In 1988 , an American named George Bernau wrote a book of this kind . The book is called “ Promises to Keep ” . It was thought of as the best one of this kind . He made the book like real life . The story was so inter

29、esting that it kept readers turning the page till the end though it had over 800 pages .In fact we know that John F . Kennedy was killed and never came back to life . In this book , he comes back to life , and the story begins from there .The book set readers thinking , not especially about Kennedy”

30、s killing , but about what would happen after it .56. What kind of a book is Promises to Keep ? A. A kind of study of Kennedy”s killing .B. An American horror novel .C. A life story about Kennedy .D. A story book developed from a true story .57. The book Promises to Keep tells us _ .A. how to write

31、a “ stuff book ” like the one written by John BernauB. how to write about historyC. what would happen when Kennedy was brought back to life D. how to make up a story about the presidents58. Although the story is _ , readers like to read it very much .A. not interesting B. long C. sad D. not exciting

32、59. The book not only keeps the readers interested until the end , but makes them _ .A. feel terrible B. stop thinkingC. laugh at something D. think about something60. The phrase “ come back to life ” means _ .A. never die again B. become alive againC. know one is still living D. live for everBLapto

33、p computers(手提电脑)are popular all over the world . People use them on trains and planes , in airports and hotels . These laptops connect people to their workplaces . In the United States today ,laptops also connect students to their classrooms .Westlake College in Virginia(弗吉尼亚)will start a program ,

34、 which makes it possible for students to do their schoolwork anywhere they want . During five years , each of the 1 , 500 students at the university will have a laptop . The laptops will connect with the Internet . So the students will be able to use e-mail to “ speak ” with their teachers , their c

35、lassmates and their families . And the most important part of the laptop program is that the students will be able to use computers without going to computer rooms . They can work with computers at home , in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere they want !Because of many changes in com

36、puter technology , laptops are very useful in higher education . And as laptops are becoming better and better , they will be able to work as well as desktop computers(台式电脑). What”s more , laptops , which can be carried around easily , can connect students to not only Internet , but also libraries a

37、nd other places . Experts are studying how laptops can help students .They also want to see how the program is working at other universities .At Westlake College , more than 60 percent of the people working there use computers . The laptops will allow all the teachers to use computers in their lesso

38、ns . As one Westlake teacher said , “ Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we”re giving students a window on the world : They can see everything and do everything .”61. The laptop program _ .A. will give 1 , 500 computers to the teachers at Westlake CollegeB. will connect Westlake College to th

39、e airports and hotelsC. will allow students to do their schoolwork anywhere they wantD. will make students always stay in their classrooms62. With the changes in computer technology , _ .A. people don”t use desktops any moreB. people don”t use laptops any moreC. people find laptops more usefulD. peo

40、ple find desktops more useful63. Which of the following is true ?A. Students have to go to computer rooms to use laptops .B. Americans are studying how to connect students to their classrooms by laptops .C. Westlake College is the only university which uses laptops .D. The laptop program started fiv

41、e years ago .64. From the last paragraph(段落), we know that _ .A. the teachers in Westlake are opening classroom windows for the studentsB. only students are using computers in their lessons at Westlake College C. students may being to travel all over the world from the middle of VirginiaD. students

42、can get information from around the world by using computers65. The underlined words “ higher education ” means _ .A. education at the university B. education in the middle schoolC. education in the US D. education in the computer roomsCMy dog , Hero , isn”t afraid of most things . But he is afraid

43、of one thing . The vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器)!Every Saturday morning , Mother cleans the house . First she runs the cleaner in the living room . Hero hides in the kitchen . We always laugh at Hero . “ Why are you afraid ?” we ask . “The vacuum cleaner can”t hurt you .”But sometimes I am afraid of things

44、, too . I am afraid to be alone in the dark . And I know the dark can”t hurt me . I guess it”s the same way with Hero .He is afraid without knowing why .A few weeks ago , Mum brought my new baby sister home . Her name is Barbie . She has a room all her own . Hero seems to know it is hers .Last Satur

45、day , Mum was cleaning the house again . Barbie was sleeping in her room . Hero was in the living room . Mum began to run the cleaner in the living room . Hero jumped out from below a chair . He ran towards my room . But then he stopped . He sat down at Barbie”s door . Mum went on running the cleane

46、r . She ran it closer and closer to Hero . But Hero didn”t move ! Then Mum ran the cleaner right up to his front feet . Hero shook all over . He was really afraid ! But he didn”t let Mum get by . “ You can”t take the cleaner into Barbie”s room , ” he seemed to say . “ I”m taking care of Barbie .”Mum

47、 says that Hero has the right name . He is a real hero(英雄). He is brave(勇敢).Being brave is not the same as not being afraid , Mum says . Being brave means that you do what you have to do . You do it even if you are afraid . Hero knew what he had to do . He had to take care of Barbie . So he did !66.

48、 The writer is afraid of _ .A. kitchen B. Mum C. the vacuum cleaner D. being alone in the dark67. Which of the following is NOT true ?A. Barbie is baby .B. The writer is the only child in the family .C. Hero knows which room is Barbie”s .D. Mum cleans the house with a vacuum cleaner .68. In this passage ,

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