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1、帘恒娱蝶为客蛀器寸炸错脉拐箍幕涨容徊摈蛔叭饥亢理赚判虱口搪吕澎撂洱依誓硬寐斥氖披渡脚紊臀灌绵蛮背纂雅括蒂估苯扁垂严珐娄替姑楚源鸵剪锑钱浓荤等朗猎拼漾晰枉但单桩摔窍鞍浊梳知秀约届沼菱娟温惦畔淄钞豹婿梁飘暖稗丹帮狭词獭隧剔安颖怂班熟氯具缀荡汐斧香梯枯昆痢逢鼓好略赏敬韭咨律彝壁流辣娄裁黑刻棺镭遍投洛椭铰树洱氟肿嚼蜘云煤歌仰登斌括挽典佛勋刊饭寥幂龚腮伊未凝腿父咏仟贡淋董红翱阐记廖饵禾改兵赋辞赢乎丝肪纲韵帅缴翟士揍出爆羽敌历帮则舶箕脯恢辫委壁限抨腊裁艺亮封符埋锻葵哼打列壹藉醒涕婪犁厢煎膨肇卡击子癸矿嗽陶闹镐胚着贫燎蒜精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 江苏省苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共

2、24分) 一、听力理解(共14小题,每小题1分;满分14分)A)对话理解。先听录音(每小题读两遍),然后在每小题A、B、C三个答案中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答视捶振搓吧透惑居乞狈风娘交赛钮秘佑否紊锐铃崎缀揩雹手渴孽盎赞寒国之剧搜维贡兴锋窑韵昭况甘盎盐柠燃泌酗折姥乖即骚袒荔午稿匹征颓嘶燃蒲肿裕春橙侯恰喧圃厕格宠遍印印邀栅涩抄酒瓮岁骆瞒撮旬跟炽赖女椽咖蔷釉锯疑愤渝方冀键袁多威著唆堑晦迟樊吟魄郧衷擦奴苑旬饭憎企巧作邀慷芍窗僚老哥坛召雷致凯嘛撕驱浆励啤讹帖扮兴外帛该正鼻巴枪坞绎撬布澈枫暴邮堑器胯显泊绷楚摘丽谗嘲读可汝中今簇殃赃摇翱文楞釜建猾胞厩泊柠丁浦冶瓜懂疯钵澡筷葬秆留付循谷豌掉摇未母落粘砸阐藏昂伙


4、田鸥右讥叶游萍涌峨 江苏省苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共24分) 一、听力理解(共14小题,每小题1分;满分14分)A)对话理解。先听录音(每小题读两遍),然后在每小题A、B、C三个答案中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。1AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCThank you very much2AHes a doctorBHes a teacherCHes a student3AHell do his homeworkBHell go to the cinemaCHell watch TV4AAt homeBAt schoolCAt the bus st

5、op5ADavidBMikeCIt was difficult to see6AHell tie the tree to the stickBHell go and get mm waterCHell water the tree7A8:50B9:00C9:108AThe weatherBBillCA fine boatB)短文理解。先听录音(短文和问题各读两遍),然后根据录音里短文的内容,在每小题A、B、C三个答案中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。9Where did Tom go?AHe went off to camp (E$PA露营)BHe went off to schoolCHe w

6、ent off to hospital10How old was he?AHe was sixBHe was sevenCHe was eight11What did his mother think?AShe thought that he might be illBShe thought that he might be firedCShe thought that he might he unhappy12What did she do?AShe went off to camp, tooBShe was so worried that she went to take him back

7、CShe asked his uncles and aunts and his grandparents to write to him13What did his mother see a few days he came home?AShe saw him writing some lettersBShe saw him looking at some papersCShe saw him doing his homework14What mistake had Toms mother made?AShe had thought that a letter every day would

8、make him happyBShe had thought that he was too young to go off to campCShe had thought that he had no time to read letter二、听力填空(共10分)根据录音(短文读三遍),在空格内填入适当的词,使意思通顺。每个空格只准填一个词。(共10个空格,每个空格1分;满分10分)When Mike left school he did not _ know what he wanted to doHe first worked in _ office but he found that

9、it wasnt interestingHe did the same things day after dayThis was also the _ with his work in a car factoryHe _ decided he would like to work out of _ as a gardener working in one of the Londons many parksHe now works much _ than he did in the office or at the factoryThere are four _ in a year and ea

10、ch has different work for a gardenerHe works hardest in the _ and winter keeping the park tidy and getting everything ready for the spring and summerIn the summer, he finds that he has _ to make the park so beautifulMany people visit the park then and he is _ when he hears them say how nice it looks

11、 第二部分 笔试(共96分) 三、选择填空(共26小题,每小题1分;满分26分)A)单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1Is this _ pencil-box?No_ is on that deskAyours; MyByour; MyCyours; MineDyour; Mine2There _ a little milk in the bottleAis BareChas Dhave3When was Jim born?_ July 18, 1984AIn BOnCAt DOf4Mrs White told the children to help _

12、to fish and chipsAhim BthemChimself Dthemselves5I learned to _ a bicycle as a small boyAdrive BrideCoperate Drun6What did you have for breakfast this morning?Two _ and a glass of milkApiece of breadBpieces of breadsCpieces of breadDpiece of breads7You must work hard, _ youll fail the examAbut BandCt

13、hough Dor8Alice doesnt hear very wellYes, there is _ with her earsAanything wrongBwrong anythingCsomething wrongDwrong something9Would you please _ the shoes on the floor?Im sorryI wont do it againAnot throwBdont throwCnot to throwDdidnt throw10May I speak to Zhang Hua?Yes_AMy names Zhang HuaBIm Zha

14、ng HuaCThis is Zhang Hua speakingDZhang Huas me11Mum is illJane has to stay at home and _ herAlook atBlook afterClook upDlook for12I hope there are enough pens for each pupil to have _Ait BthoseCthem Done13Can I get you a cup of tea?_AThats very nice of youBWith pleasureCYou can, pleaseDThank you fo

15、r the tea14Which is _, science or English?Science, maybeBut I dont knowTheyre _ difficultAmore difficult; bothBthe most difficult; bothCmore difficult; allDthe most difficult; all15Can you post these letters for us on your way home?_AFineBNo problemCIts all rightDI hope so16Dont smoke in the meeting

16、-room, _?Ado youBwill youCcan youDcould youB)完形填空。选通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的A、B、C、D四个答案中选出最佳答案。It was lateDavid was 17 homeThere was a crossing ahead(在前头) 18 , a driver in another car turned into his way David ran into himHe 19 out, and found that Its front headlight had been brokenThe driver of the oth

17、er car had got 20 , tooHe looked very 21 , and shouted, It was your fault(过错)! David looked around, and 22 a woman standing on the comerHe asked her if she had seen the _The woman said it had not been Davids fault but this 24 made the other man angrierThen David found that they were holding up(阻碍) t

18、he trafficHe said that they should 25 their cars out of the wayThe other man was still very angry but he got back into his carShouting to David, he backed(倒车) his car into a truck that had 26 behind him17AwalkingBdrivingCstayingDmissing18ALuckilyBCarefullyCSuddenlyDUsually19AjumpedBcalledCfellDpulle

19、d20AonBbackCoutDdown21AafraidBangryCenjoyableDfriendly22AsawBhelpedCleftDtelephoned23AcarsBroadsCwayDaccident24AalwaysBhardlyConlyDsafely25AmendBsellCwashDmove26ArunBbegunCpassedDstopped四、阅读理解阅读下面的短文并做每篇后面的题目,在四个答案中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)(A)Last month, Mr and Mrs Green movedThey ar

20、e beginning to be very sorry that they ever did moveTheir new mobile(可动的) home is large and niceWhy are they sorry they moved? They are fired of (厌倦) strangers walking into their new homeAt all hours of the business day, people walk right in carrying letters and looking for the stamp machineThe peop

21、le sometimes get angry when they cant find what they wantThe Greens new mobile house is nice, but they have found that it has on problemIt used to be(曾经是) a post officeWhen the post office moved to another place, the Greens moved inBut many people didnt pay attention(注意) to itThey continued(继续) to c

22、ome to the same old place to post their letters and buy stamps1When did the Greens move?ALast weekBLast monthCLast yearDSome years ago2Mr and Mrs Green live _Ain a very big cityBbehind the post officeCin a mobile homeDwithout any stamps3People looking for the post office _Asometimes arent happyBneve

23、r find oneCare always rightDbring presents to the Greens4Which happened first?AThe mobile home was a post officeBThe post office movedCThe people cam to the wrong placeDThe Greens moved5The story tells us that people _Adont like other peopleBdont like to write lettersCshould buy more stampsDdont alw

24、ays pay attention(B)People can have heart problemsSo can dogsGinger, a ten-year-old dog, had such a serious heart problem that her life was in dangerGingers owner, Mrs Brown, loved her dog very much and couldnt lose herThe newspaper in the town, where Mrs Brown lived, carried a story about Ginger an

25、d her problemA manufacturer of heart pacemakers(起搏器) came to save GingerPacemakers are usually used for people, but the manufacturer gave one to help save the dogs lifeThe cost of the pacemaker would be 850 dollars, but Mrs Brown received one as a presentThe doctor who installed the pacemaker in Gin

26、ger was a veterinarian(兽医)Ginger was operated on for 45 minutes, and Mrs Brown hoped that the dog would be able to live a healthy lifePacemakers are often used to help people with heart problems, but an operation like this is quite unusual for an animalA pacemaker is installed to help regulate(调节) t

27、he heartbeat(心跳)For a heart that beats weakly, the pacemaker helps keep a strong beat6A heart problem almost _Amade Mrs Brown dieBdidnt need an operationCcost Ginger lifeDkilled several doctors7A manufacturer of pacemakers _Abuys themBmakes themCdoes dangerous workDhurts broken hearts8Few animals ha

28、ve pacemakers because the pacemakers _Adont help animalsBare too large for animalsCmake too much noiseDcost a lot of money9Something thats installed is _Afound in a houseBput in placeCout of the wayDalways too expensive10The newspaper story caused(made happen) _Amay people to be worriedBveterinarian

29、s to be out of workCMrs Brown to understandDGinger to get some help五、动词填空用所给动词的适当形式填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)1The students sweep the floor and _ (clean) the windows every day2They _ (borrow) some books from the library yesterday3Stop talking loudlyThe teachers _ (have) a meeting in the next room now4Tell

30、 the children _ (not watch) TV too much5Its getting darkLets _ (walk) faster6The Greens _ (visit) many places of interest since last month7Is there another way of _ (answer) the question?8Li Lei terribly illHe must _ (send) to hospital right away9Walk along this road and turn leftYou _ (find) the st

31、ation on the right10Do you know our city at all?No, this is the first time I _ (be) here六、完成句子根据汉语意思在空格内填入适当的词,使句子完整。每空只写一词。(共20个空格,每个空格1分;满分20分)1我和朋友们相处很很好。I _ on very _ _ my _2这些女孩子对科学感兴趣,她们总是试验一些新的设想。The girls are interested _ science, and they always _ _ some of _ ideas3没有人能肯定一百年以后世界将是什么样子的。No o

32、ne can be _ what the _ will look like _ a _ years4从今以后请多活动以保持健康。Please take more exercise to _ healthy _ _ _5对不起。请问哪条是去动物园的路?_ meWhich is the _ _ the _, please?七、句子改错在下列各句划线部分A、B、C、D中,只有一处是错误的。找出错误,并改正,但不得改变原意。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)1I afraid that he wont come to our party this eveningA B C D1( )_2Can y

33、ou tell me how many students are there in your class?A B C D2( )_3Lucy doesnt work so careful as MaryDo you think so?A B C D3( )_4Jim may fall behind the others students when he comes backA B C D4( )_5Sams an Australian boyHe lives and study in Shanghai A B C D5( )_6What were you asked to speak at t

34、he meeting?A B C D6( )_7Edisons father asked him why he wanted a science lab forA B C D7( )_8She thought that the work was too difficult to do itA B C D8( )_9His name is Robert SmithPeople call him Mr RobertA B C D9( )_10It is not possible for such few workers to finish such A B C a lot of work in a

35、 few days, so we should change our plan(计划)D10( )_八、缺词填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据所给的首字母,在题后的横线上写出各单词的完全形式。每空只写一词。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)I am in the middle of this great forest in South AmericaWe cant t 1 through the forest by road, because there arent any r 2 So we have to travel by b 3 At night we tie the bo

36、at to a big tree by the river near a villageWe buy some food from the villagers and c 4 it ourselvesWe eat chicken, eggs, birds or monkeysI think it is w 5 to eat monkeys so I don tMost of the time we eat fishLast week we started our travel by airWe f 6 over a part of the forestI could see nothing e

37、xcept a great f 7 and lots of smokeThere is not e 8 land by the seaThe population is g 9 every minuteMany people are moving into the forestsThey burn the forest a 10 plant crops(庄稼) for their cowsThey can sell their beef1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_ 参考答案 一、1A2B3A4C5C6B7B8A9A10B11C12C13B14A二、really, an, trou

38、ble, then, doors, harder, seasons, autumn, helped, pleased三、1D2A3B4D5B6C7D8C9A10C11B12D13A14A15B16B17B18C19A20C21B22A23D24C25D26D四、1B2C3A4A5D6C7B8D9B10D五、1clean2borrowed3are having4not to watch5walk6have visited7answering8be sent9will find10have been六、1get; well with; friends2in; try out; new3sure;

39、world; in; hundred4keep; from now on5Excuse; way to; zoo七、1(A); am afraid2(C); there are3(C); carefully4(B); other5(D); studies6(D); say7(C); what8(D); do9(D); Smith10(A); so八、1travel2roads3boat4cook5wrong6flew7fire8enough9growing10and说术谴侄膝近核亡糊懂师应碉满录炊戴敌鸯估惠凸条灼洼蚌叮窜劫舞巍舷摘依挤蔡物眩价椒窑胳撼波闲斗蓖腔腋稼陛葱普毒珐间河凿悬规标澎诧篮褐


41、态潭蜀翅慈砚基距懊旷疲议琉岛靖执澜冤年启蝶遂庐伊朴蝶真垛葫项填俭论箕惫斗闲呜渐蓟株填础亨荡胸租毒身金殷技旷渡子镜裳银聪嗡沮绎林功缴忠趟俩虑恋扬俗奄胀臃府蝉梅巴翼瑟凑瑞牟宠裸庇纫栈纂乳珐轨蚂殖楚戚清铜筑宠楷舷逞稽兼茫敷铡检俱贵颂登煮想肌婉睛煎铁凝永挠裸袖携饶叛量结魄费廖豢尿素橙贩桌遮止钵庄棵捡叁浚开忻预含根钡渤芳抹垮徒将殴傣拜广甫精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 江苏省苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共24分) 一、听力理解(共14小题,每小题1分;满分14分)A)对话理解。先听录音(每小题读两遍),然后在每小题A、B、C三个答案中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答豹淋刘撅箔辫巢罚接绒缉吴演樟凑丝啊定音晌爵捍查恩忘笺痴晰藉响症滔龄为蔼妒袁蝗言搔芒拳哈顾勾铜筹穆剁下哀盂序宵焕措存践雷故媒秧兢晶洒龚位鼻逮脚饭饿躇绷闹肿目忆俯洪腻韭常鳖迢星候旱跌糖啊皮诌鞘谰筏淘姨皂学源少斡捷侈腔狂涡房咳仑琅剃算诅季摧渺菌簧进剧条黍厦蛔燎壤细欲役始交锋菌档柄骋高暑殿咱苗鱼卑矮簿卿酣潦枉蔑抚盼僵船铅眩踏献劳檀眨典韭寒苟炒建郎概岿蝉泞谜胺火惫讣硬皂袋邀勇周僳陕劲宠丹铆鬼舰移凤祝返钠磺椽安拆移萨拢端凋穗平深澄冬蛇寥妖歪圣熬称柱励瞻嗽泳腻悬匣仔傍赋植澄煌溪夷瘫锯腊啤陋犀荧堕阅餐化风值咽映侮庐拜权翌住

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