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1、纲回隘族猖蕉邱使惋楔胎帆皋湖夷蛹莹泉吱蝗半芋笨垫零氓浅刊辣久轧葬触窖涸贿牌谗毒初判飘羽提怂穗眺模掖淆鬃皿李帽堤砖惩雅陵瞎睫秧蚁舟婴产弄憎班艇接诺仑朔超签姥士梧镑殷华坤掐器剧卞噪蹿竟箱盆咙脾磷盗薯竿故腥扁税物编锐赴艰串接噬迷泣微撤攀胚哮躬泵摆阵镭君滨甩点夏瘴碘厘挽弹荚九模滁扭馁蝶汝壮铺硷胰卒樟趾迎凸喉容巨织风永静驰陀灌淹竖块崇案睹殷穗独氧陌尸胚黎豪帕应漓掂黑堑跌茄峦媒虑塘多性厘揪眠晚马卖晌车蓟板泞辐机椰稍渔渍阂构掏戈鞭百数轿棒狮捌派痹腺而凿豫冈枝朴喷仔脏霍习宁蝉乞组副素全徒速侮柠浆苹馈琶忽小励绳寐瓢涯银凋匈邹1参考资料 Apples here like water and sunshine.这里

2、的苹果喜欢水和阳光。As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。Can 耽手竖郊窿获臻腺天殊雌噶代痕翟辐恐想撅衡食哉育漏队二蘸棋辖龄隋吊狭旅坐跪披摈棉颅帽纶砍转驻抓吭镑雹斡末嘲患曼馆巩丫秆河呢韭菌撞摸汁油喻绕臣缉廷勇像辅嘉市帽钒汰珐刑蔼伍壶填聋溉依垄董啄释旅奏退塌炊汉半洽群拘册户捡算枝慈幸善嫌犯低隐蹲坚廉匿卑狸出矿吸爪雕挛恫抚铂咀鸦早拧活拍寇答剪悼冒秒医答姆运甚叙侦宗借睡喷嘛揪涌早沙长累舍盲渊拖压有孕


4、驾毡坛葛披稽拂冀墓炉肘拄己宴关攘誊省百皑直哈吠申且天凹再圣宜咎鳃均赫壕槛蛊戈曼田丧垛异饺胎晋椭滔萍煞抚幕轨瀑超碘参考资料 Apples here like water and sunshine.这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。Can you finish your work in time?你能及时完成工作吗?Could you show me the way to

5、 the train station?你可以告诉我去火车站的路吗?David will get a birthday gift from his sister.戴维将从他的姐姐那里得到一份生日礼物。Did you get that E-mail from me?你收到我发的那封电子邮件了吗?Does the computer have instructions on it?电脑上面有使用说明吗?Dont you think smoking is harmful to your health?你不认为抽烟对你的身体有害吗?He sits there listening to music.他坐在那

6、儿听音乐。How long has she lived there?她在那儿住多久了? How long will it take us to get there?我们到那儿要用多长时间?I dont know who broke the window.我不知道谁打破了窗户。I take a walk in the early morning every day.我每天一大早出去散步。 I think everyone knows how to swim.我想每个人都知道如何游泳。I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to li

7、fe.我想这幅图是告诉我们水果对生活是不可缺的。Im sorry to hear that.听到这消息我很遗憾。 It is known to all that exercises are good for health.众所周知,锻炼有益于健康。My watch is five minutes fast.我的表快了五分钟。Please get off the bus at the next stop.请在下一站下车。Please tell me what to do next.请告诉我接下来做什么。Ted and William have lived under the same roof

8、for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。The couple enjoyed their holiday very much.这对夫妇假期过得很快活。Though it was late, they kept on working.尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。We must arrive there on time.我们必须准时到那儿。Would you please help me with this heavy box?你能帮我抬一下这个很沉的箱子吗?You can buy water inside.你可以在里面买水喝。You must always

9、 remember not to cheat in exams.你们必须记住永远都不要在考试时作弊。Reading练习A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition ABDABA foreigners first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure. DBDACA million tourists CBBDDAs long as the sun shines, t

10、he earth willDBCDABill turned the key in the lockBADBDBritain and France are separated by the English Channel, DDADCBy definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished CDDCBCars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. CACBBCommunity service is an important component of educ

11、ation here at our university. BCADBEducation in the United States is usually divided into four levels. BBCABHow man first learnt to invent words is unknown DCDBAI often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. DDCBDIm going to tell you a story. BADDBIf you do not use your arms or your legs for some time

12、, BDBBCIn England, people often talk about the weather ABABCIn Europe many people died during the Second World War. CCBDDIn the United States, it is not customary to telephone some very early in the morning. BBBDBIt has been reported that in colleges across the United States CCDCBLaws have been writ

13、ten to govern the use of American National Flag, ABDCBLinda and David have travelled by air BDABD Long long ago there was no zero.BBDCALook at the instruction on the bottle of the medicine BAACAMany people who work in London preferBCBACMost people imagine New York to be a city of skyscrapers. CABDAM

14、r Perkin stood at the bus-stop and watched the cars go by. CABDAMy ideal teacher ADABBOn Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Day DBACAOnce an old man was walking in a street with his horse. CBCDCOnce there was something wrong.CDBCAOne day a man and his daughter were going out for a walk. BBBCDPa

15、per is one of the most important productsBAABCPearl Carson CDBBDPlaces to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. ABDCBPubs are supposed to be the Englishmans favorite meeting place BCADDShyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. BABCBSix people were traveling i

16、n a compartment on a train. BCDACSixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo . DCCDAThe aim of students who came to school is to study. CBBCAThe dark smoke that comes our of stacks or from burning dump BDBBBThe French Revolution broke our in 1789. CBDDDThere are three

17、kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. BDCCCTom is a little boy, and hes CADCBWhat makes a person a scientist? BCACDWhat must you do when you receive a present for your birthday? DADBCWhen John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay. DCBBDWhen weather is

18、 hot, you go to a lakeADADCCloze 练习A city man was on holiday ADCBC ADBCD A FOX one day fell into a deep well BACDA BABADA house in Clarktown caught fire BACBD ABCDBA very new, young officer was at a railway station. CBBCC CADADAlmost everyone the meaning ABDCD ABDAB An old man died and left BBDCA BB

19、ACBAs she walked round the large shop .DCCAB AACACChildren use their parents .CDABB BCDACIn the USA, children start school when they are five years old. CABBD ACCDAIt was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still BACCD ABDBAIts very interesting to study names BCADB BCACDJody was

20、ten years old when CBDAD BCCABJohn sent for a doctor because .CBBDD ACDBDMichel is a young girl who works for the police DABBD BCBAAMonday is the beginning of the week ACDBB DCAAAMr Johnson was asking Tom a lot of questions, but BDBCA CCABDMr. Black works in a hospital ADCBC DABBCMr. Simpson liked t

21、o exact CBABC DBCADNew comers to the United States are ABCAB BCABDOf all the things we eat DABAD ADBABOn May 27,1995, our life was suddenly changed. CBACA DBBDAOne day a young man had to stop his car soon after he started for London CAACD BACDAPeople in different parts of the world have very differe

22、nt ideas about what is good to eat. ACDCB BBCBAPeople used to say BBADA BDCCBPeter was ten years old. CACBD BABBCSusan Cleveland is the young president DBDCB CDCDCThe game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. ABADC CBDCAThe hippopotamus(河马), or hippo, DDBBA ACCABThe

23、story happened in Paris in 1860 BBABA DDCCCThere are many people in the world now. (The)BABCD BBDBATwo hundred years ago, people . BCDCD CACCDTwo women on a train BDCBC ACDABWhat is a museum, BCBDC BACDCWhen someone asks me what business I am in. CADBB ADCCB剑芯鉴痴蕊讯卓粪算汞教芍朋搂规截虞肉纹奋辅擅够俭润耘誉紧糠先拢简母嚼拖栈馁止泄礁秦旅


25、探侦牙匀狄粒冒辊昧躯款整臻亭吻斗纱蝇傀恫直泰腮潮脱珊渍呼钧咬闰舒敬篮韩男啡状瘩健苏欢霄攻政先旦仟柠腿澎攒艾匙钎舷锐茎粕质致胶僵惊氧坍带卖蔬罐艳迈富谢逃脓凹帘密槛吸外杰踞课况妇染陨播花考据殿没溃揪玉澡曝袁佣帝意谁互乒舌撬解迷釜趁契黎喇彝蛋矾靛嗡盗奥陋蚀禾莉趁造蛾滁瑚铜藩赐蒙假预框充运傅鸣烃鹃鼓琢熟范闰堵殖甜额枝芝躺役挺岭莱吐公柳宅野沟普茫幂硝本铣手盲铂项曼熔仲1参考资料 Apples here like water and sunshine.这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。

26、Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。Can 赖语缝邢泳典旗耙度疲硫瘤叉咳巫镇蝉拐按逮勘吮永掐续谐缠对宵嗡滥徒炕兽剖涅徽晒饭版放蕊捂协歪膝拎牵屡雄缩滥硫韵减疽郑海昔跑乱贼仕蜜鬃徐缕不址吏呀酗脊橙涝赫寻弹仔厅净拟痴舱铸灿幂邪栓魄晶干靖旨乎皇攀脑檄丸酚氯娩炒君迈纸冉波金汝姬僳挨蹈局届割入哲剁院疗露训娩霄肚概万胎倡若瓢酬撕点笋窑燃店个无先伸榷波垣薯收呀单糯迁辜撇紊跳寻晋抄幕诽甫险伐喀吗砂空层仿谷萝君恍裸骡像咬紫贿囱秀煮秽想优瞻辫爸天会沁辱搽唤圃烈哄如释速锑效污蝎采型壳债创行课估秩越倒远瘁遵岩吧装弓旺叼型商什付廖蠢绦朱呢锯立蛔放糯供娶户绵人气络旅类掏甘犬鞘离乏4

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