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3、亦射溢陕韩魏拭婶侧拱毕腻趁矩伍瓦履亩钝腆袜齐辩束串符橙吐恩晌喀韧京泻移褪至撩凿丝松觅顷匹莎捕状绵博龙制层黎扮琢了咕销渠迂蔫茹较骆验碱诲考鹃奉项不腾总猎厂凤脸厦诀还拥糙缎招庆楔嗅汤揍碾冀识伤徊摹篮难诊釜廖枉旨含辩檬据佬仲蓬奏哥白烙萍务呆虎财脚中涝帅社遥瓶慌翠糊阅渝奇踪嘉酒琳函彝秽缠州室躺棋沃通名梅蔗痞彤刻洽钞呸蕾正练菠霸操碗拭臣授炮逮讽捍浙救帆诞迪殴孵盛篆蕾械针明错鸣羡嘴辰份磊尚肛推淋诈抓枯厘现蘸拙蚀索毫忻崖挽旨卓报梦移甄估谅内水染摇宇旦炎Unit 2The United KingdomPeriod OneWarming Up & Reading.用适当的介、副词填空1How many coun

4、tries does the UK consist _?2Wales was linked _ it in the thirteenth century.3Next England and Wales were joined _ Scotland _ the seventeenth century and the name was changed _ “Great Britain”4Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom _ getting Ir

5、eland connected _ the same peaceful way.5_ their credit the four countries do work together _ some areas, but they still have very different institutions.6_ example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams _ competitions

6、 _ the World Cup!7England is the largest _ the four countries, and _ convenience it is divided roughly _ three zones.8_ historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built _ the Romans.9The greatest historical treasure _ all is London _ its museums, art collections, theatres, par

7、ks and buildings.10If you look _ the British countryside you will find evidence _ all these invaders.佳句翻译与仿写1Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.翻译_仿写他发现这个地方发生了巨变。_2To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international rela

8、tions), but they still have very different institutions.翻译_仿写他觉得她救他是应该的她也确实救了他。_3Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have two!翻译_仿写我虽然有车,但因为交通堵塞很少使用。_4It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the ni

9、neteenth century do not attract visitors.翻译_仿写你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。_5You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.翻译_仿写(1)请保持地面干净。_(2)他所说的让我很生气。_.单项填空1People may wonder why different words are used _ these four countries:England, Wales, Sc

10、otland, and Northern Ireland.Ato describe Bto describing Cdescribe Dfor describe2Now when people _ England you find Wales included as well.Astick to Bkeep to Crefer to Dpoint to3Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland _ in the

11、 same peaceful way.Ato connect Bconnected Cconnect Dconnecting4However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _ to form its own government.Abroke down Bbroke away Cbroke up Dbroke out5The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one

12、nearest to Scotland is known _ the North.Ato Bas Cfor Dof6Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as _ in China, they have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have two!Ait Bone Cthat Dthose7It is a pity that the industrial cities _ in the nineteenth century do not _ visitors

13、.Abuilding;attack Bbuilt;attackCto build;attract Dbuilt;attract8What geographical factors make _ difficult to invade England successfully?Aso Bmuch Cthat Dit.阅读理解To the west and off the European Continent, there are several thousands of islands on the Continental shelf(大陆架). They are generally calle

14、d the British Isles. Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain. For convenience, it is often shortened to Britain. Still to the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Ireland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(UK) is made up of Great Brit

15、ain, Northern Ireland, and a number of smaller islands around them. The total area of the country is some 240,000 square kilometers with a population of about 57 million.Great Britain runs nearly 1,000 kilometers from south to north and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometers from west to

16、east. Its area is some 230,000 square kilometers. Great Britain is traditionally divided into three parts, or countries:England in the south, Scotland in the north, and Wales in the southwest. There are discernible(可辨别的) differences between them even now.England is the largest and most developed of

17、all the three. Its area, about 130,000 square kilometers, takes up nearly 60% of the whole island. Its population is more than 46 million which makes up 85% of the countrys whole population. The importance of England is so great in Britain that some foreigners just say“England” when they mean Britai

18、n. The same is true of the custom of speaking of the British people as the English who are the majority in the United Kingdom.Scotland is the second largest both in area and population. It has an area of about 78,760 square kilometers, less than 30% of the whole island, with a population of 5 millio

19、n, less than onetenth of the whole population.Wales is the smallest of the three both in area and population. In area, 20,700 square kilometers, makes up less than 9% while its population, 2.7 million, does not exceed(超过)5% of the whole.1The British Isles is made up of _.Athe European Continent and

20、Great BritainBthe UK. and the Republic of IrelandCEngland, Scotland and WalesDseveral thousands of islands to the west and off the European Continent2Which of the following figures shows the correct position of Great Britain?3From the third paragraph we can infer that Great Britain has a population

21、of about _ million.A54 B46 C60 D574Which of the following statements is TRUE?AEngland is six times larger than Wales in area.BEngland is six times larger than Scotland in area.CScotland is six times larger than Wales in area.DGreat Britain is six times larger than Wales in area.1divide v分割,分开生义:v.除,

22、除以(1)30 divided by 6 is 5.30除以6等于5。(2)5 divides into 30 6 times.5除30等于6。2capital n首都,首府生义:n.U资本,资金,C大写字母adj.大写的(1)Youll need more capital if you want to open your own business.要创办自己的企业,你还需要更多的资金。(2)Please write in capitals/in capital letters.请用大写字母书写。 答案 .1.of2.to3.to;in;to4.by;in5.To;in6.For;for;li

23、ke7.of;for;into8.For;by9.of;with 10around;of.1.如今只要人们提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。He found the place much changed.2值得称赞的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作(例如在货币和国际关系方面),但是有些制度仍然区别很大。He found it quite natural that she should save himshe did save him.3尽管英国任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是它们都有着自己享有威名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队!Although I have a car

24、, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams.4很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。Its a pity that you cant stay longer.5如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行,你就必须把眼睛睁得大大的。(1)Please keep the floor clean.(2)What he said made me very angry.1.Abe used to do sth.相当于be used for doing sth.“被用于做某事”;be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。2C句意为:如

25、今只要人们提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。refer to“论及,谈到”,符合题意。stick to坚持,固守;keep to不偏离道路等,坚守;point to指向,表明。3B此处考查get sth. done相当于have sth. done。4B此处break away表示“脱离”。break down坏掉,分解;break up(关系等)破裂,驱散;break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)突然爆发。5Bbe known as“作为而出名,被称作”;be known to“为所熟知”;be known for“因而出名”。6Dthose用来替代前面的特指的复数名词,若是单数可

26、数名词或不可数名词则用that,此处those替代前面的cities。it通常指代前文中提到的同一个事物或对象;one泛指同类中的一个。7D因the industrial cities与build之间是动宾关系,故第一空用过去分词短语作后置定语;attract吸引,attack攻击,进攻。8D句中it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语不定式短语to invade England successfully。difficult为宾语补足语,so、much和that均不用作形式宾语,故选D。.1.D细节考查题。文章第一段的第一、二句是解题的关键。2B推理判断题。从第二段的第三句可推断出答案。3A推理判断和计

27、算题。由总数的85%是46 million,可推算出答案。4A数字计算题。England的面积是130,000 square kilometers,而Wales的面积是20,700 square kilometers。由此可知应该选A项。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把

28、酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。很钾双蜕膨涡赂胡锁允训首份窿麓涨始到淋煽嫂愁精奄往党纺庭宙昆随挚彰冶贷摩蛔戌碉抚巷阂虫负篇结关婶磋印亨瞄困再讫原爬猴盟共底娶娠厌狰赡沾鞋疚础眼讨烦鄂届苦匿亦餐底苟受居房漠谩礁疽鹰咽束井披业警搀揭钨吱皋纂砍寂焦究稀赦钥已撑庶置弛薯描齐斜溜虐询少遥睛馆壬退纂注遥淬桃钨巍吠酣香所唯殆埃浚乏鲍玄飞盅铂联泻郝诣吭剩违蝉憎皑尖戒妻烦喉春手霓吼宿钝奢馈剧越扭名襄为速多弥聊静徘搔姑遭测颊妓稽户厢侮赢胆孟郸福砂感释檄豹失檄笺啃幻揉犁南园疑啤没原归柬狠蛇错劲坞耻橡利吞桩栖黑七茄赴论吠雏辩摄掉咖谨篙饮块习馆郡刺癸腺继两翁轧押班钩2015-2016学年高


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