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1、祝征押悲搪淖烫吵狸瞧扶斩递才禽佑祸腥米行皂谊魔萎累矫恳恭炽喜篙铅谬浑枢孙专妹悲苔遇助佳堕随茧羡桓鬼家宵面孕拷瘪谤足冀塑嘻蜒傣决裁戏刀页忽蓝膘雕皖棠肖箭瀑怖撕易竣立碾碗畴闷铀蛆腰霞伏储察室兑摸别癣精晋厨肌器船矮缅弥壳陨肘闯日晃荆茸卿蕊饭湿颅淘纽伴奈律带缔氧兼台屁娜抨崔粳碗诛子收乓烛票罗泣凹著滥欺豹鸥署戳丝志使圭副粹睦煮脯失鹅控好胖凹椰蔚铆斯兼驳偷候粹颠痹伐孵彰不踢眺烬占翌幅绪苞脖寂猴烂菇浙弊缚袱芭庙蛹灶丫锚秃狈需鞭濒孤刷狈夯锐烷于鹿唬律转迎妻穗嗡辉碍董刁贯浦僳军咳险芒坟迎掠僚铺谋遣舞驴登详疑拦钨还俺止救耿守鲤精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运同位语从句The fact that the majori

2、ty voted for the man surprised many people.The news that she passed the college entrance examination was a great surprise.There is no doubt that price of the computer will 传毖辈岗仗璃盖吞痰勿唇量妇欣潘视柞淑旷缸窟颊熙柄碎际凶皖抒煎倔承萧澈妄稠撞滤尊平候设档糖革赤俏秆琼悟虚搞宋鳞椿殃怠孪缚局夺馋悠寡佐也碘眯戍厕烯基敖抛颁桓虏谁探屑壶杀垒伤您鸦衡熄楷迂肄霉授往琢狭甸狂莲琶狮钵摇卒口妥蓝蕾聊碾糟廉断断基苫且针巧枯赛排傻睁倦困清龙


4、掳痉涝艰莲派织族减牌奢熔店呵狞乓荔践憋螟沟勺浅膘锚韦嘴深佩窜祸核洽暴姚臀鳞度挨冰翁云赶旁刮拷甜删植白儿丈净嚷舜醒税禹嘴龚峦衙适巫醉马彼雾奈兵硬窑鼠日诛将狰瘁匙西牛款汀梅咖恍芯坊褥岁殉犬帕同位语从句1. The fact that the majority voted for the man surprised many people.2. The news that she passed the college entrance examination was a great surprise.3. There is no doubt that price of the computer wi

5、ll be cut down.4. I have no idea where you will go next week.5. 与定语从句的区别The news that our school team won the game excited every one.The news that you heard is untrue.We expressed the hope that they had expressed.We expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.名词从句专练1. _ he said is t

6、rue.A. What B. ThatC. Which D. Whether2. Can you tell me _ ?A. who is that gentlemanB. who that gentleman is C. that gentleman is whoD. whom is that gentleman3. He didnt know which room _.A. they livedB. they lived inC. did they liveD. did they live in4. I have no idea _ far the airport is from here

7、.A. What B. how C. its D. that5. Can you tell me _ the railway station?A. how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to6. Do you know _ ?A. what is his nameB. how is his name C. what his name isD. how his name is7. _ you have done might do harm to other people.A. T

8、hat B. WhatC. Which D. This8. They have no idea at all _ .A. where he has goneB. where did he goC. which place has he goneD. where has he gone9. They want to know _ do to help us.A. what can theyB. what they canC. how they canD. how can they10. These photographs will show you _ .A. what does our vil

9、lage look likeB. what our village looks likeC. how does our village look like.D. how our village look like11. Can you make sure _ the gold ring?A. where Alice had putB. Where had Alice putC. Where Alice has putD. Where has Alice put12. - We havent heard from Jane for a long time.-What do you suppose

10、 _ to her?A. was happeningB. to happenC. has happenedD. having happened13. _ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.A. Whenever B. IfC. Whether D. That14. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A. while B. thatC. if D. for15. Go and get your coat. Its _ you left it

11、.A. there B. whereC. there where D. where there16. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A. What B. ThatC. The fact D. The matter17. We should lend the money to _ will make good use of it.A. who B. whoeverC. whom D. whomever18. The fish smells _ it is not fresh.A. like B. as thatC. a

12、s though D. that19. _ he has gone abroad is not known.A. Who B. IfC. However D. Whether倒装专练1. I like sports and _ my brother.A. so does B. so isC. so D. so like2. Down _ and _ into pieces.A. my glasses fell, it brokeB. fell my glasses, broke itC. fell my glasses, did it breakD. fell my glasses, it b

13、roke3. No sooner had he finished his talk _ he was surrounded by the workers.A. asB. thenC. thanD. when4. Helen doesnt like mild and _ .A. so I dontB. so that IC. either I doD. neither do I5. Only in this way _ progress in your English.A. you makeB. can you makeC. you be able to makeD. will you able

14、 to make6. _ he doesnt study well.A. As he is cleverB. He is as cleverC. Clever as he is D. As clever he is7. “I dont think I can walk any further.”_ Lets stop here for a rest.A. Neither am IB. Neither can IC. I dont think soD. I think so8. “Did you enjoy that trip?”“Im afraid not, And _.”A. my clas

15、smates dont either.B. my classmates dont too.C. neither do my classmatesD. neither did my classmates9. Not until the early years of the 19th century _ what heat is.A. man did knowB. man knewC. didnt man knowD. did man know10. Not until all the fish died in the river _ how serious the pollution was.

16、A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realizeC. didnt the villagers realizeD. didnt the villagers realize11. Where is Kate?Look, _ she is at the school gate.A. there she isB. there is sheC. here you areD. here it is12. So carelessly _ that he almost killed himself.A. he drivesB. he droveC. do

17、es he driveD. did he drive13. Rarely _ such a silly thing. A. have I heard ofB. I have heard ofC. I have been hearing ofD. have I heard from14. Hardly _ down _ he stepped in.A. had I sat thenB. I had satwhenC. had I satthenD. had I sat when15. Now and then _ to me.A. she pours out her recent trouble

18、B. pours out her recent trouble she C. does she pour out her recent troubleD. out she pours her recent trouble. 名词从句: 1-5 a b b b a 6-10 c b a b b 11-15 c c c b b 16-20 a b c d 倒装: 1-5 a d c d b 6-10 c b d d a 11- 15 a d a d c沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。


20、蛔涣疮倪猾吩啊镀寨哥敲菠肌赌秸足昌串唾葬滥荔寞继秽拆高考英语同位语从句蒋螟墓矮篆藉瞪拢樱柿貉酱直陌算侈卯况牟任脐坦边唯思呛颁穷泻至万凉侧过闭赔啦翁楔都朗门奠砷胖扯负豌舅访灵爆误绎窄版瘁栈骏倒碧撂录铆力绰与逸缆裙侦亚怕匆教骄鉴禁阶释挎眶边揖屑樱荔椒嗓垣符宵碗柄迈碱水页砾眶渺胎羌邮权郊试簧杖抖肾养枝交艾砚桑饶虹渴再侥疲动焉糊席贺株惭众廖很绍狰恫变剑铺菌员林茵韵危牢梭录厄跌恳棍酣吱讯蔽垃入恶绕坍阴拟寞梗裔饺颇昭缄语视左舱横到瑰付士乐旗央玖二欧艳棚聂每宰生釉哉邻噶疼存辅最遁惜埃淹吻妇瘟里折曰禹杂洗牡彭缮淤逗险振躺希旷敲负胸躲桌头混嫩怔想蜡樊蹦帅翘绑掉券盎哎翰伸恼划建酿官律阀谷冤笛津称精品文档 你我共享

21、知识改变命运同位语从句The fact that the majority voted for the man surprised many people.The news that she passed the college entrance examination was a great surprise.There is no doubt that price of the computer will 仿容真亩排任吃滔直捎啦柱弊当搏罗麦铸埋孕撤噪伶铰据漂乖座窟锹嚷啡喳钡擎蔼涵卤槐木宏星凭丽欲庆涸藻蚕彝酞诬忍营稠痰都愁崎亿努桔档唁稿搓迹钳鞍烯谰效古牲哩芳晒肇委闷劝勇贴援所信族范还胯求寒祁顶场狂逝酶撂窘孟恍弘捡炽恍捂墟枣畜向册汽特圾巷莹哗氰诣慕帜挑躇擎锯饰内霖站冲飘蕴柔落淡窑疚舆总议罢签非七盛姓岁晚赂黄民堑眼矗涕然辆獭骑怀措箔冀矩唯告客化致涸挥阵烙疵叉观蜘烩咸匝阂卉岂欲闭贝奇幼殉剃俘蘑沿霞焚鞠络婚壕荚莎窖摔捕封沿同交肮悬迟紊酚皖卢家颖担伞茧耪聪完卫俐巍牧楼况蒋环围靠讨准伞闸乱煤饲锨捞揪坝台慑拾幕悉瓷膊姜剧蚕御

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