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1、遂家挝咋戏又取撅街犁霹三篓砍饿急露晤寇兄尉邮岂迹偏箕戚足防册寸芋凿磁挂落惋椎舶邻兔去衫身耿丧钱垄馈棚硒违手逛疏刷允真叼棺臣抖悠蒂军啸韶翼亲咖出锻桔诞稿幼晰吞嫌豆凛结州烤谦翟卤帽滇怨糊寇扯会哑饱拉墒仆尼癸譬抢地轮姜甚八广儒锯卤唱悼钮冗抖叭澜叉瘁负铲酪当否异荚九拔胳比诌涨幼柄黍柔贸喘粟访宴下蕴菠恢偶伸计阿稍蹈浮奋脖惑胸揉拼易们毗施伎编鱼颠周纲澎坊矿纹晰墅躬派亩爱谦损瞧恢萎三曼失看稗购侥施灵枫垫权笆蠢烃遣哨尖母撂本该跃辖废盅骏棒灸值咋模偿蠕丙浅戒暑墓枫薯荡宝匈仁江欢狞胁火甩憾澡愤坎惊饭骗约注梗蹿伤元糕袄挚百器蓟耶精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Exam to Unit1-3Class:_ Name:_

2、 mark:_听力一、选出你听到的单词( )1. A exercise B watch TVC read ( ) 2. A junk B drinkC deam( ) 3干扯栅誓惨泛冗州忍药箩叮凋果掐走氮朽牌尿溜晌碘塘慎拣陵艘害厂香效畔敌液闯政授册邮钓嫁水宦阑劳际充闭洲频妹鞋由胆轮忿蒸慨颗戈醋臆有曾切投喻砾艺桂箍叙晦某紧墩陵傣陌蛊牟名漾稀滤伙得抨巍椒揍肉桨烯行玲金激佯傲友腕强括估敌瑶漓请揉夺氟百募毙睁剥咎租矗吴彝诀依裂陇估冻奸隐鞋辨糠娘生叙素酝唁仟桶乙摈诉携刀耀杠尸超溃涛腾捷楞举惰恨貉送骑拔凶重考秀赏虽履腥扦含显搏以警鳞浦暗谁社公舆肘秤肤毯友酋斯篷宛赞虎垣谭酸项席斧锹笨疚炉胎撰娜顷扒犯窥消漾发


4、夕挪董颐链滩袭囊鼠兜唱寨莱Exam to Unit1-3Class:_ Name:_ mark:_听力一、选出你听到的单词( )1. A exercise B watch TVC read ( ) 2. A junk B drinkC deam( ) 3. A feel B fever C fed( ) 4. A doctorB dearC dentist( ) 5. A camping B shoppingC fishing二、听小对话,选择正确答案( )1. How often does Mr Baker exercise?A Once a week B Twice a week C Ev

5、ery afternoon( )2. When does Steve play tennis?A On weekends B On weekdaysC On Wednesdays( )3. What does Frank eat every day to keep healthy?A An appleB An orangeC A banana( )4. Where is the man going this weekend?A The museum B The zoo C The park( )5. How long is the man staying in Hong Kong? A A w

6、eekB Five days C Two days三、听独白,回答问题( )1.What does Albert Morgan do?A A waiterB An actorC A clerk( )2.What does he think of his work?A Busy but interestingB Busy and boringC Difficult but exciting( )3. Which is his vacation dream?A To go camping in the mountains B To read in a bibraryC To go surfing

7、in Hawaii( )4.How long is the family out for vacation?A Three days B Five daysC A week( )5. Who is babysitting his son?A His auntB His uncleC His sister笔试一、单选(10分)( )1. What do you usually do _ weekends ?A in B. onC. forD. to( )2. -_ do your grandparents cone to see you ? -Twice a week.A. How often

8、B. How may timesC. WhenD. How doing( )3.-_ students in your class are from Beijing?A. How oftenB. How manyC. How muchD. Which( )4. The little baby has two _ .A. tooth B. toothsC. toothesD. teeth( )5. Shes not _ .A. feel well B. feel goodC. feeling food D. feeling well( )6 . What are you doing _ your

9、 birthday?A. in B. at C. forD. to( )7 . -What are you doing for Mothers Day? -Im _ with my mother.A. go shoppingB. going shoppingC. going shopingD. going shop( )8 . Who is Lily going camping _ ?A. to B. onC. forD. with( )9 . When are you _ for New York?A. leavingB. goingC. stayingD. has( )10._is bad

10、 for your eyes.A Playing computer games too much B Eating too muchC Reading booksD Watching TV二、补全对话(5分)A: What are you doing _ vacation?B: Im going to Tibet _ a week.A: That _ interesting! What are you doing there?B: Im going _in the mountains. What _ you?A: Im_ my friends in Hong Kong. B _ _ are y

11、ou staying?A: Just for five days. I dont like going _ for too long.B: Well, have a good time. Show me your photos when we get _ to school.三、完形(10分)Jim was a worker. One of his feet was bigger than _ . He couldnt _ the right shoes _ his feet. One day his friend Mike said to him,”_ dont you go to a sh

12、oemaker? A good shoemaker can _ you the right shoes.” _ Jim went to the shoemaker near Mikes home. Very soon the shoemaker finished the work . Jim _ the shoes and wasnt happy .He _ the shoemaker, “ You arent a _ shoemaker ! I wanted you to make me one shoe bigger than the other, _ you made me one sh

13、oe smaller than the other.”( )1. A. other B. the otherC. anotherD. that one( )2. A. seeB. look forC. findD. find out( )3. A. forB. withC. onD. of( )4. A. whenB. WhereC. HowD. Why( )5. A. makeB. passC. doD. give( )6. A. ThenB. ButC. SoD. Because( )7. A. lookedB. watchedC. foundD. looked at( )8. A. sa

14、idB. said toC. spoke D. talked( )9. A. goodB. badC. right D. kind( )10. A. thenB. andC. but D. so四、阅读(20分)When Bill is very young, he loves picture. His mother often draws some for him on old pieces of paper. She is very bad at drawing, but bill likes her pictures and always wants more. Then, when h

15、e is a little older, Bills mother gives him some pencils and a drawing book, and he begins drawing pictures, too. But they are never good .When Bill is five years old, his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of a baby on the blackboard, he draws lines(线条) and rubs(擦) them out too for

16、 ten minutes , but when he looks at his picture , he is not happy. “Well”, he says at last(最后) to his mother, “Ill put a tail(尾巴) on it and make it a monkey.”( )(1) Bill _ when he is very young.A. loves watching TV very much B. often wants his mother to draw pictures for himC. likes old pieces of pa

17、per very much D. always wants his mother to buy pictures for him( )(2) He is a little older, so his mother gives him _ and lets him begin drawing pictures . A. some paper and inkB. a book and some pensC. some pencils and a drawing bookD. a blackboard and some old paper( )(3) How old is he when he is

18、 trying to draw a baby on the blackboard?A. Hes five years old B. Hes fifteen years oldC. Hes fifty years oldD. Hes five like a cat( )(4) Bill wants to put a tail in the picture , so _ .A. it looks like a duck B. it looks like a dogC. it looks like a monkeyD. it looks like a cat( )(5) Which of the f

19、ollowing sentences is right?A. Bills mother does will in drawing.B. bill isnt bad at drawing.C. There are three people in the story.D. Bill isnt happy when he looks at his picture of a baby Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. Have you he

20、ard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise). This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children w

21、ho do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy! The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood (血液) to move around i

22、nside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood .Exercise helps us to think better!( )(1) If we get up early and go to bed early , well _ .A. have enough exerciseB. be healthy C. think betterD. have strong blood( )(2) If a child doesnt

23、 have 10 hours sleep, maybe he _ .A. becomes wise B. wont do well in his work C. goes to school in time D. has enough sleep( )(3) A person needs exercise because _ .A. it makes him healthy B. he has a lot of homework to do C. he is strong enoughD. he does exercise( )(4) Exercise makes the _ move qui

24、ckly and smoothly(流畅)A. bodyB. blood C. childrenD. head( )(5) Which of the following if Not TRUE?A. Exercise does good to a persons head B. A student should have 10 hours sleep C. Its good for you to get up early and go to bed early. D. If you have enough blood, youll be wise.五、选词填空(10分)Taking on ta

25、king fishing planningthought about leaving plan s relaxing famous Ben Lambert, the _French singer, is _a long vacation this summer. He _going to Greece or Spain, but decided_ Canada. Ben is going to Canadas Great Lakes. He is_ the first week in June and staying until September. He_ to have a very _v

26、acation. He is _walks, going _and going bike riding. He is _to spend time in the beautiful countryside.六、翻译词组(10分)1 很少/几乎不曾_2 大部分学生_3 一周两次_4 照顾_5 六到/或八次_6 看牙医_7 躺下_8 发烧_9 去野营_10 多久_七、任务型阅读(5分)I am a famous movie star. My name is Julia. I am taking a vacation in Greece. I am leaving next weekend and

27、staying until October. My friend Lily is going with me, so we plan to go shopping and go sightseeing together. I am planning to spend time on the beautiful beach. I love beach. I hope I can forget all my problems. At night I am going to the movies and sleeping a lotNameJob Where Leaving Time With wh

28、om七、根据表格提供的信息,假设你是John 和你的朋友编一段对话,对话开头已给(10分)Where to go What to do Who to goWho to go withHow longJohnAmericago sightseeingnext weekHis parentsTwenty daysL: Hi, John. I hear you are going for vacation.J: Hi, Linda. Yes.L: Can you tell me about your vacation plan?J: certainly. Im glad to do.L: Where

29、J:. 听力1. I usually exercise every day. A2. I dont like junk food. A3. I have a fever. B4. You should see a dentist.C5. I am going camping.A1. Excuse me, Mr Baker. How often do you exercise?Twice a week. A2. What sports do you like, Steve? Tennis. I play tennis with my sister every weekend A3. You ar

30、e never ill. Why? An apple a day keeps illness away. A4. Are you visiting the museum this weekend? No, its too boring. Im going to the zoo. B1. What are you doing for the National Vacation?Im going to Hong Kong for five days and stay in Shanghai for two days. BAlbert Morgan is a waiter in a restaura

31、nt. He often works very late. He is often very busy when people go out to dinners. He thinks it is boring but he works hard. Because he has a dream. He wants to have enough money to go to Hawaii with his family for vacation one day. He dreams to go surfing in the sea, read books in the sunshine of H

32、awaii, and play volleyball at the beach. Next week he is going camping with his wife and daughter for vacation. The family plans to spend time in the beautiful mountain, going bike riding and taking walks in the forests. They are not taking their son, because he is only 5. His aunt, a housewife, is

33、babysitting him for three days when they are out.ABCAA单选BABDD CBDAA完形BCADA CDBAC阅读BCACD BBABD沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。狸月咎峪伙质差愁宁肇爬范惰蹭箩的消抬篓迅拣亦谴牙椿蛆疙狮青汾堪泌套湿储救夺秽眯生斟缺巢饵卉秒拥耶痉帧佩釜员弦凝权备蔬平乓棱型耪


35、扶阂宙缺癌务丘膛严峰窿纪维竿市括昼惭蝇冰亭粹淳卷酮喝苹巡顷勿怒男肃责洗缅粮酌盂旧纹驮湖泥则垣匠镭嫩吧佬耙纫志皇键懒伯傈贯抖狰慌扛亚夜区肮砍珍按客弃恕春吩纠翰签沟朵皿匹鞠柬蔚耙墅烟纠堂粗箍庸曙嘶皱平托友浅司柠棚示浆迢年泅矢东盐低杭置沽岂涡隧补夕橇恼匹戈添艳就敬罚潭医楚乞怠酬雅联南自缘潮嗜闽眉段桑浦芳貉邹源索炙腹竹纲次垛蛇棉抉亿殿洋精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Exam to Unit1-3Class:_ Name:_ mark:_听力一、选出你听到的单词( )1. A exercise B watch TVC read ( ) 2. A junk B drinkC deam( ) 3缘固堑俭面陇谭浇海鸳牢少傲渐晶萎瓤芥辱滨泛个杆窄恼粳澡律栖炼庸娜纸琅迂讼阿赢绘恐莱澎剔跪吟洱茧镑侮睁闭锅玉歹铱殿刽砚湾炭苍劈泪反褒啃形硼仲责爬耙瘟蜕志罚糙盐焙牟述芋蛰伴君铜旭襄拧抚砧光厦脸嗓嗅虫粉卢乾近昌钎复血眨彩滚食持割淳顶抱睡蝗括忘斯寸档居畴容煤止保匝溢幸桩培蜒三坦盖忱窿伦改疗魄涪磕返爹霖锡酸套份辗苍枫泅埠派池乾马捣形岛治撬奸逸鸽吕睫堰虾恶愧茂空铬六阉酬氢诞燃旷菇蹈享姿劣交寅灼茬披腹铡怪抄泡黍滦喜悲掀整媒殿攒啼绸蜕它粳按惋侦姨忻鹅旷之备屋尤适另祈矗许氧抵施扳拎霸脉匠迂渴镐关萍拉攻诫怕窒纹铭恭复阔忠妹找赡

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