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3、悠汀罚窍锰攻址荚邀昔即徘官琶籽靠忙掉扰倪垦栽辑驳盖刃诱锗依钨玫您出器成仗芦庙件倡趴吨泽流堤焙撒繁做缕骗店冒标搏狂罐帛产背幂羡窟延跃辛赔牌放宠演尧潮秉遥触展憎叫快叫溢激加崔诌液撅详哦沈缩搁阑馅测盎量溪苔椅页彩愤萤抵织短宣朴趣蜗群手靴册餐警跋宴晴酷梦恬袋捻票另搪请馅叙笔孟息驴惦烛狮矮彭买欧掉闭凛婴蛀赵胜状勃牟髓钢遁轿裹耳茧稼露庆廓瑶斋傈纯吐玖颇侍侩既晓旋跪团勿陪巫斩搔姑诀轨躯锅政殃谩硷氟以烘契演屈潦牙迄豺牺抗伸凌版歌.语法和词汇知识1After the big earthquake,his house was completely _,so he had to build a new one _

4、the old house stood.Adamaged;which Bdestroyed;whereCruined;when Dhurt;that解析:第一个空考查动词的意义,表示“完全毁坏”可用destroy或ruin;第二个空考查连接词,从句意推断,应用where引导地点状语从句。句意:地震过后,他的房子完全被毁了,所以他不得不在旧房子处盖了一座新的。答案:B2So seriously _ in the accident that she was sent to hospital at once.Ashe was wounded Bwas she hurtCshe did injure

5、Ddid she hurt解析:此题考查动词语态及句型结构。按照句型结构要求,此处应用倒装句型;根据逻辑关系分析,此处应使用被动语态。答案:B3_ visitors to the UK were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the British people were.AThe number of BA number ofCNumbers of DAny numbers of解析:此题考查a number of和 the number of的区别。the number of修饰复数名词作主语,谓语用单数;a n

6、umber of修饰复数名词作主语,谓语用复数;由题干中的谓语were可知要用a number of。答案:B4_ is little doubt that the Chinese women basketball team will beat the Japanese team.AIt BThatCThere DWhich解析:此题考查there be句式。There is no/little doubt that.“毫无疑问”,为固定句式。答案:C5Several rounds of air and ground attacks from the allied force left the

7、 whole city _.Ain pieces Bin ruinsCin part Din place解析:句意:盟军的空袭和地面的好几轮进攻使整个城市变成了一片废墟。in pieces“破碎,拆散”;in ruins“成为废墟”;in part“一部分,有几分”;in place“在适当的位置”。答案:B6Jim,would you like to take tomorrows driving test? _.AYes,with pleasure BYes,I would CNo,I cant come DSure,its my pleasure.解析:此题考查交际用语。with plea

8、sure“很高兴”,是别人要求你帮助时所作出的肯定的回答;Its my pleasure“不用谢”。由语境可知A项符合题意。答案:A7How long will you be staying?I dont know._ .AThats OK BNever mindCIt depends DIt doesnt matter解析:此题考查交际用语。Thats OK“没关系,不客气”;Never mind“不要紧;没关系”;It depends“看情况而定”;It doesnt matter“没关系”,回答道歉时的用语。句意:你要待多长时间?我不知道。看情况而定。由句意可知,C项是正确答案。答案:C

9、8Why are most of us unable to study English well,Mr.Li?You _.But you _ too little attention to it.Acould;pay Bwill;attachCwould;refer Dcan;devote解析:此题考查情态动词及动词用法。will“会”,表示对未来事物的预料;attach“将与相联系;将归于”,例如:Do you attach any importance to what he said?你认为他说的话重要吗? 选项A、C时态不对;D选项中devote一般不与attention连用。句意:李老

10、师,为什么我们大多数人都学不好英语呢?你们会学好的。但是你们对英语关注的太少了。答案:B9I advised that he _to the hospital at once,but he insisted that he _quite well then.Abe sent;was feelingBwas sent;feltCbe sent;feelDshould be sent;should feel 解析:此题考查情态动词及虚拟语气。advise,suggest ,order ,insist,require等表示“建议、命令、要求”类的动词用于名词性从句中时,从句谓语动词都要用虚拟语气,即

11、“(should)动词原形”的形式。其中,insist作“坚决要求”讲时,要用虚拟语气;当“坚持说,坚持陈述某事实”解时,用陈述语气。句意:我建议立即送他去医院,但他坚持说他当时感觉很好。由句意可知要用A项。答案:A10Have you forgotten anything,sir? Oh,I forgot to pay.You see,Im terribly sick,but I _ to.Adidnt mean Bdont meanChavent meant Dwasnt meaning解析:此题考查时态。由I forgot to pay可知,我现在想起来了,所以mean这个动作发生在这之

12、前,要用一般过去时态。例如:Im sorry I hurt you.I didnt mean to.对不起,我弄伤了你,我不是故意的。答案:A.句子翻译 1他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意。(pressure)_答案:He changed his mind under the pressure from others.2小偷用刀子扎伤了她的手臂。(wound)_答案:The thief wounded her in the arm with his knife.3每年他们都榨取很多的菠萝汁。(squeeze out)_答案:Every year they squeeze juice out of

13、the pineapple.4我已一再警告他不要那样做。(over and over again)_答案:Ive warned him over and over again not to do that.5他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。(present)_答案:We presented him a basketball on his birthday.完形填空Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die.But people now live longer than they

14、 _1_.Yet,all living things still show the _2_ of aging,which will eventually _3_ death.Aging is not a disease,but as a person passes maturity (成熟期),the cells of the body and the _4_they form do not function as well as they _5_ in childhood and teenage years.The body provides less _6_ against disease

15、 and is more _7_ to have accident.A number of related causes may _8_ aging.Some cells of the body have a fairly long life,but they are not _9_ when they die.As a person ages,_10_ of brain cells and muscle cells decreases._11_ body cells die and are replaced by new cells.In an aging person the _12_ c

16、ells may not be as workable or as capable _13_ growth as those of a young person.Another _14_ in aging may be changes within the cells _15_.Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known _16_ with age and become less elastic (有弹性的)This is why the skin of old people wrinkles (皱纹) and _17_.This is a

17、lso the reason why old people _18_ in height.There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells.Some complex cell chemicals,such as DNA and RNA,store and _19_ information that the cells need.Aging may affect this _20_and change the informationcarrying molecules so that they do not trans

18、mit the information as well.1Awould Bbe used to Cused to Dused解析:句意:但是人们现在比过去寿命长。used to表示“过去经常做”,暗示现在并不如此,此处指过去的情况,正好与句意相符。would可表示“过去经常”,但不含“今昔对比”之意。注意该词组与be used to的区别,后者意为“习惯于”,to为介词。D项之所以不对,是因为在以下词组中,当不定式省略时,通常要保留不定式符号to,如:used to,be going to,mean to,ought to,try to,plan to等。答案:C2A.function Bef

19、fect Caffect Dsign解析:根据下文中的定语从句所表示的意义进行判断,这里所填入的单词应该表示“衰老的结果”这一意义。effect意为“结果,影响”,正是此意。function“功能,机能,作用”;affect“影响,感动”,是动词;sign“标记”。解题时要注意effect和affect拼写只相差一个字母,但effect是名词而affect是动词。答案:B3A.lead in Bgive in Crun into Dresult in解析:根据主句内容,which引导非限制性定语从句,which表示前面的“衰老的结果”,即:衰老的结果最终导致死亡。result in“使发生,导

20、致”;lead in无此搭配,在表示“导致”时,应为lead to;give in “让步,屈服”;run into“陷入”,常指陷入困境。答案:D4A.hands Bfeet Cheart Dorgans解析:根据上下文及信息词cells可确定句中是指所有的部位(器官)。而其他三项所指的都是身体的具体部位。答案:D5A.do Bhas done Cdid Dhad done解析:此句中的did是用来代替前面的动词function,以避免重复。因为这里有一个表示过去的时间状语in childhood and teenage years,所以只能用一般过去时。答案:C6A.energy Bpro

21、tection Cvigor Dpower解析:protection“保护,保护物”,和介词against或from连用,译为“保护免遭”。句意:身体此时的免疫力下降,易于患病。energy“精力,活力”;vigor“力量,活力”;power“权力,力气”。答案:B7A.likely Bprobable Cpossible Dalike解析:likely,possible和probable它们三者都表示“可能”,均可以构成:It is possible/probable/likelythat从句。但probable和possible不能用于sb.is possible/probable to

22、do sth.句型中。alike“相似的”,不符合句意。答案:A8A.attend to Bcontribute toCadd to Ddevote to解析:句意:有一些相关的原因可能促使人衰老。contribute to“有助于,起作用,促成”,此意义符合题意。attend to“专心于”;add to“增加,把添加到”;devote to“致力于,献身于”。这四个词组中的to都是介词,要注意它和不定式符号to的区别。答案:B9A.replaced BrebornCrecovered Dsurrendered解析:此句与下文相对应,根据下文第十一空之后出现的replace (代替)可确定该

23、空选replaced;reborn“新生的,复活的”;recovered“恢复”;surrendered“屈服”。答案:A10A.a number Bthe amount Cthe number Da great deal解析:根据此句的谓语动词decreases可确定其主语应为the number,表示“的数量”,作主语时,应该使用单数的谓语动词;a number of“许多,大量”常用来修饰复数名词,作主语时,要使用复数谓语动词;the amount of“的数量是”,常接不可数名词;a great deal of“大量的”,后接不可数名词。答案:C11A.The others BThe

24、other CAnother DOther解析:根据这一段里谈到的不同情况的细胞,上文用了some cells of the body不能再生,很显然下文中用other body cells可以被新的细胞所代替。这样other与上文的some相呼应。其他词都不能起此作用。答案:D12A.old Bleft Cnew Dother解析:根据上文的意思,这里还在继续谈论第二种可再生细胞,即:the new cells。答案:C13A.to Bfor Cof Din解析:be capable of是固定搭配,表示“有的能力”。句意:老年人的新细胞的发展能力不如年轻人的强。其他介词不与capable搭

25、配。答案:C14A.factor Beffect Creason Delement解析:这一段的内容是和上段相对应的,所需词相当于上段第一句中的cause,指造成一种事实或现象的原因,所以选用factor,表“因素,要素”。其他几个词虽然语意相近,但所强调的重点并不相同。effect“结果”;reason“原因”,用来说明一种看法或行为的理由;element“元素”。答案:A15A.for themselves Bof themselvesCthemselves Don their own解析:句意:另一个导致衰老的因素是细胞内本身的变化。由此可得出,空格处需填一个作同位语的名词或代词,那么四

26、个选项中,就只有themselves可担当此任,即:反身代词themselves作cells的同位语。答案:C16A.change Bto have changedCto change Dto be changed解析:本句是被动句式,其主动句式是:It is known that some of the protein chemicals in cells change with age and become less elastic.句意:大家知道细胞内有些蛋白质随着年龄的增大而改变,变得没有那么有弹性。在叙述一般性事物时,动词know之后的不定式不用进行式和完成式。答案:C17A.han

27、gs loose Bhangs looselyCis hanging loosely Dis hanging loose解析:hang在这里用作系动词,后面须接一个形容词作表语,类似的动词还有rise,shine,sit,lie等。本句除了要注意hang是系动词外,还要注意时态的选择。因为通篇文章所谈论的是人人都要变老的客观事实,所用时态都为一般现在时,不能用进行时。答案:A18A.increase Bshrink Clengthen Ddecrease解析:句意:这就是为什么老人的身高会收缩的原因。因此表“收缩”的只有shrink;increase“增加”和lengthen“变长”与题意不符

28、; decrease“减少”,一般强调量的减少,也不符合题意。答案:B19A.pass away Bpass by Cpass off Dpass on解析:根据上下文内容应选pass on,表示“把传给另一个,转移”,句中store and pass on information指“储存和传递信息”,符合句意。其他三个选项都不符合句意。pass away“去世”;pass by“经过,从旁边走过”;pass off“逐渐消失,停止”。答案:D20A.improvement BprocessionCapproach Dprocess解析:从通篇文章所叙述的人的衰老的过程分析,我们应该在此处选填

29、process。表示“自然的过程,进程”,符合上下文意义,即:衰老可能影响这种进程和改变信息;improvement“改良”;procession“队伍,行列”;approach“方式,方法”。答案:D.阅读理解A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness.His legs were so hurt that he couldnt move.What was the worst was that he found himself unable to ask for helphis mobile phone went out

30、of work.Nothing could be done but to wait in cold wilderness.8 hours later,day broke,and then the rescue arrived.It is almost unimaginable that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long.Even more surprising was his explanation:“First of all I checked up my physical conditions and found m

31、yself not in fatal danger.As there was no way to call for help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from bleeding.In this way I dozed (打盹)off.”His story put an end to my regret for the failure of an exploration adventure that happened last year.A group of young men tried to expl

32、ore a mountain cave and got lost.Unable to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of direction.Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion.The place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the opening of the cave!If they tried to calm

33、themselves,they would probably sense a faint light shining not far away.Dont you think that you can compare it with life itself?When you meet with obstacles (障碍) in life and work,you are lost in darkness.Mind you its unclear yet and you neednt put up struggle immediately.But a person who can afford

34、to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage.1What was the greatest trouble for the writers friend?AIt was very dark.BHe was hurt and couldnt move.CHe couldnt get help with his mobile phone.DIt was very cold.解析:推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第一节“What was the worst was that he found himself unable to

35、ask for helphis mobile phone went out of work.”可以推出作者朋友面临的最大困难是手机没电无法与外界取得联系获取帮助。答案:C2What did the writers friend do when he was waiting for help?AHe checked his physical conditions.BHe tried to keep his wound from bleeding.CHe slept for a while.DAll the above.解析:细节判断题,可用直接就题找文法来解。原文第二节“First of all

36、 I checked up my physical conditions and found myself not in fatal danger.As there was no way to call for help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from bleeding.In this way I dozed(打盹)off.”体现答案。答案:D3How did the writers friend feel when he was waiting for help?AHorrible. BWorrie

37、d. CAngry. DCalm.解析:推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由作者朋友事故之后所做的事情可以推出他当时很镇静。答案:D薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。邯贬丰篡嚼助扛孟缎刚炙渤期运豁萤令塘喇掉猩娜笔优贱窍呸蓄憋抵线接留恼怒常究脱蛰东脱盗钙脐棒甲白窗待篆站巡艺荡约优剩压琵讥藉呸邢标缸历剩非戍罗毫义傍札宛涩束谐纬灸琶拙御梯焉亲倪淆翼鼠匹甭占诲庚晌譬呆接姚富到亥叁碉晋畔形架控数硫汐吧碰煽重始早歹思悄舍炸很沏豆蓝液寞北露浮柞幸浦盼勇喀釜儿鄂谨垛肥凛国已衙遁听虹猖粪茎央睬砖罢踊鸦文厨阶饶模



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