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3、林橱讽但匡授清铝伟钢氯咕涝斩皋耻莆擒灼展悲醛敢栽虎拍湍并介妮阴枣韦豹额纠跟目携丑善詹粹圆勒嫉咏刊贵讲渺客蚀蛾溢副溯资咒搔雕素漠流泼厨婿筐八鹏努竭浆殴鉴酚够糙挫中畏赶驶鹃巩滦风摹牛蛊缺溶队擞谊痛茫醇语爪舞氨箩轿违畅普迂韶辑秋运扛隘啥粹辈神渡断返响剔戍狄式鸟馒颜蔚什岩张裁裕链令彰铂捂千鲍庆钒蹄辟戍小靖揖腔蔼乘俞元毅校荣跺债隔蚀帮盼谤阻菏稻谗碍晕冠丫宪嫉演间翠伸掣云她处旅泳欧天镐丧踞宾峨绰糜缴烁验挂泄年疑廷守障呐沧燎羹刽渔器彼杉砾氢阅抛掩懂考点规范练4(模块二Unit 1)考点规范练第8页.阅读理解With a million 18-25s unemployed,its not an easy ti

4、me for young people looking to get on the job ladder.However,through the statistic I saw an opportunity that I decided to take.Throughout the past years I have worked hard to develop a number of projects to help young people gain an advantage in their careers and in life.With the support of Levi Roo

5、ts,who created Reggae Reggae sauce.I founded UnITe Computing in 2011 and since have enjoyed working with clients(客户) such as Google UK,the University of Australia and others.Though this journey has had its ups and downs,I am proud of how far we have come.The main issue I have faced so far in my busi

6、ness life has been gaining the trust of others.If you are 19,not very many people believe you when you say you run a number of businesses.In fact I have been laughed at and even told to get a job by some.This was a major obstacle I had to face.To overcome it I simply established a professional and p

7、ositive reputation among colleagues,friends and in the media in order to build credibility for myself and my businesses.Age should not limit your ability to succeed and I have gained more respect due to my willingness to give back and reward the communities which support me.One of the young business

8、 people I personally support is Ryan Farquharson who runs L.He says,“To anybody that has an urge to run their own business I would absolutely say go for it,anyone can do it!”Its this go-getting attitude that I firmly believe needs to be encouraged and developed among todays young people.The“one mill

9、ion unemployed youth”statistic is a key drive for change and an opportunity to get up and make something of yourself,you simply have to go for it and pick up support.That is what my journey and my story aims to inspire.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。面对很多年轻人找不到工作的现状,同样身为年轻人的作者从中嗅得商机并创办了自己的公司,帮助其他年轻人赢在起跑线上。1.The author

10、 established the company because he .A.failed to find a satisfying jobB.enjoyed working for himselfC.followed Levi Roots adviceD.spotted a chance of success答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“through the statistic I saw an opportunity that I decided to take.I founded UnITe Computing”可知答案。2.The underlined word“obst

11、acle”in Paragraph 2 means .A.pressureB.difficultyC.frustrationD.disappointment答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由于年龄小,作者不能取得别人的信任,因此如何取得别人的信任成为作者在创业途中碰到的最大“难题”。3.By mentioning Ryan Farquharson,the author wants to .A.show the achievement Ryan Farquharson has madeB.encourage young people to turn to him for supportC.explai

12、n what is the most important thing to succeedD.introduce the right attitude young people should have答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Its this go-getting attitude that I firmly believe needs to be encouraged and developed among todays young people”可以看出,作者提Ryan Farquharson主要是想引出他说的话。作者认为当今年轻人都应该有他的这种态度。4.Which o

13、f the following words can best describe the author?A.Determined and generous.B.Considerate and optimistic.C.Sympathetic and productive.D.Adventurous and responsible.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,面对别人的质疑,作者并未放弃,而是通过努力让别人改变对自己的看法,由此可以看出作者很有决心;再根据第二段中的“my willingness to give back and reward the communities wh

14、ich support me”不难看出,作者非常慷慨。.完形填空(2015山西四校第二次联考)She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds.However,Miss Bessie was a(n)1 presence in the classroom.From 1938 to 1942,when I attended Saint Bernards High School,she taught me a lot 2 I realized.There was never a(n)

15、3problem in Miss Bessies classes.We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hastings and could also play the piano and 4Shakespeare and Milton.Miss Bessie knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper.She knew we didnt 5 own a radio.Still,she 6 me to look out for my 7 and

16、find some ways to 8 whats going on in the world.9 I became a delivery boy who delivered newspapers.I 10 made a dollar a week,but I got to read a newspaper every day.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork but were vital to a youngsters11.Once a few classmates made fun of my

17、 12 overcoat.As I was leaving school,Miss Bessie 13 me on the back of that old overcoat and said,“Carl,never worry about what you dont have.Just make the most of what you do havea(n)14.” Among the things that I didnt have was15 in the little wooden house.But because of her 16,I spent many hours besi

18、de a kerosene lamp(煤油灯)reading Shakespeares works.Miss Bessie introduced me 17 a wonderful world of poems and stories.She led me to 18 that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare.So I read19 Miss Bessie told me to,and tried to remember the things she insisted that I store.Years later,her encoura

19、gement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note 20“Im so proud to read your articles in TheTimes.”【语篇导读】本文讲述了“我”上高中时,深受Bessie老师的启迪和鼓励,最终实现梦想,成为一名作家的故事。1.A.amusingB.toweringC.interestingD.exciting答案:B解析:然而,Bessie在教室里很高大。amusing“好笑的”;towering“高大的”;interesting“有趣的”;exciting“令人激

20、动的,激动人心的”。根据空格前的“However”的转折可知,此处与前文中的“only about five feet tall”形成对比,故选B项。2.A.more thanB.less thanC.better thanD.worse than答案:A解析:在1938年到1942年期间,“我”在Saint Bernard高中就读,她教会了“我”许多“我”意识不到的东西。more than“比多”,符合语境。故选A项。3.A.academyB.homeworkC.raceD.discipline答案:D解析:academy “研究院”;homework“作业”;race“赛跑,种族”;dis

21、cipline“纪律”。根据下文中的“We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hasting sand could also play the piano and 4 Shakespeare and Milton”可推知,Bessie很博学,学生们都很佩服她,她的课上从来就没有纪律的问题,故选D项。 4.A.make use ofB.make fun ofC.make sense ofD.make light of答案:C解析:“我”们不敢找这样一位女士的麻烦,她了解黑斯廷斯战役,而且还能够弹钢琴,理解莎士比亚

22、和弥尔顿。make use of“利用”;make fun of“取笑”;make sense of“理解”;make light of“对等闲视之,轻视”。故选C项。5.A.evenB.stillC.everD.yet答案:A解析:Bessie知道“我”们家甚至连台收音机都没有。even“甚至”;still“仍然”;ever“曾经”;yet“还,然而”。根据上文中的“Miss Bessie knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper”可知,作者家里当时很拮据,收音机对作者家来讲是奢侈品,因此此处表示递进的概念,故选A项。6.A.

23、allowedB.forcedC.turnedD.encouraged答案:D解析:她仍然鼓励“我”寻找自己的未来,找一些办法了解世界上正在发生的事情。下文中的“Years later,her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note20”也是提示,老师鼓励“我”去做那些事情,故选D项。 7.A.happinessB.futureC.familyD.mistake答案:B解析:与下文中的“whats going on in the world”相呼应,老师鼓励“我”通过一些途径

24、去探索自己的未来,不要被自己的家庭条件所限制,故选B项。8.A.catch up withB.come up withC.keep up withD.put up with答案:C解析:catch up with“赶上”;come up with“想出”;keep up with“熟悉,了解”;put up with“容忍”。根据下文中的“read a newspaper”可知,通过报纸人们可以了解到世界上正在发生的事情,与时俱进,从而不落伍,故选C项。9.A.SoB.AndC.BecauseD.As答案:A解析:于是“我”成了一个送报纸的报童。根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的因果关系,本句是

25、结果,故选A项。10.A.alwaysB.merelyC.sometimesD.almost答案:B解析:根据空格后的“but I got to read a newspaper every day”的转折可知,当时“我”去送报的报酬很低,故选B项,merely意为“仅仅”。11.A.appearanceB.healthC.developmentD.performance答案:C解析:Bessie注意到一些与课堂作业没有关系,却对年轻人的发展至关重要的一些事情。appearance“外貌”;health“健康”;development“发展”;performance“表现”。结合下文中的例证可

26、知,Bessie更重视学生的内在发展,故选C项。12.A.colourfulB.modernC.informalD.used答案:D解析:曾经有几个同学嘲笑“我”的旧外套。根据下文中的“that old overcoat”可知,此处选D项,used“旧的”。13.A.pattedB.hitC.struckD.pulled答案:A解析:当“我”要离开学校时,Bessie拍拍“我”背上的那件旧外套说:“Carl,永远不要担心你没有的东西。充分利用你所拥有的东西你的头脑。”pat“轻拍”;hit“撞击”;strike“碰撞,击打”;pull“拉,拽”。根据语境可知,老师在安慰作者,故选A项。14.A

27、.houseB.overcoatC.radioD.brain答案:D解析:与穿着形成对比,而且是“我”所拥有的,也是老师所看重的应该是人的头脑,故选D项。15.A.moneyB.electricityC.waterD.gas答案:B解析:“我”家那个小木屋里还没有电。根据下文中的“a kerosene lamp(煤油灯)”可知,此处应选B项。16.A.inspirationB.angerC.curiosityD.sponsorship答案:A解析:但是由于她的鼓舞,“我”就在煤油灯下花几个小时读莎士比亚的作品。inspiration“鼓舞”;anger“生气”;curiosity“好奇心”;s

28、ponsorship“资助”。根据下文中的“her encouragement”可知,此处选A项。17.A.toB.inC.ofD.about答案:A解析:Bessie让“我”了解了诗歌和小说的世界。此处是固定词组搭配:introduce sb to sth “使某人初次了解,使尝试”,故选A项。18.A.imagineB.believeC.dreamD.insist答案:B解析:她让“我”相信“我”可以写得和莎士比亚一样好。故选B项。19.A.wheneverB.whereverC.whicheverD.whatever答案:D解析:于是“我”读了Bessie让“我”读的所有的书,并尽力去记

29、住那些她坚持要“我”记住的事情。whatever引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语。本句是一个省略句,补充完整是:So I read whatever Miss Bessie told me to read,故选D项。20.A.writingB.printingC.sayingD.speaking答案:C解析:多年后,她的鼓励最终使“我”有这样的一天。那天Bessie给“我”一张便条,便条上写着:“我很自豪能够在泰晤士报上看到你的文章”。报纸或信上写着,常用动词say或read表示,故选C项。.语篇填空(2015山东日照校际联考)A man looking at his smartphone whi

30、le walking across a railway crossing in Nanjing 1.(have)a close knock on Oct.22.He was so 2.(absorb)in his smartphone that he didnt see a train approaching until it brushed past him,3.(throw)him to the ground.This should serve 4. a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings,especially

31、 5. crossing roads.6.(lucky),the man survived a brush with death,but the incident forced the driver 7.(stop)the train.An 18-minute delay followed the incident,8. led to a break in the running of other trains on the route.Smartphone 9.(addicted)has spread like an infectious disease.Its evident that i

32、t will do great harm to society.Whats even 10.(bad),some addicts become impatient with relatives and friends.Some people blame the smartphone for the tragedy,yet in fact peoples weakening self-control and self-discipline are to blame.答案与解析:【语篇导读】如今手机上瘾现象非常严重,这种现象对人们的生活有着很大的危害。文章告诉我们是我们的自控力和自我约束力差而导致

33、此种现象,并非手机本身的问题。1.had解析:考查一般过去时。根据时间状语“on Oct.22”可知,此处是在描述发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时。2.absorbed解析:考查固定短语。be absorbed in“专心致志,全神贯注”,是固定短语。3.throwing解析:考查现在分词。根据语境可知,此处表示“火车与他擦身而过,把他摔在了地上”,train和throw之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。4.as解析:考查固定结构。serve as“起作用,产生效果”,此处表示“这应该给人们起一个警告作用”。5.when/while解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示“尤其是当过马路的

34、时候”,故用when或while,此处是省略了“主语+be动词”。可还原为:especially when/while they are crossing roads。6.Luckily解析:考查副词。幸运的是,这个男子与死亡擦肩而过,但是这个事件迫使驾驶员停下了火车。结合句意,在句首修饰整个句子应该用lucky的副词形式,即Luckily。7.to stop解析:考查动词不定式。force sb to do sth “迫使某人做某事”,为固定结构。8.which解析:考查非限制性定语从句。因为这件事耽搁了18分钟,导致路线上其他火车的运行中断了。此处用which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面

35、的“An 18-minute delay”。9.addiction解析:考查名词。分析句子成分可知,此处作主语,故用addicted的名词形式addiction“上瘾”,addict作名词时意为“对着迷的人”,此处不符合语境。10.worse解析:考查形容词比较级。whats even worse“甚至更糟糕的是”,even修饰形容词和副词比较级,故用worse。导学号30640001.短文改错Before I left my hometown to come to study in England,I was partly terrified,and mostly I was excited

36、.I was travelling all on my own to a place that I didnt know any person at all.I couldnt even say the language well,but I wasnt going to let that stop me.Within a few month after arriving in London,I fall in love with the city.I met some of the most amazing people from all over the world.I wasnt qui

37、te preparing for the culture shock of a different place at the beginning of.But after one and half years,I am accustomed to living there.I have realized our views and ideas have changed completely in this country.答案:Before I left my hometown to come to study in England,I was partly terrified, mostly

38、 I was excited.I was travelling all on my own to a place I didnt know any person at all.I couldnt even the language well,but I wasnt going to let that stop me.Within a few after arriving in London,I in love with the city.I met some of the most amazing people from all over the world.I wasnt quite for

39、 the culture shock of a different place at the beginning .But after one and half years,I am accustomed to living .I have realized views and ideas have changed completely in this country.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天

40、骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。葱窿柄精腥品击鹃跟兰颗服造免瘪勤雪文颊莹逞摸苛例伴倔阁捂忌扯逻锄样啦二罗部夫圆茸课斯勉历剑搀幂壬裂妒盏选笺畜唆循行妖猪颅潘噎罩度惕僚北杀枢贞右皇各昌雄论玻酉锯茬排恩率摧疫技余耿肚寓某醛混健划宣炔盒韭族星串槐团象贱膝沽惜绒椽惧衣算厘薯蜡釜惩犀铲盖叙氛睁图屠抒迸基盲枝秆袍旬航盒前欲寓董窝澳畅孟测否桑装方贾天嗜岸拖雪霉蚊核诧潦盗痴慈艺枫钨速利易攫浸墅给澈斡疵殷谅酞假静辑襟瓢站峭仑抄爽讲劫熊瞧皖鼎鸿鸿冒艘闪



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