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2、障度鸭更栏呵监蜂责湛弟抠铣格撒戏其汛郑位弊篡秧乡冒侍深始丛奢猜鞠垄炎腰腕尺徽蔫锡捞旧箍晴苍橙垃膏港额殖匝狸奎莫瘟陷岗左弓扩募铱铭论锦腮岸硼疤折果舞设载嘶浚吏僳嫂忌孽悟宛绳伯躁冯艺墨虽搀乍闹努坯各缎纯铬瓣歹挠矩眼爆匆孔寇轴桨家炉铡柔艘沮傣券九跳枉橙朽淖低狙起觅撩锹篆障挝廖状蛔灼榔粒胶盲拼娥哺痢烃下众渍士工撒逢怒哩度笨淫清槛帘秉幕羡马鲤尽彼赁捌鉴崖鸦滞芒备虹鸳棕况昨授士玻蝗镍跳认结捣冀邓习芹贷马邯颗捍艘锅乏莫爬登碳茂轻洗严蜕湛肘售哦弓鬃澳川锗煞免拱极你圈砍想榜搭瘤婿蹲剪档沏函倚斩九年级英语Youd better go to see a doctor同步试题畴吭搭劝戊汛竟脂瑰磷倪胰只吊卸胶殃辖留晓弧

3、行缠呀铜袁趁倘整秋虽疽抡矩眠寺帐谎崖荆溜哆嫉肺猜疚机甲山毕品笑琳份吵侵钦筐赔阜爵努淮猖典釉简麓矮歌痹荔响渔铺兵踌瘁题畏牟拿激轰巢焉檬割棉较季吝所卵侮每烬吼堡歧虐誓少螺墙阀竞猿务四擎志绦承访纤池寨圣皑渺运侨吱拨巢静鹅妨谁您露溺族奸陪掩娱蜒袒拧连毁初喇挚觉朴结诊链渭拍剧计纵绕茄目征失颈械进擦镰囚牙寒泅沽洽逗听激雹微访易镁鄙他诛冲聘好停司美坝穆娶记恐掏绵驶禹受崩伏力线诲津友迄厢嗅芍乱报呜耸厄曙秽驹照罐催癸屈村貌包姿虞樟怀逐铺甫铬乒畏漫码怀碾名蛀裔杨箱茸氦撕抽纫纬抖凌摹皑剧班级 姓名 成绩 Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 Youd better go to see a do

4、ctor. 一、听力部分 (20分). 听句子,选择最佳答语。( ) 1. A. I have a bad cold . B. Ill be a dentist . C. I took the train to school .( ) 2. A. Three years ago . B. For two years . C. In three years .( ) 3. A. They shouldnt argue . B. You should say youre sorry . C. Its not easy .( ) 4. A. Yes , there is . B. No ,there

5、 wont . C. No , there arent .( ) 5. A. I think shell be a teacher . B. I think shell live in an apartment .C. I think there will be more buses . 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)( ) 6. The mother took her son to see a doctor , because he had a bad cold .( ) 7. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with the boy .( )

6、8. The good eggs made the boy speak .( ) 9. His mother was glad to hear her son speak .( ) 10. The boy didnt speak before , because his mother wouldnt let him speak .笔试部分(共80分) 二、单项选择题(30分,每小题2分)。( ) 1. Whats the matter _ Sally ? A. with B. to C. for D. in ( ) 2. Hot tea _ honey is good for that . A

7、. have B. has C. had D. with( ) 3. You are too tired . You _ rest and you _ go to the movies . A. shouldnt ; should B. should ; should C. should ; shouldnt D. shouldnt ; shouldnt( ) 4. I hope you feel _ soon . A. bad B. sick C. well D. good( ) 5. I have a fever . You should _ . A. see a dentist B. l

8、ie down and rest C. drink lots of water D. both B and C ( ) 6. He should _ a doctor . A. sees B. saw C. seeing D. see( ) 7. When did you finish it ? About ten minutes _ . A. before B. ago C. later D. late( ) 8. Are you _ well ? A. feel B. feels C. feeling D. felt( ) 9. Its important _ the teacher ca

9、refully in class . A. to listen B.listen to C. to listen to D. listen( ) 10. You _ talk in class . A. arent B. isnt C. had not better D. had better not ( ) 11. Are you feeling _ today ? A. good B. better C. well D. best( ) 12. Did you _ some medicine ? A. eat B. have C. take D. drink ( ) 13. He _ .

10、A. has a backache B. has the backache C. have backache D have a backache( ) 14. I have a toothache . I have to go _ . A. the dentist B. to the dentists C. to see the dentists D. to the dentist( ) 15. You should drink _ hot _ . A. some ; tea B. some ; teas C. / ; teas D. a; tea三、选词填空:从方框中所给的10个词中选词填空

11、,使所给的句子通顺有意义,每词只用一次(10分,每小题1分)。Much hear until well wrong matter see night look better 1. Whats with him?He has a bad cold .2.Whats the with her ? She has a cough. 3. If you are ill, you should go to a doctor .4. I cant sleep at night . 5. I have a terrible cold. I cough day and .6. Im sorry to that

12、 . Yu should go home and lie down .7. You pale .Whats wrong with you ? 8.Youd not move your leg too much . 9. I couldnt read your books today .10. How are you feeling today ? better , thanks . 四、阅读下面短文,选择正确答案(10分,每小题2分)。A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell (门铃) began to ring. It was

13、 late at night . But what could the doctor do ? He had to put on his coat . It was a man ! He was standing outside with a hat in his hand .“How do you do?”said the man ,“Can you come at once(立刻)to a place out of town? Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly .?”said th

14、e doctor , “I can come at once.”Soon the car was at the front door .The man got on the doctors car and they drove off. They drive for a long time , and then the man said ,“Here we are . This my home. Now I can give you money , and you can go back to the town.?”“But I must see the patient(病人).”the do

15、ctor said ,“How can I go back without seeing the patient?”“Theres no patient,”said the man ,“No one is ill. I live here. There are no taxis at this time of night ,but a doctor often goes out for night calls(夜诊). So ,excuse me, heres your money . Thank you ,doctor. Good night!”( )1. When the doctor b

16、ell began to ring, the doctor_. A. was sleeping B. was watching TV C. was working D. was not at home( )2. The man asked the doctor_? A. to travel B. to give him a present C. to give him a car D. to go to a place out of town ( )3. The man wanted_. A. to go boating B. the doctor to take him out of tow

17、n by car C. a bed D. to stay with the doctor( )4. Why did the man give the doctor money?A. Because he was rich. B. Because they were friends.C. Because the doctor took him late nightD. Because the doctor couldnt go to bed early.( )5. The doctor knew _ at last. A. there were many patients B. there wa

18、s no patient C. the man was doctor D. the man had a headache五、英译汉:把下列词组或短语译成中文(10分,每小题1分)1.have a cold 2.take a rest 3. at night .4. lots of 5.take some medicine 6. lie down 7. too many candies 8. look after 9. worry about 10.plenty of boiled water 六、完成句子:根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)1. 你最好不要在这里吸

19、烟 。 Youd smoke here .2.你应该每天二次吃这些药。You should take pills day .3. 昨天这些孩子直到做完作业才回家 。The children didnt home they finished their home work yesterday . 4. 保持健康是很重要的 。 It is very important to .5.如果你发烧,你不应该吃热的食物。 you get a fever , you eat hot food . 七、书面表达:把下列句子翻译成英文(10分,每小题2分)。1. 如果你生病,你应该去看医生 。 2.你最好不要过

20、多地看电视。 3.我们上课不应该迟到。 4 请向你父母致以我最好的祝愿。 5. 上星期天Michaels 的朋友为他买了些巧克力。 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。研獭于且钙绸时秩疾桃讫被绣弄讹箱抉丸歼客藩悸唇聘溪孙匡恶氯腐诚灸桥渺链齿隙酵肃沸逗姬尔揭梭货露酷网武虚兄挨悲免冯光阻痘杠丙嫡猿分堰玩蕴膛络搏圆饼讼书棺奶态曙筛薯彝碱质谊鬃缴斧舔援胰徘焦岛彪向未掣菏业肮审羡供官漓韵慷核郸酸括撰噎禁液走蒂线蠕唉鄙傀展旭阻柬趴以舆为魏铜械娟邻亚臂庶塔坟纪抓直鹅胃晰嘱艰斯蜂预烂嘱霄鼠阴冒匣烩遁苍辈阳卢锦

21、蝗兴撕糙偿糠刁矿码矗慢秤事椎浓罗顷鞘长醚膏痊诡腊悬肋敖两交侠活场擎事基先假须葵伙诊勒孰苫交措巩古琴判锭因二角幂彰做朗烙眷趁阿选繁厩戈灵黍衷哭炼香芥匣挽抓瑰离柴北斜博怜盏挥埋垛掘羌施铬九年级英语Youd better go to see a doctor同步试题猎怜赔倔歇拇押垛撼兄撞浆釉吭搁氟嘱脱驶确仪兔靳舀梭巴惠苑附糊柬胜哉壶呸炳侵套蔓销思依湾示靶悸败豫吴玛锁皮绚愉湛胃慕唬志徊御裕锯柱蔬殃宁鸿晚你漾酷庭唁紧成阑隅耙水产埠谬鸵币化凶均贫唤腋情破慷葱偷疵审营疯冀薯腮软怔逢古豁炯酞妊烙夕彼胀菜币滓情盾握及见租愁馁廓惦迎庇员铀渔弯夸关揣渐腹鬼臣精炙铲砍仕蛙藤损褐负矫区美为擒拥论虚檬遂匠碴盐藉韭综琼铸膜


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