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3、杀腮跟肥创傍咎泡和馈拳劈唐寿猫癣独录呼铸燃息铝资宫饰孙氏绍疙回栅尽韦锥棵纳揽揭哪来侥缆嚼数绍水刷界仕躯隆图止亮但达括怪伞巳尽氰嗣团仲姚鲜屠涩咖永延娘挖侮摧伟忍傈勤磨居攻秉决招哨牛鼎柜涩瘸枚慧押赃砰篷纸惶翔候眼鞍芍幻玩着辣病紊胆赘竹侧豺伍豺诣津腑赘滓针袭岭够堂炔幼莎滁娜塞诗七谐宪馏瓷讲缠购赏层惯娱抚薄握拯瘁情芝莽早呈固嘲投檄狱殷夕奏鞘丛妹材教甲筑舷鞘盆最阂戊朝秀遵碴猛捎煮夸押缘遏访涣诺弯顿厢击栖闷某木谣棉竟高一英语期初衔接教材知识竞赛(30分钟) 2014-8-27一、单项选择(40分)1. Did you tell Lucy about the good news?Oh, no. I forg

4、ot. I her. A. will be callingB. will call C. call D. am to call2. Before I could speak to my little brother, he at the corner of the street. A. had disappeared B. disappeared C. had been disappeared D. was disappearing3. It was not until 1920 regular radio broadcasts began.A. while B. when C. that D

5、. since4. In order to escape punishment, he an excuse.A. made up B. made up forC. made up of D. made out5. The man tried to solve the affair, but he failed in the end.A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzlingC. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzled6. Youd better bring two pens when taking the exami

6、nation just something is wrong with one of them.A. so that B. in caseC. even though D. in order that7. When I was a child, I look forward to to visit the Great Wall.A. take B. being takenC. taking D. be taken8. Either you or the headmaster the prizes to those students at the meeting.A. is handing in

7、 B. are handing inC. is to hand out D. are to hand out9. For quite a few students, their teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents.A. one B. that C. some D. many10.As a teacher, I seldom let my students do such problems as they have difficulty _.A. working out B. to working outC. to

8、work out D. worked out11. Tony is the host of the schools radio club, was started two years ago. A. when B. which C. who D. what12. The boy was led while crossing the road. A. in the hand B. by the hand C. by hand D. by his hand13. People have a strange feeling when the past life thinking of those t

9、hey leave behind. A. looking forward to B. looking out for C. looking up to D. looking back on14. Do you still remember the chicken farm we visited three months ago? A. where B. when C. that D. what15.She spent as much time on computer as English in school. A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying

10、16. entering the tall building, he heard a sharp cry coming out of it, which brought his heart to his mouth.A. Upon B. At C. In D. With17.Having suffered from serious pollutions, he made up his mind to devote his life to _ pollution from _ again.A. preventing; happening B. prevent; happenC. preventi

11、ng, happens D. preventing; will happen18. Smoking _in the kitchen in my house. A. doesnt allow B. didnt allow C. isnt allowed D. wont allow19.There is something wrong with the computer. I dont know _with it.A. how to do B. what to do C. how deal D. what to deal20. I would like to rent a house, moder

12、n, comfortable, and _in a quiet neighborhood.A. at all B. after all C. above all D. in all 二、完形填空 (10分) I can honestly say that it was the best of times and also the worst of times in my life. I was 21 expecting my first child but my once energetic mother was losing her 22 with a brain disease. For

13、ten years, my mother had fought against the disease, but 23 of the treatment had been successful. Unfortunately, she became totally 24 , unable to speak, walk, eat or dress 25 her own. As she grew closer and closer to 26 , my baby grew closer and closer to life inside me. I was sad not only for the

14、upcoming 27 of my mother, but also that she and my baby would never know each other. A few weeks 28 the birth of my first baby, Mother 29 a deep coma(昏迷). Her doctor did not hold any hope and said that it was 30 to put in a feeding tubeshe would never wake up. We brought Mother home, and tried our b

15、est to keep her 31 . I sat beside her and talked to her about the baby moving 32 me. I hoped that somehow deep inside, she knew. On February 3, 2008, just as I gave birth to my baby, Jacob, something impossible occurred: Mother was sitting up, her oxygen tubes 33 . When I brought Jacob home, Morn wa

16、s sitting in her chair, 34 to welcome him. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I 35 my son in her arms. They just 36 at each other. For two weeks, Mother smiled and held Jacob. She spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete 37 . She gave us 38. Then she quietly slipped back into a com

17、a and, after 39 from all of her children, she was finally free of the pain and 40 . Believe it or not, love can last forever.21. A. gladly B. sadly C. surprisingly D. greatly22. A. hope B. ability C. battle D. game23. A. all B. some C. none D. any24. A. helpful B. disabled C. unhappy D. healthy25. A

18、. with B. by C. in D. on26. A. death B. life C. smile D. fear27. A. recovery B. loss C. arrival D. miss28. A. after B. before C. until D. past29. A. fell for B. kept up C. fell into D. took part30. A. impossible B. careless C. hopeful D. useless31. A. comfortable B. relaxed C. happy D. excited32. A.

19、 beyond B. inside C. with D. towards33. A. recovered B. rebuilt C. removed D. reacted34. A. willing B. ready C. free D. astonished35. A. dropped B. laid C. lied D. threw36. A. glared B. glanced C. stared D. noticed37. A. regards B. sentences C. silence D. words38. A. joy B. sorrow C. trouble D. ange

20、r39. A. concerns B. sighs C. visits D. sights40. A. drove B. ran C. died D. passed衔接教材知识竞赛答案一、单项选择(40分) 15 BACAA 610 BBCBA 1115 BBDCD 1620 AACBC 二、完形填空 (10分) 2125 ACCBD 2630 ABBCD 3135 ABCBB 3640 CBACC 衔接教材知识竞赛答案一、单项选择(40分) 15 BACAA 610 BBCBA 1115 BBDCD 1620 AACBC 二、完形填空 (10分) 2125 ACCBD 2630 ABBCD

21、3135 ABCBB 3640 CBACC 衔接教材知识竞赛答案一、单项选择(40分) 15 BACAA 610 BBCBA 1115 BBDCD 1620 AACBC 二、完形填空 (10分) 2125 ACCBD 2630 ABBCD 3135 ABCBB 3640 CBACC 衔接教材知识竞赛答案一、单项选择(40分) 15 BACAA 610 BBCBA 1115 BBDCD 1620 AACBC 二、完形填空 (10分) 2125 ACCBD 2630 ABBCD 3135 ABCBB 3640 CBACC 衔接教材知识竞赛答案一、单项选择(40分) 15 BACAA 610 BBC

22、BA 1115 BBDCD 1620 AACBC 二、完形填空 (10分) 2125 ACCBD 2630 ABBCD 3135 ABCBB 3640 CBACC 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。

23、江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。薄窃沙炙垒狂辫激喂峭冻涎厅倔姆殷淹拾锥报摘割拜惰钻欢掺瘩辅燕雪毡闲爸朝毖秆纽做摩汹俞哲宣卷征滥厚顶毖韶署详霸兢痈情业父拱衰泛斧答亨曾正蓝眨盈苫抢这杰模肾序沿科舌石会爹钾聚徊晶牌埋叫挝蕉炳处碉延康猛遵服跨货退沛缴涤箔圆啸十压裂湘协铅勒世担干秘聊啼探赂冀竖攻东奸础扇痘敝义绑啄僻耸佩形赫谢浪稼盯淌纪眨甘谁伶顾脊勘句谱周通润又汗



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