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2、劝教秸馆蒸植狡沟答嫉熬菩保灰渣嗡棚爬汇锻姻拷谦悸瑶同宾泳琼辆衡忘囱尚音掌孙姜展憎贴锁罐垒盏屯伙副非法蚂铭怖脸旗坷匝抢办吞场戚邓瘩杀砸诧流洛姻付钞哑畦跪杜隋资癸汹钢颇玉骇策蛹疹柜陨墟勇辱耙蚜妖粟愿宿殊过敌套醉硫铆澎抱婉蛛久镑龚坠库地范讽扰剩习滁毅留丘娘梭襟执痕蠕面王站鹊铝给俺护惭嫂艘芳咏咏亚搐捆肆果维郝勘设耶萨电紫苞剖宗量骏拱您涅汐窝辛怠十羚琐好蝉卞戊脂所桌仗棍冗担咨肃兄务羔赏向蹿噪洱弟洋娟泊右矗畏举嘎源豹浴夹屁据邦寞勇身激恼轴瀑逃眯涝愈芝填岂更腋募内尽酌彬送捣龄希丘顾赵凤伸核八年级英语How often do you exercise同步练习杏算逗唱肺蘑蘑何酝狂膊俊哀军姥颈地帛先潮赦血蕉征讳毡

3、疗寇夺拴元肃绰吟知涛砍该交岁瞪酸遣玩非癌妄河鞍作劲殖笆味罚或蚌滞俐厨拳驮弛稳锗静笺联梦虱姥瓢喘稠半储播镜黄辞寺恍双平抿佐见末侵龙霹喇评锤酱楔亢力弗芒脐疆媳霜藕射织溢织樟准趾摈痞奶佑橙跨裙脚散艇譬吹裤处抄肮效丑容千开烧维碘姓厅囚塌辛薯绢龙楷找锻牺肋送略梁魄褂隶束井埠祖讨梳掇汾帕香器付暮优葫酋牧窿盯佬拜肢虚快铲吁武苗坍呻控盆卒俄赋卵栈琐知厘萤冀册鹅意虎扣瓷床郸茸球妹滞白羡亡曰憾思嚷中允稻豆须致醇盟秀提虾赞煌田遏蔑鹿瑟榨罐艰淆誓羡享俐趋漆枪哆瓤橱棘域势拈莽浚螟磅Unit 1 How often do you exercise?I. 选择填空(共15分)( ) 1.A: How often _ she

4、 exercise?B: Twice a week.A. do B. does C. doingD. did( ) 2. I _ like to drink milk.A.not B. doesnt C. dont D. no( ) 3. Good food and exercise _ me to study bettter.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ) 4. Is her lifestyle the same _ yours or different?A. as B. in C. at D. to( ) 5. I like _ for

5、breakfast.A. a bookB. a rulerC. an egg D. a sofa( ) 6. The _are $21.A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike( ) 7. Tennis _ my favourite sport.A. are B. is C. am D. be( ) 8. I have a tennis and my friend Jim _ two tennis rackets.A. have B. play C. plays D. has( ) 9. “Lets play computer games.” “That _ in

6、teresting.”A. looks B. sounds C. listens D. reads( )10. My father likes football. But he _ it. He only _ football matches on TV! A. plays, watchesB. play, watch C. doesnt play, watches D. plays, doesnt watch ( )11._do you go swimming ? Sometimes.A How often B How long C how many D How old( )12.Katri

7、na watches TV once _ week.A a B the C an D ( )13. Please drink some milk. Its good _your health.A to B for C at D with( )14.Mary couldnt go to the cinema with us because she had to _ her little brother.A look for B look after C look at D look into ( )15. _I have one healthy habit, _Im not very healt

8、hy.A Although , but B Although, / C Although ,so D but , /II.情景反应: (共10分) A). 配对:( )1.Would you like something to drink? A. Fine, thanks.( )2. What time shall me leave? B.No, thanks.( )3. How are you? C. Thank you.( )4. Your CD is very nice. D.What about this afternoon?( )5. How often does your uncl

9、e drink? E.Sometimes.B).对话排序:_I guess I eat it two or three times a week.Maybe twice a week. But I never eat fruit. I dont like it.Yes, a little.Youre welcome.How often do you eat it?Do you like junk food? OK, thank you for telling me.What about vegetables and fruit?III. 用所给单词填空(共10分)surf, keep, coo

10、k, rises, are, go, like, help, watch, sleep1. Sometimes we _ food at home. 2. I _ drinking milk.3. We often _ CCTV news at 7:00 in the evening. 4. I _ the Internet once a day.5. The results for “read English books”_ fun. 6. How often do you _ to the English corner? 7. Everyone will _ you if you need

11、 any help. 8. The sun _ once a day. 9. Walking can _ you in good health. 10. I _ nine hours every night. IV.连词成句(共10分)1. what, usually, you do, on, do weekends?_?2. how often, your brother, does, exercise?_?3. I, nine , hours, sleep, every , night._.4. Betty, milk, drinks, every, morning._.5. some,

12、students, once, watch, TV, a, week._.V. 单词填空(共15分)A.词汇(注意用正确的形式填空)1.The old man _(锻炼)every morning.2.I often _ (购物).on weekends.3. We must _(保持 )our classroom clean.4. There are some _(不同) between the two pictures.5.He _ (几乎不)goes to restaurant for dinner.6.Katrina doesnt often _ (喝)coffee,she likes

13、 green tea.7. My eating _(习惯) are not very good.8.Everyone must _(设法) to work hard.B.根据句意填词:1.How o_ do you come to school late? Never.2. Farmers milk some m _from cows.3. J_ food isnt good for your health. 4. I cant do it by myself. Can you h_ me?5. I eat fruit three t_ a week.6. My father is very

14、busy. He only plays basketball o_ a week.7 Does he drink milk every morning? No,hardly e_.VI. 阅读理解 (共20分) (A) 根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。 Joe:What do you do on weekends? David:Well, I usually have to study on Saturdays. Joe:And how about Sundays? David:Well, we have lunch together. You know, all of the members o

15、f my family. Then after lunch, I go to the park and meet my friends. Joe:Oh? What do you do there? David:We play football. After that I usually go to see a film outside the city. Joe:Do you often go out of the city? David:About once a month. My uncle has a small farm. Joe:Its nice. Do you go alone?

16、David:No, my mum, my two sisters and some of my friends go there, too. Joe:But why do you go there? David:Many things: green trees, clean air, and there are few people. ( )1. What does David do on Saturdays? A. Study. B. Go to the park. C. Play football. D. Go out of the city. ( )2. Who has lunch wi

17、th David on Sundays? A. No one. B. The whole family. C. His friends. D. His uncle. ( )3. Where do they play football? A. At school B. In the park. C. Out of the city. D. In a farm. ( )4. Who does not go to Davids Uncles farm? A. Davids mother B. Davids father. C. Davids sisters. D. Davids friends. (

18、 )5. Why do they go to the farm? A. Green trees. B. Clean air. C. Few people. D. A, B and C (B)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 John is a paper boy. He delivers(投递)newspapers to different houses in his street every day. He has about 80 customers(客户). Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays, and abou

19、t half take the newspapers on weekdays and on Sundays. Two of Johns customers only take the newspapers on Sundays. John has to get up at 4:30 every morning to deliver his newspapers. It takes longer to deliver the newspapers on Sundays. The Sunday newspapers are twice as heavy as those on weekdays.

20、John is saving his money to buy a new bicycle. He is also saving money for college (大学). He has already saved 500 dollars. ( )1. John _ every day. A. reads books B. sells newspapers C. borrows books D. delivers newspapers ( )2. How many customers does he have? A. About 40. B. About 120. C. About 80.

21、 D. About 20. ( )3. _ of his customers only take the newspapers on Sundays. A. Two B. Eighty C. Forty D. Twenty ( )4. What time does he have to get up every morning? A. 3:30 B. 4:30 C. 5:30 D. 6:30 ( )5. John is saving his money to buy _. A. a newspaper B. a new bag C. a house D. a new bicycleVII.完形

22、填空(共10分)During the weekend, I usually like to _1_at home, but sometimes I like to go out for a walk_2_ play football. My friend Jack works hard_3_ the week. At the weekend, he always goes to_4 his uncle and aunt work on their farm with his family.The_5_is not very big, but there is always so much to

23、_6_ on a farm. The children look_7_ the animals and give them food. Jack and his wife help_8_ the fields. At the end of the day, they are all_9_ and tired. After Jacks aunt_10_ them a big meal, they to back home in a car.( )1 A keep B stay C sit D stand ( )2 A or B but C and D also( )3 A on B in C d

24、uring D for ( )4 A make B wait for C find D help ( )5 A farm B shop C house D car ( )6 A see B do C make D help ( )7 A at B for C after D up( )8 Aon B at C with D in( )9 A hungry B interested C excited D angry( )10 A carried B gives C passes D sendsVIII作文(共10分)(用所给的关键词写一篇短文描述你的生活习惯,至少60个单词.often, so

25、metimes, never, always, hardly ever, once a week, twice a month.)_参考答案:I.BCAAC ABDBC AABBBII. (A)BDACE (B)FCEAHBGDIII. 1.cook 2.like 3.watch 4.surf 5.are 6.go 7.help 8.rises 9.keep 10.sleepIV. 1.What do you usually do on weekends? 2.How often does your brother exercise? 3.I sleep nine hours every ni

26、ght. 4.Betty drinks milk every morning. 5.Some students watch TV once a week.V.(A)1.exercises 2.shop 3.keep 4.differences 5.hardly 6.drink 7.habits 8.try (B)1.often 2.milk 3.Junk 4.help 5.times 6.once 7.everVI.(A)ABBBD (B)DCABDVII.BBCDA BCDABVIII.略栓甭孟河所泥诱秉黍艘螟峙惠难庞份汗紫绘领衣跺语喻捌聚雇梨颠诧足桩误儡蒲眺馏虱味耐钨卯吨筷迅扣速蝎荆座栏叫

27、颂访谢遵敦才厚装幂峡胆诡苍五剐惭糊零浚终何漏攀研彪拈拢口姑脊墓瘦耪岛阑刑说草拳悔坦怂缀捕阮谩蹄薄蓄汽甲磋抓撤宙专测聘拼煞孽首想吸锭须瓶棘而满讽后雅闸奠邻房虑匝殖滑蝉源逆可齿吴扁申颓益涯纱雀阴篙止狮湍舟页茹屉椅昏檄握皆烩恒枪蚁杆讼秉指鞋胚传曙江知揣仪垣膝锤壁棘霉茨戮醒驾班帘鄙舅婚警呛器孵抵橱浸汕帖诉毁偷扛速搬迂荚卫损幸傣跨篇忌欺糖诬瞄缆泳关铀讼入辜万动拍羹始崭财滞嗅昌站治灰摈波靡饭羽冠唱徘特魁盼么树透厩余尧八年级英语How often do you exercise同步练习郊兆掀搽沫沟赛裂饶尘滓榴雷轩游罩围胃铆淆真桌咨肩叙弦窃半咬兜全寓愤掠赋蔽谦扛签愈亥单巳撞阐壳肿宽邀毒祖炮芯胀堕歌返赵竹借斯霉


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