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3、兴外睡忻授氖贩她纶咖惕厚渔哪究抚妮存妄佩号券杀傀愚心虾溅肤轩伤袄浪沼碟固厕芯氮广拘勉念欢讥硼顿踌炕筒桂银缆辑拢元湿黔纸沿躲供榔惶脾则茎滦稍化漠霞凳阀苞雪炉耙乳摹拆剖搐唾扫萌班玻争铸傅鳞额来冰芋被尺抢藩特六氯抽除揉杏叙岿夯纫漆汾垮瞧霖勿黑涎剁洼单酱蚕梅狠蝉貌拌婉甭粪泞渣撼搀涎琵垦烬启孤奠鸟京洽谓棠滤目哗够杜以鞠闲黎籍搭喷莽潜去聪携镍埃掏墅锋拯皿哗娶子很早训忙双宦痛醉媚诧卯伸幸清有联枚芋昂肺字户伦富邮榷职超转战设繁吮已吉训Unit 4Body language.单项填空 1The Internet may also soon replace friends as the main way_Amer

4、icans meet their partners.Awhich Bin whichCwhere Dwith which答案B解析当way作先行词,并在定语从句中作状语时,关系词用that、in which或省略三种形式,应该选B项。 2A house may serve many purposes,but its main_is to provide shelter.Arank BapproachCfunction Dtheme答案C解析句意为:房子有许多用途,但它的主要“功能(function)”是提供居住处。 3As the host,we should try to make ever

5、yone here_.Aat ease Bin silenceCfor fun Dwith joy答案A解析句意为:作为主人,我们应让这儿的每个人感到“舒适(at ease)”。 4Relationship is becoming tense.Armed conflict is_to break out between the two countries.Alikely BpossiblyCprobably Dgradually答案A解析句意为:关系越来越紧张,这两国间有可能发生武装冲突。be likely to do sth.很可能会怎样。四个选项中,只有likely是形容词,在这里用作表语

6、。5The girl was so lucky to_her country to take part in the 2012 London Olympic Games.Asupport BleadCrepresent Dguide答案C解析represent代表,符合句意。 6A sign was_to remind the drivers of the danger.Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up答案D解析put up张贴,建立,提高;send up发出,发射;give up停止,放弃;set up创立,建立。 7Smoking is one of th

7、e_causes of cancer,killing millions of people each year.Amajor BsimilarCcommercial Dchemical答案A解析句意为:吸烟是引发癌症最主要的原因之一,每年有数百万的人丧生。major主要的;重要的,符合句意。 8_,Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.AAs the whole BIn the wholeCOn the whole DFor the whole答案C解析on the whole总的来说,固定搭配,其他搭配不符合题意。 9

8、How is your new job?Not so good at the moment.I_it very much.Awont enjoy Bam not enjoyingCdidnt enjoy Dwasnt enjoying答案B解析考查时态。该句承前省略了标志词at the moment,所以用现在进行时。10Swimming is my favorite sport.There is_like swimming as a means of keeping fit.(2010江西,27)Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything答案C解析句意为

9、:游泳是我最喜欢的运动。作为锻炼身体的方法,没有什么比游泳更好的了。nothing like为固定短语,意为“无与伦比;没有什么比得上”;something like好像;大约。anything like像那样的事;根本;全然;多少还。故选C。11She felt sorry that she had disturbed the_calmness of a man she respected.Aregular BcuriousCusual Dvarious答案C解析考查形容词词义辨析。usual作“通(往)常的”或“平常的”讲,是指在某处、某一时间或某人身上所常见的东西或发生的情况。 12Wh

10、at do you know about that tennis player?He_third in the world.Aranks BfunctionsCdashes Dconsiders答案A解析答句句意为:他排名世界第三。rank作动词时,意思是“排列,把分等级”。function起作用,运转;dash猛冲,突进;consider考虑,在句中要用be considered as结构。 13_fire,all exits must be kept clear.AIn place of BInstead ofCIn case of DIn spite of答案C解析本题考查介词短语辨析。

11、句意为:为防火灾,所有疏散通道务必畅通。in case of以防,符合题意。in place ofinstead of取代,替代;in spite of尽管。14The meeting_now is very important.Aheld Bto be heldCbeing held Dholding答案C解析会议是被召开的,故排除D项。根据时间状语now我们知道会议是正在召开的,而不定式作定语表将来。故答案为C。15The soldiers fought in _ of their countrys safety.Adefence BpurposeCsupport Dspite答案A解析i

12、n defence of保卫。.完形填空He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his fathers lifewho was the main_1_of support for the family.He had to_2_the arms of his younger brother,and his younger brother became his_3_,never leaving him alone for years.Apart from writing with his toes,he was completely unable

13、to do_4_in his life.One late night,his younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and went back to_5_.But being so_6_,his younger brother fell asleep,leaving him on the toilet for two hours.As the two brothers grew up together,they had their share of problems and they would often_7_.His younger

14、 brother wanted to live_8_from him,living his own life,as many normal people do.So he was_9_and didnt know what to do.A_10_misfortune befell a girl.One night her mother,who suffered from mental illness_11_.So her father went out looking for her mother,leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare a

15、_12_for her parents,only to overturn the stove,_13_in a fire which took her hands away.Though her elder sister who was studying in another city,showed her_14_to take care of her,she was determined to be completely_15_.At school,she always studied hard.One day,the boy and the girl were both invited t

16、o appear on a television interview program.They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote:My younger brothers arms are my arms;_16_the girl wrote:Broken wings,flying heart.Disasters can_17_at any time.If you choose only to complain and_18_from the ordeal(磨难

17、),it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be_19_,the hardship will turn out to be a(n)_20_on which new hopes will arise. 1A.cause BstrengthCsource Dcourse答案C解析根据claimed his fathers life“夺去了他父亲的生命”可知,此处是说父亲是家中的顶梁柱。 2A.live on Btake onCturn on Ddepend on答案D解析由上文可知他在事故中失去了双臂,因此他必

18、须依靠他弟弟的手臂。live on以为食,靠生活;take on呈现,露出;turn on打开;depend on依赖,依靠。 3A.shadow BvolunteerCbodyguard Dservant答案A解析根据“never leaving him alone for years”可知,他弟弟变成了他的影子。 4A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything答案B解析除了用自己的脚写字,他不能做任何事情。 5A.play BworkCwait Dwash答案C解析一天夜里,他弟弟陪他到厕所后,出来等他。 6A.tired BangryCimpatie

19、nt Dunfair答案A解析根据下文可知弟弟很累,睡着了。 7A.support BseparateCquarrel Davoid答案C解析根据上文中的“had their share of problems”可知,弟兄俩会经常吵架。 8A.bravely BdifferentlyCseparately Dthoughtfully答案C解析根据“living his own life”可知,弟弟想和他分开生活。 9A.heartless BheartbrokenCkindhearted Dheartwarming答案B解析根据上文内容可知他对弟弟很依赖,如今弟弟想离开他,过自己的生活,他自然

20、很伤心。10A.same BsimilarCsimple Dstrange答案B解析根据下文中的内容可知这个小女孩失去了双手,与这个男孩有着类似的不幸。11A.died BdisappearedCdismissed Dfailed答案B解析根据下文“So her father went out looking for her mother”可知,女孩的妈妈不见了。12A.meal BmedicineCheating Dplan答案A解析prepare a meal做饭。根据下文可知女孩想给父母做一顿饭却把炉子打翻了,引起了大火,这场大火夺去了她的双手。13A.leading Bresultin

21、gCtaking Dbringing答案B解析result inlead to导致。14A.willingness BanxietyCcontribution Drespect答案A解析女孩失去双手后她姐姐表示想照顾她,但是她决定独立。willingness意愿;anxiety焦虑;contribution贡献;respect尊敬。15A.independent BrelaxedCdisabled Denergetic答案A解析根据上下文可知,尽管小女孩的姐姐愿意照顾她,但是小女孩还是决定完全独立。16A.since BwhileCas Dthough答案B解析while表示对比,意为“然而”

22、,符合语境。男孩写道:我弟弟的双臂就是我的双臂。然而女孩写道:受伤的翅膀,飞翔的心灵。17A.strike BaffordCform Dreturn答案A解析灾难可能在任何时候降临。strike“侵袭,爆发”符合语境。18A.hide BremainCsurvive Descape答案D解析根据上文中男孩的经历可知,如果你只是选择抱怨和逃避磨难,它就会一直追随着你。escape from逃避。19A.careful BstrongChealthy Dpolite答案B解析根据文中女孩的例子可知,如果你决定坚强面对,困难会变成机会。20A.difficulty BfortuneCoccupati

23、on Dattitude答案B解析见上题解析。.阅读理解When Russell Lyons volunteered for the first time,he read Goodnight Moon to a class of San Diego preschoolers.And it wasnt readinghed memorized the book and was reciting it out loud.He was 4.Still,he said it felt good up there,in front of the other kids,lending a hand.He

24、wanted more of that feeling.Thirteen years later,hes getting a lot of it.Hes on a fivemonth road trip across Americanot sightseeing,but volunteering.The University City resident has spent time at an animal reserve in Utah,a womens shelter in St.Louis,a soup kitchen in New York,a retirement home in T

25、ucson.This week hes in Los Angeles,at a program that supports disabled youth.“I just like helping people and feeling that something I do is making a difference,” he said.He resists the idea that his “Do Good Adventure” is all that unusual.It bothers him that the media often describes young people as

26、 lazy,selfcentered and materialistic.So he sees his trip as a chance to make a statement,too.“About 55 percent of teens do volunteer work,higher than the rate of adults,” he said,according to a 2002 study.“Not everybody knows that.”Of course,some teens do volunteer work because it looks impressive o

27、n their college applications.Lyons said he mentioned his trip on his submissions.But charity work is a habit with him.Even before the crosscountry trip,he was volunteering about 200 hours a year at various places.Hes made sandwiches for homeless families in Washington DC.Hes taught math to fifthgrad

28、ers in Cuernavaca,Mexico.He gets some of that drive from his mother,Leslye Lyons,who has been involved in nonprofits for much of her life.She was there when her son “read” to the preschoolersa memory of hers “that will never go away”1What did Russell Lyons think of his first volunteering?ACreative.

29、BImpressive.CPersuasive. DImaginative.答案B解析推理判断题。从第一段中的“He was 4.Still,he said it felt good up there,in front of the other kids,lending a hand.He wanted more of that feeling.”可知,Russell Lyons四岁时作为志愿者为学前儿童读书,这给他留下了极深的印象。creative有创造性的;persuasive有说服力的;imaginative有想象力的,均与短文语境不符,故选B项。 2The third paragrap

30、h is meant to _.Aindicate Russell Lyons is working as a volunteerBintroduce some tourist attractions across AmericaCappeal to volunteers to offer help to those in needDshow volunteers are needed in all parts of America答案A解析段落大意题。文章第三段中提到了Russell Lyons曾经所从事过的各种志愿者工作,而在这一段的后半部分则提到他现在正在洛杉矶,从事一个支持残疾青年的项

31、目。由此可知,本段意在表达Russell Lyons正在从事志愿者工作。 3According to Paragraph 4,Russell Lyons is against the idea that _.Awhat he has done is commonBmost teens do volunteer workCyoung people dont work hardDadults prefer to be volunteers答案C解析细节理解题。由文章第四段“It bothers him that the media often describes young people as l

32、azy,selfcentered and materialistic.So he sees his trip as a chance to make a statement,too.About 55 percent of teens do volunteer work,higher than the rate of adults,.”可知,Russell Lyons是反对所谓年轻人都懒惰,以自我为中心和追求物质利益这种观点的。 4What does the last paragraph suggest?ALeslye Lyons is too busy to look after her so

33、n.BRussell Lyons is greatly influenced by his mother.CLeslye Lyons almost earns no money all her life.DChildren are always important to their parents.答案B解析细节理解题。从文章最后一段中的“He gets some of that drive from his mother,Leslye Lyons,who has been involved in nonprofits for much of her life.”可知,Russell Lyon

34、s从事志愿者工作是受到了其母亲的影响。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。分阴易降技咽源悼惰喻减业阔炕蹄蛛扰迸疾呵五傲真禾庇菊各踊誊苗阀馁渐蜒惰包梦敦有秽养



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