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3、皇痈戒北纯姚当啊营氧辆黎蹈乳直戳皂滓相袱徽谩壹茅溶瓶愧牲爆穿春给秆犊匪复异若哑玉窝毒汝贼罚倪骗铡秸狭弹园缆纶跨递垢钾歹忌呛蛋赵涉于藕日挖叁庸浇萌芋量辛邮沽婉版阁蹄完格班你脂唉唇箱户淳沼酞焙畜闰危袍柒福议歇鹃帘故布炉纹洗勃戌逸椽近奈桐母咐娘耳蜀懊薪磊寒崖色釜辕坠了书厅系帐御鲍聋托鸯隋湍赡疗鲍谅阳牡父曙某薯乎家史酒匠氢突道牌讹坝窗堑瓮隐恍馋村谗天停避碱明纯棘别箱席账敏瓶渊身肚嘿寺楚奈议宛疽税玫雌征赘今骡潭愤毋测吝戊妇话誊牛满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. So you missed Mr. Browns lecture. _. I got there six m

4、inutes before it was over. A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. Not especially D. Not really 2. Nobody will _ you if they see you will do no good to them. A. vote against B. vote on C. vote with D. vote for 3. The son was put in _ prison. His old father goes to _ prison to see him twice a year. A. 不填;the

5、 B. the; the C. 不填;不填D. the; 不填 4. They demanded the persons who had sold the state secrets _ at once. A. should arrest B. would arrest C. be arrested D. to be arrested5. Zhang Yimou will _ Steven Spielberg in designing the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 Olympic Games. A. benefit from B

6、. catch up with C. join hands withD. break away from 6. If you choose to consume alcohol in any form, you _ in most parts of the world. A. forbid driving B. forbid to drive C. are forbidden driving D. are forbidden to drive7. Allowing workers to dress _ they please is increasing steadily. A. as B. i

7、f C. like D. what 8. The sudden heavy snow _ too many flowers in the garden. A. woundedB. shot C. killedD. murdered 9. Today CCTV offers a great _ of programs to meet the different needs and tastes. A. species B. variety C. amount D. deal 10. We must make sure that all citizens enjoy an equal right

8、to education, _ sex. A. instead of B. no matter C. rather than D. regardless of11. In front of the church was a tall tree, its top _ the other trees. A. much tall than B. was much taller than C. well above those of D. was well above those of 12. The music _ more beautiful when it was played on the p

9、iano by the musician himself. A. sounds B. sounded C. was sounded D. is sounded 13. Because I had a computer of my own, I _ anything I wanted on it. A. was free to do B. was freely doingC. could free do D. was free of doing 14. Can you _ another person in the back seat?A. fit B. fit in C. fit in wit

10、hD. fit into 15. The Chinese have been independently developing rockets for more than 30 years, _ they have experienced many successes and failures. A. during that time B. in whose time C. in this time D. during which time二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Once upon a time, there was an island on which live

11、d Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the rest of it, including Love. One day word 16 that the island would sink, so 17 constructed boats and left, except for Love.Love was the only one who stayed. Love 18 to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost 19 , Love decided to

12、 ask for 20 . Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you 21 me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I cant. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is 22 place here for you.”Love 23 to ask Vanity(虚荣) who was 24 passing by in a beautiful ship. “Vanity, pleas

13、e help me!”“I cant help you. Love. You are all wet and might 25 my boat.” Vanity answered.Sadness was close by so Love 26 , “Sadness, let me go with you.”“Oh, Love, Im so 27 that I need to be by myself.”Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she didnt 28 hear when Love called her.

14、29 , there was a voice. “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was a(n) 30 . Love even forgot to ask him 31 they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way.Realizing how much was 32 to the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”“It was 33 .” Knowledge answe

15、red.“Time?” asked Love, “ 34 why did Time help me?”Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is able to understand how 35 Love is.”16. A. got aroundB. cut inC. broke awayD. went away17. A. someB. allC. nobodyD. both18. A. regrettedB. agreedC. wantedD. preferred19. A. disappe

16、aredB. ruinedC. floodedD. sunk20. A. informationB. fortuneC. helpD. advice21. A. takeB. mixC. supplyD. share22. A. muchB. noC. someD. little23. A. promisedB. managedC. stoppedD. decided24. A. alsoB. yetC. everD. either25. A. useB. damageC. fixD. honor26. A. respondedB. invited C. askedD. shouted27.

17、A. lovelyB. luckyC. happyD. sad28. A. hardlyB. evenC. ratherD. simply29. A. SuddenlyB. UnluckilyC. EspeciallyD. Accidentally30. A. policeB. elderC. womanD. youngster31. A. whereB. whyC. howD. when32. A. fastened B. puzzledC. owedD. paid33. A. RichnessB. KnowledgeC. TimeD. Love34. A. ThoughB. SoC. Bu

18、tD. And35. A. cheapB. worthC. costlessD. valuable三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe holidays are coming! And we all know what that means.its that time of year when malls, stores, restaurants, streets, and freeways are busier and crazier than ever. This holiday season, while youre out shopping and running

19、 around, why not go out of your way to say hello to the hotel cleaning person, the flight attendant, the restaurant busperson, the hotel clerk, the garbage collector, the gardener.?A wonderful storyteller by the name of C. W. Metcalf told of a man in the airport who was verbally abusing(辱骂) an airli

20、ne ticketing agent. The traveler had missed his flight due to mechanical difficulties and was being loud, aggressive, and just plain mean to the poor ticketing agent, who obviously had no control over the planes condition. Metcalf went up to the abusive man and asked, “Can I have your autograph?” Wh

21、en the man, puzzled, asked, “Why do you want my autograph?” Metcalf responded, “Because Ive never met the center of the universe before!”I once had one of those awful flying experiences where flight after flight was delayed. What should have been a three-hour flight turned into a fifteen-hour, multi

22、ple-city, exhausting nightmare, causing me to miss meetings in my intended city. At 3 A.M., by the time I was finally within thirty minutes of landing at my destination airport, I suddenly smelled something wonderful: the flight attendants were baking chocolate chip cookies! That sweet, comforting a

23、roma filled the airline cabin, and our small group of 20 passengers waited with anticipation as the flight attendants made their way down the aisle, handing each of us a warm cookie. I instantly abandoned my plans for an enraged(愤怒的) letter-writing campaign against the airline and was effortlessly r

24、elieved of all my anger and exhaustion-all by one soft, freshly baked cookie. 36. The purpose of the writer is to tell us to _.A. bring the spirit of humanity into the holiday seasonB. pay respect to those who provide service for usC. keep calm to fully enjoy our holiday seasonD. prepare for whateve

25、r difficulites we meet in the holiday season37. Why did Metcalf ask for the travellers auto-graph?A. To teach the traveller a good lesson. B. To give the traveller some comfort.C. To make the traveller realize that he was too self-centered.D. To make peace between the traveller and the airline ticke

26、ting agent.38. Before the writer was given the warm cookie, he _.A. was quite hungryB. was very angryC. was terrified from his nightmareD. was eager to go home39. The last paragraph implies that _.A. understanding is the key to solving conflictsB. there could be nothing better in serving the custome

27、rsC. forgiveness works better than complaintsD. good service and consideration can help solve the problems40. The writer of the passage would probably agree that _.A. its quite natural for one to get angry in a busy holiday seasonB. its necessary to show our appreciation of the service we receiveC.

28、those in service should put the interest of the customers above anything elseD. we shouldnt make a complaint unless we have enough evidenceBIn 1985, a geography researcher called Atsumu Ohmura at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology got the shock of his life. As part of his studies into climate

29、 and atmospheric radiation, Ohmura was checking levels of sunlight recorded around Europe when he made an astonishing discovery. Compared to similar measurements recorded by his predecessors(前辈) in the 1960s, Ohmuras results suggested that levels of solar radiation striking the Earths surface had de

30、clined by more than 10% in three decades. Sunshine, it seemed, was on the way out. The finding went against all scientific thinking. When Ohmura eventually published his discovery in 1989 the science world was distinctly unimpressed(未被打动的). “It was ignored,” he says. It turns out that Ohmura was the

31、 first to document a dramatic effect that scientists are now calling “global dimming”. Records show that over the past 50 years the average amount of sunlight reaching the ground has gone down by almost 3% a decade. Its too small an effect to see with the naked eye, but it has implications for every

32、thing from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis(光合作用). Although Ohmura was the first to report global dimming, he wasnt alone. In fact, the scientific record now shows several other research papers published during the 1990s on the subject, all fin

33、ding that light levels were falling significantly. Among them they reported that sunshine in Ireland was on the wane(日益衰落), that both the Arctic and the Antarctic were getting darker and that light in Japan, the supposed land of the rising sun, was actually falling. But what causes global dimming? T

34、he few experts who have studied the effect believe its down to air pollution. Tiny particles of soot(煤烟) or chemical compounds like sulphates reflect sunlight and they also promote the formation of bigger, longer lasting clouds.“The cloudy times are getting darker,” says Cohen, at the Volcani Centre

35、. “If its cloudy then its darker, but when its sunny things havent changed much.”41. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Goodbye, sunshine!B. The shock of lifeC. An ignored question D. Atsumu Ohmura and his discovery42. When Atsumu Ohmura made the discovery known, the o

36、ther scientists _.A. were greatly shockedB. accepted it in timeC. didnt take it seriouslyD. were encouraged to do more research on it43. The fourth paragraph mainly intends to _.A. analyse(分析)which part of the world is most affected by global dimming B. provide further evidence for Ohmuras dis-cover

37、yC. report the continuous effect of global dimmingD. show the support given by other scientists to Ohmura44. According to the passage, since 1985, the average amount of sunlight reaching the ground has gone down by about _.A. 3% B. 7%C. 15%D. 20%45. Scientists believe that global dimming is due to _

38、.A. climate changeB. solar activityC. formation of cloudsD. human activityCGirls like writing and reading; boys like math and science. At least thats the old idea many people have. But a new survey shows that girls in elementary school actually like math and science better than language arts.Researc

39、hers at the University of Miami in Ohio surveyed nearly 2,000 girls in grades 4 through 8 at twenty schools and had them rate their enjoyment of four subjects: science, math, language arts and social studies, on a scale(等级) of 1 (strongly dislike) to 5 (really like).Fourth-grade girls clearly liked

40、science the best; their average enjoyment levels were: 4.11 for science 3.85 for math 3.5 for language arts 3.49 for social studiesAs girls get older though, they seem to like science and math less, with sciences average likeability score falling to 3.29 for girls in 8th grade. But these subjects ar

41、ent alone, as girls seemed to lose a little interest in every subject. Likeability for social studies fell to 2.91 for 8th graders. “It doesnt seem like girls are losing interest in science and mathematics any more than they lose interest in other subjects,” said study team member Jennifer Blue, a p

42、hysics professor at Miami. Just why girls lose interest in all these subjects is something researchers havent worked out. But the good news, they say, is that girls regain some of their interest in science in collegeMiami, for example, has more female botany, microbiology(微生物学) and zoology majors th

43、an male majors.46. Its commonly believed that _.A. boys are more intelligent than girlsB. boys are more interested in math and science than girlsC. boys and girls like math and scienceD. boys and girls like math and science better than language arts47. The survey was carried out among _.A. primary s

44、chool girl studentsB. high school girl studentsC. five gradesD. twenty colleges48. According to the survey result, which subject are fourth-grade girls least interested in? A. Science.B. Math.C. Language arts.D. Social studies.49. Researchers at the University of Miami found in their survey that gir

45、ls seem to _.A. be less interested in their studies as they get olderB. regain some of their interest in science as they get olderC. like science better than social studies as they get olderD. like writing and reading better than boys as they get older50. It can be inferred that the researchers at t

46、he University of Miami are trying to find out _.A. the ways to help girls regain their interest in scienceB. the causes why girls lose interest in almost every subjectC. why more female college students are interested in scienceD. why young girls like science better than language artsDMary Schaefer has always been interested in how the human element plays out in what, and how, things get done in the workplace. Marys belief is that organizations are composed of unique human beings requiring individual attention in order to make the most of what they

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