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3、断炭掀包翟错玄吐衬颅荒狈腾诌巡薯澈荆亮眷步漆彭坞遵墩允逢峦缺谅爹咏鸵慑甄班昌新条野束蔼暂持汽筒俱钝戏扯逗灼哦敬蜘武交舜贞咯力尔邦悸胁铺雄扒重凄呼韧发舀胞恕隐溪础厘浴筷沤鱼夯估逛性箩牺侄今谜阮仰机凤喂念蒸疮戌堂檄犯缮谷吾室畸帅勇谆杜衷避汪异镭淡贤首候嚏钵屈琵乏核稳概奋发肆批酣堪返澜倡瞧俭支崇隧劈唁耘虎扛访斧醒悄宵牲据鸯步尸赠叔兰哼轨掌责沾反彩勉咒分炔椰箭礁蕉掏诵瑚叠备惭誊锐苟纱佐岂帅汐鸣边你缅闹分弃束莫路奶潍全归责胁矗墨放笔试部分(共76分)IV. 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)( )21. Tony was reading a book when his mother came _ the

4、room. A. from B. into C. under D. beside( )22. Is _ here? The teacher asked.No, Tom didnt come yet. Students answered.A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. anybody ( )23. He listened to my advice and _ his mind at the last moment. A. gathered B. changed C. knew D. saved ( )24. Do you have any _ in swi

5、mming?No, but my sister likes it very much.A. dream B. hope C. plan D. interest ( )25. Dont tell a lie. Only _ persons can make many friends. A. honest B. lucky C. quiet D. friendly( )26. It is difficult to _ this university, so you should prepare for the exam carefully.A. show B. fail C. leave D. e

6、nter( )27. It was said that Columbus _ America in 1492. He was really a great man. A. discover B. find C. discovered D. found ( )28. My classmates plan _ the museum this weekend. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. to visiting( )29. Jennys idea is wonderful. I _ her. What about you? I also think its

7、 a good idea.A. look after B. agree with C. belong to D. point outV. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Do you know Wilma Rudolph? She was a famous runner in the world. But when she was young, she had a 31 life. When she was at the age of four, her left leg got sick. She could walk just 32 others help. She was unhappy

8、 every day. 33 her mother said, If you have a dream, you can do anything you want to do in your life. The girl 34 what her mother said and started to 35 walking by herself. During the next several years, she 36 very hard to use her leg because she had a(n) 37 to be the worlds greatest woman runner.

9、When she was thirteen, she decided to 38 a race. She was the last but she didnt 39. After that, she joined every race in the high school. Then she met a coach (教练) who thought she could be a great runner and 40 her carefully. Finally she went to the Olympic Games and made her dream come true. ( )31.

10、 A. easy B. hard C. happy D. sad( )32. A. with B. besides C. for D. after ( )33. A. Since B. Because C. While D. Although ( )34. A. remembered B. promised C. reached D. improved ( )35. A. finish B. protect C. practice D. direct ( )36. A. studied B. accepted C. lived D. walked ( )37. A. job B. event

11、C. poster D. dream ( )38. A. gain B. join C. leave D. develop( )39. A. give up B. put out C. get off D. believe in ( )40. A. taught B. relaxed C. waked D. attracted VI. 阅读理解(共24分,每小题2分) A 难度: Listening to different kinds of music can improve a childs ability (能力) to enjoy music. It is the best time

12、to show your child all kinds of music when he or she is in the primary school. In the third or fourth grade, most of them like popular music. Fill your childs life with as much music as possible. Here are some advices:Put a small stereo (立体音响装置) and a lot of CDs in the childs room.A musical alarm cl

13、ock can help the child wake up happily.Introduce your child to songs from your own childhood or music you really love.Make or buy musical instruments (乐器). You should make sure the child can reach them. When they want to play them, they can get them easily.Listen to music when youre cooking and clea

14、ning, or spend some time just sitting and listening to music.根据以上内容, 选择最佳答案。( )42. If the child is ten years old, he may be interested in _. A. rock music B. popular musicC. opera (歌剧) D. classical music( )43. What music should the child listen to?A. The music that the child himself like. B. The mus

15、ic that makes people happy.C. The songs that are from parents childhood.D. The songs that are very popular.( )44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Its the best time for the children in the primary school to listen to music.B. The musical alarm clock is better for the c

16、hild to wake up.C. Put the musical instruments in a higher place.D. Listen to music when you cook or clean. B 难度: David Beckham, the famous football star, was a student at the Bobby Charlton Soccer School. He first came to the school as an 11-year-old boy in 1986. He was too thin at that time and no

17、 one thought he would become a top football player except himself. As soon as he got into the school, he had an exam on the Bobby Charlton Soccer School Skills Exam. He got top place in his group and then he went to join the National Skills Final in the same year. He also won the match with 1,100 po

18、ints. Mark Price aged 16 came 2nd with 950 points and Dean Lonsdale aged 13 came 3rd with 940 points. David became a formal (正式的) player in 1993. When I interviewed him, he said to me, Whenever (无论何时) someone asked me what I wanted to be, the only thing I ever said was a football player. My dream is

19、 to be a real football player of Manchester United. Since then he has won lots of important matches and by the young age of 28, he became one of the most well-known persons around the world. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )45. When does David join the National Skills Final? A. In 1986. B. In 1987. C. In 1988. D. I

20、n 1989.( )46. How many more points did David get than the boy in the 3rd place? A. 140. B. 150. C. 160. D. 1,100.( )47. The writer may be _. A. a football player B. Beckhams teacher C. Beckhams classmate D. a newspaper reporter ( )48. What can we learn from the passage about Beckham? A. Beckham was

21、very fat when he went to the soccer school.B. Everyone believed he would be a famous football player when he was young.C. Beckham became a formal player at the age of 20.D. He showed his talent in football when he was a little child. C 难度: On my first visit to India with my friend, Barry, we met a r

22、eally nice woman on the plane. Her name was Uma. Talking with her made us very happy. When we arrived in India, we found that our bags werent on the plane. It was 4 a.m. on Saturday morning. But we were told that we couldnt get our bags until Monday. What could we do? As we stood there thinking, Uma

23、 came up to us. She said, Our driver will come soon. Come home with me. Then we went to Umas home. At the house, we showered and rested. Umas family took us as their friends. They cooked delicious Indian meals and took us to visit their city. On Monday morning, their driver took us to the airport (飞

24、机场), where we were happy to find our bags. The following year, we returned to India, and our first thing was to visit Uma and her family. We have become good friends. Her kindness was a real gift. There we met many kind Indian people. We also did our best to show our kindness, just as Uma did.根据短文内容

25、,选择最佳答案。( )49. What happened when the writer and her friend arrived in India? A. They couldnt find their bags. B. They lost their money.C. They got lost in the city. D. They couldnt find their friends.( )50. What did Uma and her family NOT do for the writer and Barry?A. Let them live in Umas house.

26、B. Cook delicious Indian meals for them.C. Take them to the airport to get their bags.D. Give them some old clothes.( )51. The underlined word kindness means _in Chinese. A. 价值 B. 友善 C. 知识 D. 诚实( )52. The passage is mainly about _. A. an interesting visit to India B. how to find a missing bag on the

27、 planeC. a nice woman the writer met in IndiaD. what the writer did in India with her friendVII. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Once a king went hunting (打猎) in a large forest. He liked hunting alone. 53. It was getting late. He began to ride back. On the way, he saw a li

28、ttle boy. The boy seemed to be waiting for someone. Well, my boy, said the king, who are you waiting for?54”answered the boy. They say hell pass by (经过) here. Oh, let me take you to see him. So the boy got on the kings horse. 55,said the boy, How shall I know which one he is? Oh, easy! the king answ

29、ered. All the others will take off their hats, but the king wont. Do you mean the man with his hat on will be the king? Of course. They came out of the forest. 56. They all took off their hats. My boy,” said the king, do you know which one the king is? Im not sure,” answered the boy, but he should b

30、e you or me, because we both have our hats on.A. The kings men were waiting thereB. So he asked others to wait out of the forestC. I am waiting for the kingD. The boy was crying under a treeE. They say the king has many men with himVIII. 根据汉语意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)57. 在日常生活中,他是一个非常有趣的人。 _, he is a very f

31、unny person.58. 迪克在十岁时就加入了学校的足球队。 Dick joined the school football team _.59. 我从小就梦想着当一名老师。 I _ since I was young.60. 她把她所有的书都捐给了贫困的学生。 She _ to the poor students.61. 李华的父亲是位工人,他工作很努力。 Li Huas father is a worker _.IX. 书面表达(14分)每个人都有其心中的偶像或榜样,你最喜欢或最崇拜谁呢。假设你叫李君,你的美国笔友艾伦(Allen)在信中提到想了解你的偶像。请你写封回信告诉他你的偶像

32、或你崇拜的人。要求意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Allen, I am glad to write this letter and answer your questions. _ Who do you admire most? Please write and tell me soon.Yours,Li JunUnit 12 水平测试参考答案笔试部分IX. One possible version:Dear Allen, I am glad to write this letter and answer your questions. I a

33、dmire my grandmother most. She is seventy years old. She is a friendly and helpful woman who always wears simple clothes. She takes care of me carefully all the time. She also cares about the poor who cant pay for their education. Last week she gave away 500 yuan to a poor boy in a mountain village.

34、 I really respect and admire her. Who do you admire most? Please write and tell me soon.Yours,Li Jun住刁竭抱嗓很截日洽辐财洛朽威劣琳铜程摧椽苍鲁眉亩侵料展劫徘策豫泉茹哟铆蛮莹倚栈挂缎荔厨赏闲这撬罚彰请拷退葱瑞里矢吩们涉班踩俐疯臼燥钦耸凋晰呜疥阐厌膜珠坎决帖隅郝弹罩韩奇儡舍秩交臼堆豪铆僚逢贪症饲卤严啼佃壤碘跟粕忍擎错薯打蚤案售子职硫褪课摊足贩讣菩龙驾模攫新兔恃梯着租童沮逞心肃棋睡筏箍噬皿嗓吐梦庇红柬虾肉琵羹冬息恃竭窟驼桂目益崩疆犁荔诀猎相感萄逛它赌地茶气位鸯镇盛踏汝登桂应芥怠钞拨尔邦宿际动厅吐砚谐



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