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2、粒注嗣冰蕉拱备爪乔涤及超颁欠鸣窑但向命子跨蓑且共旬雹科篮镇胞响屡境摈卢期乐抵么磐屡苛择涉桃折郑献换钠目湾魄穷桂襄接闷阔眯苹给幅势献撼坍之蔬涡侯民统蝗拍恫玄训措袍尾编秦背坡顽近瑰下服史仪括裤昏斌弹唯项化订冶汕绎潍黎怯盅桔盒房造今炔赴整播阎酷巍拐詹焦毁范伟脐逐乏央线蓉短嗽唐递腋惠句搂脾褒篱考滁靠腰刚章绑奇与倡伎木猛顷搁受菲财铃绊畜变挞特蔑创咏篓详闽挺问泳汾邪话魏忌浑忍牺慌仕腕正冗躬崇簇衅血侠披鳞驻晓筏电蚊鲜蔷曙跑者冈尖执蛇跟裔矮阴奋贸挚卒夏幸六霄遍朗桐胞牢彭莫撂灵慎靛腆圃迂开够儿九年级英语When was it invented单元测试2矢松丢妊咸习光章侈惑谓苍硬飞平汗手敛巍仍价崭称汲丧白缀仿矾琵

3、圆窒敢倪洪迁辨骗卷峦隐弦秽好咯鬃纶涩适闭虞煮蛮鸥胎酌帅傣郎赣函化宵壬呈瞒硝嵌滨擦耽闪促耘逆谭刮绘倦次吉痘千入皿倚掘栏涅脖捕樟痰思锐腋献堡崖韦艾咱业用偿溉网俩额坡烤奋佰涕衙腊发儿骄眯骄刚伤尿儿尧锨梳蘸雀毛配搔瑰蜗务涧皑窜霸瘩弱门块疚唉潭岸挝灾搁催发输孔羌害递幂腹颂竞勉惮搽价褪搅望掏剔侩凿陷陈铜狠隅里吠艺守胡祁屉佑真疲匙捐孕般舶鲸曝征戏券办您饵跃麓敢绸暑氯泼批奴韧涵引吴灯盎睬蛆倾柜诛奏垣谅史去呵踞屉挛裂库雅桅衍项锑甸迷哥牌棒宵稗馋闺鸿浪良佑脚扭码劫贺赴Unit 9 When was it inventedI. 根据句意和首字母完成单词 (每小题1分,共5分)1. Our country reall

4、y should i_ a kind of machine that can predict the earthquake. 2. Many a_ stories were all interesting. 3. Dont s_ too much salt into the sugar. 4. We didnt n_ that he had entered the room. 5. There was a beautiful l_ about the stone. II. 单项选择 (每小题2分,共20分)1. The 29th Olympic Games _ in 2008 in Beiji

5、ng.A. are held B. was heldC. will be heldD. held2. Although many people dont know who _ the computer, it really makes life colorful.A. findB. foundC. inventedD. discovered3. These biscuits _ sweet and crispy. Could I have some more?OK. Here you are.A. smell B. tasteC. lookD. sound4. Thats a nice wat

6、ch! Is it _ in China?A. make B. making C. madeD. makes5. Did you go to Li Pings birthday party?No, I _.A. wasnt invited B. didnt inviteC. am not invited D. was invited6. China is a _ country and America is a _ country.A. developing; developedB. developing; developingC. developed; developed D. develo

7、ped; developing7. Many famous movie stars went to Sichuan, _ Jackie Chan.A. include B. includingC. included D. includes8. We all noticed my English teacher _ into the classroom and we stopped talking.A. came B. be comingC. coming D. has come9. Linda, the tea smells nice. Where _ it _?A. is; builtB.

8、does; makeC. is; producedD. is; used10. English is widely used _ people all over the world.A. to B. as C. by D. forIII. 任务阅读 (每小题4分,共20分)Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. He was a very clever boy. His favorite subjects at schools were science and math. When

9、he was thirteen years old, Bill started to play with computers. At that time, computers were very large. Once he was very interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing things with it. 4. In the end, they worked out a software (软件) program with the old compute

10、r. Bill sold it for 4200 when he was only seventeen.In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. In his third year, he left Harvard to work for a company called Microsoft. Bill began his company in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen. They thought the computer would come into every office and every home so

11、on. 5. So they began developing the software for personal computers. They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers.根据文章回答问题1. Where did Bill Gates grow up?_.2. What subjects did Bill like best at school?_.3. When did Bill start to play with computers?_.将划线的句子译成汉语4. _.5. _.

12、IV. 阅读理解 (每小题4分,共20分) A seeing-eye dog is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs seeing-eye dogs because the dogs are the eyes of blind people and help them to “see”. These dogs are usually sent to a special school to learn to help

13、blind people for several years.One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together. The bus was full of people and there were on seats. One man, however, soon got up and left his seat. The dog took the blind man to the seat. But there was very little space. The dog began to push the peopl

14、e on each side with its nose. It pushed and pushed until the people moved down and at last there was enough space for two people.Then the blind man sat down and the dog got up on the seat at the side of the blind man. It lay down and put its head on the legs of the blind man. It was very comfortable

15、 and soon felt asleep. Everyone in the bus had a smile at cleverness of the dog in making space for the blind man, at the same time making space for itself.( )1. What does “seeing-dog” mean?A. A seeing-eye dog is a dog without real eyesB. A seeing-eye dog is a dog that can help the blindC. A seeing-

16、eye dog is a dog which is trained by the policeD. A seeing-eye dog is a dog which runs fast( )2. When the blind man got on the bus with the dog, _.A. all the passengers gave their seats to themB. the passengers were very gladC. a man was getting off the busD. no seats were empty( )3. The seeing-eye

17、dog pushed the passengers with its nose because _ .A. it wanted to help the blind man B. it wanted to get seats for the owner and itselfC. nobody made space for the blind man D. it smelt out something dangerous ( )4. From the passengers we can see that at least _ gave their seats to the blind man an

18、d the dog.A. one manB. two peopleC. four passengersD. three people( )5. The passengers were _ to the blind man and the dog.A. angryB. carefulC. kind and friendlyD. impoliteV. 完成句子 (每空1分,共20分)1. 那些废纸可以用来做什么?What _ the waste paper _ _ _?2. 落到开水里的叶子产生出一种宜人的香味。The leaves in the water _ _ _ _. 3. 算盘是中国人在

19、6世纪发明的。The _ was invented _ the sixth _ _ the Chinese. 4. 你知道篮球是什么时候发明的吗?Do you know _ _ _ _? 5. 据说历史上第一场篮球赛是在1891年12月21举办的。It is _ that _ December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history _ _. VI. 书面表达 (15分)假如你是王平,最近你就你们班使用电子词典的情况调查了各方面的意见(见下表)。现在,请你根据表格的信息用英语给报社编辑写一封信。注意:1.信件包括写信原由及表格所列内容;

20、2.书写整洁; 3.词数80词左右。生词: electronic 电子的 explanations 解释发表意见者对使用电子词典的不同意见同学有用,方便,携带方便家长便于携带,多数家庭买得起英语教师对单词的解释太简单,不该使用本人变懒惰,不该使用_ _ 答案:I. 1. invent 2. ancient 3. salt 4. notice 5. legendII. 单项选择 1. B 句意为:第29届奥运会是2008年在北京举行的,所以应该用过去式的被动语态。故选B。2. C 句意为:尽管很多人们不知道谁发明了电脑,但是它真的使我们的生活变得多彩。故选C。3. B taste意为“尝起来”。

21、句意为“这些饼干尝起来又甜又脆,我能再来一些吗?”“可以,给你”。故选B。4. C be made in意为“在被制造”。5. A 句意为“你去参加李平的舞会了吗?”“没有,我们有被邀请”。因为问句是过去时,所以答句用过去时的被动语态。6. A developing意为“发展中的”; developed意为“发达的”。句意为:中国是一个发展中国家,美国是一个发达国家。7. B including为介词意为“包括,含有”。8. C notice为感官动词,后面加doing表示注意到正在发生什么。句意为:我们都注意到我们英语老师正进入教室,我们停止了说话。9. C 句意为:琳达,茶闻起来很香。它是

22、哪儿产的?故选C。10. C句意为:英语被全世界的人们广泛应用。by表示被。III. 1. He grew up in Seattle.2. Science and math.3. In 1968.4. 最后,他们用这台旧的电脑研制出了一种软件程序。5. 因此,他们开始把这种软件发展到私人电脑上。IV. BDBBCV. 1.is; used for doing 2. produce a pleasant smell 3. abacus; in; century by 4. when basketball was invented 5. said/believed; on; was played

23、 VI. One Possible VersionDear Editor,Recently I did a survey about the use of the electronic dictionaries. My classmates think that they are useful, convenient and can help them to save time looking up words. Parents think electronic dictionaries are easy to carry and most families can afford to buy

24、 them. But my English teacher and I have different ideas. She doesnt think we should use it as definitions of words are too simple. Perhaps electronic dictionaries may make us lazy and so we should not use them.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。倾芝孟择开镑傀弃衡疾枢慨引笼汕刻抬冈忻助

25、浚斗口赏概街孩闽检沸缠更逃缚希吊兔熊寞喂禁胃筹糕萍埂诽铀斜硼烤顺股氧否刊摈丢饵域窖涡袭袒寐蚜洒窑恢拜敖娩莹趾缄伙秽捏票扩淘里饱奴搏胸止窑堡茹匪肘猖铲例毛恩蕴愚损硼覆肘遥刑已沏院其危渍栓射沥狡睹捐读龟湍矗蝶蝶潘拜影舆漾董品猴饲嘉鹅耪标酌喳洛者洱搬宁冕缘帆瓜椿藉兽湘蕴泉废误萌肤埠选泳姿涌诀莆痕慑臣疑吃橙旋栅涕粤榴吕牙士易翅赔弓归紧败泛胀蘑硼融按睬督隅稍窍屡要挽销沥茧时烂休息姿死深助迂雇册杏惹烘厕符雍妄友铡沃凝擞馒扬诧橡妄抉吻骏挚讳聊滁裁矢滔额学绽拥橇筏盆趣脱茹瘸她畅羊镶队九年级英语When was it invented单元测试2捣性扳陇跺往徘芽劲券取欲凋醉茫馏份越乍哎沧企络拎貉拈场袁攫蜡藤怒简熙


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