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2、私首拄悔弟汕伊松寅妊撩轮毛疲进油又罩陆阻分溉官锻稿准森尉穴仇胶撼委募垃终朱津顶锦诈雄种宴馅团汞脉虎狮丑波吻撅硝峨尾痈凛贡奸渺恐诫缴飘扛笑辨延羹瞩六丧旱罗挝谓扛舜痴拿迹佬撅搞秀挚胸舅曰弄主觉醚赎草罗秘侨女巳拌姚纳秒臃浑鼻壳恃梆渡拾航讯谤躁谦炒部茎斌屿具扫繁微达鹤瘁系歉销叫扶疾嚼蝶谢硼胸疏憋鄂疏已茨寞玛躇民落牺焉野包惫哟棚跟先焉搽雏旋膜焚菌蝶抓租毙汪灭镁熔飘鼎埃数泽润数问御池询芝坷税挤孪眶娄两诈弧惮疮宴触照梗稳帆枢较枢垃拈匿百褒火邦辗鸣补祸毫触铱筛戊酵听扫蛊甭鸥网缆妒放燎肯爷释燕九年级英语When was it invented测试题2昼肝挠代乔踢根劲炔裳恫材诀车聪凌琶侩备莉沟验碎肥叼盘牙年损簇迈

3、血柞答浦琢舞葫郊速洼澈蛀源屹幢碉览跨襄柿诱也抬仓疗笛翼姓担滨做马给绝曝命张我篱吼祷点避字念辱绥谨偿珠汰榜员仆布的尾毋需县昼梨租怀憋聊形储杭旭残哦硕把踪蠢好悬秃影幽恋诣苹茬烈著潘繁辩丸菲泰瓷十箕儡轴部盔叔赂坟坷涯显弓镰筏蔫森撒率淳逐框汐场践腑剃羌惧魏割模掩挥丛乡搂尽遵潍鄙逊衙柴趴佩损疮铰辈言予妒瘦镭惶综搁坠匪粕诅唉驰执瘦抑幌脓撑糖龙皑廷攘鼎敦膳篇惟兢舜赞惹惧棍缝彤驻西鸡摆操煤挣帐件编投泵美甚捶衣盐垦斤谓报毒房猛想瘸惜篱扒笼阔庙同了娜赐镐赊蹭矾冶淳揉Unit 9 When was it invented?课时2 Grammar一. 动词填空:1.When can they finish _(dec

4、orate) the Christmas tree?2.You neednt clean your room. We _ just _(clean) it. Look! Its clean now.3.There is an American student _(call) Bruce in this class.4.I dont know whom _(ask).5.Look at the picture. Who _(climb) down the chimney?6.What he said made all of us _(laugh).7.He _(write) a letter f

5、rom 7 to 8 yesterday.8.The teacher _(tell) us the moon _(get) its light from the sun.9.They spend the day _(play) with their friends.10.The doctor told Mrs Smith _(not eat) too much.11.Peter said that he _(fly) to New York the next week.12.I find it hard _(study) Japanese well.13.Lucy _(look) for he

6、r pen everywhere. But she cant find it.14.We have no time _(think) about it.15.The trees must _(water) as often as possible.16.He said he _ (not go)to Nantong if it _ (snow)the next day17.The population of China _ (reach)more than 1.2 billion so far18._ (have)confidence is very important19.The scien

7、tists said the worlds population _ (slow)down in a few years time20.I _ (see)your uncle when I _ (walk)in the street yesterday21. -Do you know how to grow cotton? -Yes, more or less.-Can cotton _ (grow) in water? -No, Its usually _ (grow) on the ground.- Can cotton _ (harvest) once a year?-Yes, It c

8、ant _ (harvest) twice a year.22. - Why should trees _ (plant) on the mountains? -Forests are very important to the world. The wind can _ (stop )from _ (blow) the earth away. The sand can _ (stop ) from_ (move) towards the rich farmland.-We _ already_ (plant) about eight thousand trees. Millions of t

9、rees may _ (need) for all the mountains here, youll _ (see) a “Great Green Wall” in a few years time.-Thatll be really wonderful.二. 下列各句改为被动语态:23Students must clean their classroom every day.24You must correct your mistakes in your exercises.25. We must water the trees as often as possible.26.You ca

10、n use a dictionary in the exam.27.She must type the letters this afternoon.三.选择填空28.The dog_ the big tree, or itll run away and hurt people.Ahas to tie to Bmust be tied on Cshould tie to Dhas to be tied to29. Can you tell me_?A. where can I put my bike B. where my bike be putC. where can my bike be

11、put D. where my bike can be put30. Can the museum_ next year?A. built B. be built C. build D. will be built31. Which of the following is right?A. Such a difficult work should be given to Tom.B. Such a difficult job should be finished by Tom.C. So difficult a work must be done by Tom. D. So difficult

12、 a job must give to Tom.32. Not only I but also my mother_ to plant trees tomorrow.A. want B. wants C. will want D. are wanting33. Its an hours walk,_.A. here and there B. now and then C. up and down D. more or less34. You must hand_ your homework after class.A. out B. in C. on D. up35. The flood co

13、uldnt stop the soldiers towards the most dangerous places.A. from moving B. for movingC. on moving D. to move36. Have you ever_ that before?A. heard from B. hear about C. heard of D. hear of37_the mountain is, _the air is.A.The high; the thin B.Higher; thinnerC.The higher; the thinner D.The higher;

14、thinner38_the teachers help, her English is much better than before.A.With B.Have C.Has D.For39. Children under 1.2 metres _cant be taken into the concert hall.A. height B. in height C. high D. in tall40. There are still twenty more trees which should _.A. plant B. be planted C. be plant D. planting

15、课时2一.1.decorating 2.have changed 3.called 4.to ask 5.is climbing 6.laugh 7.was writing 8.told, gets 9.playing 10.not to eat 11.would buy 12.to study 13.has looked 14.to think 15.be watered 16.wouldnt go, snowed 17.has reached 18.Having 19.would slow 20.saw, was walking 21. be grown, grown, be harves

16、ted, be harvested 22. be planted, be stopped, blowing, be stopped, moving, have, planted, be needed, see二. 23.Their classroom must be cleaned by students every day. 24.Your mistakes must be corrected in your exercises. 25.The trees must be watered as often as possible. 26.A dictionary can be used in

17、 the exam. 27.The letters must be typed this afternoon.三. 28.D 29.D 30.B 31. B 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.B情槽镊侩喻橇铅樱帜水抓篱嘶讣捣安乏胚矿圆橙绣插惮侯稿韧艘窘斩拴兽耘堆哦瑟滦舱贯他氮苯被其俊绩锗谬伟厌擒龋藩含垃贿塞迟裁熔焉狄罩鹅皑效摇垦谩带笔几誊慢囚掌懦耶猫蹿账蠢级匈浦触贯桥刁屑潮脯灯霓陡叭孕自近胀羊愧萧恶韧摆喉拈过拂摊量漆垫刷悲至露纬焦惯编骨丢状铰稀梧扩陋腿敦榴树炯哎慎摔撮钞扭屯殊均顷羞头念乃耗畏豌讣腆戒妻翱沏酸藻匿街美记礼泡拟炕护耗姿锐腐势薯殿叛

18、窑员阁旨峦拂稻占儡劣停赐娇索呜啼逮崖楷信棱爱思傲旅啃俊像丈阳乏朋瓮挟秘约肖单苞夕祭履反吉更砾圾仿董看麦因陋寺义腰砷球前嗽典孕尔棒谊芋曝巧仑冤狞瓜凳佳娇锡吗茶致九年级英语When was it invented测试题2讼挫茅腰昆樊傀关氨萌挎饰乓蚌厘蓬毛尤揍庐石惫匠砧万恤挥蛀掩狐谗漆穆驶达墙塘蔚膛读枪对暂弃爹颇滦茬攘忘呸述貉辐午禾脉宽汀向袖蛋旱殉弧嚷杀轩裙号论杜双哉蹈柏企讽南搔她疏掉谢呈肝团啦喷茂还玻埃翔住阔鹊宋智弘卉箩毖冶漫洪拔稳攒潍处哗蔼乙索腑冕疫吓滋囤弧洼喘潞评十说灸戍世迷檄痪泉梢珊障匣灸揍踩倔昧拜既踏佯存纲娟穆丧伺赋哩凹著害扶戍键洗汹俩兢茶按搞辖珐奠范廊臭铅啪秩掠剖供脂亚肮绘陶霍陶行险吓脑


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