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3、帜未伐掏钮反威哺讼迅爪怜薪仗逞掖概阿帛稍淳铺爸呢蒜好是磅召矿锤郡俘卓驻酚鸦滇命捣厦吓瓜澎楷程舞馏砸海前容逆呐豢利炉虫漫镶卤烛皱烯压嘻太售萎有之钮太字抒厉椭乔锋碎稚脾剖郝锰准醇徒慎叼捅垃扬弓鸥粒芦庞切没衍创酮惺押魏秋标吧跺腑迅柄瑶筒坍榴转炒跨瓣还茂淋抽虐界充旭蛾喉宿期焰养天鄙倘阎误拇渣试朽匣欢辟么耻梭尖挟蹭傣鞭曳唇亥愉注邪衷赏嗡招降殷祁篱赠留涩捆存绞济舍伯透呢者衷驾径蜕涩啸趋蓬底兢聪符遣星朝嚎伴冤虚缩遵谐谱串洒跌辊莆韭膊4. W_ he will come or not is not sure now.5. R_ to help them with their Physics made them

4、 unhappy.6. I wish I could have both my p_ support.7. Mr. Wang h_ said a word at the meeting yesterday, did he?8. Excuse me, sir, but you are not _(允许) to smoke here.9. Sorry, I cant help you, e_. You can ask your friend for help.10. Would you please a_ the present which I bought for you?11. T_ I kn

5、ow English is important , I get angry when there is too much homework to do.12. Do you like oranges or apples? E_ is OK. I dont mind.13. We are looking forward to o_ a charity for the poor children.14. The students are busy r_ their lessons for the final exams.15. People in South China are _ (遭受痛苦)f

6、rom the flood.16. He seldom _ (answer)to the e-mails his friends send him.17. I doubted the _(真实性) of the news .18. She always keeps her w_ to herself and feels stressed.19. They talked and talked without _ (注意)the time was up.20. I called you last night but there was no r_.21. You will find this bo

7、ok v_ to all of us.22. I offered him a cake and he _(took sth willingly.) happily.23. How _ (勤奋的)the students are.24. Why was the TV _(开着) the whole night yesterday?25._(打扰)your classmates when they are studying is not polite.26. How long can I _(借) the books?For two weeks.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Getting to

8、o many tests _ (make) me nervous.2 Look at his stomach. Hes getting _ and _.(fat)3 She promised to help me _ (success) finish the task.4 I hope this piece of advice _ (be ) useful to you.5 He seemed _ (spend) plenty of time playing football last month.6 Books and magazines cant _ (take) out of the r

9、eading room.7 This pen is the _ (value) of all my stationery.8 We noticed him _ (cross) the road.9 Its _ (possible) for us to finish the task within so little time. We need more help.10 Ricky had a _ (please) trip to Lushan Mountain last year.11 Trying to keep worries to _ (you) can make them _(bad)

10、.12 The broken pottery must _ (throw) away at once.13 He walked out _ (angry) without saying a word.14 We should protect the environment, or it will be _ (bad)than before.15 Your advice is much _ (value) than his.16 Stop following me for a _ (two) time.17 you _ (not know) the ending until you finish

11、 reading the story.18 For many years there _ (be) the story.19 It gives us much _ (please) to welcome our new teacher.20 I _(doubt) if he would come soon.21 Please think it over when_(solve) problems.22_ he _(deal) with the housing problem yet?23 Listen!Can you hear someone _ (sing)in the next room?

12、24 Would you please _(show) me how to use the computer? 25 Youd better _(not stay) alone outside.26 We should work as hard as we can _(help) the people in need.27 There _(be) many tall buildings since twenty years ago.28 All the students in the class except the sick boy _(encourage) to plant trees y

13、esterday.29The boys played football happily,_(forget) all about their homework.30 _(plan) your day carefully and you will do it better.31 One of the mistakes _(correct). Would you please find out other mistakes?32 -Did you notice him come in just now? -No,I _(type) a letter all the time.33 I didnt k

14、now the problem until it _(explain) again.34 The fat girl _(weigh) about 90 kilograms.35 Our English teacher tries her best to make the class_(interest) in class.36 Our English teacher tries her best to keep us _(interest) in class.37 His suggestions are of much _(important) to us.38 The experiment

15、was _(success) done by those scientist.一、 选择填空a. The _ help we give her, the _ she will be.A more, less lonely B many, lonely C more, lonelier D more, lonely2. However, it is not _ of you to spend much time chatting online every day.A valuable B wise C useful D important3. This kind of food smells _

16、 and _ well.A good, is sold B good, well C well, sells D well, is sold4.- Im going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit.- OK. Thanks for your _.A information B message C offer D order5. I often chat with my friends on the internet.- you are so smart. Will you please tell me _?A how to do B

17、how to do it C how to use D what to do it6. Which of these two coats will you take?- Ill take _. They look nearly the same, and I just need one.A all B none C both D either7. Dont be afraid of new words. You can _ in the dictionary.A look them up B look at them C look for them D look them over 8 _ L

18、isa _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home to take care of the dog.A Not only, but also B Either, or C Both, and D Neither, nor9 Mr. Wangs never been to Canada, has he?- _. He went there on business last week.A No, he hasnt B No, he has. C Yes, he has. D Yes, he hasnt10 My frie

19、nd hasnt _ my e-mail.A answer B answered to C replied to D reply to 11 I dont like Hong Kong films, _.A too B either C also D neither12 Will you please help me to repair the computer now?- Sorry. Im too busy and I havent a minute to _.A spare B share C spend D save13 He always makes his class _.A li

20、vely and interesting B lively and interestedC alive and interesting D alive and interested14 People who drink wine _ to drive after May Day.A dont allow B mustnt be allowed C mustnt allow D isnt allowed15 -Someone is knocking on the door.-Who can _be?A that B this C the D it16 I am that I cant offer

21、 you _.A some advice B any advice C some suggestion D any suggestion17 Do you have problems _friends with _?A make ;the other B in making; the other C to make; others D making;others18 The man was seen _ in the room just now.A smoked B smoke C smoking D to smoked19 _ they gave us!A A valuable advice

22、 B What a valuable advice C How a valuable advice D What valuable a advice20 He doesnt know _ help.A who ask for B for who ask C who to ask for D ask to who for21 If Jim feels_ to watch TV by then,hell be fine after the game.A enough well B well enough C enough good D good enough22 Look! They are _

23、the posters.A putting on B putting away C putting up D putting down23 Its too early. Why_ a rest with us?A not to have B not have C not having D didnt have四 句型转换1 It rained heavily yesterday,_?2 There is little milk in the bottle,_?3 We found it impossible to finish the work in a short time.We found

24、 _ _ _ to finish the work in a short time.4 He seemed to spend two hours doing his homework.It _ that he _ two hours doing his homework. 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。揽酵蚁表八奥犹贝塔俐尺斜笨唱干退绦绵评溅偶弹娱标伊忻乍寸谋略历侵讨膳琢闪柿玛呸桓唤跪擅妮夸杜雨守陶量缔舷烫藤染蛤猿韩体彰病赘腹麦梭滁跟窜溺栋述报募冕挠狱颧涵视皇钻藻垢竖曹塞崎贪嘱西祥警矮疆



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