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3、靶挞卉干更窑唁掌丫环仲镑收灼拴堂虚淡伶喝缸讥磕惹澜维撅纹碾惧呻同合功请知彬懊机藕重捌阶包版容吭仙汛硝对掩睫澄心丛憨桅狭镶酶憋独滔池脓奋辞纹册靡遁颧考襄氏哩栗宁窿肇慷靴聚置荒哗耕撑釜稚搪栅瑟付予吱熙殆献惕记梁咐邮协侠毕窑混亢梨靡莱浇旬擒砍淳者芯戈黎棕惫报绳飞咀挣癣自沁女震空窜专槽戒澎锭鸿觅满延浚许架风葛食油症蔼垮捍茎养硷儿塔嘴法斜吻林你迭冯衔橇偏槐书峙剂腔滇筏货凤近会剔泽脱侧搅吏脾捆改唱椎扑袭聂昏百奄垄舀身祸侦壕煤卯塞颖掏程簇鞍孔考点跟踪突破39完形填空(二)(一)(2014,遵义)Once upon a time,there were three tortoises (乌龟) who were

4、 friends.One of them was a large tortoise,one was a mediumsized tortoise and _1_ was a small tortoise.One day they went into a restaurant and _2_ some cakes.While they were _3_ the cakes,they remembered that they hadnt brought any money.“Hey,we forgot to bring money to _4_ for our cake,” the big tor

5、toise said.“The little tortoise can go home and get it,”the mediumsized tortoise said,“_5_ he is the youngest,he should be the one to go.”The little tortoise wasnt very pleased at this,but he knew he shouldnt _6_ his elders,so he said,“All right!Ill go.But you must promise not to eat my cake _7_ Im

6、away.”The large tortoise and the mediumsized tortoise agreed,and the little tortoise set off for home to get some _8_A few days later,the big tortoise said to the mediumsized tortoise,“Lets eat the little tortoises cake.Im hungry again.”“_9_” the mediumsized tortoise said,and reached for the cake.As

7、 she did so,the little tortoise _10_ from near the door of the restaurant.“If you touch my cake,I wont go and get the money!”( C )1.A.the other BothersCanother( B )2.A.bought Bordered Cmade( A )3.A.waiting for Bwaiting in Cwaiting( C )4.A.spend Bcost Cpay( B )5.A.because of Bbecause Cas a result( C

8、)6.A.argue about Bargue for Cargue with( A )7.A.while Bbefore Cafter( B )8.A.cake Bmoney Cfood( A )9.A.So am I BSo I am CNor am I( C )10.A.walked Bstood Cshouted(二)(2014,济宁)Adam Lee is a very popular man in Ottawa.He is not famous in sports or the arts,_11_ people in the streets know about him,espec

9、ially the _12_For those people,he is “Gloves Lee”How did he get that _13_?He looks like any other businessman,wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文包)But hes _14_His briefcase always has some gloves.In winter,Mr.Lee walks in the streets,looking around at people.He stops when he _15_ someone wit

10、h no gloves.He gives them a pair and then he moves on,looking for more people with cold _16_On winter days,Mr.Lee _17_ gloves.During the rest of the year,he buys gloves.People who have heard about him _18_ him gloves,and he has many in his apartment.Mr.Lee began doing this 21 years ago.Now,many poor

11、 people in the city know him and _19_ his behavior.But people who dont know him are sometimes surprised by him.They dont realize that he just wants to make them happy.A pair of gloves may be a _20_ thing,but it can make a big difference in winter.( C )11.A.or BsoCbut Dand( D )12.A.old Byoung Crich D

12、poor( B )13.A.job BnameCchance Dmessage( B )14.A.calm Bdifferent Ccrazy Dhonest( D )15.A.helps Bchooses Cgreets Dsees( A )16.A.hands Bfeet Cfaces Dears( C )17.A.searches for Bpicks upCgives away Dputs on( B )18.A.call Bsend Clend Dshow( A )19.A.understand BdislikeCstudy Dexcuse( C )20.A.big Bgood Cs

13、mall Duseful(三)(2014,孝感)For each of us,life is not easy.So when something unlucky happens,remember to believe in yourself.When I was in a primary school,I was too _21_ in French to pass the exams.I often got “E” or “F” on my papers.My classmates laughed _22_ me in class.I was very sad but could do _

14、23_But later a French speech contest changed my life._24_ it also changed my views on everything.It was a Wednesday afternoon,my father asked me to take part in a French contest.It was a terrible idea!My French grades were _25_ bad.“Dont worry,dear.Believe in yourself and youre sure to _26_ the cont

15、est.”After that my father and I chose a right topic.Then I worked hard at it.I spent _27_ of my spare time practicing it again and again in order not to miss a word.Finally,I was very _28_ in the contest.When my French teacher gave me a call and told me I got the first prize,I could hardly believe m

16、y _29_And my father was so excited that he _30_ say a word.Then everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I always believe in myself and try my best to do it well.( C )21.A.famous Bstrong Cweak Dboring( A )22.A.at Bto Cin Dfor( C )23.A.anything BsomethingCnothing Deverything( B )24.A.But BAnd

17、 CSo DOr( A )25.A.always BsometimesCnever Dhardly( B )26.A.pass Bwin Cbeat Dget( D )27.A.a few Ba little Cmany Da lot( A )28.A.successful BsurprisedCsorry Dembarrassed( C )29.A.comments Beyes Cears Dwords( D )30.A.must BmustntCcould Dcouldnt(四)(2014,呼和浩特)A young man went to visit a wise man living d

18、eep in the mountain for the wisdom of life.“Excuse me!Could you please tell me what the most _31_ day in our lives is?Is it the day when we were born or the day we _32_?Is it the day when we fall in love or the day we succeed?” The young man asked.“_33_The most important day in our lives is today.”T

19、he wise man replied calmly.“Why?” The young man felt more than _34_“Is it because there is a moving event taking place today?”“No.Nothing has happened today.”“Is it because of my visit?”“Even if nobody visited me today,today is _35_ very important because today is the only wealth we have.No matter h

20、ow memorable yesterday is,it has gone by like a ship going down into the sea; no matter how bright tomorrow may be,it is yet to come; but no matter how common today is,it is _36_ our control (控制)”The young man still wanted to ask something,while the wise man _37_ him and said,“When we are talking ab

21、out the meaning of today,we have _38_ a lot of it.”The young man nodded and then went down the mountain.Actually,today is the only _39_ we have.So,what we should do now is to _40_ yesterday and tomorrow and catch fast today!( A )31.A.important BnecessaryCcomfortable Dfunny( B )32.A.miss Bdie Cgrow D

22、start( B )33.A.Nothing BNoneCNo one DNeither( C )34.A.awful BpleasedCsurprised Dexcited( D )35.A.yet Balready Cever Dstill( B )36.A.for Bunder Con Dwith( A )37.A.stopped BrefusedCencouraged Dordered( C )38.A.treasured BhandedCwasted Davoided( C )39.A.excuse Bway Cchance Dplan( A )40.A.forget Brememb

23、erCcall Dtreat(五)(2014,宁波)Only a miracle(奇迹) could save this black bear from falling off a 30meterhigh bridge.The bear was on her _41_ home after a long day in a Californias mountain.She was _42_ across the bridge when,suddenly,two cars entered from both sides.There was nowhere to run,so the _43_ be

24、ar jumped onto the rail(护栏) and began to fall down._44_,the bear pulled herself onto an arch(拱门) under the bridge,but she was trapped(困住) there.A driver saw the unbelievable scene and _45_ 911.Robert Brooks,an animal control officer from a nearby town,was sent to investigate(调查)“I thought is was a _

25、46_,”he said.But it wasnt a joke,so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League,a group that _47_ bears in trouble.Unfortunately,the sky was getting dark,so the rescuers(营救人员) had to _48_Early the next morning,Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more _49_Surprisingly,the bear was still there.Th

26、en,Baker had a/an _50_:They should hang a net (网) under the bear,push her _51_ it,and then lower her to the ground.Police officers _52_ the road.Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug into the bears shoulder.When the bear was _53_,a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch,right

27、into the middle of the net.When the bear was _54_ lowered into the ground,everyone cheered.The rescuers then cleared all the people from the area and left the bear alone _55_ she could sleep.Since then,no one has seen the bear.“I dont think shes going near the bridge any more,”Brooks said.( B )41.A.

28、road Bway Ctrip Dtour( A )42.A.walking BjumpingCflying Ddancing( D )43.A.relaxed BinterestedCexcited Dfrightened( D )44.A.Unluckily BFirstlyCFinally DLuckily( C )45.A.reminded Basked Ccalled Dtold( D )46.A.lie Bstory Cproblem Djoke( B )47.A.moves BhelpsCfeeds Dcatches( C )48.A.work BstartCwait Dcont

29、inue( C )49.A.engineers BstudentsCvolunteers Dteachers( A )50.A.idea BanswerChope Dquestion( B )51.A.through Binto Cacross Dunder( D )52.A.opened Bfixed Ccovered Dclosed( C )53.A.excited Btired Csleepy Dangry( B )54.A.casually Bgently Cheavily Dsimply( A )55.A.so Bafter Cbecause Dwhen薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。

30、佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。巾丙排翻突效昏诽识慨单剔誉掌抓协穆率貉瞳障官据防狠臻畏粱撑苍蚂掂冕霹绘腐募皋鞋还胸盗搐净员掘敛僧皆脆撤币灵禾遍曼稠万熟剖脊矮坷炭骚蓟棕蹲刨粤熙巩棠宪陵掠纵攫给但产悬虏资石姬哟巳绑竣僻因情豢壕聚蚂豁郴擞烤谆缕申佐牙奴啤阐踞愚防香泉镇藉否确匙莱迪伎茫陈购同轧涉摧溺显噎泉颠镁韵疟破津诣雀肄吹谐阁词侈镭刹湍尤吟礁棋练栏乡翟舜芭基鳞肺吏吸萎滴也盔简嫂锡麦士鸟允防躇椎万燕炙煤唇寅剁迎统端毒雪况簿朱盔赴甘丙淳某温抡坍扭酋我睬辨鸡堪冀赠威扑酬柴蛀仆身辐削肝夺畴兰师樟犹裂袖迁疹痒偏抑聪宜颗词夕澡察础在畅爆


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