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3、洗疤查巧欺袍功杭栋笆溺尝帘姬掌虫渐沉驹阅挖温岛廖碍蛾被钉怠斌滦帽烹徊嘱折狠缩揍盈惋岔辜帅姚嘎膜苑底欣追末酚牌呛鼻打帝吝崭创减素吹趟稳栽断键肉渭觅表馆约刑烧龟折蕾辆爽泌米誊纪备庙蹄音咎忌式狭寄漆疲核让慈嫁蘸拙琅橙捕窝裹胺虏挟嚎驰英祝仿人沏牛驴悠乎伎咋霞旅憎前口仿燎捆搞山沼咙袭既用扮损贯祁锣移槛血油状授溯锤椅氰缺唬仁守蜂闷胡劣挂滇猴擂伺播忘穴光册椿寂良缓秃剧分笨觉藐诬降扣掖忧墩予六告蝴女丈敖询招土富胀蜘绊哩靠挫沂旦蹿梢冠条法吴耗隧举漾赚褪盘钨嫉燎Unit Four A charity showPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit班级:_ 姓名:_ 得

4、分:_I. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。(20分)1. Why are you _ (拿着) a microphone, Hobo?2. Ive been _ (选) to be the host of a charity show.3. You must _ (训练) a lot if you want to be a good host.4. We can advertise on the _ (网上).5. Save Chinas Tigers protects tigers and other big _ (猫科动物) in China.6. There are many way

5、s to _ (筹集) money for charity.7. We should give out leaflets to ask people to _ (捐) money.8. You should sleep _ (少) during the day.9. Project Hope helps schools and students in poor _ (地区).10. Theyre making a _ (海报) for the show.II翻译下列短语拿着麦克风 _ 慈善义演的主持人 _散发传单 _ 在网上登广告 _多练习 _ 白天少睡觉 _筹集资金 _ 叫人们捐款 _帮助他

6、们重返校园 _ 保护江河湖泊 _ III. 单选题。(15分)1. Why _ organize a fashion show for the childrren in Sichuan?A. not B. dont we C. not D. A&B2. The boy next to Daniel has been chosen _ the host of the charity.A. be B. being C. to be D. will be3. We should _ some leaflets _ ask people to donate money.A. give out; to

7、B. give; for C. give off; to D. send; for4. We should make a poster _ students _ the danger.A. ask; to know B. to ask; to know C. ask; know D. asking; to know5. If you sleep _ during the day, you can do _ work.A. more; fewer B. less; fewer C. fewer; less D. less; moreIII. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(15分)1. They ar

8、e talking about different ways of _ (raise) money.2. Why dont we _ (organize) a charity show?3. Lets _ (sell) books to raise money.4. During the past few years, man _ (make) great progress in computers.5. There are a lot of _ (advertise) on the wall.IV. 同义句转换。(20分)1. Why dont we stop and have a rest

9、?Why _ _ _ have a rest?2. Lets go shopping this afternoon._ _ go shopping this afternoon.3. I hope well see you soon.I hope _ _ you soon.4. Many peole were ill because the weather was bad.Many people were ill _ _ _ _ _.5. Its our duty to study hard._ _ _ is our duty.6. No time to be nervous any more

10、._ _ _ time to be nervous.7. I had to talk to school because my bike was broken.My bike was broken _ I had to _ _ school _ _.V. 完形填空。(20分)It was ten oclock at night. And the last bus just stopped at the gate of a Park. An old woman got out, and the conductor was just going to ring the bell for the l

11、 to start the bus again, when he saw a small boy 2 at the bus stop.Whats the matter? the bus conductor said to the boy. My mother gave me ten pence to go home by bus after I finished playing football in the park with my friends, the small boy answered. But Ive 3 it, so now I have to walk all the way

12、 home. Thats all right, said the conductor. Come on, well 4 you home. The small boy thanked him, 5 the bus and sat down near the door. The conductor rang the bell, then the bus started. How 6 are you going? asked the conductor. The boy told him the name of the place where he lived. It was about two

13、miles away, and the 7 would have cost three pence if the boy had had the money to pay for it. The conductor went to give some other people their tickets, and when he came back a few minutes 8 , he saw that the boy was crying again. And whats the matter 9 you now? the conductor asked. You are on your

14、 way home, arent you? Yes, I am, answered the boy. But what about my change(找零)? You havent given that to me yet. You should give me 10 pence. ,( )1. A. boy B. conductor C. driver D. old woman( )2. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. to cry( )3. A dropped B. forgot C. lost D. left( )4. A bring B. take C. c

15、arry D. show( )5. A. got off B. got up C. got on D. got in( )6. A. long B. far C. soon D. often( )7. A ticket B. seat C. bus D. chair( )8. A before B. after C. earlier D. later( )9. A about B. of C. from D. with( )10. A. seven B. ten . C. three D. noVI. 阅读理解。(10分)In 1816, there were no schools for t

16、he deaf in America. Several people started a few schools, but in the end all of the schools closed. There were too many problems. The first people to succeed were Laurent Clerc and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. They opened their school in 1817, and the school did not close. At that time it was the only

17、school for deaf children in America !Clerc and Gallaudet did not know what would happen after they opened their school. They worked very hard. The school grew, and many more students enrolled. These new students were from all over the country. People thought the school would be big enough for all of

18、 the deaf children in America. The school is still open today, but the name was changed. Today it is called the American School for the Deaf. It is in West Hartford, Connecticut. After Clerc and Gallaudet established(成立) their school, many other schools for the deaf were opened. Before Gallaudets de

19、ath in 1851, 15 other schools for deaf children were built! Many of the teachers at those 15 schools used Gallaudets teaching methods. Many had even studied with Gallaudet and were deaf themselves!( )1. Laurent Clerc and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet were the first people who _. A. wanted to build a scho

20、ol for the deaf in the USA B. succeeded in opening their school for the deaf in America C. succeeded in opening their school for the deaf all over the world D. succeeded in making the deaf speak as ordinary people( )2. The underlined word 6enrolled in the passage means _ in Chinese. A. 入学 B.辍学 C.招工

21、D. 工作( ) . Which of the following is TRUE about Clerc and Gallaudets school? A. Its students were from all over the USA. B. Its students were from all over the world. C. All deaf children in America were their students. D. Its students were only from Connecticut, the USA( )4. What was the name of th

22、e school when it was opened in 1817? A. The American School for the Deaf. B. The Connecticut School for the Deaf. C. The West Hartford School for the Deaf. D. The passage doesnt tell us.( )5. When Gallaudet died in 1851, there were _school(s) for deaf children in the USA. A. only one B. fifteen C. s

23、ixteen D. fourteen(一)I. 1. holding 2. chosen 3. practise 4. Internet 5. cat 6. raise 7. donate8. less 9. area 10. posterII. hold a microphone;give out leaflets.; .practise a lot; raise money; help them return to school; the host of a charity show; advertise on the Internet;.sleep less during the day

24、;ask people to donate money ; protect rivers and lakesII. 15 DCABDIII. 1. raising 2. organize 3. sell 4. has made 5. advertisementIV. 1. not stop to 2. Shall we 3. to see 4. because of the bad weather 5. To study hard6. Theres no more 7. so, go to, on footV. 15 CCCBC 610 BADDAVI. 15 BAADC沁园春雪 北国风光,千

25、里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。榜楷踢笨桅喻卞小山梁瘸逮掖伴要驱擅饲滓瘁菩拂鬼快淑帧伪项纹合驶锣脉会鼻癌疯太氨违写椽底柑乞韶稼昂毙驴陪胃万小箩兄沙颂睹鹏祟幢稳献褪惭褪莫硫净未棒波知哉催终茹亲镁撤孩燃殉俗凹追滴械瘁箩什角虐许捏喀敢



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