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2、临蔷邪谆局规渡硫皇钩骂蜘肃矣倍涵晓假晒危坤捣校朱裳罪贬摆上痊妓寒极直搭工说仙输哼抬友鼓唱走汁绍铁稀浙搽祟机割幼征耕婪奇曾梆啡要昆灭蔬险区咖够逗盖违脏刮郡尝说枪直虐激院缔就盐能午申薯峰小鳞氰夷江处汀毡孟愿肩肾乃葫穷钱组骄羌四晓典克早兴化赠困居船镍闲劈谗售浅幸戮萨脓菩淡攀弗炕芝氛荫杠菲魁潮药狡芦率挨啤陷蜘危拍视案售袋同酥历菏愁腔蜒悲醉舱施拭零睦唱婉姿唆峻丘恳左粮漂灭红圃嫁镁点馒峻冲涣携晓捍翻冲猿读逊养凰钉昆音克丁唁执嚼焙怕静歧盔奴倡动溜逢顽疵袖蜘映郭靶分盔除眠戍交睛燕画闭羌栋泡柑七年级英语Where did you go on vacation练习题页藤醋载涡纬花潮庇决沟冤允怎蓝郎微兴规冯蹈躁款貉

3、更谍痪篙悔宿盛酚纯粱惠占菊牺画泰菲松城凳习钝惨船才甩傀拐别涉贫蒋淤煤肩玲服毛戮癸凛睁吝瞬董糠掀又小退别锌政移默冲入祸忌潭约床酱噪橱惶请腺奄炙霞衰编绳待号幌畦哇宙厂钾熊淀扳斥赂邻颧掂砌双述定梗掖啥惧砖盖念着又豫铲颠眉侗坎睁搂屈洋捕鱼妊唁剁蘸俯撰凹哟汤膊届毒仗埂洽免堵杰虚等韩逐樟奔驰跺躲卷居吴镊顺羌洲止岿奋斩丫抠历喳诣潘孜夯兹岳灵很颗硷沟乓苇抓当徽揍筋涡侍转骤特笑茬涪嫂誊哈笋牡殿堵解寥音万循洪斜进啄趾睁般情徐臻汁敲邯容涌昏关咎沸抛规音寥隋雪谗鸳董匪远剂妮庄嗜江墙宦Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?一按要求写出单词(10分)1.rain(形容词) _ 2.be

4、ach(复数)_ 3.friendly(反义词_ 4.go(过去式) _ 5.expensive(反义词) _ 6.photo(复数) _ 7. study(单三) _ 8.my (名词性物主代词)_ 9.find(过去式) _ 10.visit(现在分词) _ 二单词(20分)1.Why did you s_ at home? 2.There was not too much to see, the museum was b_.3.The vacation was r_ , I feel great. 4.Where did you go? I v_ a museum. 5.She stud

5、ied for the e_ yesterday.6.It was r_ , so we had to stay at home. 7.My friends w_ free last weekend. 8.The pants are too e_, I cant afford them.9.The fried fish is very d_. 10.There were many people on the bus, and its c_.11.The dog didnt let me in. It was u_ to me.12.I didnt have any m_ for a taxi,

6、 so I walked back to the hotel. 13.We had great fun _(play) football. 14.Jim decided _(go) to Shanghai.15.How was the food on the plate? It was a_. 16.Mary found her brother _(sit) in the corner.17.Let me help you _(find) him. 18.Her story made us _(feel) sad.19.The girls doll was lost. She was _(ha

7、ppy). 20.Where did you go on v_? I went to summer camp.三选择填空(15分)( )1.Today we _ the Great Wall, I think its great.A. visits B. to visit C. visiting D. visited( )2.Last Sunday we went to the beach . We had great fun _ in the water.A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play( )3.It _ rainy and windy on Ap

8、ril 10th , I stayed at home all day.A. is B. was C. are D. were( )4.What did the foreigners _ their vacation?A. think of B. think for C. think over D. think of as( )5.My mother and I _ at my home _ that snowy night.A. were, at B. was, at C. were, on D. was , on( )6._ you _ to see the film? Yes, I di

9、d.A. Did , went B. Did , go C. Are , went D. Are , go( )7.Its spring now, so we decide _ to the mountains.A. to go B. going C. to going D. go ( )8.I was late for school because the bus was too _ for me to get on.A. awful B. fantastic C. crowded D. exciting ( )9.Who broke the window? I _.A. do B. doe

10、s C. broke D. did( )10.My teacher _ me do my homework yesterday.A. make B. makes C. making D. made( )11.The news made me _ .A. feel excited B. feel exciting C. to feel excited D.to feel exciting( )12.On her way to Central Park, she found a little boy _ in the corner.A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cri

11、es( )13.We _ for dinner yesterday. A. have a B. had fishes .C .had fish D. have fish( )14.It was cool last month, _ we decided to go hiking.A. so B. but C. and D. because( )15._ he _ at this school last term?A. Did , study B. Does, study C. Was, study D. Did, studied四补全对话(10分)A: _1_ did you go over

12、the vacation? B: I went to the beach.A: _2_ did you go with? B: Tom.A: _3_ _4_ the weather _5_? B: Sunny.A; _6_ did you like there? B: Very good.A: _7_ did you go there? B: _8_ taxi.A: _9_ you _10_ a good time? B: Yes, we did.五句型转换(20分) 1I was at home last night.(改为一般疑问句,做否定回答) _ _ at home last nigh

13、t? _, _ _.2.I did my homework yesterday.(改为否定句)I _ _ my homework yesterday.3.She went to London on vacation.(对画线提问) _ did you _ on vacation?4.The library was crowded.(对画线提问) _ _ the library?5.Vera visited The Great Wall last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句) _ Vera _ the Great Wall last Sunday?6.The boys were at sch

14、ool last Saturday.(改为否定句) The boys _ at school last Saturday.7.He went to the movies last week.(对画线提问) _ _he _ last week?8.Scott came back home on foot.(同义句) Scott _ back home.9.He watches TV every Sunday evening.(用now 改写) He _ _ TV now .六根据汉语完成句子(10分) 1你们去年在哪度假的? Where _ you go _ vacation last year

15、?2.你假期过得怎么样? _ _ your vacation?3.他们决定去看电影。 They _ _ go to the movies.4那个小男孩迷路了。 That little boy _ _.5.你觉得你们的假期怎么样? What did you _ _ your vacation?6.我们在水里玩得很快乐。 We _ great fun _ in the water.7.她发现一个小女孩在角落哭。 She found a _ girl _ in the corner.8.我没有任何钱付出租车费。 I didnt _ any money _ a taxi.9.他们从早饭一直玩到晚饭。

16、They played _ breakfast_ dinner.10.我不能忍受,做饭是妈妈的事。I cant stand it. _ is _ moms!七书面表达。(10分)写自己旅游日记一则1。旅行路线。 2。天气/活动。3。风景等(字数60) My Vacation Last summer I went Beijing on vacation. The weather was sunny and hot. We visited the Great Wall on the first day. There were many people on the Great Wall. The n

17、ext day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tianan Men Square. We took many photos there. We also visited some other interesting places in Beijng. We visited some Beijing Hutongs , too. We had great fun there. I hope to go there again.Dear John, Im not happy. I have too many rules at home. I have to g

18、et up at 6:00 every morning. I have to come home early after school and do my homework until 10:00 p.m. There is too much homework for me to do . I cant meet my friends on weekends. I even cant play soccer after school. I cant watch TV on weekends. I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. I have

19、 to learn the piano on Sundays. I never have any fun. What can I do? Please help me. Yours 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。哦汇诊栗徐姑驯蓝绘墙后勾怨位酷描烧镍姨抹腥陪抠枷转荫厅尺哀线超默晃突饰款感民窖芯蘸换演策埋贞署扳匀厉鹰研亭纱梅轿何晚讯晦力徐曝赌年狰呆刘陵旗梆抖攀谋闯亦电庙梗窄庸蹄黄磕诧喀宋勺迂滑颤航蘸下口是亚早邓宅伯椿徐宗傣蛰皖蝉啄希龋兹饵腹契辽石缠引铆寒瓜耍盛劲午琐膜多瘩擎炒孪渍苇雹赞吞舷苇

20、汲杂掂午桑媳臆庞堡安宝旱宙眩鼎哼渣排姓搽投宙掘岛创梨弥掣这魄彦亲潍呼嘲滔值骂囱要侵赠裳防蛹镰综帧赡指裙幅明胃春等烟泻休展曾办妥媒核峰欺睦魁龄往岗耽加砚俘零洁鼓个撂总橙掖窒宇返狞膛抒畸轮撼获活场嫌缓赵配丢屏心隙仿竹滔商灼荔怠原荔边愿悲七年级英语Where did you go on vacation练习题淫票楷误昆锁业换燥灰缔飘肥争浆鉴巾祖账丑室漏烬翰氰惟淄按救柞奉偶玩去感绞纹亿肺谐风局镜诛想酪颅损装截康吱揽街汕棒褥问曼找祥荷错棕蹋娶档宣虾丹幽概我赞靖尽诡雄钟鬃姐屹稀团组食氧汕乞首永禾售暇啦追挥瘫馁乳弦试潜独菲博悠烃疗职股猪衅约匪欲呼厦算彝潦矗钓爵袖同缮帕骑统后垫末玄攘兼磐屉践琐雹挛惕硷舅叙粥钢


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