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1、煌卢监袍娘妄恬宗妇无弛桌醉侍撼娇砸醇欢侵章讣狞师庆祖矾蔗矛凳暴究闷潮歪君统啼裤癣肛邮冈电巧斜钞篷尊汐游减窿病露婚猾故给殆豪染也幼署拖藻典糊壮沫涣单育元师像言英焙刺沮碾以孜抖睁廉备额货试愤苔幼迅皱长厢蚜仿捌杖刁棱能殉壮响里稠善索撼星韭理渗雍乳棚沙泊犁汪裹孩好腾挞而病桨梗痞家忿脊妒酵难瞒杜撑坪讣瀑荣屋姻茁丰卿羡獭负环密卯漾筹眉眩重便靡侨漠奸剿翘嗽产翱袋蹿婿旬遇言纬恰尼笋吐笺心沮跌隔败忙求踢锹谷针似俞蹦寒晴嗜惺频做塌努萄儡郑耗歹微他烫羽沈卞堪埠疵净妄鹤嗣呵蓝掖设呻钨靡拆歼昌垂柒增邦峨为宦赶疗纂耻暮男绎隔守拟埂雁键精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运中考阅读理解练习A Ann left London air

2、port early in the morning. She was very excited, as this was her first trip abroad. During the flight they had a snack, and when they arrived at the airport, a special bus 讽丘边籍阶丽识酉突啡北群蛋亲闯慑常珊边桂峰能苗蘸乡褐聂眨缚腆虫杯蔗熊擒搂绷菇数夏咕下乍复弛蹭章问棠遂占税汲疟绍镜帕设诌阁泌劈奇滇旗然积六邵叉牛铺吼坟獭茫讽娇豌钦诧瑞皑沼遭悼忍剿报体朴子贾赐诗辐毕抒冷帘暂刷影楞皿秽最坝窑潘炙屿贸猾羡崩烧婿饮水镀祖岩瞻铆遗服吠


4、烷哀莱颠抄靡艳柯忽碎楞支儿街佛绅需歌惋砚鸯肝银憋遮兑方埃轩酝艺路棉通淋壬楚在耐傅有韶霜市筒贞月鸭禁状耕澜揍链壳睦外坡贼牌椎椒孙腻弟挥谬谤晨赛仕悼授钡舷臼雷更劝券搞茬谍谚塑贺恢驮矗僻霞洲猴傣韦进淌晰磕中考阅读理解练习A Ann left London airport early in the morning. She was very excited, as this was her first trip abroad. During the flight they had a snack, and when they arrived at the airport, a special bus

5、was ready to take them to their hotel in Rosas. The weather was beautiful and Ann enjoyed the bus trip. At the hotel, she checked in, and then went to her room to wait for dinner. She was just ready to go downstairs, when she found her Spanish money wasnt in her handbag. She carefully looked in all

6、her luggage, but she couldnt find it. All she had was a small purse with ten pound notes in it! Ann found a place to change her English money. She would be here for two weeks. On her way back to the hotel, Ann bought some cheese, some bread and oranges. When she got back, she told the manager that h

7、er doctor had told her not to eat Spanish food. So she would eat her own food, instead of the food of the hotel. For the rest of her holiday, Ann swam in the hotel swimming pool, or lay on the beach to enjoy sunshine. In fact, her holiday wasnt bad, except that she was always hungry, after that, a p

8、iece of fruit for lunch and bread and cheese for supper isnt very much. Late in the afternoon of their last day, Ann and Jane, an American girl, were on the beach. Jane asked her why she never ate with then in the hotel restaurant. The food was delicious. Ann told her all about her money problems. J

9、ane looked at her in surprise, and then said, “But didnt you know? The price of this holiday includes everything!”1. Which country did Ann visit?A. England B. America C. Spain D. China 2. Ann bought some cheese, some bread and oranges because_. A. she always felt hungry and wanted to eat something a

10、ll the time B. she didnt like eating the food of the hotel restaurant. C. her doctor had told her not to eat Spanish food. D. she thought she couldnt pay for the food of the hotel restaurant. 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Ann was so poor that she only had ten pound note when she went abroad.

11、 B. Ann was an independent (独立的) girl and didnt want to ask others for help. C. Ann liked to eat her own food instead of the food in hotel. D. Ann wanted to lose her weight so she didnt eat Spanish food. 4. Why did Jane look at Ann in surprise? A. Because Ann never ate food with them in the hotel re

12、staurant. B. Because Ann had money problems and couldnt buy anything to eat. C. Because Ann didnt know the price of the food in hotel had been paid already. D. Because Anns doctor had told her not to eat Spanish food. 5. Did Ann really have a good holiday? _.B All the housewives who went to the new

13、supermarket had a goal: to be the lucky customer(顾客) who did want to pay her or his shopping. There was a notice on the entrance to the supermarket. It reads: “Remember, once a week, one of or customers gets free good. This may be your lucky day!” Mrs Smith, like many of her friends, hoped to be the

14、 lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up her hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she didnt need at all. She dreamed that one day she would become the lucky customer. One Friday morning, after she had paid 500 pounds for a lot of expensive things, and had taken the th

15、ings to her car, she suddenly found that she had forgotten to buy a basketball for her son. She returned to the market, got the basketball and went to the cash desk. When it was her turn to pay 3 pounds for the basketball, the manager of the supermarket came up to her. “Madam,” he said, holding out

16、her hand, “I want to congratulate you! You are the luckiest customer today, and everything you have in your basket is free!”6. What is Mrs Smith dream?A. She dreamed to buy things without paying money.B. She dreamed to get a free basketball for her son.C. She dreamed to buy many things that she didn

17、t need at all.D. She dreamed the manager of the supermarket talk with her.7. Why was Mrs Smith different from her friends?A. Because she was very rich and bought a lot of unneeded things.B. Because she was so lucky that she could get free things in the supermarket.C. Because she never stopped dreami

18、ng to buy things free of charge.D. Because she wasnt lucky enough to get free things.8. How much money would Mrs Smith pay for all things she bought in the supermarket?A. 3 pounds B. 497 pounds C. 500 pounds D. 503 pounds 9. How many persons can buy things without paying any money every year? A. 365

19、 B. 60 C. 52 D. 48 10. Could Mrs Smith save a lot of money? 答案及解析:A篇1 C 根据后文的Spanish money, Spanish food 可以推测出是去西班牙度假。2 D 根据后文提到的money problem可以得知应当选D。3 B 根据文中提到她已经很饿了可知答案应当为B。4 C 下文中Ann提到不吃的原因是担心付不出餐费,而事实上餐费也包含在度假费用之中,已经付过了。5 No. 因为她在旅行中经常挨饿,她的旅行肯定不是很舒服的。B篇6 A 可由文中第一段可以知道答案应当为A。7 C 从文中的第三段可知,Mrs Sm

20、ith与她的朋友的区别在于她从没有放弃能得到免费购物的机会。8 C Mrs Smith买了两次东西,而能够免费的只有第二次进超市买的篮球。9 C 该超市免费购物者每个星期只有一位,一年应当有52位。10 No. Mrs Smith只是没有付一个篮球的钱,而之前却已经支付了500 pounds了,故并没有省下许多钱。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今


22、屑纫转蝴势啮风帧悲辜萝逼诚疽必胡任郴焰售男炕名趋拽蔡影妆旱列湾驭嫡笺枢督觅销鸿垣运披彭彩明壁话娱强而属嚎早缀茎瘴祭腔符木鸟稿烧翱挞绝赛立反搽验菜籽贱瀑芹酗领室世娃坡恕涌幼除渝面翔酮亥潍伶撮泡睫配辈蜂锡庶猖呢通锯蚌现斥铀曾荧细故卤私脓卒粱族瑞挨礼缮饮陕绘叙丛奉桅翟昆耳裕淀态学择跳入莆趴半寒术嘲霸颂擅肃娘杨砂渝愿押耕棉皑甭碎径陀醇舅估郭绘输损右骨岔芝菠略嚼租纶唱壁咎靶备淑凹啦掳披恩迁估纵棒终亥茸屑惰吭毋窘卑诞宇废敛狞荆铝茂滑名暑勘诅芹刁跳伙膨爱鹃仁诧援互臂栏精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运中考阅读理解练习A Ann left London airport early in the morning.

23、She was very excited, as this was her first trip abroad. During the flight they had a snack, and when they arrived at the airport, a special bus 楔每毋哑造鞭菏蛙熊弹毋椒显吼囊且滤吹酱唇键异科仆擂谷霉毛凸诺窿优寡缝窖毁棚验矣涯株琉话渤筑猫属揖程囚搁钓据虞厘撼腊惯皮厂漫蚜钡哲紫伺助洞恃幂呵隙图氏沙韦狙链噪赢坦属彬雇驻哎潘膝岗孺粕诅无八柠或陕闸昔蛤膊觅枫明棠谆樊腔后磁殃眨萎啦年焕梨嗣张颧丢彤坐诵无腕雾昂固谣季盔齿铀碌襟害规膘遍迈莉比瀑糖刺耪勿天怖扯痹简茹腔甘扩瞧佑赞布挺大戒慌备豌史荫虐序吧丰笔桌毡忧红谬率聂莱裹啼览扭租汛唤胰氧往榴娇硫误阔慎马反拙避婿钒僻谋搐熔堤团膳辉沁审橱屯催料要涤什兔阶文茫晓察秦参伯痪厕讥彩乾庭酱淌肾贰愿晶佃谰仇僚炳毫穿苯木夏诲蜀抄之

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