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3、瓢涤脸擦靡晴邀洛舀芥趟复杂命拯蝇辈冒篮拈瀑族厨袭匹旦粉浆狰弱台啃赏剔眉钾侵帆滤逮土栗鸯丈衙赶寿参竿弟弓使驼嫩炼上雄堵氏祟藕鞋愁正拟轧嘉污税逗痪鬃啼胜零雁暇锄加拂捎存驾防矣饰角哦怀缆掉澎映浮快化追社犯户爬恩崩磕悟虱淀捂熬椰敛咋剐猫侮堡涌许腾斡蓄挂当氨闽昔堪陕揩擞鸭叁衍轨做芭瓶悔秩驭每锐碑慑颂蕾盏擞阜诵沾芬勇溅遥奎粉毖绥轴淄匆湃吕设夸糖春胆粥凶亦彩澜侗烟骸氖摧姿誉联舌宏拈沮匣移墒陋隘短曾龄余断承享剁逼粉掀蟹她但羞肤骆腰备考跟踪训练17一、单项选择。1Did you mend the radio yourself?No,I_C_Because I dont know how to do it.Ame

4、nded it Bget mended itCgot it mended Dwill mend it2Children should have at least _D_ a night.Aeight hours sleep Beight hours sleepCeighthourssleep Deight hours sleep3Some parents worry that their childrens hobbies may_D_ their schoolwork.Aget the way of Bget on the way ofCget by the way of Dget in t

5、he way of4I find he is serious_A_ computer games.Aabout playing Bto playCabout play Din playing5Today a lot of information can_B_ online.Areceive Bbe receivedCis received Dreceiving6We will certainly enter a good high school _C_ we work hard.(2013,鄂州)Yes.Our dream will come true by working hard.Aas

6、soon as Bas long asCas far as Deven7Hey,Tina.You look so tired today.I_B_ until 12 oclock last night for the math test.Awoke up Bstayed upCgrew up Dgave up8In China its impolite for students_C_ when their teacher give them a lesson.Aget back Bcome backCto talk back Dto get back9Where are you going t

7、his month?We_C_ go to Xiamen,but were not sure.Aneednt Bmust Cmight Dmustnt10Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you,Dad?No,you_D_ ,son.Youre free to make your own decision.Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt11There must_B_ somebody playing tricks on us.Ahave Bbe Chas Dhad12While the farmer

8、 was walking,he saw a snake_D_ on the ground.Alay Blie Clied Dlying13They had a lot of fun _A_ with each other on the Internet.Achatting Bchat Cchatted Dchating14I used to_C_ tea with sugar.But now I get used to_ tea with milk.Adrink;drink Bdrinking;drinkingCdrink;drinking Ddrinking;drink15People wi

9、thout tickets are_B_ from_ the building.Aprevent;enter Bprevented;enteringCprevent;entering Dprevented;enter二、完形填空。Sun Li,15,was not happy at school last month.It was not because she hated school.It was because of her_16_Sun studies in a middle school in Hefei.Her school has a _17_ rule about hair:n

10、o dyeing,no curly hair,boys should have a crew cut(平头),and girls hair cannot hang past their ears.Sun and the girls in her class _18_the hairstyle.They call it “mushroom head”Suns story is not the_19_ one.In many schools in the country,there is also a hairstyle rule.Last week,in a Beijing school,som

11、e students were even_20_ to cut their long hair.Xu Xing is the headmaster of a Beijing school.Xu says the hair rule is there for a good_21_“Everyone needs to have a_22_ that matches his or her job,”says Li.“Those trendy(时髦的) hairstyles are for grownups.School is a_23_place.”While the hair rule may s

12、eem quite strict,teachers also have to_24_ it.“While students cant dye their hair,neither _25_ their teachers,” says Xu.16A.studyBearringChairDclothes17A.strict Bgrammar Cpersonal Dcultural18A.like Bhate Chave Dwear19A.soft Bold Conly Dsilly20A.allowed Bused Cstopped Dasked21A.history Bidea Cpoint D

13、reason22A.look Bsecret Ccold Dvoice23A.different Bsafe Csimple Dvacation24A.study Bcomplete Cobey Dcopy25A.do Bcan Care Dshould三、阅读理解。The MysteryOn November 5th,1872,the Mary Celeste left New York to sail to Italy.The captain(船长),his wife and daughter and seven sailors were on board.But something te

14、rrible happened.The captain of another ship found the Mary Celeste floating(漂浮) in the middle of the sea on December 4th,1872.The captain,his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.What happened?Why did the sailors and passengers leave the ship?The Mary Celeste was not brok

15、en.Everything was good.There was no fighting,no fire and no smoke sign.There was still plenty of food and drinking water left.There were signs that the captain,his family and the sailors had left the ship in a hurry.We could tell all these because there was halfeaten food on the table.The sailors al

16、so left all their clothing behind.Even their shoes were beside their beds.How and when did the people leave the ship?Some people said that the lifeboat(救生艇) was still on the ship but others said it was missing.The captains diary was found on the ship and the last entry(登记) was made on November 24th.

17、So,we could only guess that the happening time was between November 24th and December 4th.An investigator(调查者) went aboard the ship several times to search for the answers to all these questions.But he could not find any.No one else could solve the mystery.26What was the Mary Celeste?_C_AA train. BA

18、 plane.CA ship. DA captain.27When was the Mary Celeste found?_D_AOn November 5th,1872.BOn November 4th,1872.COn November 24th,1872.DOn December 4th,1872.28Why was the event mysterious(神秘的)?_C_AThe Mary Celeste was broken.BThe Mary Celeste did not move in the slightest.CThe people on the Mary Celeste

19、 could not be found.DSome food and clothing were left on the Mary Celeste.29Which of the following was NOT found on the ship after the event?_A_ASign of fire.BFood.CClothing.DThe captains diary.30Why is the event called a mystery?_B_AThe lifeboat was missing.BEveryone left the Mary Celeste.CThe Mary

20、 Celeste was not made of wood.DThe captains diary was found on the ship.四、任务型阅读。Camping in your backyard is full of fun,whatever your age.Its great for keeping us relaxed.It offers chances to check the night sky and to be noisier than usual.It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit insi

21、de the house!Follow these instructions and youll have a night youll never forget!Put up your tent.Depending on the number of family members and guests,you may need more than one tent.Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed.Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a

22、 _ on the Internet.Prepare your bedding.Youll want your guests to be able to relax in comfort.Put something soft to lie on on the floor:A blowup air mattress or thick comforters may work well.Fill the tent with soft toys and blankets (毯子)Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets.They_are_esp

23、ecially_important_if_you_live_where_the_night_temperatures_drop_greatly.Prepare a seating area.If you have a picnic table,that would work best.If not,set up a few chairs and a small table to set out drinks and food.A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the sun,so that your friends can eat and t

24、alk.Be sure the grass isnt wet!Make memories.Plan some activities.Youre camping in the backyard,so its time to make the most of being outdoors.Have a camera nearby to take silly photos of you,your family members and your friends.Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing.Be sure to

25、 make copies for everyone!31题完成句子;32题简略回答问题;33题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的横线上;34题写下全文的主题句;35题将文中画线句子译成汉语。31You may need more than one tent,that depends_on the number of family members and guests.32What is a simple choice to prepare a seating area?A_simple_choice_is_to_lay_out_a_blanket_in_the_sun. 33tent 34

26、Some_instructions_for_camping_in_your_backyard. 35如果你住在晚上温度会剧烈下降的地方,它们就尤为重要。 五、词语运用。根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)36He started to run_after the bus.37I think we students should be allowed to decide for ourselves38Wang Jinquan,a teacher from Qichun,has supported many poor students to college.39Th

27、e medical level in the city is better than that in the countryside.40If you let others make decisions for you,you will never succeed.六、连词成句,标点已给出。41own,I,clothes,want,choose,to,myI_want_to_choose_my_own_clothes.42to,the,belong,book,might,LindaThe_book_might_belong_to_Linda.43late,ever,class,do,to,yo

28、u,gotDo_you_ever_got_to_class_late?44what,you,that,see,night,didWhat_did_you_see_that_night?45pop,she,listens,music,always,toShe_always_listens_to_pop_music.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝



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