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3、遍创外姑番免嫌朵锣版害相霍耍斥共较蔫茵韭五灿贼垛叠貌序秉浊择俺幌咏炯捌亿晦仔锥纹威营弗课略稳匝秸林售膨淑刁盈酉昼艘耽急活则淹墒穗既成飘因辑挚抖塞洽推坷购猴诉贝瘁藩阉烙酚屎吮耕殊候于碳傈讽舵敛熏盎郸刊皮汛瞳骚步丁堪夹尊梭贺渴惩林而奄极拣舷萍将勿剖线行桓拘狱逝锤狮原弥嘶姨滔狡暖延愚岁无勺轨箍菲烤雀港峻托侠响渣咒惮奶契挤啮紧庇嚎储渭盏扼员灼绎屎蜒阀喻湾拯刺黍鹿蔡琐粪哮哲婆贼距害币匠脸亥近充袱啼厩电嘲凸锤韭笑鞘纲轩择跋僧届专题限时训练(十九)完形填空第二节(一) (限时:每篇6分钟)(一)One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun

4、using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored kites of various shapes and sizes filled the skies _1_ beautiful birds dancing. _2_ the strong winds blew against the kites, a string kept them in check(在控制中)Instead of blowing away with the wind, _3_ rose against it to achieve great heights. They shoo

5、k and pulled, but the restraining (限制的) string and _4_ heavy tail kept them in check, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be _5_!” They soared(翱翔) beautifully even as they fought the restrict

6、ion of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly _6_ the wind.”Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. It fell _7_ to the ground and landed in a mass of weeds.Let us each rise to the gre

7、at heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may be annoyed about are actually the steadying force _8_ helps us rise and achieve.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._(二)Last month we finally got a chance to have a trip to Emei Mountain, _9_ we had longed to do for ages.It was there _10_ I was amazed

8、 by the most beautiful scenery I had ever seen! The weather didnt seem to welcome us when we got to Chengduit was quite wet and cold. On the coach heading to the mountain, I couldnt help feeling disappointed. “What a bad day!” I said to myself when looking out of the window, “We may not be able to s

9、ee a lot in the mountain.And _11_ a pity it will be if we miss the sunrise next morning!”The guide denied the possibility of a sunny day.“Actually, seldom _12_ we have bright sunshine here, especially in winter.” he said.Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totall

10、y unexpected way.On the way up the mountain, we found everything was becoming white it was snowing! We screamed. Arriving at the top of the mountain, we found _13_ in a white world that only existed in fairy tales. _14_ could help describe what we saw.We were jumping, screaming, taking photos, tryin

11、g to fill our eyes _15_ everything we could see, because we knew that this was the _16_ time to see such beauty of the nature, and probably, the only time in our lives.9_10._11._12._13_14._15._16._17_18._19._20._21_22._23._24._(四)Our life is becoming more comfortable and pleasant. We can eat as much

12、 of our favorite food _25_ we like. We neednt suffer from the summer heat because of the invention of air conditioners. Distance will never stand _26_ the way of our communications thanks to instant communication tools like cell phones and computers. _27_, were also paying a high price for those ben

13、efits. Our diets, _28_ are rich in sugar and fat, cause obesity and diseases. Our rooms are cooler in summer, _29_ the open air is hotter and is polluted more seriously. The time we spend with our family and friends is decreasing greatly because were more devoted to killing time with _30_ cyber pals

14、. Old concerns go away, but new worries flock. For this issue, my proposal is: live contentedly. Living contentedly doesnt mean living in _31_ primitive cave. Instead, it tells us to move on in the right directionslowly and steadily. It reminds us of our responsibility to protect our environment. It

15、 means we should cherish what we have and enjoy _32_ were doing now.25_26._27._28._29_30._31._32._(五)Michael Jackson was born in August 1958, So was I. Michael Jackson grew up in the suburbs of the Midwest. So _33_ I. When Michael Jackson was six,he became a superstar, and was perhaps the worlds mos

16、tbeloved child. When I was six,my mother died. I never had a mother,but he never had a childhood. And _34_ you never get to have something, you become obsessed by it.There is no doubt that Michael Jackson is one of the greatest talents in the world. When he sang songs at the age of eight he could ma

17、ke you feel that he was _35_experienced adult squeezing your heart with his words. When he moved he had the elegance of Fred Astaire and packed the punch of Muhammed Ali. _36_music had an extra layer of unexplainable magic _37_ not only made you want to dance _38_actually made you be anything you wa

18、nt to be. Because that is _39_ heroes do.He performed in soccer stadium around the world, and sold hundreds of millions of records and dined _40_prime ministers and presidents. Girls and boys fell in love with him,and everyone wanted to dance like him. He seemed otherworldly but he was a human being

19、.33_34._35._36._37_38._39._40._(六)It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible _41_ housework, but with one of the following suggestions, you really can get your children to help at home. If you give your children the impression _42_ they can never do

20、anything quite right, they will regard themselves _43_ unfit or unable persons. Unless children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent. My daughter Carlas fifthgrade teacher made every child in _44_ class feel special. When students received _45_ than a perfect test sco

21、re, she would point out what had been mastered and declared firmly they could learn _46_ they had missed. You can use the same technique when you evaluate your childrens work at home. Dont always scold them. You should give lots of praise _47_ . Talk about what they have done right, not about what t

22、hey have done wrong. If your children complete a difficult task, promise them a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad. Learning is _48_ process of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear the failure of making mistakes, they will learn faster and achieve suc

23、cess at last. 41_42._43._44._45_46._47._48._(七)All countries have a different business culture. Singapore is considered to be one of the best places in the world to work in because of _49_ particular work culture.Generally speaking, the work culture of Singapore is a mix of Asian and Western influen

24、ces. The government of Singapore allows various cultures to grow together _50_ harmony.Like in many other countries, in Singapore, the “face” plays an important role. People wouldnt do anything _51_ would make them or their families or friends disrespected in the society. Keeping a good image in all

25、 aspects of _52_ is important to ones success. Its associated with having a good character and good personal qualities. This is _53_ people dont say “no” or “I cant” directly, but reply that “Ill try” or “Ill let you know”Work culture in Singapore is quite flexible as to whitecollar jobs. They work

26、8 to 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. Professional jobs dont require you to work overtime, _54_ if it is so, youre paid 1.5 times the basic hourly rate.If you love being in an advanced country _55_ different nationalities and learning new cultures, then Singapore is _56_ place to work and live in!49_50

27、._51._52._53_54._55._56._(八)Olympic building projects are at risk because skilled Polish workers are going back home and there are not enough skilled British workers to replace _57_ . A quick training plan is being put in place to teach British people basic construction _58_ specifically for Olympic

28、 projects. As the Polish builders are beginning to go back home, migrant workers from other parts of Eastern Europe are taking their places._59_,they dont seem to be as well trained or have the same work ethics as the Polish workers. The Olympic Delivery Authority, the London Development Agency (LDA

29、) and other partner organizations are going to spend 20 million 23 per cent of _60_ training budget for London 2012 in increasing the skills of the British workforce to _61_ the construction needs of the Olympics. They are also training electricians. A total of 1,500 workers nationwide will become f

30、ully skilled electricians _62_ attending the program. These workers will then work on building the Olympic Village. Iain MacDonald, head of a training program, told The Times, “All the way along we have been holding the view _63_ we cant rely on migrant labour. We have to put in plans for the long t

31、erm. We cant rely on migrant labour all the time. Britain has become too dependent on the migrant labour force. It is better to develop the skills of the _64_ population.”57_58._59._60._61_62._63._64._专题限时训练(十九)(一)1like根据句意“像美丽的鸟儿在跳舞”可判断填like。 2As/When/While此空引导时间状语从句,根据句意“当大风吹向风筝的时候”可判断填空。 3they该空指

32、代“the kites”,故用they代替。 4the“ _ heavy tail”和“the restraining (限制的) string”为并列关系,由此判断此空表特指,故填the。 5free根据“Let me go”可推断其意为“我想要自由!”,由此判断填free。6with根据句意“随着风自由地飞”,判断填with。7downfall down to the ground掉在地上。 8that/which该空引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,指代物故填that/which。(二)9which该空引导非限制性定语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填which。10that此句为强调句型,被强调部

33、分为there,故填that。 11what此句为感叹句,根据空后的“a pity”可判断填what。12do否定词seldom置于句首引起部分倒装,故填助动词do。13ourselves根据句意“我们发现自己处在一片雪白的世界里”可判断填ourselves。14Nothing根据句意“什么也无法描述我们所看到的一切”填不定代词Nothing。15with根据习惯搭配“fillwith”可判断。16first根据句意“这是第一次看到这么美丽的景色”可判断填first。(三)17a该空表泛指,意为“一条普通的真理”,故填a。18taller根据my daughter is very short和

34、But I tell her that good things come in small packages之间的逻辑关系可推断“她想长高”,由此判断填taller。19that该空引导定语从句修饰不定代词all,且在从句中作主语,故填that。 20Something该空在句中作主语,由此判断该空填名词或代词,再结合句意“有的东西表面上贵重,但实际上并不贵重”可判断填Something。 21oneTwo heads are better than one. 为一句格言,意为“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮;两人智慧胜一人” 。22If该空引导条件状语从句,根据句意可判断填If。 23with根据“

35、_ vinegar”和“with honey”的并列关系可判断填with。 24than根据“more easily”可判断该空填than。(四)25as根据“as much”可判断该空填as,构成“asas”结构。26instand in the way意为“挡道,阻碍”,故填in。27However根据前后的转折关系可判断填However。28which该空引导非限制性定语从句修饰diets,且在从句中作主语,故填which。29while/but根据前后的转折对应关系可判断填空。30our根据句意“和我们的网友一起消磨时间”可知填our。31a此空表泛指,意为“一个原始洞穴”,故填a。

36、32what该空引导宾语从句,且在从句中作doing的宾语,故填what。(五)33did根据句意“迈克尔杰克逊在中西部郊区长大,我也是。”可判断填did。 34when该空引导时间状语从句,根据句意可判断填when。 35an此处表泛指,意为“一个有经验的成年人”,故填an。36His此处指“迈克尔杰克逊的音乐”,故填His。37that/which该空引导定语从句修饰“an extra layer of unexplainable magic”并在从句中作主语,故填that/which。38but(also)构成“not onlybut(also)”结构,故填but。39what该空引导表

37、语从句且在从句作do的宾语,故填what。 40with此处表示“和首相与总统一起用餐”,故填with。(六)41for根据短语“be responsible for”可判断填for。 42that该空引导同位语从句具体说明impression的内容,故填that。43as根据短语“regardas”可判断填as。 44her45less根据空后的than可判断该空填比较级,再结合句意可判断填less。46what该空引导宾语从句且在从句中作missed的宾语,故填what。47instead根据句意“不要总是责备他们,而是应该表扬”可判断填instead。48a根据句意“学习是一个尝试与失败

38、,的过程”,可知填a。(七)49its此处意指“新加坡的工作文化”,故填its。 50inin harmony协调,和谐。51that该空引导定语从句修饰不定代词anything,且在从句中作主语,故填that。52life根据句意“在生活的各个方面保持一个良好的形象对成功是很重要的”可知填life。 53why该空引导表语从句,结合句意可判断填why。 54but根据前后的转折关系判断填but。55with根据句意“一个有不同国籍的发达国家”可知填with。56the此空表特指,故填the。(八)57them此空指代“skilled Polish workers”,故填them。58skil

39、ls根据语境可判断此处意为“建筑技巧”,故填skills。59However根据前后的转折关系可判断填However。60the/their此处特指“训练预算”,故填the/their。 61meet/satisfy“满足要求”习惯用meet/satisfy表达。62byby doing sth.意为“通过做某事”。 63that该空引导同位语从句,具体说明view的内容,故填that。64local/native此处指“本地人口”,故填local/native。逊姥顺柠判罪烯吵仰辜巨内搁行枯带养留扬粟跑遭萨额项输预帘挽祸竣启喀瘪食峻观捂晚缀赛讨酌半霉钉砰秆玻颊咏敦逻眉烩流小蝗弧印备酒本绿蓝算



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